二零一四年四月 APRIL 2014 HK$280 h k - l a w y e r . org Cover Story 封面專題 Face to Face With 專 訪 Ernest Yang Partner, DLA Piper Hong Kong and Shanghai Member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference A PRIL 2014 楊大明律師 歐華律師事務所香港區合夥人兼上海市政協委員 Roden Tong Assistant Vice President, Regional Specialty Claims Manager, Greater China Chubb Group of Insurance Companies 湯文龍律師 助理副總裁, 丘博保險集團大中華區區域理賠經理 REFORM 改 革 COMPANIES 公 司 ON CHINA 中國實務 Report on Excepted Offences under The New Companies Ordinance – Power to the people? Schedule 3 of the Criminal Procedure Highlights of Some Major Changes What’s next for environmental class- Ordinance (Cap 221) (Part 2 - a Companies Registry series) action litigation in China? 《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章) 新公司條例 –主要改變概要 權力歸與民眾﹖ 附表3所列的例外罪行報告書 (第二部分–公司註冊處系列) 中國環境公害集體訴訟接著該如何﹖ HONG KONG REUTERS/Gary Hershorn MEDIATION HANDBOOK SECOND EDITION EARLY BIRD OFFER BUY BEFORE 30 MAY 2014 AND SAVE HK$200 An essential handbook about Mediation in Hong Kong for practitioners, business professionals, in-house counsel as well as all others who are interested in Mediation matters in Hong Kong “No other legal development in Hong Kong in recent years has attracted so much widespread interest... as ISBN: 9789626614082 mediation. This handbook is the only one to deal with Pub Date: May 2014 such an important topic in such depth and breadth … Format: Hardback the provisions of real cases and examples are particularly List Price: HK$2,000 illuminating … [an] excellent work”. Early Bird Price: HK$1,800 Mr Huen Wong JP, Currently on the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Airport Authority; Fellow and Past President of the Law Society of Hong Kong www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk +852 2847 2000 [email protected] www.hk-lawyer.org Hong Kong Lawyer 香港律師 The official journal of The Law Society of Hong Kong (incorporated with limited liability) 香港律師會 (以有限法律責任形式成立) 會刊 HONG KONG LAWYER www.hk-lawyer.org THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF HONG KONG 香港律師會會刊 Editorial Board 編輯委員會 Chairman 主席 Huen Wong 王桂壎 Inside your April issue Jenkin SF Chan 陳少勳 四月期刊內容 Charles CC Chau 周致聰 Heidi KP Chu 朱潔冰 Steven B Gallagher Julienne Jen 任文慧 Dave Lau 劉子勁 George YC Mok 莫玄熾 Anne Scully-Hill Michele Tsang 曾憲薇 Adamas KS Wong 黃嘉晟 Cecilia KW Wong 黃吳潔華 Tony Yen 嚴元浩 THE COUNCIL OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF HONG KONG 香港律師會理事會 President 會長 Ambrose SK Lam 林新強 Vice-Presidents 副會長 Stephen WS Hung 熊運信 14 COVER STORY Thomas ST So 蘇紹聰 Council Members 理事會成員 Denis Brock 白樂德 Charles CC Chau 周致聰 Brian Gilchrist 喬柏仁 Junius KY Ho 何君堯 Angela WY Lee 李慧賢 Joseph CW Li 李超華 Michael J Lintern-Smith 史密夫 Peter CL Lo 羅志力 Billy WY Ma 馬華潤 Amirali B Nasir 黎雅明 Gavin P Nesbitt 倪廣恒 Kenneth SY Ng 伍成業 Melissa K Pang 彭韻僖 Sylvia WY Siu 蕭詠儀 34 REFORM Cecilia KW Wong 黃吳潔華 Huen Wong 王桂壎 4 EDITOR’S NOTE [PDF] [HKL online] 編者的話 [PDF] [HKL online] Dieter LT Yih 葉禮德 6 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE [PDF] [HKL online] 會長的話 [PDF] [HKL online] Secretary-General 秘書長 Heidi KP Chu 朱潔冰 8 CONTRIBUTORS [PDF] [HKL online] 投 稿 者 [PDF] [HKL online] Law Society’s Contact: www.hklawsoc.org.hk 紀律裁決 與律師會聯繫 Tel: +852 2846 0500 10 DISCIPLINARY DECISIONS [PDF] [HKL online] 11 FROM THE COUNCIL TABLE [PDF] [HKL online] 理事會議題 [PDF] [HKL online] Annual Subscription 全年訂閱: HK$3,360 12 FROM THE SECRETARIAT [PDF] [HKL online] 律師會秘書處資訊 [PDF] [HKL online] Thomson Reuters 10/F, Cityplaza 3, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong 14 COVER STORY [PDF] [HKL online] 封面專題 [PDF] [HKL online] Tel: +852 3762 3200 Face to Face With 專 訪 www.thomsonreuters.com ERNEST YANG 楊大明律師 ISSN 1025-9554 Partner, DLA Piper Hong Kong and Shanghai member of 歐華律師事務所香港區合夥人兼 the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference 上海市政協委員 © Copyright is reserved throughout. No part of 湯文龍律師 this publication can be reproduced in whole or RODEN TONG 助 理 副 總 裁, part without the express permission of the editor. Regional Specialty Claims Manager, Greater China Chubb Group of Insurance Companies 丘博保險集團大中華區區域理賠經理 Contributions are invited, but copies of work should be kept, as Hong Kong Lawyer can accept no 26 LAW SOCIETY NEWS [PDF] [HKL online] 律師會新聞 [PDF] [HKL online] responsibility for loss. 34 REFORM DF] [HKL online] 改 革 [PDF] [HKL online] Report on Excepted Offences under Schedule 3 《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章) of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) 附表3所列的例外罪行報告書 APRIL 2014 二零一四年四月 HK$280 Managing Editor 執行主編 44 CAMPANIES [PDF] [HKL online] 公 司 [PDF] [HKL online] Vince Chong 張哲寧 The New Companies Ordinance – 新《 公 司 條 例 》— 主要改變概要 Chinese Editors 中文編輯 Highlights of Some Major Changes (Part 2 - a Companies Registry series) (第二部分 – 公司註冊處系列) Natalie Lee 李頴琳 [PDF] [HKL online] 中國實務 [PDF] [HKL online] Design and Production 設計及制作 50 ON CHINA 權 力 歸 與 民 眾﹖ Samson Pang 彭振生 Power to the people? What’s next for environmental class-action litigation in China? 中國環境公害集體訴訟接著該如何﹖ Sales and Marketing Director 銷售總監 Jane Lewis 劉真美 56 INDUSTRY INSIGHTS [PDF] [HKL online] 業界透視 [PDF] [HKL online] Translation team 翻譯組: 66 CASES IN BRIEF [PDF] [HKL online] 案例撮要 [PDF] [HKL online] Info Power 75 PROFESSIONAL MOVES [PDF] [HKL online] 會員動向 [PDF] [HKL online] Staff contributors 內部貢獻: 78 ASIDEPDF] [HKL online] 隨 筆 [PDF] [HKL online] Carmen Chu 朱慧敏 內 地 人 取 道 非 洲 移民 香 港, Vivian Leung 梁靜妍 As “African” Chinese Park Money in Hong Kong, Rocky So 蘇衍成 Beijing Targets “Naked” Officials 中 央 積 極 打 擊「裸 官」 Special thanks to 83 CAMPUS VOICES [PDF] [HKL online] 法學院新聞 [PDF] [HKL online] Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest and 84 THE LAST WORD [PDF] [HKL online] 趣 聞 [PDF] [HKL online] Reuters News 特別感謝 香港法律彙報與摘錄 及 85 TOME RAIDER - A BOOK REVIEW 新 書 速 遞 路透社新聞 Reforming Law Reform – Perspectives from Hong Kong and Beyond For marketing/promotion opportunities please contact: Gordon Ng 吳子鵬 [email protected] Tel: +852 3762 3223 For subscriptions contact: Traffic Administrator 統籌 Rozidah Jambari [email protected] Publisher 出版人 Klaus Pfeifer 范梓樺 [email protected] 44 COMPANIES All information and views expressed by contributors and advertisements in Hong Kong Lawyer do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of The Law 50 ON CHINA Society of Hong Kong. Whilst every effort is made to ensure editorial and commercial integrity, no responsibility is accepted by the Publisher or The Law Society of Hong Kong for the accuracy of material appearing in this journal. Members are encouraged to contribute but the Editorial Board of The Law Society of Hong Kong reserves the right to publish only 78 ASIDE material it deems appropriate. Stay on top of the new Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622)! Additional resources on Companies Ordinance from Thomson Reuters COMPANY LAW COLLECTION An extensive collection of company law titles covering the regime under the new Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) AMENDMENTS & TRANSITIONS COMPANIES ORDINANCE THE (NEW) COMPANIES TO CAP 32: A VISUAL (CAP 622): A VISUAL ORDINANCE (CAP. 622): (COMPARATIVE) GUIDE (COMPARATIVE) GUIDE COMMENTARY & ANNOTATIONS Pub Date: Apr 2014 Pub Date: May 2014 Pub Date: May 2014 ISBN: 9789626616420 ISBN: 9789626616437 ISBN: 9789626615867 Format: Paperback Format: Paperback Format: Hardback, 2 Volumes List Price: HK$1,000 List Price: HK$1,200 List Price: HK$2,800 15% OFF BUNDLE OFFER Get the whole set today for only HK$4,250! (Original Price: HK$5,000)* Quote 1404COMPB2 when ordering. This special offer is valid until 30 April 2014. *Terms & Conditions: • This special offer is only valid when you purchase all of the three titles listed on this ad as a bundle. • This special offer is valid until 30 April 2014. • Other terms & conditions apply. Sweet & Maxwell reserves the right to have the final decision in case of dispute. www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk +852 2847 2000 [email protected] • April 2014 EDITOR’S NOTE 編者的話 As China’s late patriarch Deng Xiaoping famously said 30 30多年前,中國已故元老鄧小平曾就其經濟政策表 years ago about its economic policy, “if you open the window, 示,「打開窗戶,難免會有蒼蠅飛進來」。毫無疑 some flies naturally get in.” There is little doubt now that 問,如今其中一隻「蒼蠅」正對國家的環境造成影 one of these “flies” is the unnerving impact on the country’s 響,情況令人擔憂。隨着中國由世界工廠發展成超級 environment. As it grew from the world’s manufacturing hub to a global superpower, it also saw pollution rear its ugly head 大國,污染問題亦四處冒起。 within and without. 3月10日,全國人民代表大會常務委員會重新討論如 On 10 March, the Standing Committee of China’s National 何修改國家的《環境保護法》,而今期其中一篇專題 People’s Congress renewed discussions about how to amend 正是就中國在環境集體訴訟方面的發展進行分析。令 China’s Environmental Protection Law, and in this issue, we 人意外的是,中國很早已引入集體訴訟機制,而且架 feature an analysis of where the country lies with regard to environmental class-action litigation. In what may be a 構(至少在字面上)與美國採用的模式相似,但卻極少 surprise to many, China is an early adopter of class-action 予以執行。詳情可參閱內文。(詳見第53頁) litigation, the structure of which, on paper at least, is similar in parts to the US model. This has however, been rarely put in 此外,今期我們亦載有新《公司條例》系列的第二部 practice. Read on to find out (pg. 50). 分(詳見第48頁),以及《刑事訴訟程序條例》例外罪 Elsewhere in these pages, we also have the second of a series of 行報告(詳見第40頁)。這兩篇文章分別由公司註冊處 articles on the new Companies Ordinance (pg. 44), and a report 處長及法律改革委員會秘書長執筆,絕對可靠。另 on excepted offences within the Criminal Procedure Ordinance 外,今期亦有一篇有趣的文章講述人們如何將資產從 (pg. 34). Authored respectively by the Registrar of Companies 內地轉移到港(詳見第81頁)。 and Secretary of the Law Reform Commission, these features highlight information that comes literally from the horse’s 就個人而言,今期是筆者最後一次為《香港律師》擔 mouth. There is also an interesting piece on the extent people 任編輯。我謹此鳴謝廣大讀者的支持和貢獻,亦非常 would reach to shift assets from the mainland to Hong Kong 感謝律師會和湯森路透,讓我有機會為這部深受尊崇 (pg.
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