2012 年第 52 期憲報第 4 號特別副刊 S. S. NO. 4 TO GAZETTE NO. 52/2012 D11183 ENGLISH AUTHOR INDEX, 2011 852 Films 7901 Au, Fiona 135 A8 Digital Music Au, Helen 7711, 7729 Holdings Limited 3157, 11463-11464 Au, K. N. 4140-4141 abc Multiactive Limited 3158 Au, Loong Yu 3417 Aberdeen Kai-Fong Welfare Au, Man Hin 4131 Association Social Service Centre 7696 Au, Mariana 4002 Ackwright, Paul 345 Au, Min 4181-4182 AcrossAsia Limited 3159 Audit Commission 19-38 Adams, Heather 8 Aurum Pacific (China) Group Limited 3200 Against Child Abuse Limited 11466 Automated Systems Holdings Limited 3201 Agile Property Holdings Limited 3161, 7699 AV Concept Holdings Limited 7740 Agricultural Bank of China Backhouse, Edmund 40 Limited 11467-11468 Bai, Wen-gang 8178-8181 Agriculture, Fisheries and Baker, Hugh 7743 Conservation Department 7700 Baker, Laura 788-794, 796, 798 AGTech Holdings Limited 3162, 11469 Ballade, Enoia 11485-11488 Aguado, Rex 3644 Balpe, Anne-Gaelle 3205 Ah Chung 3163 Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ai, Weiwei 7701 Limited 3206, 7744 Air China Limited. 3164, 7703 Bank of China Limited 3207, 11489 Alco Holdings Limited 11470 The Bank of East Asia, Limited 43, 7745 Aldred, Stephen 48 Baoye Group Company Limited 3208 Alessio, Faith 9 Baranda, Maria 11490 Alessio, Joseph 9 Barbara Ortelli 3209 Alexander, Nadja 3165 Baron Junior Music Academy 44-45 Ali, Abdul Azeem 3661, 3672-3673 Barrie, J. M. 7746 Allied Group Limited 3168, 7704 Bartlett, Kasyan 46 Allied Overseas Limited 3169, 7705 Bartz, Thomas 11487-11488, 11500-11501, Allied Properties (H.K.) Limited 3170, 7706 11989-11990, 12051-12052 Alltronics Holdings Limited 3171 Baudry, Gilles 367 Allum, Jo 863 Bauhaus International (Holdings) Ama 10 Limited 7747 Ames, Roger T. 11 Baum, L. Frank 7748 AMS Public Transport Baum, Philip 11482 Holdings Limited 3172-3173, 7707-7709 Becker, Jasper 3212 An, Nan 7935 Beddor, Christopher 7816 Andersen, Hans Christian 3174, 11471-11472 Beijing Development (Hong Kong) Anderson, Agnes 3517-3521 Limited 3213 Angremy, Berenice 7783 Beijing Enterprises Holdings Limited 3214 Ao, S. I. 355-356, 8656-8658, 12094-12095 Beijing North Star Company Limited 3215 APAC Resources Limited 7732 Beijing Properties (Holdings) Limited 3216 Apollo Solar Energy Beijing Yu Sheng Tang Technology Holdings Limited 3186 Pharmaceutical Group Limited 7750 APT Satellite Holdings Limited 3187 Belilios Public School 49 Arkwright, Paul 8063 Bell, Anthea 11702 Arner, Douglas 261 Bentley, F.P. 3447-3448, 7875-7876 Art Textile Technology Benz, Peter 50 International Company Limited 11475 Berry, Kate A. 7751 Artini China Company Bertram, Hannah 3217 Limited 3192, 7735-7736 Best Miracle International Arts Optical International Limited 3218-3220, 7752-7753, 11496 Holdings Limited 3193 Best, Hayley 8474 Asian Growth Properties Limited 3195, 11476 Bestway International Holdings Limited 7755 Asim, Syed Muhammad Naeem 11477 Bhorkar, Amogha 580 Aslam, Farzana 3485 Bhorkar, Ojas 222 The Association of Chartered Bio-Dynamic Group Limited 3221 Certified Accountants 11478-11479 Biosino Bio-Technology and Science Atkin, Tony 99 Incorporation 3224 Au, Cheung Kong 477 Biostime International Au, Christy 18 Holdings Limited 3225, 11497 D11184 2012 年第 52 期憲報第 4 號特別副刊 S. S. NO. 4 TO GAZETTE NO. 52/2012 Birch, Simon 3226-3227 Chan, Catherine 8182, 8363 Bishop, Kathryn 11647, 11854, 12082 Chan, Chi-man 594-595, 597-602, 8294-8303, Bjarke Ingels Group 3228 8292-8293 Blackwood, Evelyn 7763 Chan, Chi-wai 3548 BOC Hong Kong Chan, Chuck 67 (Holdings) Limited 53, 3229-3231, 7765 Chan, Chui-yee 593, 8177, 8183, 8185 Boer Power Holdings Limited 3232 Chan, Cindy Yuen 7785 Boitnott, Jasmine 839 Chan, Eddy 8169 Bolton, Stephen 410, 427 Chan, Edwin Hon-wan 4381 Bonvicino, Regis 11498 Chan, Grace 3824-3825, 7912, 8569-8571, Booker, Richard 417, 3871-3872, 3889-3891, 11941-11942, 11945-11946, 12046-12048 7766-7767 Chan, H. M. 618, 621, 623, 646-647, 649, Booth, Christine N. 8644-8645 650-651, 8333, 8338-8339 Bradshaw, Tamsin 269 Chan, Ian 3256-3258 Braham Prakash 831 Chan, Johannes 8059-8060 Brehm, Margrit 8383 Chan, Joseph M. 68 Brilliance Worldwide Chan, Justice 3655-3658 Holdings Limited 3233-3235, 11499 Chan, Ka Ling 8532 Brisac, Genevieve 11500-11501 Chan, Kawai 11733 Brogsitter-Finck, Isabel 3423 Chan, Keith 3535 Brookes, Rebecca 17 Chan, Kinney 3259 Broto, Eduard 3236 Chan, Kwok-shing 474 Bruce, Andrew 7861-7863, 7860 Chan, L. C. 641, 643-645 Bruce, Andrew S. C. 7771, 11598 Chan, L. K. 4062-4065 Bruce, Christine Anne 8471 Chan, Lester Theodore 11861-11863 Budeanu, Anca Delia 810, 896-898 Chan, Maisy 3547 Build King Holdings Limited 3237, 7772 Chan, Melanie 11572-11577 Bullen, Edie 3522 Chan, Michael 3256-3258 Bunton, David 7773 Chan, Mira 11456 Burnett, Frances Hodgson 7774 Chan, Nelson Sze-Chun 11973 Burroughs, Tim 88 Chan, Neo Kang Yuen 4377 Burwill Holdings Limited 7775-7776 Chan, Phoebe Yuk Lan 3260 Byrnes, Andrew 8059-8060 Chan, Ping Man 472, 481 C.P. Lotus Chan, Raymund 179 Corporation 3239-3240, 7781, 11503-11504 Chan, Ricky 542, 4125 Campbell, Kate 4358-4362 Chan, Rupert 69 Campos, Eugenia da Luz 7860 Chan, Samuel 3583, 4002 Campus, Hippo 11505 Chan, Siu-lai 8576 Can, Lin 7754, 12080 Chan, Sunny 701 Candler, Edmund 7782 Chan, To 7909, 11644-11645 Cao, Cathy 4399 Chan, Victor 3261 Capinfo Company Limited 3246 Chan, Violin 168 Capital VC Limited 11506 Chan, W. K. 249-250, 3629-3630, 8605-8614, Carry Wealth Holdings Limited 3247, 11507 8616-8621, 12061-12062 CCID Consulting Company Limited 3248 Chan, W. O. 8253-8258 CCT Tech International Limited 3249 Chan, W. S. 551, 8259 CCT Telecom Holdings Limited 3250 Chan, Yum Seung 7786, 11512 Census and Statistics Chang, Candice 8584 Department 60-66, 3251-3252, 11509 Chang, Shiang-jiun 70-75 Century City International Chau, Charles 3263 Holdings Limited 3254, 11510 Chau, David 3263 Chai, Xiuming 3532 Cheang, Clara 4179-4180 Chamberlain, Jonathan 11511 Chen Hsong Holdings Limited 7792 Champion Real Estate Chen, Albert Hung-yee 7793 Investment Trust 7784 Chen, Amanda 11513-11515 Chan 11872-11873 Chen, Bin 3132 Chan, Abbey 3255 Chen, Jin-Yong 3267 Chan, Agnes 7712, 7720, 7724, 7727, 7729 Chen, Jinming 3124 Chan, Alvin 218 Chen, Jun 11516 Chan, Andrew C. F. 3211, 8281 Chen, Ko Hua 11517 Chan, Bruce 8292-8293 Chen, Man 11518 Chan, C. W. 8148 Chen, Nicole 7693 2012 年第 52 期憲報第 4 號特別副刊 S. S. NO. 4 TO GAZETTE NO. 52/2012 D11185 Chen, Vivian 900 Limited 7806, 11523 Chen, Zao 8577 China Communications Construction Cheng & Yuen 4027, 11871 Company Limited 11524 Cheng, Alex 3711 China E-Learning Group Limited 3284 Cheng, Bede 11462 China Eco-Farming Limited 3285-3287, 7807 Cheng, Cassandra 4188-4195 China Electronics Corporation Holdings Cheng, Chi Shing 3635-3636, 8003-8004 Company Limited 3288 Cheng, Danny 7794 China Energy Development Cheng, Domingo 78, 78, 4237-4238, 8439, Holdings Limited 3289 11968-11969 China Environmental Energy Investment Cheng, E. 251-253, 3631-3632, 7994-7996, Limited 11525 11723 China Everbright International Limited 3290 Cheng, Gum Yee-man 79 China Financial International Cheng, Halley 80 Investments Limited 11526 Cheng, Joseph Y. S. 884 China Financial Leasing Group Cheng, Kei-yuen 474 Limited 3291 Cheng, L. M. 8266 China Financial Services Holdings Cheng, Lai Ling 484 Limited 11527 Cheng, Louis 47, 4117 China Flavors and Fragrances Company Cheng, Luk Ki 8492 Limited 3292 Cheng, Man-wai 3845 China Fortune Group Cheng, Michelle 374 Limited 3293-3295, 7810-7812, 11528 Cheng, Raymond 3960 China Fortune Holdings Limited 3296 Cheng, Rita K. L. 8313-8326, 8588-8596, China Gogreen Assets Investment 11895-11908 Limited 3297 Cheng, Teresa 7795 China Grand Forestry Green Resources Cheng, Yee Man 4371 Group Limited 11529 Cheng, York 39 China Healthcare Holdings Limited 11530 Cheng, Yummy 81-84 China High Precision Automation Cheong Ming Investments Limited 7796 Group Limited 11531 Cheung, Benson 246-247 China Innovation Investment Cheung, Clara 79, 4371 Limited 3298-3300, 11532 Cheung, Eric T. M. 8644-8645 China ITS (Holdings) Company Cheung, Esther M. K. 334 Limited 3301-3302, 11533 Cheung, Joys H. Y. 4391 China Leason Investment Group Cheung, Ka Man 404 Company Limited 3303 Cheung, Ming-sun 132 China Longyuan Power Group Corporation Cheung, P. H. 640 Limited 3304, 7813 Cheung, Patrick W. S. 7864 China Merchants China Direct Investments Cheung, Rita 7797 Limited 3305 Cheung, Sharon 688-689 China Merchants Holdings (International) Cheung, Shiu-fai 132 Company Limited 3306 Cheung, Stephen Yan-leung 831 China Metal Recycling (Holdings) Chey, Jocelyn 11805 Limited 3307, 7815 Chi Cheung Investment China Minsheng Banking Corporation Company, Limited 3268, 7798 Limited 3308, 11534 Chiang, Silas T. C. 178 China Modern Dairy Holdings Limited 11535 Chigo Holding Limited 3269 China Molybdenum Company China 33 Media Group Limited 3270 Limited 89, 11536 China Agri-Products Exchange Limited 3271 China Motion Telecom International China All Access (Holdings) Limited 11537 Limited 3272-3273, 11521 China Netcom Technology Holdings China Animal Healthcare Limited 3274 Limited 3309 China Automation Group Limited 3275 China New Town Development Company China Automotive Interior Decoration Limited 3310 Holdings Limited 3276 China Ocean Shipbuilding Industry Group China Best Group Holding Limited 3277 Limited 3311 China Bio Cassava Holdings China Oil and Gas Group Limited 3312-3318 Limited 3278-3281, 7801 China Oriental Culture Group Limited 3319 China Bio-Med Regeneration Technology China Oriental Group Company Limited 3282-3283, 7802-7803, 11522 Limited 3320 China Citic Bank Corporation
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