AJUNTAMENT DE BARCELONA Treballs de l'Institut Botanic de Barcelona VOL. vu THE MOSSES OF SPAIN AN ANNOTATED CHECK-LIST C. CASAS SICART Departement de Botànica, Universität Autònoma de Barcelona Barcelona, 1981 AJUNTAMENT DE BARCELONA Treballs de l'lnstitut Botanic de Barcelona VOL. VII 1 8 MAYO1982 THE MOSSES OF SPAIN AN ANNOTATED CHECK-LIST C. CASAS SICART Departament de Botànica, Universität Autònoma de Barcelona Barcelona, 1981 THE MOSSES OF SPAIN: AN ANNOTATED CHECK-LIST C. Casas Sicart Departament de Botànica Universität Autonoma de Barcelona I. INTRODUCTION The first check-list of mosses in Spain was published in 1802 by LAGASCA, M. , D. GARCIA and S. de R. CLEMENTE. In their Intno- duccton a la ClA.ptogoLmA.cL de Eipaha, a small number of moss spe­ cies and their morphological description were included. New spe­ cies were described such as Hypnum au.le.um. CORTES 1954 carried out a review of the specimens mentioned in this work, which can be found in the Instituto Botanico de Madrid. In his work he sho­ wed plainly the multitude of mistakes the list include, which is very much understandable given the limited knowledge and scarce means which could be arranged in that time. AMO & MORA 1870, in Viola cntptogdrntca de. la Peniniula Jbl- ntca catalogued the moss species known until then. Likewise, COL- MEIRO 1889 assembled any published d&ta related to moss distribu­ tion in Spain. Both Amo & Mora and Colmeiro were botanists simply interested in making a compilation work. In 1915, CASARES published his Enumenacton y dtitntbuctdn geogn.adA.ca de lai muicX.nea& de la PenZmula Ibintca. This was the first attempt to the realization of the check-list of bryophytes in Spain and Portugal, and his author, an eminent bryologist, brought together the data from the mentioned botanists and his own data obtained during his explorations throughout Spain and his uninterrupted comunication with foreign bryologists. The know ledge he held about the bryoflore in Spain allowed him to exclude the species considered as mistakes or, in any case, to comment and explain the possible determination mistakes. The Casares's work constitutes up to now the only reasoned any very correct check-list to be consulted. Later,Casares began to redact a Spa­ nish flore of mosses which, unfortunately, wasn't finished be­ cause of his premature decease; he did not leave a school either. Since then, owing mainly to the ALLORGE spouses, the revival of bryology among the Spanish botanists , and the concern from a great number of foreign bryologists (see CASAS 1977) , the number of Spanish species has increased, as well as the knowledge of their geographical distribution in Spain. The increasing interest in the last few years forces and makes necessary to try to bring up to date the check-list of mosses in Spain to give evidence about what is really known about them and likewise to try the normaliza tion and nomenclature according to rules of the International Code (STAFLEU tt at. 19 72). The following work first includes the checklist of the spe­ cies of mosses reported in Spain and Balears Islands. These spe­ cies have been compiled in alphabetical order for ease of refe­ rence. The whole of species, subspecies and varieties published in the works compilated by CASAS, BRUGUÉS & CROS 1979 are in­ cluded here as well as those from later works and some otKers from herbarium material, still unpublished. A revision of those species represented in the Spanish her­ baria with doubtful determination has been accomplished. The adopted nomenclature is indicated by script, and all the synonims found in the different publications about Spanish bryoflore by or dinary letter. For the nomenclature, WIJK, MARGADANT& FLORSCHULTZ 1959-69 has been followed, except for those cases with recent mo*' nographies or taxonomic studies subsequent to the Index Mu.icoA.um. For them a briey note about the changing source is indicated. In the confection of this work, the differences in trans­ cription of abréviations by the various authors have been ex­ posed. For this reason, it has been considered useful to standa- rize these abréviations from the Spanish bryoflore into the list made by SAYRE, BONNER & CULBERSON 1964, exceptions and additions made by KOPONEN 19 77 and some other new additions. The present work consists of the entire check-list of the species recorded until now in Spain, with the synonims used. A list of genera grouped by families is also given. For the syste­ matic ordering of the families and the inclusion of the genera in each one, it has been adopted the code indicated by CROSBY 197 8 in this Vtc.ttona.lLj o{ Mona. Some marginal notes and list of authors and their abréviations have been added too. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. 0. de Bolos, president of the Institut Botanic de Barcelona, who accepted the publication of this check-list among the T/izballi de. I'lnitttut Bo tdntc dc Balcctona. Likewise I thank Dr. M. BruguSs for their collaboration in the course of the redaction of this work; as well as Miss M.T. Feliu for her attention and meticulousness in the dif ficult transcription of the text and Miss M. Comelles and Miss T. Permanyer who translated it. At the time this list was in a very advanced state of ela­ boration, I had the opportunity to consult the provisional check­ list of European mosses that Mr. M.F.U. Corley is preparing for its further publication. I thank his kindness very cordially and I am really pleased to make known how useful his list was to ca­ rry out my work succesfully. II. CHECK-LIST Abte.ttne.lta C, Mull. (Thuidiaceae Schimp.) abtettna (Hedw.) Fleisch. h-Liti.lc.ot>a. (Mitt.) Broth. Acaulon C. Mull. (Pottiaceae Schimp.) muttcum (Hedw.) C. Mull. var. mtnui (Hook. & Tayl.) B.S.G. tltciixe.tH.wn (Spruce) C. Mull. Acrocladium Mitt. cuspidatum (Hedw.) Lindb. = Calliergonella cuspidata stramineum (Brid.) Richards & Wallace = Calliergon stramineum Aloi.no. Kindb. (Pottiaceae Schimp.) (1) alotdti (K.F. Schultz) Kindb. var. ambtgua Craig ambigua (B.S.G.) Limpr. = A. aloides var. ambigua bt&1on& (De Not.) Delg. ericifolia (Neck.) Kindb. = A. aloides var. ambigua Itgtda (Hedw.) Limpr. var. ambigua (B.S.G.) Craig = A. aloides var. ambigua var. pilifera Schimp. = A. bifrons Ambtyodoh B.S.G. (Meesiaceae Schimp.) de.aiba.tLU (Hedw.) B.S.G. (2) Amblystegiella Loeske (3) confervoides (Brid.) Loeske = Platydictya confervoides jungermannioides (Brid.) Giac. = Platydictya jungermannioides sprucei (Bruch) Loeske = P. jungermannioides subtilis (Hedw.) Loeske = Platydictya subtilis Amblyite.glu.rn B.S.G. (Amblystegiaceae (Broth.) Fleisch.) compactum (C. Müll.) Aust. = Rhynchostegiella compacta confervoides (Brid.) B.S.G. = Platydictya confervoides fallax (Brid.) Milde = Cratoneuron filicinum var. fallax filicinum De Not. = Cratoneuron filicinum fluviatile (Hedw.) B.S.G. = Hygroamblystegium fluviatile irriguum (Wils.) B.S.G. = Hygroamblystegium tenax j{iH.atzka.nu.rn Schimp. riparium (Hedw.) B.S.G. = Leptodictyum riparium izlpeni (Hedw.) B.S.G. subtile (Hedw.) B.S.G. = Platydictya subtilis vallis-clausae Brid. = Cratoneuron filicinum var. fallax valgum (Hedw.) Lindb. kmphi.dX.um Schimp. (Orthotrichaceae Arnott) tapponicum (Hédw.) Schimp. (4) mougzottii (B.S.G.) Schimp. Kn.ac.otia Schimp. (Bartramiaceae Schwaegr.) uizbbii (Mont.) Schimp. (5) And/ieaea Hedw. (Andreaeaceae Dum. ) (6) alpestris (Thed.) Schimp. = A. rupestris var. alpestris btyttii B.S.G. ssp. anguitata (Lindb. ex Limpr.) Schultze-Mot. crassifolia Luis. = A. blittii ssp. angustata ciaii inzA.via Bruch. ssp. huntii Limpr. Amann frigida Hub. = A. rothii ssp. frigida grimsulana Bruch. = A. rothii ssp. frigida nivalii Hook. (7) petrophila Ehrh. = A. rupestris Kothii Web. & Möhr. ssp. Rigida (Hüb.) Schultze-Mot. (8) Hu.pzitn.ii Hedw. var. alpzitKii (Thed.) Sharp Aniiothzzium Mitt. (Dicranaceae Schimp.) glzvittzanum (Brid.) Broth. howzi Ren. & Card. (9) patuitn.z (Dicks.) I. Hag. Hu&zizzni (With.) Lindb. izhH.zbzH.anum (Hedw.) Dix. squarrosum (Starke) Lindb. = A. palustre valium (Hedw.) Mitt. var. tenuifolium (B.S.G.) Cas. Gil = A. howei var. zatliitomum (With.) Cas. Gil rubrum (Huds.) Lindb. = A. varium Anozztangium Schwaegr. (Pottiaceae Schimp.) ae.itivu.rn (Hedw.) Mitt, compactum Schwaegr. = A. aestivum handelii Schiffn. (11) macrostomum Los. & Pardo (12) Anomobnyum Schimp. (Bryaceae Schwaegr.) concinnatum (Spruce) Lindb. = A. julaceum var. concinnatum filiforme (Dicks.) Husn. = A. julaceum juliforme Solms = A. julaceum jutaccum (Gaertn., Meyer & Schreb.) Schimp. var. concinnatum (Spruce) Loeske luiltanlcum (I. Hag.) Thér. (10) knomodon Hook. & Tayl. (Thuidiaceae Schimp.) apiculatus B.S.G. = A. rugelii att&nuatui (Hedw.) Hüb. long.i&ollu.i (Brid.) Hartm. (13) noit/iatui (Hedw.) Schimp. Hugctll (C. Müll.) Keissl. v¿tiento&u& (Hedw.) Hook. & Tayl. knttth.tch.-La Brid. (Leucodontaceae Schimp.) call{¡oh.nlca Sull. (14) cuh.tlpo.ndu La (Hedw.) Brid. hispánica Schimp. = A. californica kh.cktd-Lu.rn Brid. (Archidiaceae Schimp.) attcint&ottwm (Hedw.) Schimp. phascoides Brid. = A. alternifolium khctoa B.S.G. (Dicranaceae Schimp.) iu.lve.lla. (Dicks.) B.S.G. (15) kichtima Lindb. (Pottiaceae Schimp.) canntoltcun (Web. & Möhr) Lindb. var. ipectoium Limpr. Astomum Hampe crispum (Hedw.) Hampe =Weissia longifolia (16) var. philibertii (Husn.) Wijk. & Marg. =Weissia levieri algesirense C. Müll. = Pleuridium algesirense (17) kthtchum P. Beauv. (Polytrichaceae Schwaegr.) anguitatum (Brid.) B.S.G. tenellum (Röhl.) B.S.G. (18) undutatum (Hedw.) P. Beauv. kutacomntum Schwaegr. (Aulacomniaceae Schimp.) andlogynum (Hedw.) Schwaegr. paluAttie. (Hedw.) Schwaegr. BaAbula Hedw. (Pottiaceae Schimp.) (19) acuta (Brid.) Brid. = Didymodon acutus aciphylla B.S.G. = Tortula norgegica atrovirens (Sm.) Schimp. = Tortula atrovirens canescens Mont. = Tortula canescens commutata Jur. = B. convoluta ssp. commutata convoluta Hedw. var. iah.doa Schimp. ssp. commutata (Jur.) Giac. ciocza (Brid.) Web. S Möhr. cylindrica (Tayl.) Schimp. = Didymodon insulanus e.hi&nbcigtt (Lor.) Fleisch, fallax Hedw. = Didymodon fallax gracilis Schwaegr. = Didymodon acutus hornschuchiana K.F. Schultz = Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum inermis Bruch = Tortula inermis lurida Lindb. = Didymodon trifarius marginata B.S.G.
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