CoolahTops Nationa Park l O pe ra tionsMap 11 212 680 E 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 250 680 E N N FireManagement Strategy 1000 880 880 Westview 92 92 Henrys Creek 2021–2026 64 1000 64 800 Bradfordhut 600 400 600 800 1000 Thisstra teg yshould beused inconjunction with ae rialphotog ra phyand field re conna issance. Butchers Gully Trails Trail Trails Dry Gully 800 Northwestern Trail Thesedata are notguaranteed tobe free from error oromission. The NSW National Parks and Wildlife and itsemployees disclaim liabilityfor any act 600 doneonthe information thein data and anyconsequences ofsuch acts oromissions. 91 rm Merrilong 91 Fa Thisdocument iscopyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose ofstudy, research criticism orreview, as permitted under d in Windy Creek thecopyright Act,nopart may be reproduced by any process without written permission. W 600 e g 1000 TheNSW National Parks and Wildlife Service ispart ofthe Department ofPlanning, Industry and Environment. an R 900 900 Publishedby the Department ofPlanning, Industry and Environment (NSW ). l Tamalie Creek 2 o 600 Contact:NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Northern BranchInland o p 800 r 900 700 90 e 90 Ardgour ISBN: 978-1-922493-53-8 DPIENumber: EES2020/0503 LastUpdated: 05/01/2021 iv 900 L North 500 1000 d 700 1000 e Thisstra teg yaisre levantPlan under Section and Section(4) 38 (3) 44 s o Camerons Creek oftheRura Fire l 1997. Act s p Cecil'sTrail 1000 o Black Creek r Rocky Creek 1000 1000 900 P 900 89 Omaleah Creek 89 900 1000 Bundella S 31°41.861' Pinnacle 500 DayUse E 150°1.081' 2 1100 Lookout 2 Bundella Creek LocalityMap 2 1000 900 500 1000 600 W errisCreek 700 0 10 20 40 2 88 2 88 ¯ Km BundellaLookout 500 S pringRidge 1000 1:950,000 R ocky Hydon Creek 400 DayUse 1100 1000 Q uirindi Coxs Creek Valley Springs 900 2 R acecourseTrail 1100 W allabadah 31° 42.585' S 31°42.585' 1000 2 2 AbandonedAirstrip 150° 2.687' E 150°2.687' Binnaway 87 600 400 87 1000 Rabsons Gully 900 600 700 Blackville W illowTree 1000 1100 900 1000 1100 900 Yarraman Creek 700 400 Murrurundi 900 1000 900 86 2 1100 1100 86 1100 600 Coolah 900 900 PigeonBox TrailEast 800 The Pinnacle Road Pinnacle The Coolaburragundy River 400 1000 Birnan Wood BundellaTrail 400 1000 700 1200 2 85 1000 1000 900 85 Dunedoo S cone 800 CoxsCreek Trail 1000 TheBarracks 800 1000 Cox'sCreek Campground 1100 900 Campground 1100 400 Merriwa 1100 1100 PigeonBox Trail 500 HistoricRuin 2 1100 2S awMill 1100 2 900 Sheep Station Gully 2 1000 1200 84 84 Brittons Gully 2 1100 800 Mapdetails 2 Datum: GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_56 GeographicCoordinate System: GCS_GDA_1994 Noted scales: True when printed onsizeA0 paper 1000 2 ThePines Turee Vale Campground Local Governm e Arent a : Liverpool PlainsUpper / Hunter / Topog ra phicMap Weetaliba 1:50,000: Blackville 8834N, 8934S4, Norfolk RoadHildegard Telstra Trail 800 Falls Campbells Creek W arrumbungle Shires Omaleah 8934N3,Glasston 8934N2 and Booyamurra 88342N W arrumbungle Shires The DayUse 83 900 83 Tops 2 1100 CluffsRoad 2 Cattle Creek Yarragabi NorfolkFalls Phillips Creek 2 Talbragar 31° 45.083' S 31°45.083' 800 R iver Road R iver k k ! E 150°1.881' in c TalbragarFalls ContactInform a tion L a 2 r J oesHut 1100 s T Trail Y arralee DayUse ll 2 2 a g n TheBald 1100 Age ncy PositionLocation / Phone F i 2 k BrackensHut Norfolk Island Creek e l Road Hills TalbragarFalls h a 82 BaldHill Trail RampR ed 82 AreaManager –John Whittall 9096930428 T Lookout NationaParks l W CreekFalls 1100 TheForest Road Spring Creek DutyOfficer hour) (24 17428275 1100 2 Yarramanbah Creek & Wildlife& Service 1100 500 CastlereaghArea Office (bus.hours) 40006843 900 Dry Creek NSWRura Fire l Service CastlereaghZone Manager –Corey Philip 0324150417 1100 1100 Sawers Creek Castlere a g h(NW Coolah Tops) CastlereaghZone Office 63006826 1200 1100 LiverpoolRang e(re m a inder) LiverpoolRange Manager –Myles O’Reilly 7562470409 600 Nelgowrie Glen Oak LiverpoolRange Zone Office 58006746 81 1200 81 Talbragar 1200 Fairview FireRescue& NSW 000 1100 R iverRoad 1200 700 1200 1100 Eme rg e ncyServices Police,Fire,Ambulance 000 1200 Hilegarde Cooba Bulga Trail SES 500132 500 W allaby Creek Trail Creek W allaby Coolah 12006377 Chinamen's Swamp Trail 1200 Police Merriwa 22036548 1200 1200 U pperHunter (South Coolah Tops) 11006540 1000 Red Ridge Gully Council LiverpoolPlains (North Coolah Tops) 32556746 80 Black Ridge Gully 80 Bounty Creek 1200 W arrumbungle(NW Coolah Tops) 20006849 Wallaby Creek 1100 LocalAborigina Land l Council W alhallowLALC [email protected] 900 900 1000 700 Larrys Creek 600 500 1100 Clarkes Creek 800 Com m unications 700 800 79 800 79 1100 Service Cha nne l Locationand Com m e nts Martindale NPW S 310 NorthVote Group R epeaters 617 Fireground 1100 R adioReception 317 CoolahTops tohub310NIB isvery good. 102 CoolahTops toBlue Mountains hub100 Stradbroke 900 600 N001 Castlereagh 800 R FS N004 LiverpoolRange (Upper Hunter) Spring Creek 78 1000 78 N005 LiverpoolRange (Liverpool Plains) 1000 Yarralee UHFCB - Sfires mall channel large 10, fires determined by IMT 800 1000 Cooba Bulga Stream 800 AviationCTAF - 134.70 frequencyNIB unless another frequency isallocated onanincident 800 700 Saint Elmo Leg e nd 500 Straight Creek Mobile reception islimited throughout the Reserve. Known reception points are the 800 Mobilephone 800 lookoutand the first information bay. 1 IndigenousStockyardSite Creek Group 1 NPW SEstate Oaky Creek 77 800 700 77 2 800 1000 The IndigenousSite Group 2 LandsVested thein Minister S nowGums Kindamindi Mayfield Cooba Bulga DayUse 3 FireSea sonInform a tion IndigenousSite Group 3 Wa tercourse Thecritical wildfire season occurs during October toMarch. The position ofthe Reserve high above the 1100 Gemini 1100 HistoricSite Wildfire s plainsmeans lightning strikes from thunderstorm activity isthe main ignition source. Rapid response with 1100 CattleCk MainlyDry 1100 LoopRoad Moan Creek directattack isakey tocontaining wildfires from these ignition sources. 76 Hut(Historic) 76 ThreatenedProperty NonPerennial Thehigh elevation and cool climate ofCoolah Tops NP means conditions need tobe warmer and drier Manchee Creek Pre scribed beforeeffective hazard reduction burns can occur. Prescribed burning ismost effective lateinSpring, 1000 900 Cattle Creek 1200 Burning S ummerand early Autumn when fuelmoisture has dried sufficiently for enough fuelto be available to GateNPW S Perennial sustaincombustion. 900 BreezaDay Use Chippendale W aterBody Cunna Creek GatenonNPW S 600 Breeza S hepherds Lookout Peak Trail 75 1200 0# S urveyMarks 75 S hepherds 1100 R adioHut Access Trail Branch Creek Roa ds 800 Peak 900 O pe ra tionaGuideline l s Lookout 1100 1200 FireLookout 2 ProposedFAFT 2 Bottle Gully 1200 FireTower 900 1000 Creek Trail Aerialoperations be will managed by trained and competent personnel. This includes directing 700 1200 J emmys 1000 S trategicCat 1 900 900 aerialbombing and aerial ignition operations 900 Busbys Creek Helipad Aerial Theuse ofbombing aircraft without the support ofground based suppression crews should be 2 S trategicCat 7 O pe ra tions limitedtovery specific circumstances. 74 800 74 Goondee Trail Werieds Nook Gully HeliLanding Site aerial All ignition operations require the consent ofa senior NPW Sofficer or the Section 44 600 Appointee. 800 S trategicCat 9 Talbragar River R efugeArea 700 900 700 personnel All must be briefedfully before back burning operations begin. 1000 800 TacticalCat 1 1100 1000 Backburningareasin ofLow –Moderate OFHrequire will the use ofwind, or lowhumidity to Crown Land 1100 W aterPoint VH& 900 Backburning max imiseeffectiveness. Reserve TacticalCat 7 Norfolk 49174 W herepossible clear around dead and fibrous barked trees adjacent tocontrol linesprior to 73 Jemmys Creek W aterPoint Helicopter 73 backburning. TacticalCat 9 1200 700 1000 W aterPoint Vehicle 800 1100 OtherCat 1 Thefirst combatant agency onsite may assume control ofthe fire, but then must ensure the 1000 800 700 Com m a nd& relevantlandmanagement agency isnotified promptly. Spring Hills 1000 ¯ CampingArea OtherCat 7 Control Theinitial Incident Controller liaise will with the RFS toensure that the agency commandin is Half Moon Creek Spring Gully Krui River determinedand anIncident Controller isappointed. 800 Devils Hole Creek 1000 Claremont OtherCat 9 72 700 ¯ DayUse Area 72 Newcontainment linesrequire the prior consent ofa senior NPW Sofficer. 1000 900 HeathsContour Gully Linesm100 - Dormant Constructionofnew containment linesshould be avoided, where practicable, ex ceptwhere they Ferris Creek 800 1100 canbe constructed with minimal environmental impact. Munmurra River Containm e nt 1000 personal All involved containmentin constructionline should be briefed andon, must consider both v v PowerlinesEssential - Energy Off-ParkRoads 900 Line s 600 Snake Creek 600 600 naturaland cultural heritage sites thein location. Lorimer Creek 600 600 800 containment All linesnot required for other purposes should be closed immediately atthe cessation Kennedys Creek 700 Uhrs Creek 1000 700 ofthe incident. 71 71 600 900 Naders 0 1 2 3 4 Black5 Harrys Gully 600 600 1100 Plantmay onlybe used with the prior consent ofa senior NPW SOfficer. Kuloo 800 800 km Plantmust always be guided and supervised by anex periencedofficer and accompanied by a 900 800 700 800 ¯ Earthm oving supportvehicle (NPW When S ). engaged directin or parallelattack, this vehicle must be afire 700 Roma 700 Scale: 1:40,000 800 600 fightingvehicle. 700 Tartar Equipm e nt MacqueenCreek Cream Of Four Mile Creek 600 800 700 Datum/Projection: GDA94900 MGA Z56 Creek Plantmust be washed down, where practicable, prior toit entering NPW Sestate and again on N 700 N 700 ex itingNPW Sestate. 600 700 700 600 600 ©Department ofCustomer Service 2020 880 880 2 680 2 680 70 11 12 E 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 E 70 Theuse offoam, wetting agents and retardants NOT will be permitted within metres50 ofdams Fire 64 64 andwatercourses holding water.
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