Fake It Til You Make It: A Natural Experiment to Identify European Politicians’ Benefit from Twitter Bots Online Appendix American Political Science Review Bruno Castanho Silva Sven-Oliver Proksch University of Cologne University of Cologne [email protected] [email protected] August 11, 2020 Contents 1 Descriptives of Twitter Data2 2 Changes by Country and Party4 3 Growth rate6 4 EU Filter Terms7 5 Alternative Model Specifications8 5.1 Increased time windows...........................8 5.2 Dropping outliers............................... 10 6 Difference-in-Differences Estimates 11 7 Placebo Tests 13 8 Effects on Friends Counts 14 9 Number of Retweets 15 10 Bot Detection Algorithm 16 1 1 Descriptives of Twitter Data Table A.1: Number of Tweets by Country Country All Tweets Active users Austria 33081 55 Belgium 24487 131 Bulgaria 276 8 Croatia 3908 25 Cyprus 6400 21 Czechia 8683 46 Denmark 47353 138 Estonia 7709 35 Finland 104520 158 France 286750 438 Germany 189474 422 Greece 66374 119 Hungary 1413 6 Ireland 101805 137 Italy 207517 610 Latvia 15224 53 Lithuania 1814 19 Luxembourg 1673 25 Malta 32559 51 Netherlands 96268 137 Poland 95463 278 Portugal 7574 47 Romania 99 5 Slovakia 950 15 Slovenia 21125 25 Spain 731812 271 Sweden 208234 264 Uk 623873 489 2 Table A.2: Top 3 Most Popular Accounts by Party Family Party family Country Followers before July 2018 Name Agrarian/centre Finland 118523 Juha Sipil¨a Agrarian/centre Sweden 111069 Annie L¨o¨of Agrarian/centre Poland 64418 W.Kosiniak-Kamysz Christian Democrat Germany 235069 Peter Altmaier Christian Democrat Germany 193672 Peter Tauber Christian Democrat Ireland 167186 Leo Varadkar Confessional Netherlands 76804 Kees van der Staaij Confessional Netherlands 34386 Gert-Jan Segers Confessional Netherlands 22671 Elbert Dijkgraaf Conservative Spain 1668178 Mariano Rajoy Brey Conservative UK 876726 Boris Johnson Conservative Italy 603957 Vittorio Sgarbi Green Netherlands 246166 Jesse Klaver Green Germany 130391 K. G¨oring-Eckardt Green Netherlands 126016 Marianne Thieme Liberal Spain 1054988 Albert Rivera Liberal Netherlands 691325 Alexander Pechtold Liberal France 403728 Bruno Le Maire No family Italy 405502 Luigi Di Maio No family Czechia 375581 Andrej Babis No family Italy 229150 Alessandro Di Battista Radical Left Spain 2310758 Pablo Iglesias Radical Left France 1919100 Jean-Luc M´elenchon Radical Left Spain 806964 ´I˜nigo Errej´on Radical Right France 2132753 Marine Le Pen Radical Right Netherlands 955994 Geert Wilders Radical Right Poland 373844 Beata Szyd lo Regionalist Spain 589316 Gabriel Rufi´an Regionalist Spain 297829 Joan Tard`ai Coma Regionalist Ireland 161683 Gerry Adams Socialist UK 1836572 Jeremy Corbyn Socialist Spain 889975 Pedro S´anchez Socialist Italy 860446 Laura Boldrini 3 2 Changes by Country and Party Figure A.1: Ten Parties with the Largest Percentage Loss of Followers during the Purge PvdD - NL CSU - DE RV - DK XA - GR FPOE - AT SDE - EE ANEL - GR PVV - NL ER - EE LVZS - LT -6 -4 -2 0 Average Percentage Difference in Followers between July 08 and 13 4 Figure A.2: Change in MPs’ Followers by Country Uk Czechia Portugal Cyprus Ireland Malta Croatia Slovenia Luxembourg Hungary Greece Latvia Finland France Germany Austria Poland Denmark Spain Sweden Lithuania Italy Belgium Netherlands Estonia -400 -200 0 Difference in nr. of followers between July 08 and 14 Mean Median 5 3 Growth rate The Table below presents the average growth rate for politicians each party family for 100 days before and 100 days after the purge, divided into groups based on how many followers the politicians had at the beginning of each period. Table A.3: Growth Rate in Number of Followers, 100 days before and after the Purge. Family Followers Before July After Before Conservative Fewer than 10K followers 9.95 13.19 Green Fewer than 10K followers 8.21 14.73 Liberal Fewer than 10K followers 14.84 23.36 Radical Left Fewer than 10K followers 10.53 19.56 Radical Right Fewer than 10K followers 8.46 11.7 Socialist Fewer than 10K followers 6.96 9.4 Conservative From 10K to 50K 8.94 7.93 Green From 10K to 50K 6.42 9.16 Liberal From 10K to 50K 10.8 11.5 Radical Left From 10K to 50K 6.71 10.19 Radical Right From 10K to 50K 5.11 5.69 Socialist From 10K to 50K 6.14 8.27 Conservative More than 50K followers 6.31 7.09 Green More than 50K followers 2.67 7.13 Liberal More than 50K followers 3.87 7 Radical Left More than 50K followers 2.26 5.41 Radical Right More than 50K followers 2.19 5.54 Socialist More than 50K followers 3.14 5.84 Notes: average percentage change in the number of followers for politicians in each party family, for the 100 days After the purge and 100 days Before the purge. 6 4 EU Filter Terms Table A.4: List of EU Filter Terms Language Stems Bulgarian EC, евросъюз, европ, брюксел Croatian EU, europ, bruxelles, brussel, bruselj Danish EU, europ, bryssel, bruxelles German EU, europ, br¨ussel Greek EE, eurwp, bruxèllec English EU, europe , brussels Spanish UE, europ , bruselas Estonian EL, euroop , br¨ussel Finnish EU, euroop , bryssel French UE, europ , bruxelles Hungarian EU, europ , br¨uszel Italian UE, europ , bruxelles Lithuanian ES, europ , briusel Latvian ES, eirop , brisel Dutch EU, europ, brussel Polish UE, europ, bruksel Portuguese UE, europ, bruxelas Romanian UE, europ, bruxelles Slovak EU, europ, brusel Slovenian EU, evrop, bruselj Swedish EU, europ, bryssel Twitter eu_commission, europarl_en, eucouncil, junckereu, eucopresident, handles (in- ep_president, ep_presschulz, @coe, aldeparty, europarlpress, eu- cluded in roparl_fr, eurlex, eucourtpress, euauditors, euombudsman, eu_eeas, all) europarl_it, euatun, jmdbarroso, ecb, eucouncilpress, @epp, eppgroup, theprogressives, pes_pse, aldegroup, guengl, greensep, ecrgroup, ad- deurope, enf_ep, enl_france, groupeenl, efdgroup 7 5 Alternative Model Specifications 5.1 Increased time windows The following models increase the time-window around which tweets are considered to count the number of followers of users. This increases the number of MPs included, since it adds those who might not have tweeted one week before/after July 11, but did so two or four weeks before/after. Table A.5: Individual and Party-Level Determinants of Percentage Changes in Followers – July 09-13; using tweets from June 24 to July 27 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Intercept 4:82∗ 5:15∗ 5:22∗ 5:15∗ [3:64; 6:01] [3:85; 6:59] [3:84; 6:69] [3:75; 6:58] Male :00 :00 :01 :00 [−:24; :25] [−:24; :26] [−:24; :25] [−:24; :25] Terms in office −:03 −:03 −:03 −:03 [−:12; :07] [−:13; :07] [−:11; :07] [−:12; :07] Cabinet experience :15∗ :15∗ :15∗ :15∗ [:03; :28] [:03; :28] [:02; :28] [:03; :27] Twitter Sentiment −:30 −:31 −:30 −:31 [−:82; :22] [−:80; :20] [−:81; :18] [−:79; :20] Twitter EU Sentiment :05 :06 −:00 :07 [−:09; :20] [−:10; :20] [−:16; :15] [−:08; :24] Nr. of Followers (log) −:50∗ −:50∗ −:51∗ −:50∗ [−:59; −:41] [−:60; −:41] [−:60; −:41] [−:60; −:42] Seat share :00 :00 :00 :00 [−:02; :02] [−:02; :02] [−:01; :02] [−:02; :02] In government −:10 −:11 −:08 −:12 [−:60; :38] [−:62; :43] [−:56; :36] [−:62; :39] EU Position −:00 −:06 −:07 −:06 [−:13; :12] [−:25; :11] [−:26; :11] [−:24; :13] Radical right −:65 −:83 −:65 [−1:83; :38] [−1:92; :29] [−1:80; :47] Radical left :11 :11 :12 [−:73; :88] [−:73; :87] [−:70; :96] Twitter EU Sentiment * Radical right 1:38∗ [:59; 2:11] Twitter EU Sentiment * Radical left −:25 [−:83; :39] AIC 9675.21 9676.55 9665.27 9678.42 BIC 9748.11 9760.67 9754.99 9768.15 Num. obs. 2014 2014 2014 2014 N. parties 123 123 123 123 N. countries 25 25 25 25 ∗ 0 outside the bootstrapped confidence interval 8 Table A.6: Individual and Party-Level Determinants of Percentage Changes in Followers – July 09-13; using tweets from June 09 to Aug. 14 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Intercept 5:61∗ 5:86∗ 5:92∗ 5:86∗ [4:40; 6:78] [4:43; 7:27] [4:48; 7:28] [4:51; 7:32] Male −:00 −:00 :01 −:00 [−:24; :23] [−:24; :24] [−:25; :26] [−:26; :26] Terms in office −:03 −:03 −:03 −:03 [−:13; :08] [−:13; :07] [−:13; :07] [−:13; :07] Cabinet experience :17∗ :17∗ :17∗ :17∗ [:05; :29] [:04; :31] [:04; :31] [:04; :29] Twitter Sentiment −:21 −:22 −:21 −:22 [−:71; :28] [−:73; :29] [−:64; :26] [−:72; :23] Twitter EU Sentiment :05 :05 :01 :06 [−:10; :20] [−:10; :19] [−:14; :16] [−:09; :21] Nr. of Followers (log) −:57∗ −:57∗ −:57∗ −:57∗ [−:66; −:47] [−:66; −:47] [−:66; −:47] [−:66; −:47] Seat share :00 :00 :00 :00 [−:01; :02] [−:01; :02] [−:01; :02] [−:01; :02] In government −:19 −:22 −:20 −:22 [−:70; :28] [−:72; :28] [−:67; :27] [−:73; :29] EU Position −:05 −:09 −:10 −:09 [−:17; :08] [−:28; :08] [−:26; :09] [−:29; :09] Radical right −:42 −:52 −:42 [−1:49; :69] [−1:49; :57] [−1:56; :65] Radical left −:01 −:02 −:01 [−:80; :79] [−:78; :78] [−:84; :79] Twitter EU Sentiment * Radical right :96∗ [:18; 1:73] Twitter EU Sentiment * Radical left −:23 [−:84; :32] AIC 10102.68 10105.43 10101.05 10107.38 BIC 10176.01 10190.04 10191.31 10197.64 Num. obs. 2082 2082 2082 2082 N. parties 127 127 127 127 N. countries 26 26 26 26 ∗ 0 outside the confidence interval 9 5.2 Dropping outliers The following table contains the same models from Table 1 in the paper, but dropping observations whose percentage change in number of followers during the purge was larger than 30%. Table A.7: Individual and Party-Level Determinants of Percentage Changes in Followers Dropping outliers – July 09-13 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Intercept 3:36∗ 4:05∗ 4:02∗ 4:05∗ [2:38; 4:28] [2:81; 5:20] [2:79; 5:16] [2:82; 5:16] Male −:10 −:10 −:09 −:10 [−:26; :08] [−:27; :07] [−:24; :09] [−:26; :07] Terms in office −:03 −:03 −:03 −:03 [−:10; :03] [−:10; :04] [−:10; :03] [−:10; :04] Cabinet experience :11∗ :11∗ :11∗ :10∗ [:03; :19] [:02; :19] [:02; :19] [:02; :19] Twitter Sentiment −:61∗ −:62∗ −:64∗ −:63∗ [−:98; −:24] [−:96; −:26] [−1:00; −:27] [−1:01; −:26] Twitter EU Sentiment :03 :03 −:04 :04 [−:07; :13] [−:08; :12] [−:14; :07] [−:07; :15] Nr.
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