8-----------~TUNG~SOL .. WORLD R 'lJ10 LOG How to Get the Best That's on the Air at Home and Abroad By CLYDE C. BOHNER Vice -President in Charge of Engineering Whatever your radio set, remember it is your contact with the wonder world of radio . Broad- casting is being constantly improved by an army of fine technicians. Receiving sets are keeping step in the march of radio progress. If you haven't a good set, get one. It's an investment that will pay you rich dividends in entertainment, education and keeping in touch with current events. If you have a good set, keep it good . It 's easy for the ear to become accustomed to reception that gradually gets poorer. With millions of dollars being spent on broadcasts for you to receive free, it is poor economy to put up with anything short of the best reception. Have your set inspected regularly. The modern radio set is a very complicated mechanism and, like the modern automobile , requires proper servicing. The average radio set is probably in use many more hours a day than the OF (,() NrEN *Ts • average car, but the small amount of attention the ;f~U set r eceiv es i s, indeed, deplorable. No on e waits to ~ re place spark p lugs unt il they will not function. Yet so man y people try to get along with tubes How to Get the B est That' s o n the Air at Ho me and long past th eir normal life. You can't get good Abroad 1,2 reception with worn-out tubes. Unit ed States Broad cas ting S tations 4,5 ,6, 7,8 Alphabetic ally b y Call Le tter s Th e deal er who g ives you this log will be glad United States Br oa dca sting S tati ons you to go over your s et, check it up and tell what's By Fre qu en cy, Wav el ength and Call Le tter s needed to put it in shape to get the best that 's on Television Stat ion s in th e Uni ted States 11 the air . Perhaps it only needs adjusting, balancing and tuning the condensers, or r eplacing tub es. American Broadcast Stati on Li st . 12, 13, 14 , 15 No rth , Cen tral and S ou th Ameri ca (E xcl us ive of t he U ni ted S tates) Ask him about your antenna. A properly con- Al phabe ticall y by Cal l Let ters structed ant enna is not expensive and will make My Fav orite Pr ogram 16 ,17 a world of d iffer ence in your reception. A Sun day's Jau nt Arou nd th e Worl d 18 The Tung-Sol franchised dealer knows his busi- Time Table . 19 ness and h e knows his tubes . He ha s sel ected Wo rld Short-Wa ve S tation List 20, 21 , 22 , 23 and r ecomm ends Tung -Sol tub es b ec ause he Arrange d by Coun tr ie s a nd Citi es knows the qu ality and precision built into them . World Short ·Wave Ti me Tabl e 24,25 ,26 He has b ee n s elected by Tung-Sol becau se of his Amat eur, Aviatio n, Poli ce, Ship competenc e and standing . You can call him in with and Exp erim ent al Bands. the assu ran ce that your set will r eceiv e expert 27 servicing at a r easonable cost . Ships 27 Sh ort -Wave Br oadca st ing Station Addr esses 28 , 29 The p hot ogra ph s of the ra dio stars ap pearing on th e pages, a long side the Ameri ca n prog rams a ppear by cou rte sy o f the ~reat broa dcastmg co mpa mes; Int ernational Call L ett ers . 29 N. B . C. stars, co urtesy of Nati ona l B roadcash !1g Company; C. B. S. sta rs , cou rt es y o f Co lumb ie. Broa dcas ti ng Syst em. Fo reIgn star s .ap pea~ ,by c? ur tesy '?! Make Your Own Ra dio Log "Short_ Wave Lis tene r." Cert ain of the ta bles w ere s up plIe d by Rad IONews. 30,31 To a ll the a bove we e xtend our sin cere appr ec iation f or th e co- ope rati on in comp iling a compre hensive a nd int eresting log. TUN G.S oL LAMP WORKS , Imp ortant Fa cts fo r Own ers o f Radio Sets 32 INC., Radi o Tube Divisio n. Call Kc . Locat ion Kw. Call Kc. Location Kw . KID 1320 Idaho Fall s, Id aho .25 KROV 1260 Wes laco, Te xas .5 UNITED STaTES KIDO 1350 B oise, Idaho 1 . KRKD 1120 Los Ange les, Ca lif . 1. KID W 1420 Lama r, C olo. .1 KRKO 1370 Ever ett , Wash. 05 KIEM 1210 Eu reka , Ca li f. .1 KRL C 1420 LeW iston, Id aho . I BRoaDCaSTING STaTIO NS KIEV 850 Glendal e, Ca lif. .25 KRL D 10 40 Da ll as, Texas 10. KIN Y 1310 J unea u, Alask a .1 KRM D 1310 S hr eveport , La. 1 ALPHABETICALLY BY CALL LETTERS KI T 1310 Yak ima, Wa sh. .1 KRN T 1320 Des Moines , Iowa .5 KIUJ 1310 Sant e Fe, New M ex ico . 1 KR OC 1310 Roc he ster , Minn . .1 Call Kc. Loc ation Kw . Ca ll Ke. Loc ation Kw . KIUL 1210 Gard en City , Kans. 1 KROW 930 Oa kl and, Ca lif. I. KABC 1420 S an Antoni o. Texas .1 KFUO 550 S t. Loui s, Mo. .5 KI UN 142 0 Pecos, Tex as .1 KRSC 112 0 Sea ttle, Was h. 1 KABR 1420 A be rdeen, S. D. .1 KFVD 1000 Los An ge le s, Ca lif . .25 KI UP 1370 Dura ngo , Co lo. 1 KSA C 580 Manh at tan, Kan. .5 1200 Ada , Okl a. .1 KFVS 1210 Cape Girardeau, Mo. .1 JBS 1070 S an Franc isc o, Calif. .5 KSC J 1330 S ioux Cit y, Iow a 1 . KA DA 970 S eatt le, Wash. 5. Lawren ce Tibb ett 1420 Al exandr ia, La. .1 KFW B 950 Hollywo od, C alif. KJ R KS D 550 St . Loui s, Mo. 1. KA LB KLCN 1290 Blyt hevi ll e, Ark. .1 900 Poc atell o, I daho .25 N.B .C. KALE 1300 P ortl and, Ore. .5 KFX D 1200 Namp a, Idaho .1 KS EI KARK 890 Little Rock, Ark. .25 KFX J 1200 Gr and Jun ction, Co lo. .1 KL O 1400 Ogd en, Utah . 5 KSFO 56 0 S an F ran cisco, C al if . I. KASA 1210 Elk City, Ok la. .1 KFXM 1210 San Bern ardino, Ca lif . .1 KLPM 1240 Minot, N. Da ko ta .2 5 KSL 11 30 S alt Lake Cit y, Ut ah 50. KAST 1370 A storia, Ore . .1 KFX R 1310 Oklahoma Ci ty, Okla . 1 KLRA 1390 Li ttl e Roc k, Ark . 1. KS LM 1370 Salem, O re. 1 1310 Lubbo ck, Tex as' .1 KL S 144 0 Oakl and, Calif . .2 5 KSO 1430 Des Moi nes, Io wa .25 KBPS 1420 P ortland, Ore. .1 KFY O 1. 120 0 J onesboro, Ark . .1 KFYR 550 Bi smarck, N. Dak ota KL UF 1370 Galve sto n, Texa s .1 KSOO 11 10 Sioux F all s, S. Da kot a 2 .5 KBTM 880 O ak land , Ca lif . 1. KCMC 1420 T exarkana, Ark. .1 KOA 1470 Spokane, Wash. 5. KLX KSTP 1460 St. Paul , Minn . 10. KCRC 1360 E nid, O kl a. .25 KOA R 1370 Tuc son , Ariz. .1 KLZ 560 Denve r, Colo . 1. KSUN 120 0 Low ell , Ari z. I 1330 5an D iego, Ca li f. 1. 930 Sh ena ndo ah, Iow a 1. KTA R 620 Phoen ix, Ari z. 1. KCRJ 13 10 Jerome, Ariz. 1 KO B K~ AC KDB 1500 S anta B arba ra, Ca lif. .1 KOBU 900 Ketchikan , Al as ka .5 1370 -San A ntonio , T ex as .1 KT AT 124 0 F ort Worth, Texas 1 . 1230 Spr ingf ield, Mo. .5 KMBC 950 Kansas C it y, Mo. I. KT BS 1450 Shre vepor t, La. I KDFN 1440 Casper, Wyo. .5 KO BX 1. 980 Pitt sb urg h, Pa. 50 . KO BZ 93 0 Y ork, Nebr. KMED 13 10 Medf ord , Ore . .1 KTFI 1240 Wes t T wi n Fall s, I daho 1. KDKA 58 0 F re sno, Ca lif. I. KDLR 1210 D evi ls Lake . N. Dak. 1 KOCA 1270 Decorah , Iowa .1 KMJ KTH S 1060 Hot Spr ings, Ark. 10. 1290 Salt Lake City , Utah 1. KOCU 1240 Mandan , N. Dakota .25 KMLB 120 0 M onr oe , La . .1 KTRB 740 Modes to, Ca lif. .25 KDYL 740 Clay Ce nte r, N ebr. 1 . KECA 1430 Los Ange les, Ca lif . 1. KOC X 13 10 Wo ll Poin t, Monta na .1 KMMJ KT RH 1290 Houst on, Tex as 1. 1200 Fe rgus Fall s, Minn. .1 KMO 1330 T acoma , Wa sh. .25 KT SA ' 55 0 Sa n An toni o, Texas 1 .
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