^0 — MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, March 29, 1989 I HOMES I HOMES [MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SAL£ [APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR SALE T H IS 5-5 three bedroom IMPECCABLE air condi­ MANCHESTER. Attrac­ M all Ablaze Real estate home overlooks the tioned six room ranch A Spcciolim D q school yard of Nathan • W tive 6 room duplex. 1'/2 END ROLLS featuring a huge living baths, first floor Hale. T/2 baths, full room with double 27%" width — 254: private basement, se­ laundry, large yard. cathedral celling and a Security, references. 13" width — 2 tor 254: Developers praised Depleted Celtics triumph Special section parate heat and more. dream kitchen. Plus VIDEO CARPENTRY/ Newsprint end rolls can be Call Rick Bell.Blan­ ir 7 PROOFING/ MISCELLANEOUS $750 plus utilities. Call finished lower level TAPING REMODELING SIDING 647-9353. picked up at the Manchester on environment /3 minus McHale and Parish /23 offers options /15-22 chard & Rossetto Real­ and sun room over­ N SERVICES Herald ONLY before 11 a m tors," We're Sellino MANCHESTER. Second Monday through Thursday. looking gorgeous pri­ WEDDING Videos by Houses” 646-2482.0 vate yard.D.W. Fish FARRAND REMODELING floor, 2 bedrooms, COLECO. 24 foot poo Royal Wedding Con- LEA KY R O O F ? HAWKES TREE SERVICE heat, and appliances. MANCHESTER. Bright Realty, 643-1591.0 ceots. 649-3642. Room additions, decks, roof­ M o m roofs cin bo ropalrod, Bucket, truck 6 chippar. Stump complete. Free if re ing, aiding, windows and gutt­ in piBco of totol rorooflng oxpontol No pets. $600 plus se­ L-shoped ranch lo­ ENJOY this unique tour removal. Free estimates. moved. 643-9395. ers. All types of remodeling and Comploto rorooflng of oil typot. curity. 646-3979. cated on tranaull cul- bedroom cape In a Special conaldaratlon for repairs. Call Bob Farrand. Jr. FRFF eSTIMATES IMMACULATE. Plea­ de-sac. Impeccable up­ sought after area! In­ LAWN CARE elderly and handicapped. keep, great family cludes large living Bus. 647-8509 Manchester Roofing sant, quiet, tour room area, Formal dining room with brick fire­ apartment. Lots more. Automotive Res. 645-6849 645-8830 647-7553 Mature, working fe­ room. eat-ln kitchen, place, eat-ln kitchen, GILBERT LAWN Three bedrooms, I'/j male preferred. Non- A sun room with sliders SERVICE Screened loam, gravel, baths. Flano Realty. to deck. New carpeting smoker. No pets. 649- For all your needtl processed gravel, 5897. CARS 646-5200.O and freshly painted top Reasonable rates, tree estl- 10% SpriagtlRW Dhceeat [ELECTRICAL to bottom. $144,900. Quality work, fully Insured, sand, stone, and till for M AN CH ESTER. One bed­ FOR SALE matea, trucking loam, mulch reasonable rates, free estl- D.W. Fish Realty, 643- and stone. Specializing In mats, no fob too small. Re­ delivery call George room apartment, heat, Manchester 1591.P______________ DUMAS ELECTRIC hot water, carpeting, FORD 1987 Taurus/L atone walls. Call 647-7158. pairs. Decks, Basements. Gritting 742-7086. wagon. 26K. Many ex­ APPEALING EAST Hampton. New Any oarpentn work you Service changes, addi­ air conditioning, all ap- need...we do. Trim, traming, pllances. Call 649-5240. tras. Executive car. iianrI|PBtpr UpralJi three bedroom raised To the pocketbook, is SPRING Clean Up siding, garages, roofing, etc. tional wiring and re­ DISTRIBUTION 646-2260. this warm & charming ranch. Twocargarage, Dethatching. Bush pairs on existing TWO Bedroom apart­ deck. Lake and dock caLTmc/tHnsm sss-ine • LABELS ment. Stove, refrigera­ DATSUN 1978 510 wagon, 6 room, 1 'h bath over­ Trimming. Edging. homea„Quallty work at Tired of menuelty addresBing tor, heat, hot water, air mllegage In 80's, new sized Dormered Cape, privileges. Easy com- Mowing. Commercial mute, $173,900.633-2977. affordable prices. Enti­ distribution mall — we can conditioning. Nice lo­ clutch, tires and 3 bedrooms, large DR, equipped. Consclent- Call S.R. BLANCHARD, rely owner operated. automate this procaaa providing cation. Coll 649-5240. brakes. Great student Thursday, March 30, 1989 30 Cents Living room with F.P., LEGAL NOTICE O U 8 and dependable. cars $600.00 Call 643- Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Ray Hardy, 646-7973 INC. for all your Busines- 27 years exp. Call Jo- quality aarvica for a reasonable Kitchen w/easy clean VOTER REOI$TRATION price. Call 644-6191. MANCHESTER. Three 8082 Fridays and even­ $E$$IONS s/Homeowner needs aeph Dumas ceramic tile floor, fin­ 646-52S3. room apartment. Con­ ings. BOLTON, CONNECTICUT from new construction venient location. Lease ished basement Family Hablard lawn mainte­ Pursuant to Sections 9-16and to altering & remodel­ and security deposit. B M W 1984 5331, five Room, enclosed nance, spring clean up, [HEATING/ 9-17 of the C.G.S. notice Is ing. Price competitive $495 per month. 649- speed, burgandv. Ex­ breezeway, 1 car gar­ hereby given that the Reols- mowing, fertilizing, PLUMBING LANDSCAPING and quality Is a must. 4820 or 646-4412. cellent condition. Well age, convenient loca­ trors of Voters will hold voter parking lot cleaning, maintained. $15,500. Several references tion. Owner anxious. registration sessions os fol­ gutter cleaning. PHIL'S LAWN CARE MANCHESTER. Spa­ Call 522-9211 or 521-8312. lows: available. Call 742-1082 PJ’i Pluipblno, Heating 8 cious six room duplex, Bill would add Tempting Price. 649-7593______ spring Cleanup. SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1989 for immediate response. Air Conditioning attic and cellar stor­ CAMERO 1983. Power Call Joe from 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Boilers, pumps, hot water Weekly services. age. No pets. Security steering, air condition­ MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1989 I BOOKKEEPING/ tanks, new and ing, V-6, mint condi­ Call for free estimates and references re­ Lombardo & Assoc. from 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. INCOME TAX replacements. quired. $630. per tion. $3,800. Call 646- 431 Main St. Both sessions will be held at Architectural Design FREE ESTIMA TES 742-7476 month. 649-4424.._____ 8645. Manchester the C O M M U N IT Y HALL, 222 Complete accounting services Additions, Sunrooma, 643-9649/228-9616 NEW ER three bedroom MERCURY Cougar XR, Bolton Center Rood, Bolton, Including A/R. A/P. P/R, G/L. Garagae. Kitchens. New DON’S LAWN SERVICE AND 1985, 39,800 miles. Fully funds for schools Conn. Tuesday, April 8th Is duplex. Wall to wall P&L Statement and quarterly house construction. OARDEMNG loaded. New tires. Ex­ the CUT-OFF D A T E for od- Construction Management. LCD Call now tor; carpeting. All applian­ IMMACULATE six room mlsslon of electors for those tax returns. Can design 10% Senior Citizen ces. 1-1/2 baths. $750. cellent condition. Ask­ wishing to vote In the M A Y 1, Plumbing & Heating Yard clean-up By Alex GIrelll $839,584. The $659,787 added re­ tion and aid to adult education Cape Cod on Avondale additional applications Discount. Shrub & hedge trimming per month. 643-1823. ing $6,100. Call after Road. Three bed­ 1989 Town Election who will tailored for your business Syatems 5pm. 282-0718._______ Manchester Herald venue amounts to about about was not altered in the bill become 18 years of age, U.S. Cell 6434I5SS Rototllling and mowing MANCHESTER. Availa­ rooms, modern bath, needs. Call 644-6161. Llesnssd Insursd eight-tenths of a mill. approved by the Education Com­ citizens or residents of the BaStroom KNchan ramodaling 10% Ssnlw CHIzsn dlsesunt ble Immediately. Re­ FORD Super Cob, 1977. full basement, gas Town of Bolton on or before Under the Education Commit­ mittee. Republicans on the com­ Wotar haatsra decorated, three V-8 auto, cap, new Manchester will get $659,787 heat. Beautiful park- April 10, 1989. 646-7011 tires, brakes, exhaust, mittee voted against the bill and INCOME TAX PAINTING/ Bollars bedroom. Appliances, more in state aid for education tee bill, the town could also llke grounds surround Dated at Bolton Conn, this LANDSCAH n C and large kitchen, living good condition. $1,250 several of them said they wanted this great home! I 27th day of March, 1989. PREPARATION Sanlor CItIzan discount next year than the governor has receive $2,675,602 in special edu­ PAPERING BOBCAT SERVICE room, formal dining or best otter. Ron, 647- cation funds instead of the to preserve all of the aid in Move-In condition! Ilvl J. Cannon and In Your Homo Prompt aarvica BM KtawskI, Jr., axparlancad 9997. proposed if a recommendation by Priscilla M. Dooley room, gas heat. $795. $2,496,844 provided in the gover­ current formulas including the $142,900.Jackso n & Inicuding: Rental and Bole 646-1101 Bobcat Loodsr Operator for hka. per month.646-4144. the General Assembly’s Educa­ Jackson Real Estate, Registrars of Voters Proprtetorahlp. Call Jim Wheeler BUICK Regal, 1984. $5.4 million. MANCHESTER POWER Alao spring specials or plant­ Power steering, auto­ tion Committee is followed. nor’s budget recommendation, 647-8400.O 076-03 ings of Arborvltaa, Pine, Hem­ MANCHESTER. Availa­ an increase of $178,758. The bill approved by the " 742-1009 WASH INC. ble April 1. Attractive matic, many extras. The committee voted 11 to 9 on a lock and Spruce. Fully Insured. Education Committee would add •House^^a^shlng MISCELLANEOUS' 644-8048 one bedroom, applian­ $4,700 or best otter. party line vote Wednesday to But since the special education TOWN OF MANCHESTER 643-1172 after 5pm. $36 million to the budget proposed LEGAL NOTICE vinyl SERVICES ces, large living room reject Gov. William A. O’Neill’s grant depends on how much the CARPENTRY/ Aluminum and kitchen. Two car by O’Neill. The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public J HONDA CVCC, 1979.
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