2 25 Railway Budget 1996-97 SRAVANA 2. 1918 (Saka) Demands for Grants on Account 22 6 General Discussion (Railways). 1996-97 It should be framed in the best interest of the workers [English] and the same be laid on the Table. We should be given MR. CHAIRMAN : Now, the House will take up an opportunity to discuss it so that various schools of clause-by-clause consideration. thought here and the representatives workers are able to express their views thereon. The question is : With these words I seek leave to withdraw my “That clauses 2 to 4 stand part of the Bill.” Resolution and urge* that the Bill be passed. The motion was adopted. This legislation is meant for the welfare of labourers, Clauses 2 to 4 were added to the Bill. workers, employees and I hope Government would MR. CHAIRMAN : Since Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudi is implement it in that spirit although I am not optimistic not present, I am not taking his amendments. but one should not be passimistic as well. ! want to give The question is : one more chance to the hon. woman Minister and withdraw my Resolution. “That clauses 5 to 10 stand part of the Bill.” The motion was adotped [English] Clauses 5 to 10 were added to the Bill MR. CHAIRMAN : Has the hon Member leave of the House to withdraw his Statutory Resolution9 MR CHAIRMAN : The question is : SEVERAL HON. MEMBERS Yes. "That Clause 1. the Enacting Formula and the Long Title stand part of the Bill/’ [Translation] The motion was adopted. JUSTICE GUMAN MAL LODHA ; This legislation is Clause 1. the Enacting Formula and the Long Title meant for the welfare of labourers, workers, employees were added to the Bill and I hope Government would implement it in that spirit although I am not optimistic but one should not be SHRIMATI KANTI SINGH : Sir. I beg to move : passimistic as well. I want to give one more chance to “That the Bill be passed.” the hon. woman Minister and withdraw my Resolution. MR. CHAIRMAN : The question is : The Resolution was. bv leave, withdrawn. "That the Bill be passed.” [English] The motion was adopted. MR CHAIRMAN : Shri Basudeb Acharia is not present. Since he had already moved his amendment, I put amendment No 4 to the vote of the House 17.31 hrs. The amendment was put and negatived RAILWAY BUDGET 1996-97 — GENERAL MR. CHAIRMAN The question is ; DISCUSSION “That the Bill further to amend the Coal Mines AND Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act. 1 948. be taken into DEMANDS FOR GRANTS ON ACCOUNT consideration.” (RAILWAYS). 1996-97 The amendment was adopted [English] [Translation] MR. CHAIRMAN : Now. we shall take up items SHRIMATI KANTI SINGH As the hon. Member has No.13 and 14-General Discussion on the Railway said if one goes into the coal mine the will come Budget for 1996-97 and Demands for Grants on Account. out with blackspots. In this connection I would like to (Railways). say : Motion moved . Mein wo ama houn list mein aap apana chehara "That the respective sums not exceeding the dekh sakati ham, amounts shown in the third column of the Order Paper be granted to the President of Jo kale hain we kale he deekhenge India out of the Consolidated Fund of India, Magar aina hamesha saaf aur transparent hota on account, for or towards defraying the hai. charges during the year ending the 31st day (I am that mirror in which you can see your face of March, 1997. in respect of the heads of and if you are black your repliction will also be black, Demands entered in the second column but mirror is always clean and transparent) thereof against Demand Nos. 1 to 16.” 227 Railway Budget 1996-97 JULY 24, 1996 Demands for Grants on Account 228 General Discussion (Railways), 1996-97 Demands for Grants on Acount (Railways) for [Translation] 1996-97 submitted to the Vote of Lok Sabha SHRI RAM NAIK : Madam, Yesterday, it was the brithday of Lok Manya Tilak and he was considered to No. Name of Demand Amount of be the father of Indian discontentment movement. of Demand for Dem and Grants on 17.31 hrs. Account submitted to the (Shri Chitta Basu in the Chair) Vote of the Ram Vilas ji I am saying this in your context and House (inclusive you have become the father of discontentment among of the amounts the railway users because of the Railway Budget that already voted by you have presented. Lok Sabha on We never expected much from the united front 11th March, Government, but we had some expecations from Ram 1996) Vilas ji. We were hoping that he would introduce some innovative schemes in the Railway Budget. But we are 1. Railway Board 11.52.44,000 sorry to say that he has not shown any dynamism, he 2. Miscellaenous Expenditure 59.90,04,000 has not infused any new ideas. No new schemes are (General) proposed. In this background, he has watered down all 3. General Superintendence 414.00,74,000 our hopes. I have studies his Budget thoroughly. If I and Services on Railways have to react in one sentence, I would say that his Budget is running on the same old track, the tram is the 4. Repairs & Maintenance of 853,68.07,000 same, the wagon is the same only the motorman has Permanent Way & Works changed. 5. Repairs & Maintenance of 594,71,90,000 His Budget should have been an Indian Railway Motive Power Budget but it is a Bihar Budget because he comes from 6. Repairs & Maintenance of 884.72,16,000 Bihar, it is a Karnataka Budget because the Prime Carriages and Wagons Minister comes from Karnataka, it is a Tamil Nadu budget 7. Repairs & Maintenance of 454.44.55,000 because the Finance Minister belongs to that state, but Plan and Equipment no special schemes have been included for Orissa. Madhya Pradesh. Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Guajarat 8. Operating Expenses-Rollmg 729.80,31.000 ...(Interruptions) If you are not relishing, you can speak Stock & Equipment when your turn comes. 9. Operating Expenses-Traffic 1682.74.99,000 I wish, I would join the happy moments of those for 2001.80.42,000 10. Operating Expenses-Fuel whom new trains have been introduced. 9*10 new trains 1 1. Staff Welfare & Ameneities 333.56,76.000 have been introduced and it is said that he will consider 12. Miscellaneous Working 472,26,42.000 the question of updating the surveys and also conduct Expenses some new surveys. In my opinion, this Budget is hollow. Instead of concentrating on completion of the ongoing 13. Provident Fund, Pension 1 Projects, he is simple saying that he will do this and he and other retirement benefits will do that. 14. Appropriation to Funds 3538.00.00,000 No doubt, he has introduced some new trains but 15. Divident to General Revenues. 12,76,16,000 common man doesn't want Rajdham Express or super Repayment of Loans ‘taken fast trains. He travels by Passenger Trains, he is the from General Revenues and person who faces great hardships while travelling by Amortization of Over­ train. The Former Railway Minister belonging to capitalization Congress Party had cancelled many Passenger Trains 16. Assets ■ Acquisition. He has introduced Howrah-Delhi Janta tram again. The Conduction and people going to Maharashtra will have to travel via Replacement West Bengal. They have to tavel 400-500 Kms and for them, he has ot introduced any new train and they are R evenue 22.50,00.000 forced to travel by buses and pay higher fares He has Other Expenditure not made any changes in the short distance tram system. The passengers will have to spend more by Capital 4050,95.18,000 travelling by surface transport. Therefore, I will plead Railway Funds 2365,95,32.000 that the operation of passenger trains should be restored. We talk of accidents, we talk of unmaned level Total 19619,33,72,000 crossings. He has stated that we have 25,000 unmaned 229 Railway Budget 1996-97 SRAVANA 2, 1918 (Saka) Demands for Grants, on Account 230 General Discussion (Railways), 1996-97 railway crossings and has promised not to keep any and only one tender was received for Borivalley Sector. level crossing unmanned in future. But he has not But I believe, this tender is also not viable economicially promised to reduce these 25,000 unmaned level and financially. So, do not go for BOLT scheme. It is crossings. In case no new rail tracks are to be sheer waste of time. What is required is financial constructed, then where is the question of new unmaned prudence. The finances have to be mobilised. I come level crossings. I will suggest that a three ways phased from Mumbai. The hon. Minister had come to Mumbai. project should be taken up to man all the 25.000 level The metropolitan project has been discussed in this crossings. This will reduce the incidence of accidents, House many times.. I understand he cannot have insure train puntuality and provide employment to many information instantly but when I went through his budget people. speech, I was surprised to read the alllocation made for Mr. Chairman. Sir, this is the penutimate year of the Mumbai metropolitan Project. I do not know whether his eighth five year plan. In this annual plan, a sum of Rs. officers have also read it or not. At page 28 of his 8130 crores is proposed to be allocated to the Railways.
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