Since 1910, the name "HICKOK" inscribed on elec- trical and electronic instruments has been the assur- ance of the finest and most dependable in electronic test equipment. For longer than there has been an "electronics" industry, HICKOK engineering has continually pioneered in the development of highest quality, versatile, reliable test and indicating instruments. From the days of Marconi's wireless, into the age of semiconductors, HICKOK has led the way in such 1910-1964 important development as: HICKOK • The first Dynamic Mutual Conductance Tube Tester , universally accepted as providing the standard test Recognized For Excellence of a vacuum tube .. HICKOK tube testers have been widely emulated -they have never been surpassed. For 54 Years • The friction·free, Taut-Band Meter-eliminating friction from pivots, jewels and hairsprings. • 250 0 Scale Meters . • Sub-miniature, ruggedized meters built to military specifications. • And now, in the Transistor Age-a full line of tran· sistor testing instruments featuring the same ease of operation, unmatched versatility, une xcelled reliability that have characterized HICKOK products for more than half a century. ,1~ ];~-'[ gu;4-eo ~,~zc. 3302 W . 8ROAD S T. RICHMOf'JD , VA . 232 30 ;i. :::-""01., ." EHONE 359·6071 . 123 R 121 CARD SUBSCRIPTION PLAN TU BE TESTER . 580 539 C 752 A 6000A 800A RO LL C HA RT SUBSCRIPTION PLAN . TUBE TESTER A CCESSORIES TRANSISTOR TESTER . 870 890 85 0P VTVM . 209B 2 6 470A 2 8 VOLT -O HM- MILLIAM ETER 455A 29 457 29 OSCILLOSCOPE . .. ?lOA . 30 67 5A 32 677 33 FIELD STRENGTH M ETER 235A 34 288AX 727 725 295X 760 All Hick ok test equipment in this 656X C catalog is a vailable for 220/1 10 660 volt, 50/60 cycle operation ex- 661 cepting Color Telev ision Gener- 662 ators ( Models 660, 661, 662 and 615 656XC) and the Model 760 Video 691 Scan ner . PROBE S AND AC CESSORIES HICKOK POLICIES . HICKO K REPRESENTATIV ES • ,~v:, \ .~I C MOD E L 123 R - The Model 12 3R i s the first tube te st er to use card pro gramm in g to set up tests required for industrial type tubes. Its patented Ca rd Reader Swit ch permi ts over 10 t rillion swi tc hing combina tion s. Cus tom tube test s can be progr ammed at an y poi nt on the chara ct er is tic curve-to determine tube performan ce in spe cial purpo se circ uit s. A truly modern tube tester , the Model 123R performs complete "fringe" tests and saturation and _cut-off tes ts in addi tion -to the basic G m measuremen t. Only saturatiQn and cut-off tests can truly evaluate performance in switching , computer and multi-vibrator applications . The Model 123R has an unusually low signal voltage of 220 mi llivolts co up led with a unique G m me asuring circui t and fully regulated power supplie s, provide s 3-5 % acc ur acy in G m mea sureme nts . MODEL 123R TUBE SOCKETS : 4, 5, 6, 7-pin , oc tal, loc tal, 7 a nd 9-pin in-line a nd o ctal sub-mini atu re, 5 and 7 -pin Nu vistors and Novars . An adapter is avail able , Mod el CA4, to permit te sting of Com pactr ons an d 10 -pin tub es. A Model SA-5 adapter permit s test ing of Europe an rim loc k tube s. Gm RANGES: Fro m 5 00 t o 2 6,000"mhos CURRENT RANGES : 100 "a to 510 ma full sca le . INTER -ELE ME NT L EAKAGE: Shown on 5 neon lamps iden- ti fyin g ele ment s inv ol ved . Sens itiv ity to 10 m egohms . TEST VOLTAGES: Filament: 0.1 to 11 9.9 vol ts in 1/10 volt steps . Signal: 0.222 volt rm s. Plate: 12 to 160 volts , full y regul ated, standardized at 50 , 100 and 150 v olts. MODEL 123R Scree n: 12 to 1 60 vol ts, fully regul ated, stan da rdized at 50 , 100 and 1 50 vol ts. FEATURES: Grid Bias: 0 to 124 volts , in 7 ,110 steps Self-Bias Resis tance: 10 ohms to 71 ,100 o hms in 10-ohm • C ard-Pr og ramm ed T esti ng to Ha ndb ook ste ps. A 1 ,000 "f cap acitor s hunts the resistanc e sele ct ed. Standard s Rated Loads on Rec tifie r Tubes: up to 200 ma, • Exc lu sive S atura tio n an d Cut- off Te sts, m Relay Overload Protec tion: Pro tects the Gm br idge circuit , the fi lament transfo rmer c ircuit , the power transformer Add ition to St and ard Gm Tes ts circuit , power supplies a nd the mete r . • Tests Industrial and Com puter T ype Tubes , Calibration Cards (Fur nished ): Fo r ca libr ating the fo llowing: Nuvistors , Novar s, Low Pow er Thyra trons, Shor ts tes t sensitiv it y Fi xed bias voltages Power su pply vo lt ages Gm me asuring circu it VR Tub es and Europ ea n Ri ml oc k Tu bes . Overlo ad p rotection Card s Furn ished: A st anda rd fa ct ory p ack of 500 selected test c ards are f ur ni shed wit h the tester. A self m aili ng order form l isting mo re th an 310 0 addit ional test ca rds i s pack ed with ea ch tester . This makes it possible for yo u t o o rder t est cards for l atest t ubes. Card orders are pro cessed a nd sh ipped d irectly from the f act ory within 48 hou rs after r ece ipt . Supp lementa l li sts cover in g new t es t ca rds avai labl e for new ly re leased tu be s are is sued periodi- call y a nd mail ed au to mati cally to all re gistered owners of Cardmati c tub e te st ers a nd to t hose who have pre viously ordered test cards. Card Storage : Integr al card storage 'compartment accom- modates up to 500 test c ards . TUBE COMP LEME NT: -r 6AU 8 9%" (trio de section) regul ato r for low current supply ~ (pentode s ection) Fee dba ck amplif ier for high current supply 5DQ 6A S er ies regul ator, B + supply OA 2Nega tiv e vo lt age reg ul ator 5X 4 Bia s an d ref eren ce voltage rectif ier 5U4 B + re ctifier CAS E SPECIFICATIONS: Furnished in strong POWER REQUIREMEN TS: 10 5-125 V,50 -50 cy cles, 55 watts . attractive black-Ieatherette portable case w ith Furnishe d w ith cali br ati on cards, a selection of most popular detachable lid, 16 1j z"L, 19 1jz "W, 9 %" D . 49 Ibs . cards and instruct ion book . net weight . MODEL 121 The Model 121 IS a new low -cost verSIOn of the Model 123R but retains the principal feature of card -programmed G m, saturation and cut-off tests essential to prop er tes ting of tubes used in puls e, computer and television sweep applications. CASE SPEC IFIC ATIONS: Fu rnished in an att ractive red·leatherette , por t- abl e case with deta cha bl e li d, 19 %" L, 1314" W, 8" D. 34 Ibs . ne t we ig ht. Co ntro l panel is gol d· an od ize d aluminum. TUB E SOCKET S: 4, 5, 6, 7-pin, oc tal, loc tal , 7 and 9-p in mini - Sc ree n: 0 to 300 volts in 640 steps. at ur e, 3-p in in- li ne tra nsisto r so cket. An adap ter, Mode l CA -4, Gri d B ias : 0 to 50 vo lts in 140 steps. is availab le for testing Nuv istors, Nova rs , Com pac tr ons and Self -Bias Resistance Range: 0 to 1000ohms in 10 -ohm steps. 10-pin tubes. Another adapter, Mode l SA-5, wil l test European Se mi condu ctor rectifier diodes: Measured in a half·wave rimlock tubes. S A- l ada pt er test s 7 -pi n in· lin e a nd 8- pin r ound circu it un der load for conductive efficiency . Load cur rent sub mi nia tur e. rang e: from 100 p'a to 1/2 ampere. CARD STORAGE : Integral storage compartment will hold up to 600 tes t cards . Cards can be re-filed automatically . INTER -ELEM ENT LEAKAGE: Shown by 5 n eon lamps iden- ti fy in g e lements invo lve d. Se nsitivit y t o 10 m eg ohms . CARD S FURNISHED: A standard factory pack of 342test cards sel ec te d to cove r the most popula r entertainment types is DUA L SECTION TE STS: Mad e when indi cate d by d ual- te st fu rnish ed w ith the tester . A self ·mai ling order form, listing lamp. Acco mplis hed by depressing a pu sh butt on on control more than 2300 additiona l test cards is packed with each pa nel . tes ter. Th is makes it possib le for the user to order only those ca rd s h e ac tu all y needs and will use. Card orders are pro· EN TE RT AINMENT TR ANSI STO R T EST : A "good -bad " q ualit y cessed and s hipp ed direct ly fro m the factory w ithin 48 hours te st for e mitt er-coll ector co nduct ion .
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