.( ■ - - ' % *v> ■ I . (■ ( . /■ ■„ 1 ■ r )• X-. yy WEDNESDAY, AUGUST *4, IW I •:rr--: Count Your -Then F ip o ii: ^ : f fEorahtg Urtalb »*!*< AT«f»g« iMly N tt pi«M Rna /i ^L. - . r w uM w«Mc « m m / ^ AMfeWt M, U U V .-i ? : r-\. /. MMtor •< Mw A««t 'AMt m 4 •. IM teJ '' WHM •( OfrwiiMfM n g h . M m ehegter— A CUy of VUUg* Cham i yot.LXxnr,ND.j77 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY^ AU6I7ST 16, .1*55 PRICE m B CJDfn fVl -A- 3T‘ mm#m L V A L U E PARADE Bed Cross Extends Flood Fundjdours i . X - tile Red Croaa . today an­ nounced if la extending its hours for receiving flood-relief contributiona at ita office, M X To Be ‘Terror’ Center 81. y , m # office will be opeiT until • o'clock tonight and from • x^Jacksonfille,fFla., Aof. 2 8 f a ^ f * **cuiMacatormatod«> a.m, to S p.m. tomorrow. It yP) — A Navy . Hurricane veiop there. It is farther north Will be open from • a.m. until Hunlfr plane took off here than tha usual breeding ground. 5 pjn. Saturday. ‘‘OMtdltiottB as«. auch that Kdith Thoee who wiah to donate by of Aid at 4 iba|. today to probe an probably will move in a wavtarly checka, ahould meka it payable to Lynwood K. Elmore, flood area of snspidon in the Gulf direction-— either northwest or •V’C .-’.r •• of Mexico about ISO ntilea weat-north^eat—for the next two relief treasurer. days, at least.' m at's the same old Whether-you mail your con­ ni^rtliwcat of Cuba. The Navy route that Connie and Diane fol­ tribution or make it in person, With Cash Sales aaid the area, had ‘tponaibili* lowed. ‘fklith will require p lot of give aa much aa you can. You : tics pf developing into a close watching. Md your town were lucky. Silpports Governor ; fropidil storm.*’ ''Being nuns Mhcantratad s’t the outset, Edith can be axpocted to show graater intensification. By Miami, Fla., Aug. 26 (/P)— Saturday I expect her to have Pusbes > The year’s fifth hurricane, winds of 133 to-135 miiea an hour On/ Disaster Relief THURSDAY ^F^dith, spun ominously over near her center.' the open Atlantic^ today and The atorm's. forward. movement was toward tha west-northweat at Flood Area Washington, Aug. 25 {JPy—T h t Army Engincen ioBaj one of the top storm warn­ about 13 miles an hour. Galea ex ing experts predicted its tended outwnrd 130 mile* to the catimated flood damage in Northeiaatem statca at fl,t00,> winda would have a force of north and east and 80 miles to the Rebef Plans 000,000 and aaid the area faces “one of tha biggest, tooffMat 125 nriiles an hour or better south and west of the center. flofld rehabilitation Jobs since the one Nosh faced hftar Hm Ships near the hurricane were Great Flood of biblical times.” A B .C and AMERITEX For Back To School ~ CLOSE OUT! TOILETRIES ETC by Saturday. advised to exercise caution. Washington, Augi 25 (/P)— Gordon GKuin, Alef ■tonn fore- me hurricanes Connie and ''Csster in tho Weather Bureau's The government threw H ^fo rd , Aug. 25 <^P)-—Flood-stricken Connedicut w u B8- EASY TO CA$E FOR— CREASE-RESISTANT Carter^s Parfait Plaid JOHNSOhrS BAlY POWDER, Large ............ .. 5 3 c Diana came out of the aame gen­ money and manpower into \ ' •Sr'.k • ^ hurricana oentar here, said BdiUi'a eral area earlier this month to hit sured today that the state’s Congressionardelegstioh “wilt winds at pras^t were about 80 the Carolina coast and swirl the flood-stricken northeSst fight for every dime they can get in federal aid.” 83c LADY ESTHER CREAM ..... i ............ 69e milaa an bour. 3 ^ wasentered through the populous eastern ses' today in a jnassive rehabili­ FineQuRlity PRINTED C O TTO N S Cotteni that resist wrinkling, ypt can't shrink, and a t 11 a.m. near IMitude 33.3 north board. The assurance came from (tov. Ribicoff, who was badud GOWNS, PAJAMAS longUtude fiO.S w ek or 330 miiea tation effort which could up in the statement by the lawmakers who cc^erred with- Connie brought damaging winds cost more than $100 million!''' give you ntore wear with loss^eara. You will love the 59e WOODBURY’S DRY SKIN CREAM ...... 49e northeait of San J i^ , P.R. and heayy rains to ths CSroilnas, him this morning on flood relief measures. la e # MUea rram Mlaml 'Virginia and Pannaylvania, blow- With advance approval of con­ The hour-long meeting a t thep-^ gressional leadeta. President beautiful new prints, plaid ginghams and plain col­ •niat location placedv lts center ing out in Canada. Governor's emergency flood con­ and NEGLIGEES about 1,300 miles couhieaat of Diane followed last 'week. It Eiaentiower ^ordered into effect trol headquarters In the Hartford 89*^ yJ- ; <V 5-DAY DEODORANT PADS .. 59e yesterday an overall plan for us­ . ■ ■ , ' - . X Miami ^,and the same ''distance caused the heaviest floods on re­ State Armory produced a spirit of Sebmidt, Una b';?'; >g.„ ors. New mixtures in rayon, nylon, dynel,. etc., that Pajamas and negligees in run proof nylon tricot. aouth.joutheaat of Gape l&tteras, cord in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, ing funds and re-sources already complete cqopierstian among . all Dark tone groupda with unusual patterns and colorings LARGE HALO SHAMPOO .............................. 89c N. C, V New York and parts of New Eng available to niinrerous govern­ elective officials in attendance. look like wool.) Wool plaids, tweeds and plains—* land, and left an estimated 176 ment agencies. m « y will look to Present were U.S. Sim. Prescott that look like siQc designs. Preshrank fast color, crease $8.95 SHORTIE GOW N . ea. $7.00 ^ *Edith la a amaller, mora concen­ Congress for relmbursemeiit next On Honeymoon raaistant finish. Will vratsh and iron like a handkerchief. trated storm that aither Connie or dead and damaga aatlmated at a S. Bush and Reps, thonuui J. Dodd billion dollars. year. wool and rayon mixtures that are so smart for fall QUICK HOME PERMANENT............ .............$1.50 Diane.” said £>unn. "Her spawning Congresa Call Not Needed of Hartford, Horace Seely-Brown $10.95 PAJAMAS and REG. GOW N .. ; ea. $8.00 y„ , ground was in the aame general potential Killer "Thia meana a special aession of of Pomfret, Albert W. Cretella of After Reunion and winter wear. arts aa the other two. although Weathermen had been watching North Haven, Albert .P. Iforana La r g e l is t e r in e ............................ 79c Copgreaa wtll not be necessary," ot Greenwich, and James T, Pat­ 36^' Dan River, Wnnkished .JBdiUi moved farther west in wave an eaaterly wave well to the east reported, James C. Hagerty. White Portland, On., Aug, 85 (B) — ■ form than the others before spin­ of Puerto Rice for several days but terson of'Watertown. $14.95 NEGLIGEES ............................ $10.00 House press secretary, as he out­ ■Airman Daaisl. Sdunldk sad. tha ning into a hurricane. „ it was not until the Air^'Force lined the steps already taken or Mad River Quieted Down in Winsted Congrbssman-rst-Large Antoni ECONOMY s iz e COLGATE TOOTHPASTE .. 53c •This causiia us to believe there N. Sadlak of RockvUe and Sen. wife who said aha had mantad 58'^ planned. Mad River, which last weeje lived up to Its name, spilling over and sweepi^ away much of the PLAID^CHNGHAA\S Baulings Wool and Rayon is some, persistent factor in the (Oentinned on Pngo mree) Wiiliam A. Purtell of West Hart­ another man, w an bade togMhar The Red ' Cross, meantime town of'Winsted, ^ now'confined to low, stony banks. Ths stream ran rampant through Win­ today—apparently raconcUad Md Lady Elizabeth Lace Trim boosted its disdater appeal goal ford could not attend because Uiay 60c ALKA SELTZER ....................... 54c sted, causing damage estimated by local officials st'frSfii $28 to |S4 million. In the lower photo, su'e on a European tour. haM»y. from IS million to |8 million as a National Guardsman patrols the concrete ditch that is Wlnsted's Main Street it . faced growing reports of The latter was represented by The wife, Uaa, arxivad hara lata SCOTCH PLAIDS John M. Hurley. Dominion Quality BUfFERIN TABLETS ...............................53c-79c-$l.23' damage. ' . N. ' yeaterday aftornocm and thatr re­ 89*^ y^ NYLON SLIPS Morocco Wants France It aaid at least 702 homes were Govf Ribicoff said he waa con­ union *Vaa something wonderful demolished and more than 14,000 fident the members will do an to see,” a neighbor reported. In all white. Drys quickly and needs no ironing. Sizes heavily, damaged by last week's outstanding Job in getlng help They promptty went into seehi- 75c BAYER ASPIRIN .... i .................................... 64c for Connecticut. "They're able, ■ion aad w e n reported to be a t M 32 to 40. flood..Its latest count'ahowed 10,- Starspun Quality *1.98 yj- \ Return Deposed Sultan 363 families homeless and de­ hardworking and sincere,'* he Ongon beadi reaiart today. 99^= yd RYBUTOL WITH BONUS PACKAGE ...... $5.95 % pendent on churlty foraurvival. said. Manlad Aaatlier Mm sen. Rush and Rep. Seely- Schmidt Waa reloaaad from a Plaids for school, for work, for sport, for play in au- V ■■ E. Roland Horrlman, National -1 Alx l« France, Aug. 3Swan4 Mcognltion of Ben .VouaaefA Rad-^ Cross chainnan, said. 4hf Brown, in turn, congratulated the Rad CbinsiM priaip tost month to ■ Two fine quality D ^ River plidds in beautiful patterns^ thenic tartan Scotch plaids.' , (P)-^Morocce'i Nationalist Istlqtal continued—“— right to * the*• thrdne.
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