• ^ : T..‘ h ' s A. ■ , A PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT A THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1970 1 ' ATgrasTe Dally Net PrsM f ilnttrlrrjEitpr lEnrnttus HrrtiUi - - 1 For The Week Ended The Weather Aprfl 11, 1676 r \ Ttie Women’s Fellowahip of The I>emocraUc Women's Club About Town Center OongTegn.tional Church of Manchester wlU conduct a Variable cloudlnesa' through w)U have Its annual meeting: and bake and plant sale Saturday f Saturday. Low tonight^In 40a. Loyal Clrole of Klngis Daugh- InstaUation of officers tonlg:Ht at starting at 10 a.m. at Clifford’s 1 5 , 9 4 8 High tomorrow about ‘70. Sun­ tsra SrHl meet Monday , at 7:40 a potfuck at 6:80 in Woodruff Men's Shop on Main St. day’# outlook —Bunny, warmer. Happy MOTHER’S Day f Manchetter— A City of Village Charm l ! p.m. In the Fellowship Room of Hall of the church. ----- Canter Oongregatlonal Church. ----- SunsefCntib wlU meet toraor- VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 186 Hostesses are Mrs. Ruth MUl- Concordia Lutheran Chxirch row at 1:90 p.m. at the Senior (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN,, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1970 doon and Mira. Mary Thrall. will observe Ascension Day to- Citizens Center. Members are >- (daEwifled AdvertUIng on ftege t4) PRICE t e n c e n t s ----- night with a H<rfy Communion reminded to bring articles for GEISHA Maflaw's Frozen T1»e Biitlsh-Amerlcan Club Service at 7:30 at the churrfi. a kitchen social. wlU have a dance and buffet Sat- ----- ----- urday from 0 p.m. lo 1 a.m. at Full Gospel Christian Fellow- The Co-ed Growth Group of CRABMEAT I STUFFED CLAMS University Head Quits the clubhouse. The Penthouse ehlp, Interdenothlnatlonal, will North United Methodist Church More Btidget Four wfU play tor dandi^. The l^eve a prayer service tonight will meet tonight at « :30 at the •v«nt Is open to members and 7:30 at Orange Hall. church. 7% -oz. can $1.99 82c Data Inside guests. Tickets may be obtained ----- ----- $14,980,82rBudget St the clubhouse. Manchester Assembly, Order board of Christian educa- "We tMnk >this tm a good ----- of Rainbow Girls, will conduct a Community Baptist When Roger Roach, our A. G. Frozen Food Manager worked up this week’s P rotests budgt,’’ oommentad Mayor Ifombers of Cub Scout Pack car wash Saturday from 8:30 to Church wiM meet tonight at 7:30 Nathan AgoetlnelU a tter the U of WaddeU School will meet 1, In the drive-ln lot of the Hart- U»e church youth building. frozen food features for our 100 Associated Grocers food stores, he selected Mancheater Board of Direc­ Sslturday at 8:30 a.m. at the ford National! Bank, 595 Main --------------------- - only top name brands and he cut the price way, way down. Can you buy Swan­ tors cudoptod the 1670-71 oomer of Forest and Main Sts. St. • son’s TV Chicken Dinners for less than 2 for $1.00, Coffee Rich for less than budget. For a budget break­ tor Manchester CSean Up Day. ----- Mini Tour Set 21c or these Sara Lee Coffee Cakes for under 59c? down see Page 8. Needs 46.85-Mill Tax ___________________________ The Guild of Our Lady of St. Close 227 Schools ~ Bartholomew will install officers At Athen,eiini By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS at a communion supper Tues­ By SOL R. COHEN day starting with M a^ at.7 p.m. A mini tour of the Wadsworth The Rev. Don Evans of Cardiff, Wales, paints ^m e 227 colleges and universities were closed today (Herald Reporter) scenes of nature during religious services. He will SWANSON’S SHURFINE SARA LEE lu ^*1® '''*“ ®hing protest against the war in Indochina and OKBANIUM8 at St. Bartholomew’s Atheneum and lundheon in the 'HOU Reservations close tomorrow be the evangelist at a Calvary Church crusade Sun­ RASPBERRY the fatal shMting of four students at Kent State Uni­ The Manchester Board of Directors last night adopt­ BEDDINO PLANTS Atheneum dining room next ed a $14,980,827 budget and a 46.86 mill tax rate for VKOBTABLE PLANTS and may be made with Mrs. day until May 22. Converted to Christianity while LEMONADE BLUEBERRY versity. Strikes and demonstrations curtailed classes at Robert Kenniff or Mrs. Ray­ Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 2 serving a prison term, the Rev. Mr. Evans conducts CHICKEN ^ or MAPLE CRUNCH hundreds of others. ------- ---------------------------------- i> fi ‘A u ' the 1970-71 General Fund— up $751,382 and 1,95. mills Open Daily tUl Dark mond Karpe. p.m. Is being planned by the preaching missions in Europe and the United over the current budget and tax rate. It also adopted an ----- Manchester YWCA. States. DINNERS COFFEE CAKES $894,083 budget and a 4.39 tax rate for the Town of ALBA8I GREENHOUSES The cast of the Little 'Dieater _ A / c r Manchester Fire District Fund— up $107,664 and .19 Villa Louisa Rd., Bolton of Manchester production ” Luv” ^ravans be organ- 3 LS:- 35c rally Saturday began arriving mill. ■* ------------------------------------^------ wlU rehearse tonight at 7:15 at “ t U^Oommunity 55c each Each c In New London, Oonn.,' police From Mancheater, Porter St. 59 from throughout the country. The current tax rates are 44.9 the stiidk), 22 Oak St. ' R^se^atlons Painter-Preacher Evangelist said four homemade fire bombe those adopted by the Republi­ A Highland St., Route 8 5 - ___ close Monday and may be made were thrown at the State Ar- Km mills for the General Fund and cans. COFFEE RICH 21e ly or Wi&conalii, one of the uni- _ i_ a a. a ,.* ^1 Right onto Birch Mt. IM., There will b T ^ Adult Study ^ ^ t l n g the Community For ^ e O D P., » 4.2 mills for the Fire District. The Board, by a unanimous Right on Villa Louisa. Y office. For Calvary Church Crusade 2 2 1.17 verslty heads who met with ^ Ebccept for East Hartford, which vote, adopted a $83,826 bud^t Hour tonight at 7:30 at Zion President Nixon this week to " On Wednesday, May 27, a tour At Yale University, a national reUew on Pratt A Whitney for and a 6 mills tax rate for the Evangelical Lutheran Church. “ A Sharing the Good News" caslons he has coordinated and Ho! Ho! . Remember Green Giant’s frozen new Vegetable Casseroles . discuss campus unrest, €ui its tax needs, all towns in the of Caprlland.s, a herb farm In fund-raising campaign began Special Downtown Taxing Dis­ Coventry is planned to beein cruoade will be conducted at directed city-wide crusades In 5 to chbose from at Pinehurst. nounced hU resignation In Madl Hartford area appear to have trict. It Is up $2,802 from the son Wi« Fr«rt H Thursdaytnursaay to collect money for at 10 a.m. Mrs. Adelma Sim- Calvary Church beginning Sun- countries for greater tax increases than Man­ current year. The tax rate Is Bob Bock, who buys Oscar Mayer products for Associated Grooero, wants to hit the who will become a p r o S ln chester tor 1970-71. the same as this year. The rd™ thrL‘^ “"herir^rf v-lous homes In the "^Son"rt“ to SuiMlanlty moon with Bacon sales this week, and we are helping him by cutting this Vac Packed history, said he h id planned elections. To the average property budget and tax rate follow lunch. The cost of 0 ^ ’ toi^ ton continuing until while he was serving a prison $1.15 bacon to 86c lb. the move for some time and it , univereity of Brldge- owner, with a home esaessed at Weiss’ recommendation. will be collected In advance evangelist wUl be sentence for a crime conviction. was unfortunate that it came at ® $13,000, the tax hikes will add By a 6 to 2 vote, the bocuxl Those wishing more Information Cardiff, the Rev. Mr. Evans shares , his a time when the university was $27.80, if he lives yrtthin the adopted a $457,874 budget for may contact the Oommundtv Y the 7:30 p.m. testimony of divine grace and OSCAR MAYER BACON Lb. 89c tom by four days of violent an- boundaries of the Ttown Fire the. Water Department—up $86,- office. ^ Sunday service he will paint a pardon. In services he will share tl war demonstrations. District; and $25,86, if he lives 177 over this year and the figure scenic picture and give It to the bis musical and artidtic talent, (In 3 Lb. Lots 87c Lb). At Columbus, Ohio, the State- why they should not va- within the boundaries of the 8th recommended by Weiss. The mother with the largest family An oil painting lylU be given And Mai Stricklajid follows the market down with a new prloe on house and Statehouse Annex Utilities District, which levies present. Tne TCrvices are open away In each ^rvlce. Democrats recommended ttw were ordered closed at noon to- a. its own tax for fire protection. Same total but arrived cd It Relief Programs to the public. Specdal' sei'^'lces will be held GRADE AA FRESH EGGS d . „ SSc 2 Doz. ^ 1 . 0 0 day in anticipation of a march ^ Each mill is the equivalent of through p different formula. The Rev. Mr. Eivans, an or- at the church Wednesday and (Only at Pinehurst) to the building by students ®.® i ^ ^ $1 in taxes for each $1,000 of Again by a 6 to 2 vote, tbs Topic of Talk dalned minister of the Assem- Monday, May 18, through Pri- claiming to represent 16 Ohio National Student AssoclaUon asBeased property.
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