[IS _____N_ew_s-'--S_u--'-mmary for J anuary-2005 Aid and Economic Development 2'"1 January Political Developments j Despi te th e enormous amount of intern ational aid be ing pum ped into Afghani stan. some people in th e coun try ree l th ere arc few visible ~nd January signs of im provement. It is estim ated th at I JS for ces Co mmandcr < icncr:d 111 Afghani stan has reccivcu nea rl y 14 bill io n l!S Afghani stan. Daviu Barn o has sa id talks with dol l ar~ ; in th e past three years. ( APP ) th c mndcratc Tali ba n arc in progrcss.(t\PI' ) 7'" January Dr. 7.ec nat Ka rzai. th e wifc nf Pres ident llami d Aid 11·ot-kers in th e capi tal Kabu l ha1-e raise u Ka rza i told 1'a7 h11·ak Nc11s .'\ ge ncy th at she concern about the in crease in violent att acks on pl ans to comt.: more in to suc it.: t) worki ng for aid agencies 01-er the last coupl e of month . Afghan mlmt.: n. (t\ l'l'l 13'" January 4'" January The Afghan educati on mtn tstry is to receive a Di visions have opene d in th e Pent agon m cr fun d of $6il0 n ~ill io n in foreign aid f'or th e role th at th e militar) shoul d pl ay in an developing schools and !minin g teachers. tn aggrcssiYC crackdo11·n on Afghani stan· s nacro­ 2005. min istry of"lic ials sa id. (NN I) cconom) amid rea rs that it could Jestabili ;c th e cuun tr) al1t.: ad of election due in April. 20'" January l St\Nt\ J Th e Asian Dcvclnr mc nl Band sai u on Wednesday it had arproved a 750000-doll ar t\buul llamid Muharc hc linmcr dcput) grant to Jevclop so lar energy techn ology for mini ster of culture and informati on mini str ). use in isolated rural areas in Afghani stan. regards th e censorship-oriented po li cy of th e mini stry's lcadcrshir as thc reason of hi s 21 " January res ignati on. but the mini stcr dt.: ni t.:s thi s claim . P1·es ident Karzai anu Irani an l'res iuc nt (Onlin e) Khatami _j oin tly inaugurated th e 122- km ll erat­ lslam Qa la hi ghway constructed at th e cost of The US-l ed coalition truors arc likely tn $60 mil lion. remain in th e post- wa r Afghanis tan f(,, (INDJ Jccaucs. a seni or liS comm and er hinted ht.: IT Mo nd ay. (NN I) 31 sl January The Karza i auministrati on woul d prefer to sec 7111 January internati onal donors Fund Afghani stan 's Paki stan anu th e !J nitcd Na ti ons lli gh development rath cr th an NGOs. whi ch Commi ssion for l{cfu gccs hav t.: sa id th at th e currentl y receive a lio n's share of the aid . census of th e Afghan rcl'u gccs li Yi ng in Paki stan will start ne :-: t month . (!'!'I J 12'" January Nearl y 4.000 wo men. who arc thc bread 11·inners f( ll- their famili es 11i ll he gil cn _johs according to thc ir skill s in month's tim e. sa id t iN o l"!i cials. (NN il ACBAR Monthly News Summ aty January. 2005 Sources: The News. The Nation and Frontier Post 25' 11 Januar·y Afghan governm ent has claimed Frida) to Afghani stan looks likely to dela y have di sa rm ed 33 .406 members of the parliamentary, prov in cial and di strict elec ti ons Afghanistan Military Forces and entered the schedu led for May. possibl y until fall dipl omat reintegration phase. (IN!') say. 18'" January More than 200 vi ll agers from rural areas in the northern provin ce of Faryab ha1·c llcd their homes and sought refuge in th e cit y (\f Mai'ar­ Security Matters i-Sharif. claiming th ey have been persec uted by a loca l comm ander. (SANA) 4th January Afghan go vernment has confirmed th e killing The Afghan government favors a security of six Afgh<tn poli ce ol'fic ials in I klrnand partnership plan \\'i th re gional countri es and pro1·in ce. (Onlin e) wou ld support talks in thi s fi eld, a defense Mini stry spokesman said here on Sund ay. Taliban Spokesman Mo nd ay said heads of the (NN I) Tali ban movcmcnt and l I lema Coun cil. alicr 11·eek- long meeting vo iced to continue their The US military in Afghani stan sa id Monday li ght against the tJS-Icd coalition for ccs th at one of the eigh t Afghan detainees wh o operating on Afghan soil to their last breath. have controversiall y di ed in th eir custody might have beeq kill ed by snakebite.?? (API') For ahout 20 minutes. the Ma rincs and their unknm \'11 attackers exc hanged fire ju st outsi de s'" .January a 1·ill age in northern Khost provin ce. ·1h e Tow Germans have been injured as a res ult of attackers fl ed bcl'ore Cobra llcli coptcrs arri1 "C d an explosion in northern Afghan istan Kunduz on scene. leav ing one marine ll'oundcd. provin ce. (Agency) (Online) According to Radi o Tehran. Tal iban 27 111 January Spokesman said th at th e US forces based in NATO is to send more troops to Afghani stan Shakar Kala are a of Lo ga r pro vince ,,·crT to reinforce security for thi s ~car· ~ targeted and killing US soldiers. (Online) p ~ 1 r liam c ntar :- elections. the comrnand cr ll!' ~ ~ NA TO-led peacekeeping I(Jrce said 1111 7' 11 January \V cdncsday. ( Rcutt:rs) Tens of th ousand s of irregular militia groups wi ll be di sarmed through a new joint United Nati on and government. Defense Mini str y offi cial told IRI N. (NNI) Other News 12 111 January l '' J An anti-tank mine exploded under a truck nc ar a military base housin g Afghan <lllclliS troops 11 111 Jarruarv on Mond ay killing th e driver and wounding lligh Commi ss ioner for Rdugce Ruud three passengers. th e American military said . l.ubhcrs lca1·t: s nex t week for a four-da y 1·isi t (AP) to Afghanistan. lie \\'ill he di sc uss ing the reconstruction process ca n he sustai ned in The German governm ent is consid erin g order to en coura ge refu gees to return hom e. in creasin g th e number of it s peacekeepers in (Online) Afghani stan afier a \\'arning by th e (ierman Intelli gence Service of in creased threat to the 12'io .January Ge rman force. (Online) Women prisoners in the ccntral .jail. in th e cit y of Ma7.a r-c-Sharif ha 1·e complained of th e la ck 13' 11 .January of hea lth and fo od in th e jail and that th e~ arc Osa ma bin Laden and other militant leaders sc:•arall y abused. (NN I) could be hiding in eastern Afghanistan . th e comm and ers of US forces along a ke y stre tch 13' 11 .January of the Paki stan border told . (AI') ·1h e .Iapan International ( 'oopcration A ge n e~ (.II CA) sa id to laun ch a thr cc- ~ear project in 16'" January Kandahar. Balkh and Bam ya n prm·inces to ACBAR Monthly News Summary January, 2005 2 Sources: The News. The Nation and Frontier Post enhance women's skills and s clf~surlicicn cy by training them in diflcrcnt profess ions. (NNI) 16 111 Januarv The provin cial government in Hcrat has ban ned the pub li ca ti on of weekly "The Paya m­ e-1-! ambas tagi.. that publi shed an articl e ct·iticizin g governm ent officials. (INP) Around 45 female pri soners in Kabul pri son are protesting what they ca ll their unl awfu l detenti on. The burned their blankets and shattered th e window panes durin g th e protests. (NN I) 11 17 ' Januar·y Lighty-onc Al"ghan detainees were released l't·o nl US custody at Bagram air ba se ncar Kabu l and turned over to th e Afghan Supreme Comt Sun day. Government officials said . (AF P) The UN refugee agency has threatened to suspend aid for Afghan refugees in Iran unless Tehran stopped th ei r forced repatriati on. (A FP ) 18' 11 .l:lnuary Recent rains in Afghanistan have some people wo nd erin g i I: the drought th at has bedevi led th e nat ion I(Jr years ending. (O nline) 21" January Taliban leader Mullah Omar has rejected negotiations with US -led forces and the Afghan gove rnm ent. Chairman of the Supreme Court, at a meeting wi th the UN legal advi sor, stressed th at the US torces should observe human rights in our country. (IND) 27 111 January A new curriculum for grade 1-4 with significant changes in the teaching method has been fina li zed by Afghani stan Education Mini stry is now ready for publication.
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