RATION CALENDAB "II~ )'0008 blue slamps A8 it.rou,ll KU vall<l In<leIlnllcl)': Partly Cloudy IllAT rod stamps A8 lhrou-" M8 valid Indefinitel),; SUGAR -.. 30... 31 (book 4) valld Indefinltel),... amp 40 for cannlnC IUler IOWA: IDereuw cioacUnesl. uplno nb. 28. 1845' SHOE "amp 18 (book 1) expire. April 30. DAlLY IOWAN alrplalle Ilamp I (book 3) vaUd Indellnt.l)': GASOLINE A-II coupon THE Warmer. GPlteI JllIIe 21; FUEL OIL per. 4 and 5 coupons explrt Sepl. 30: -~I ion 1'1111: lNSPIlCTION: a'lUlar inspections not reqUired after April 20. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper = 1.ljor fIVE CENTS THJ: AS8001&TID ,aJ:s, IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1944 TBJ: ASIOCtATID raJ: •• VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 174 ~ es. • = IllUde ~vity lair. oon. I \1l o{ 2000 Yank Planes Blast iaGd I and Russian Marine's Crack lill of . funds liens Ilo~ Reich Aircraft Indus.trie~ 16:~: 5 SUr. nnen '" IlIIIed One of war's. .greatest daylight Sevastopol Defense line fleets bombs Berlin and other ~IIOII ·19 American German objectives. lOW Miuouri River- !&41, Two converdnl' Russian annles ~1Il. pinch Sevastopol at opposite Warn French Soviets Gain •but Planes ·lost gates . II of Flood Points Checkea ilioD Allies repulse Japanese in heavy battle all around Imphal plain. Of Invasion ~III( Crimean Pori 34 German OMAHA (AP) - Three low'a matter of inches trom the top in : en· ause Aircraft Destroyed Mass sedition trial goes on de­ points along the seven-mile stretch some places. spite absence of one defendant. Britain Advises o! levees on the Iowa side of the As a precautionary measure. the work is continuing along the Reds Seize Alsu, Says Report Storing of Food Missouri river above the Nebras­ Payne levee and an old railroad fill Advance Near Czech e hn. LONDON , Wednesday (.AP ) In Preparation ka City, Neb., bridge, over whicb farther back from the river-the Ilh a - A force of probably 2,000 U. water had begun flowing, had secondary line of defense in case Border in Poland (AP)-The Shore S. Flying Fortr sses, Liberators Bombers Temporarily LONDON British been checked and strengthened the levees fail to withstand the make and fightprs hroke throu~h com­ advised the French people by y sterday and no crevassing of flood pressure. LONDON (AP)- Ge n. An­ mUn· pllrativriy weak enemy fighter Neutralize Satawan radio yesterday to store up as the levee itself has occurred, Uni­ Local residents are being assisted drei 1. Yeremenko's coastal much lood as possible in prepara­ ted States engineers reported last by army engineers and by about army of tough marines crack d !med forces gl1ardin!-"( Berlin and its tion for the allied Invasion from night. 70 German prisoners of war from Sevastopo! '8 southern defense Ig to environs yestel'day anrl rained Strike From Solomons the west because "the time Is The seven mile stretch of levees the Clarinda camp, who have anchor yesterday with the cap­ for­ high exploRives on targets vital getting short," and the Germans constitute a firsl line of defense been at work in the Hamburg area ture of the rim an port and The to the Nazi ait'craft industry. At Air Base on South told troops of the vaunted "Atlan­ against flooding of tbe Hamburg since early Monday night. stronghold of Baiaklava, linked road Nineteen of the big American Approaches to Truk tic wall" to prepare for "zero area. General Crawford said last night drive bombers and six fighters were Brig. Gen. R. C. Crawford. Mis­ patrols on the levees running with the larger city by a seven­ hour," mile los­ Is in lost in the attack. At le8st 34 ALL lED HEADQUARTERS, souri river division engineer, and downstream from the Nebraska highway aud tramline, The worldwide guessing game cow announced last night. !Iim. German planes were reported Southwest Pacific, Wednesday on the invasion date intensi1led Lieut. Col. D. B. Freeman, Omaha City bridge to a point opposite Balaklava's fall opened up d at destroyed. Bombp]" gnnners shot district engineer, who returned Hamburg, report no crevassing in sea- (AP)- Solomons-based Liberators sharply In the ake of Britain's iate yesterday Irom a personal in­ the stretch. the vall ys leading into Sevasto­ down 10 Nazr planes and the fight­ temporarily neutralized the Sata- sudden extension of censorship to ers three. At least 21 others were the traditionally immune diplo­ spection tou r of the area, said the A break was reported late yes­ pol from the south and out­ destroyed on the ground, return­ wan air base on lhe southern ap- maUc pouches, but the answer re- situation along the levees in this terday in the Buchanan draina,e flanked German troopH putting ing fighter-pilots said. proaches to Truk Sunday with mained "a priceless mllitary secret s ction remains critical, however, district levee in Missouri south­ up a stiff fight on Malakhov hill west of Watson. In addition to the rorces the first strike in lorce on the guarded by the allied command a"d tha t the wa ter is risi ng only and Inkerman heights against Gen. which hit Berlin and the capi­ LAYING PLANS for the European Invasion are, left to rll'ht, MaJ. Nomoi group ot Caroline islands. alone." Feodor I. Tolbukhin's Fourth tal's environs, Thunderbolt-es­ Gen. Lewis Brereton, Lieut. Gen. Carl Spaatz and Gen. Dwll'ht Eisen­ The raiders knocked out the air- Upon only one point did there Ukraine army attacking on the corted Liberators bombed the hower, wbo are shown here durinl' an Inspection tour of B-26 bomber appear to be agreemenl; that the FBI Arrests Missing strip in the mIdday strike and re- unprecedented British step quer- eastern side of Sevastopo1. Pas de CalaIs area and the Mar- stations somewhere III Enl'land. V. S. Sirnal Corps photO. Daring Raid , aaders, accompanied by Thun­ turned to base without having en- antining the world's dlplomals Striking two miles beyond Bal­ derbolts, b I a s ted Charleroi, countered' either enemy fighters here meant that as "D-day" itself Defendant for N. y. aklava along the tramline the = brlnrlnr the number of allltd or anti-aircraft fire. approaches the allies will invoke Russians also took Kadykovka, aircraft In operation from the Imphal Battle Traps Strikei Prohibited- Rabaul was handed another in every measure possible to safe­ hi Palermo Nazi Conspiracy Trial only five miles south of Sevasto- British Isles to more thaD 2,500. the series ot blows tearing up that guard the lives and preserve the Three or the Marauders were . bypassed New Britain base and element of surprise even at the pol, and seized four other villages reported mlsslnC". Nips in East India oft the New Guinea coast near risk of bruising the feelings of in­ WASHINGTON (AP) - The in the area. Indicating the allied aerial as­ In . Aitape air patrols damaged a 2,QOO divldual countries . Revealed missing defendant among 30 ac- The capture of Alsu, less than sault was continued into the night, Allied Troops Inflict ton freighter and sank two supply The action produced ' a quick cused of conspiring with the Nazis two miles trom Verkhyny-Chro­ the Berlin radio reported "nuis­ luggers Sunday and Monday. crop of German rumors that in- LONDON (AP)-The admiralty to dominate the United States was I'un, seized Monday by Tolbu­ ance planes" were over northwest­ Ten to One Casualties Satawan, In the Nomoi group vasion. is Imminent. The London taken into custody yesterday. re- khln's forces, virtually effected ern Germany and the Bordeaux: On Japs Near Imphal Englend just southeast of Truk, was hit press halled the British move as took the wraps off a secret weapon a Junction of the two armIes, rildlo left the air, raising the pos- with 34 tons of explosives, a slz- one of common sense, and it did -"the human torpedo"-in dis­ moving one of the blocks that have whose weight DOW will be burled . slbility of a night assault. KANDY. Ceylon (AP) -AlIie~ able weight considering the long no guessing on its own. closing yesterday a daring nigbt bogged down the trial for two .,.alnst the last pocket ot Ger- The ' German radio complained LONDON *(AP)-The * * inclttng of days. man resistance. infantry and tonks are locked in overwater hop made by the Lib- In the latest of a stream of pre­ raid in Palermo harbor which The federal bureau of Investiga- Th ~e .wea ther interlered wIth suc­ heavy fighting allainst Japanese strikes was prohibifed for the dur­ era tors from the Solomons and invasion broadcasts the French bagged two big enemy ships, one tion announced that Edward James ousands of trapped German eessful defensive operations yes­ bl\ck 8gai]l, Although hitting in . were toid by the British Jo store and Romanian troops now have invasion troops around the enti~ atIon by the British goyermnen 01 terday and • cDmmunique by; daylight. the b'orobers e/lcountered til! much to06 as possible be<!ause them on Italian cruiser. Smythe of New York City, \den- been nurie Into a- 50-square-mile jungle perimeter of the rich Im­ yeste~ay under a sPe<;lal emer­ titied by the ]fBI as publisher 01 pocket around Sevastopol, the 1be V. S. al'lllY aIr force reported neltber air Intercep~ors or ground "at least until the day of libera­ The disclosure carne with the phal plain in eastern India, witll gency powers regulation ' effective "Our Common Cause" and 8 eon- bulletin disclosed. No announce~ ,Oly one dIvision of the atlack­ the Japanese either being stopped lire as they hit the airdrome and tion comes, you must live on what announcement that decorations Ill, force encountered "sJl'nlfl­ immedialely which virtually out­ tributor to "Publicity," edited by ment concerning the fighting on cold or thrown back at every bi.vouac areas.
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