Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2019 May 1;24 (3):e364-72. Influence of microbiology on endodontic failure Journal section: Oral Medicine and Pathology doi:10.4317/medoral.22907 Publication Types: Review Influence of microbiology on endodontic failure. Literature review Ilaria Prada 1, Pedro Micó-Muñoz 2, Teresa Giner-Lluesma 3, Pablo Micó-Martínez 4, Nicolás Collado-Castellano 3, Alberto Manzano-Saiz 3 1 Licensed Dentist at Universidad Europea de Valencia, Spain 2 Endodontic and dentistry Titular Professor, Universidad Europea de Valencia, Spain 3 Endodontic and dentistry Associate Professor, Universidad Europea de Valencia, Spain 4 Licensed Dentist at Universidad Europea de Valencia. Periodontology and Osteintegration Master at Universidad de Valencia, Spain Correspondence: Calle Literato Gabriel Miro 34 4 11 Valencia 46008, Spain [email protected] Prada I, Micó-Muñoz P, Giner-Lluesma T, Micó-Martínez P, Colla- do-Castellano N, Manzano-Saiz A. Influence of microbiology on endo- dontic failure. Literature review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2019 May 1;24 (3):e364-72. Received: 01/12/2018 Accepted: 07/01/2019 Article Number: 22907 © Medicina Oral S. L. C.I.F. B 96689336 - pISSN 1698-4447 - eISSN: 1698-6946 eMail: [email protected] Indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded Journal Citation Reports Index Medicus, MEDLINE, PubMed Scopus, Embase and Emcare Indice Médico Español Abstract Background: The main cause of endodontic failure is the persistence of microorganisms that cause an intraradicu- lar or extratradicular infection and that become resistant to disinfection measures. The objective of this review is to identify the microbiota associated with endodontic failure, as well as the reasons why these microorganisms are capable of surviving basic disinfection measures. Material and Methods: Systematic search of scientific articles in the databases PubMed with the following key- words “Endodontic Infections”, “Endodontic Microbiology”, “Endodontic Failure”, “Enterococcus Faecalis”, “Endodontics Retreatment” was carried out. Case reports and articles with publication date prior to 2000 were not included in this review. Results: Most authors highlight E. faecalis as the main microorganism associated with endodontic failure, nev- ertheless there are recent studies that isolate, to a greater extent, other bacteria such as Fusobacterium nucleatum and Propionibacterium. Discussion: These microorganisms have in common the following proprieties, which make them able to escape the disinfection measures: the ability to form a biofilm, to locate in areas unreachable to root canal instrumentation techniques, synergism, the ability to express survival genes and activate alternative metabolic pathways. Key words: Endodontic infections, endodontic microbiologic, endodontic failure, enterococcus faecalis, endo- dontic retreatment. e364 Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2019 May 1;24 (3):e364-72. Influence of microbiology on endodontic failure Introduction cells interact to form dynamic communities linked to Endodontic treatment is a reasonably predictable pro- a solid substrate and located in a matrix of extracel- cedure with success rates of between 86% and 98%. lular polymeric substances. The microorganisms that The success or failure of this treatment is evaluated by live in the same community must have the following the clinical signs and symptoms, as well as by the ra- characteristics: autopoiesis (having the ability to self- diological findings of the treated tooth. The symptoms organize), homeostasis (resisting alterations of the en- and clinical signs that define success are: the absence vironment in which they live), synergism (being more of pain, the disappearance of inflammation and fistulas, effective in groups than isolated) and the ability to re- if they existed before treatment, as well as the mainte- spond to changes as a unit rather than as individuals (4). nance of the functional and firm tooth in its alveolus. To survive in a sealed duct, microorganisms have to Radiographically, the complete healing of the existing endure the intracanal desinfection measures (chemo- periapical bone lesion and the normal appearance of the mechanical preparation and intracanal drugs) and have lamina dura for a period form 6 months to 24 months, to adapt to an environment with poor availability of nu- will define success. Histologically, however, a complete trients. Therefore, only the few species that have these repair of the periapical structures with absence of in- abilities may be involved in the endodontic treatment flammatory cells must be produced (1). failure. In addition, bacteria located in areas such as The most frequent factors associated with endodontic apical deltas, isthmuses, lateral canals, irregularities treatment failure, due principally to the persistence and dentinal tubules, can often escape to endodontic of bacteria (intra and extra radicular), are deficient disinfection procedures and it is probable that the bacte- chemomechanical preparation and inadequate filling ria nutrient supply remains unchanged after treatment. of the canal system. All this can occur as a result In contrast, the bacteria will not be able to survive if the of improper preparations of the canals, fillings with substrate is drastically reduced or if the root filling does lack of apical sealing, filtration in the restoration of not allow the bacteria to access to perirradicular tissues. the clinical crown, untreated canals, as well as iatrog- Nevertheless, resistant bacteria species will survive for enies such as apical transport, small access cavities, relatively long periods by obtaining nutrients from tis- perforations, false pathways, instruments fractures sue debris and dead cells. Furthermore, if the root fill- etc, (1). ing does not provide an absolute seal, microfiltration The main problem is that, in most cases, the apico-cor- of tissue fluids can provide a substrate for bacterial onal seal is inadequate; therefore, tissue fluids rich in growth. The ability to survive in unfavorable condi- glycoproteins percolate into the root canal, providing tions is very important for bacteria because they often a substrate to remaining microorganisms, which can experience periods of nutrient shortage. However, not proliferate and reach a sufficient number to generate always the microorganisms that manage to survive in or perpetuate a periradicular lesion (2). On the other these conditions are capable of causing endodontic fail- hand, there are situations in which the sealed root canals ure. In fact, this will only occur if bacteria (their toxins can be contaminated from the oral cavity: filtrations and especially their endotoxins) are pathogenic, reach a through temporary or permanent restoration materials; sufficient number and access to periradicular tissues in fracture or loss of the restoration; fracture of the tooth order to induce or perpetuate periradicular lesions (2). structure; recurrent caries that expose the root filling The objective of this literature review is to identify the material; or delay in the application of the definitive main microorganisms that cause endodontic failure as restoration material. In these circumstances, if the root well as the reasons that make them capable of surviving filling doesn’t prevent the saliva percolation, the micro- basic disinfection measures. organisms can invade and re-colonize the canal system. Therefore, when a coronal exposure of the root filling Material and Methods occurs during a period of 30 days or more, it would be The article search was carried out by one researcher in recommendable to do the endodontics again. In addi- the Pubmed database. Endodontic, Infections, Micro- tion, given that temporary cements are water soluble biology, Enterococcus faecalis, Failure, Retreatment, and have a low compressive strength, the provisional joined by the Boolean AND and limiting the search coronal restoration should be replaced by the definitive field of these words in the title and in the abstract were one at the earliest opportunity (3). used as keywords. Root canal bacteria can be isolated as planktonic cells, The inclusion criteria for the articles selection were: Ar- suspended in the liquid phase of the root canal and in ticles published after 2000, “full text” articles, journal the form of aggregates or congregatures adhered to root articles with an “impact factor” greater than 1, litera- canals walls, giving place to several layers of biofilms. ture review articles and research articles. Biofilms are a model of bacterial growth where sessile “Case report” articles and articles with publication date prior to 2000 were excluded. e365 Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2019 May 1;24 (3):e364-72. Influence of microbiology on endodontic failure Results resistance mechanisms and the stress response. 8 out A total of 1434 articles were initially found. Then, after 27 articles were “review” (4,24-30); specifically, 4 de- reading the title of each article and taking into consid- scribed all the microorganisms related with endodontic eration the objectives of the work, 1259 articles were failure and enumerate the characteristics of the most eliminated, reaching a total of 175 articles. After that, frequently isolated bacteria that make them resistant to the summaries of the chosen articles were read and 106 the disinfection measures (4,26,29,30)
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