Lt.· attack on a British steamer. A Borlin dispatch countered by claiming British planes had attacked an un~d German ship. 1 ,270,000 men , have been registered by Great Britain under tho Military Trainine Act. Up to 9 March, 25 ,801 persons had been registered provisionally as conscientious objectors. Diamonds, Russian reports said that one of the world' s largest diamond fields had been discovered in the Ural Mountains. An rucpedition is beine sent to investigate it by the Soviet Academy of Sciences. QUEEN UARY , sailed from Now York harbor today, casting loose at 8z22 A.M. Danish Steamer MINSK , was sunk off Scottish Northeast coast on Tuesday night, i t was learned when nino members of the crew were landed at a Scottish port today. Eleven members or the crew 118re listed as missing. French Cabinet, The new cabinet was annoWloed officially today wit h Paul Reynaud prwuier and foreign minister. Daladier was named as Minister of llar and National Defense and Camille Chautemps was named the now vioe premier. Go;dfi ~¥J" SECRETARY OF THE NAVY 22 March 1940 Total Enlisted Strength, 21 March ••••••••• 135,177 Fleet Reservists (Enl isted) on active duty ... 2,899 Other Reservists 11 n n n ... 938 Total • •••• • • • • 3,837 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ••• • ••• ••• • 269 Aggregate Discharges n n u • • • • • • • • . • • 86 . Net Increase • • • • • 183 Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 22 March : Line Officers 303 Staff Officers 100 Warrant Officers _J.g Total 435 Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement of neutrality pat rol as of 22 Marchi Number Number Number Officers Allo'li8d Obligated Ordered Aviation Instructors 150 150 66 Distri ct Patrol Planes 128 0 0 Naval Intelligence 100 63 61 Miscellaneous 192 162 . 136 Ens. and Lieuts. (jg) rltb Fleet 200 200 llO Merchant Marine and Lieut . D-V(G) 100 100 ....§i Total Office rs 8?o 675 458 Men District Patrol Planes 340 340 340 Communications 120 75 75 M:l:soellaneous 2QQ .§.94; 670 Total Men 1.360 1.309 1085 ~· 1\&Jor Gene$ C~, of the UArlno C<>rpo hu Nturnod h<>a irulpoc\.ioo or Purio Iolond and r.porlo U.. de!- . ottieera ot U.""UCt.ica Co~ tGr ~oe..nt. to tbe hllttallona , both new o.ncl old, and equipment in excellent rank ot lieuWn.t.ot. c~r aM U •utenADt. Conma.ncnal Party, 1 t.1.MTory has baen ~ to include t:•• Orlaarl• Drrdock. 1e n~ in t.he Qu1t ot :.:oxlco, haY1Dc "" .,.m1,aht. otop at 5a4 S&l'ndor City inotead c! G1la'­ lAtely clear«! the aoutb or tho W,,as.lo&1pp1 River. T'be m&la City on ~Horch . u,.!oclt u bo1nf; '-<! co;;oorc1&117. Rlpl'!M1'ltatl!!t, MN.t &n4 V.pusoa ~ct to depart. b-oa O . ~ .s . OWT, (aioe,_por) haa beoln oubatituted rcr tho Jt1ald tor Pena.cola to4&.T and tor AnacoatJ.a tc.orrow 110rn- lli.AI!l!LY in accOt>panJinc t ho HE&lOif, inc· r.. r:an shiN , ~C 1D the t:•1t.em &uilpbere tot.l 5~ . Only 2 in u.s. territorial watorn, tbfJ Priee Index r~ t t.t wook onding 16 ~eh wau 78.a, orr PAUI.M FP.IIIllUCit in Boat.oo, and tho Allll/.CA in Port l:Mr- . l troe a ._k a(Oo Thl.o 11 tbJ.rd COMOCUtiVO 1111e10lcly clades, Plor14a. ~ l Av-iation Cadot6, h&vo been appointed tor tllcht train­ ll:!noh Cabi.nO;t-. Pre:der Pnul Re)naud ' 1 now govo:rnnent woo inc at l'aneacola in U.. cl&Bs e"""'uinc ~~ llarcb. Tboae en ot'f'ic.ial Tote of coal'i"-noe ot 269 to 156, w1\.b 110 cadets cOM trc:a 12 an.auoo barse• 1a all pute or not Totinc in tJ>e O...~r or DoJNtiaa today, Attar tho country. vot., ~yn&ud celled a meeUng ot the C4binet t.o eonnider J! ,f .~. !!ICI!t· (SS202) 11 ..Ww.ct tc bo l.aiii>Cbad at lho the aituatian retu1tinc h<>a tho ..U Tots. llovy Yard, Port.SJ:aOUth, on n Kay. n- W!£ at Sot, A Britiab IIUlo>o.rine, ponetntinc tho S.lec-t1C!l lto!.rd• · .A Board t.o r-eo~ officer• tor J'll"'- ..,uan tc u.. cra6a or c-=~or in the llorchaDt ~:&rine the klt.ic, aant, C,rMA a·~p ~ • .4,947 ReS«:rt'Wl Will convene 1n t be rravy Department on l April. tone. t t. wae tt. tirat C.raan I:llll'Ch.o.ntlntm to ._tits .~ . end by a British submarine torpedo during the war. The fOO>IERHEIN wns sunk just inside the Kattegat. German naval forces have sunk 32, €:1}4 tons of shipping in 3 days, the High Coiiii!lD.Ild asserted. Two Danish ships. were sent to the bottom today, making a total of 7 neutral ships lost in the last 2 clays. Six, and probably seven, were victims of torpedoes. Latest Danish losses were the CHRISTIAfiS- BORG , 3, 270 tons, and CHERKOV , 11026 tons . Other vesoels lost in the last 4S hours •re the Danish ships BOTHAL , 2 1 109 tons; VIKING, l ,l5S tons; MINSK , 1 , 229 tons, and ALGIERS, 1 , 654 tons. Also the SVINTA, 1 , 267 tons,. .was torpedoed. A Gennan submarine was bel.ieved destroyed in the North Sea by the British trawler STAR OF .PEACE . Anglo-American relations, may be improved by a sW.bllshing a contraband control base at Halifax, Nova Scotia, ·there- by keeping American ships out of the combat zone. Re­ vision of tho method of inspecting mails on American carriers wa's also being considered along with partial resumption of American tobacco, pork, and apple purchases. Bureau af C. & R,, announces the following award: Con- tr~ct to Jonwal Construction Co. , Inc., New York City, for complatina tba hanaar at the Naval Aviatioh Base, Floyd Bennett Field, for t.'230, 6oO , •• \::: U • RKPOki' TO '1'HE SECB'l'ARY OF THE KAVY 25 March 1940 Total Enlisted Strength, 23 March ••••••••• 135,411 Fleet llllservists (Enlisted) on active duty ••• 2, 899 Other Reservists n n " It ••• 938 Total ••••••••• 3, 837 . A~gregate Enlistments (last 24 hours} •••••••••• 192 Aggregate Discharges n n n •••••••••• 128 Net Increase • • • • 64 Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 25 March: Line Officers 303 starr Officers 100 Warrant Officers ~ total 43S . .. Jaftl IW.,.viste ordered to acti'N dut)" for aforoell!nt ot.;;aeu..Uty patJool as of 23 llarohz Number Number Number · orr1~n lllowd O'llligated Qrdered Aviation Instructors 150 150 66 'Dle\rietfatro1.PlaDea 128 0 0 Naval Intelligence 100 63 61 llie•Ua•ou 192 163 11.4 .Ens. and Lieuts. (jg) witA:FJ..t 200 200 llO llerchant llarine and loiMlt. D-oV (G) 100 100 Total Oftioers 870 7fi6 • J!!A Di•'tr16t; Patrol P~• COIIIIIIlUJlica tions llieoel.l..amou8 Total Yen l 3.· ' I .b Bureau of Yards and Docks, the followine contract has u.s.s. SAil ffiA..ijCISCQ, reported for duty in Cruiser D1v1- ' beon cade: j sian 6, Scouting Far oe, on 24 March • • Completion of ~~nrs at the Naval Air Station, Banana NOKOMIS (harbor tug), will depart Navy Yard, Charleston, Rivet", Florlda, awarded t o the Sm1 th and Pew Construe- 19 April for duty in the 14th Naval District, e scorted t ion Co. , of Atlanta, Geol"gia, for $86,981. TilDe of by t he V:SGA (cargo ship) as far as San Diego,.. an­ completion, 120 days. other vessel will be designated for Iurther escort to Ships of t he 11. s. Antarctic Service, the BEAR and NORTH Pearl Harbor. STAR have departed from the East Base, llarguerite Bay, U.S. S. MUSTIN (0041.3), On completion of Navy Yard avail­ Palmer Land, for the United Statas. The BEAR will pro- ab111t y on 10 April and after test torpedo firings .at ceed via Capa Born t o Punta Arenas, Chile, and then to Newport, will visit the Naval Academy in connect~on with t he United States. Tba NO!ttll STAR will proceed to Val- .-1m of Board of Visitors , 29 April, departing 3 llay, Chile, and then to Seattle, Washington. for San Diego via Norfolk, Guantanamo, and Canal Zone. u.s.s. IU.IRANT (DD402) is scbadul.ed to bold filial trials On depart~~re Canal Zooe the MUSTIN will report to CinCUS off Rockland,, and baavy displacement st&ndardiza­ for dut;y in Destro~r Battle Foroe. It is expected t he tioo runs under tba Board of Inspection and 6\lrft;r, be- RJWI., (00412) and ROWAN (DD405) will. be read;r to depart ginnin{: 9 April and lasting about 5 da3'& · About 1.3 April Norfplk on 7 ll&,;y f or the West Coast. If these vassels the IIAIRA!IT will ""turn to Boston for post trial euai­ a:nt ""!lily it is desired that the llliSTIN proceed in com- nationa and c~letion of Wavy Yard work in preparation pan;r w1 tb t bem. to join u.s. :n-t. After test torpedo .t:irings at !low­ ConfT'!ss1Q9!U Partz, arrived Anacostia in the ovaning of port and 9 da3's at Navy Yard, Wa.shingtoo, UAIRANT will 23 .March. ~ about 18 ll&,;y and report t o CinCUS for dut;y in Se!!ata Mllltary Affairs Comcd.ttaa, considared todsy a destroyer battle force after reaching the Canal Zane • resolution by Senator La Follette calling for an investi- !z.
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