hits in the first inning and took a 3-- 0 lead. Lou Whitaker led off with a single to right after Alan Trammell bounced into a force. Gibson then homered into the upper deck in Detroit wins right field. Parrish followed with a single to left, stole second and moved to third when Larry Hern-do- n bumped a single to short center field. IHIHIBjDHLBBflfljHHBaH f " JfaBaBHLBBBLBHLMIbBiBBaBBLaBBBBBBBB9 city celebrates Chet Lemon followed with a single to leg to Motor ' score Parrish and knock out Thurmond. Hawkins took over and got out of trouble, long-await- ed but it marked the fifth straight time in th se- LbbbHLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV - ' --NJbbbbbbbbbbvbbbbbbVbbHbbbbvbbbbbbbbbb' victory ries the Padres' starting pitcher failed to get ' &k iBBNmB&BBBHBKBM past the fifth inning. The combined ERA" for HHbBBHRt United Press International ' on and celebrating and ripping up chunks of Padres starters was raised to 13.94. BBhHISbbeBBbbBBBBBBIb grass as souvenirs. It was the fourth time in the five series DETROIT The Detroit Tigers set Mo- Gibson, the Most Valuable Player in the games and the 66th time overall this season me BBBBSBBbBBBBBBBBBBB town rockin' Sunday, rolling behind a two-ho- American League playoffs, got the Tigers the Tigers have scored in the first inning. five-R-BI The Padres threatened in half of ran, performance , by Kirk started on the way to their fourth World Se- their the Wiggins Gibson to defeat the San Diego Padres 8--4 ries title by belting a two-ru-n homer in the first when singled and stole second. and win the World Series for the first time in first inning off Mark Thurmond, and he cli- While Tony Gwynn was striking out, Wiggins 16 years. maxed the Tigers' offense with a three-ru- n moved to third on a throwing error by catch- In winning the series four games to one, blast off reliever Rich Gossage in the eighth. er Parrish. Starter Dan Petry got out of the the Tigers made Sparky Anderson the first He also used his legs to manufacture the jam when second baseman Whitaker threw manager in history to win a World Series tie-breaki- ng run in the fifth. Gibson led off out Wiggins at the plate as he attempted to VZM-fjTBKHRKB- nEK&l&SdBUBBtoifaiLlJM'jJBM --A. m. W M championship in both leagues. Anderson also that inning with a single off loser Andy score on Steve Garvey's hard grounder. I bbHbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW Par-rish- Graig Nettles grounded out to WBBIBkzBBHBHb&I&sSl won with the Cincinnati Reds of the National Hawkins, moved to second on Lance 's end the threat. Jr: League in 1975-7- 6. fly to left and scored in inning The Padres got a run back in the third BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK'w'K BBBBi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl later the BBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiittBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBw The victory touched off a wild celebration on a bases-loade- d sacrifice fly by pinch hitter when Bobby Brown beat out an infield hit, in the city that was bound to last into the wee Rusty Kuntz that was caught in short right moved to third on two infield outs and scored hours of the morning. Thousands of people field by second baseman Alan Wiggins. when Garvey grounded a single to deep short kBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB!BBBBBHBQss&''V''' - ' "BBBBBBBbI of Stadi- in solo sev- that Trammell, voted the series' Most Valu- "-- began accumulating outside Tiger Parrish chipped a homer in the BaBBBBlBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnMlSBBJHBBBEBwBBBV - A uoBIk&BBTBBBBBB um midway through the game in order to enth off Gossage. able Player, got his glove on but couldn't '' participate in the festivities. Aurelio Lopez also starred for the Tigers in hold. Many of the stadium crowd of 51,901 tried the clincher, retiring all seven batters he San Diego scored twice in the fourth to tie to get onto the field but were restrained by a faced in relief to notch the victory. Lopez it 3--3 and knock out Petry. cordon of at least 200 policemen, who formed took over for reliever Bill Scherrer with the Bevacqua walked and, after Carmelo Mar- around of sta- tinez struck out for the eighth se- a semicircle the perimeter the tying run on second in the fifth and struck out time in the BBBBBBBBBBBBBw ' ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ries, Garry "-"- ' dium to prevent the adoring fans from get- Kurt Bevacqua to end the inning. He struck Templeton followed with a dou- bSbbbbbbbbbbt i"K- bbh bbbbbbbbbhbbbb'3bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 ting to the players and ripping up the field. out three of the next six batters before turn- ble to left-cente- r. Brown got Bevacqua home Several hundred fans, however, got onto the ing things over to Willie Hernandez. with a sacrifice fly to center and Wiggins de- lower level of the stadium. Hernandez gave up a solo home run to Bev- livered a single to left-cent- er to score Tem- pleton with UPlTatopltoto The police had to escort the players to the acqua in the eighth but got the last six outs to the tying run. A dugout. They formed a circle around the in- notch his second save of the series. The Tigers scored a run in the fifth to take dejected relief pitcher Goose Gossage walks off the field. field but couldn't stop the fans from getting The Tigers, sensing the kill, collected five a 4-- 3 lead Gibson singled off third baseman Nettles' glove and moved to second on Par-rish-'s San Diego fourth Bevacqua walked. Aure- deep fly to left. After Herndon walked, lio Lopez and Bill Scherrer began warming up Hawkins replaced by Craig Lefferts, for Detroit. Martinez struck out, Bevacqua was holding. Templeton doubled to left center, who walked Lemon to load the bases. Bevacqua advancing to third. Brown lined out Kuntz then pinch hit for John Grubb and to Lemon, Bevacqua scoring after the catch. hit a high fly to short right field that right Wiggins singled to center, Templeton scoring, fielder Gwynn lost in the lights. Wiggins got Wiggins advancing to second on the throw. BaHBaaHBaBBBlBHBBBB9NHalBBBaBaKValBB iBaaaaBaaBSBaBBBlBBH-- v ?9b1bbbbbbmEbT Bilf replaced Petry. Gwynn flied out BaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaBaaBaBBBaaBaaaaaaaaaap&ZXVaaiaBBBaaBBaBBBaaaBaaaaaaaaaBaaaBlaBBBaa; aaalaaBaaaBBBBaianarxx , "fSHKBaaaaaaaBa back in to the catch but he was Scherrer v time make to warning track. - off-balan- Gibson on feaBBBaaBaBaaaaaa'-'i- ''ebbbmIbbbbB ce and Gib- the WBmBBBaKmBtmBKUBrBBBSSLBKBIBKiBBBlBKBIBk when he caught the ball Detroit 3, San Diego 3. son tagged at third and scored. BBBBBBBBBpBBBBBBKaBBBBBjaaBBBBBBBBjBBBBBBBBB ?49BBBBBB9BBBBBhBhBBBBBB SBBHBBXBBjBBEHfKS" 'JBBBBBBBBBBBoRfiBBt 5-- Parrish padded the Tigers' lead to 3 with Detroit fifth Gibson singled off Nettles' Gossage with sJKUUEBEHBIHKBIffJfsf-SHUBmkSB&ymBReBBKEt- e his solo home run off reliever glove. Lefferts resumed warming San BBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBt ''".,'-- BBBBBBBBBBBB up for t one out in the seventh. Diego. Parrish filed out to Martinez in the left SSfEBBSBSSmBBBSStB. vHRbbbbbbbbbbbVEc' SSZJBSfSSlBlA BBBBBHBBBB fBBIKBBBSBBBHUmStBSlHUKIHBIHSBSaBSi The Tigers closed out the scoring with a field corner, Gibson advancing to second after Hp flBHnBBBfBBBB- the holding. - bJhbBBBBBbJBbHiI three-ru-n in the eighth. Gossage catch. Herndon walked, Gibson barrage Lefferts replaced Hawkins. Lemon walked, the XSllBKSmmBtKlESKSSJ walked Marty Castillo to open the inning, runners advancing. Rusty Kuntz batted for BBbJP" IHHHiBBBBuiB flBBBBBBBBBBHnBHlBBnBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBB Whitaker sacrificed and both runners were Grubb and popped out to Wiggins, Gibson 93BBBBBVflLBBBBHaBBBBBBBBBBBB&BBBBBB safe when Wiggins failed to touch second scoring after the catch and the other runners base. Trammell sacrificed the runners along holding. Evans looked at a third strike. and Gibson then drilled a long home run into Detroit 4, San Diego 3. the righfc-fiel- d upper deck. Detroit seventh Gibson looked at a third 1 ... strike. Gossage replaced Lefferts. Parrish hit .ia9fiBBBBwHB9HHaBwH9K8aKHBBB? an 0--1 pitch into the left field stands for a A How they scored home run. Herndon lined out to Gwynn, who BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBhBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBBBBbkAti -- bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeT.- "SHM Detroit singled to right. made a leaping catch against the wall. Lemon first Whitaker singled to center. Johnson batted for Kuntz Lfll&HB tfbteriaiBCilBBm HbbbdIbIBHI Trammell forced Whitaker, Templeton to Wig- ' into the upper Lemon stole second. Wiggins fumbled John- BBBBBHBBrSHHHk hbHHHbT' mKB'UlBsy;'TSmniBmHm - - "". &' gins. Gibson hit the first pitch error, Lemon advancing MH9HflHnHHflflrc!Pr- mtuKBsS ,:3nflBnBMfflffBfiHE 5BBfflBHaB deck in right center field for alidme run, Tram- son's grounder for an 1" singled to third. Evans flied out to Brown. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfe' BBBBBBBBBBBB-mBBBB- f BBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB9bBBBBBBBBBBB9BBb mell scoring, for a 0 lead. Parrish to left Andy Hawkins began warming up for San Detroit 5, San Diego 3. --sSmBBBBKSHlBBBflBBBflHa Diego. flBLBBBBBBLlBMBLBnflgBaflLaaBaBBHK1, LLB2lBaBflBnBBaBBBBlBBBBEBBHBBHMiL 9LbSBBKb9M C JJHHaBMBBi-- gSSBBWBWBBBBBBBBBV-3gBBfc- 2 .MBBBBBBgPgjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB JjbVMbWmB Parrish stole second. Herndon singled Bergman first fewg&BBBBBBBBBBBBBuiuMttsiffSVEIBBt BBBBVVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMjtfBnC3HH to center, Parrish advancing to third Lemon San Diego eighth Dave at singled to left, Parrish scoring and Herndon for Detroit. Hernandez pitching for Detroit EBufwBISHUIBHl mBBtttBBUzLESBHnBi&SmKBBBB Kennedy BaBaBBHLmHBaBaflBlHflHIeBBBHBlBB" ' - advancing replaced Thur- Nettles popped out to Whitaker. HVSHBBBHflBBflDlBBBBaaBBB
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