ov. • non-proftt grganization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Notre Dame. IN Permit No. 10 STUDENT UNION BOARD - 4. '. ( ~ Scholastic is looking for students interested in the positions of NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE JIf either of these are of iXll.terest to Y01!l? pliease stop by O1!lr offiee at SlO.lS ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY JLaFort1ULXll.e or ean 2SSl~75(Q)Slo 6 DEPARTMENTS Music CMJ's Music Marathon '90 2 Editorial 9 Movies 3 Memphis Belle On Other Campuses 1-80 at Exit 77 4 SPORTS 52825 US 33 N. Week In Distortion South Bend, IN 16 Hot Rod! 272-9000 5 The Unexamined Life *FREE CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST *PRIVATE IN ROOM JACUZZI SPAS COVER CAMPUS LIFE 19 *FREE HBO, CNN, ESPN 10 Athletes of the Week *IN ROOM MOVIESNCR (over 50 titles) 14 Visiting Royalty Graces . Faculty Senate Pushes for *FREE LOCAL CALLS Notre Dame's Stage '.20 . *KlTCHENEITES More Say in University Policy Final Word *LAUNDRY ,: II= 13 *AAA AND MOBILE RATED ~Jlt ~~~ ... From the Washington Hall \:~~ Stage FOR RESERVATIONS CALL TOLL FREE: ) . 1-800-347-8016 1 NOVEMBER 8, 1990 . / ( - ',"'. - ,', -~ ,~-~-~ - -~" ~. - 4. '. ( ~ Scholastic is looking for students interested in the positions of NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE JIf either of these are of iXll.terest to Y01!l? pliease stop by O1!lr offiee at SlO.lS ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY JLaFort1ULXll.e or ean 2SSl~75(Q)Slo 6 DEPARTMENTS Music CMJ's Music Marathon '90 2 Editorial 9 Movies 3 Memphis Belle On Other Campuses 1-80 at Exit 77 4 SPORTS 52825 US 33 N. Week In Distortion South Bend, IN 16 Hot Rod! 272-9000 5 The Unexamined Life *FREE CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST *PRIVATE IN ROOM JACUZZI SPAS COVER CAMPUS LIFE 19 *FREE HBO, CNN, ESPN 10 Athletes of the Week *IN ROOM MOVIESNCR (over 50 titles) 14 Visiting Royalty Graces . Faculty Senate Pushes for *FREE LOCAL CALLS Notre Dame's Stage '.20 . *KlTCHENEITES More Say in University Policy Final Word *LAUNDRY ,: II= 13 *AAA AND MOBILE RATED ~Jlt ~~~ ... From the Washington Hall \:~~ Stage FOR RESERVATIONS CALL TOLL FREE: ) . 1-800-347-8016 1 NOVEMBER 8, 1990 . / ( - ',"'. - ,', -~ ,~-~-~ - -~" ~. - .,'. /. ~ . ? ~, ( . '- SCHOLASTIC NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE N01UI Vol. 132, No.7 November 8, 1990 e~frs,~ -, ~~ EDITOR IN CHIEF Michael C. Wieber MANAGING EDITOR Derik T. Weldon senting 90 percent of the world's known species of ticks, required NEWS EDITOR Bummed Steer Traci Taghon three semitrailers for transportation. James Oliver, head of the E nough of the rumors. Let's act like this is just an experiment in gossip. In other university'S Institute of Arthropodology and Pamsitology, will SPORTS EDITOR adults and face problems like we are words, some person is just trying to ~ how Ever hear that expression about a bull in a china shop? Students at oversee research on the ticks. Science marches on. Brian McMahon students at two of the best schools in the much we as students like a juicy tale. Colorado State University learned frrst-handjust what that scenario country. Since the week before Halloween The real problem is, more or less, an might entail. The College Press Service reported that a spooked SPORTS ASSISTANT Sexy Forum Jon Paul Potts stories about an ax murderer lurking in th~ example of hysteria distorting the reality of steer broke loose from a reSearch pen and ran amuck for three hours tunnels of Saint Mary's have terrorized the the situation. To those who believe before'campus police could control him. The 1,200-pound beast CAMPUS LIFE EDITOR college. Nostradamus or actually have faith that sent 400 students fleeing as it crashed through a dorm window and The Brown Daily Herald reported that a forum entitled "Sex at Kristine DeGange Some say that this developed from another anyone can specifically predict an ax ran down a hall until it found a room it liked. Lucky students Matt Brown - Myths and Facts" was well-attended. The meeting was aimed at airing out some misconceptions about sex at Brown. DEPARTMENTS EDITOR of Nostradamus' "infallible" predictions. murder, get with the program or check your Simons and Rick Lombardo later returned to their room to find their Tim Rogers Remember when the world was supposed to horoscope daily. Nonetheless, prank callers stereo a twisted mound of resistors and metal. The animal also During part of the forum, students answered some true/false ques­ end-was that last year? Or, how about the do nothing but worsen the situation through stepped on a plastic shampoo bottle. As punishment for his rowdi~ tions such as "A clitoris is a type of flower," "A vulva is an ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR fact that every time some dictator raises automobile from Sweden," "A menstual cycle has three wheels," Dave Holsinger ,terrorism and deserve the utmost in ness, the steer was sent to a slaughterhouse the next day. Officials trouble in the Mideast, the believers say that disrespect for such immature and childish told him notto come out until he had thought about what he had done "Semen is a term for a sailing enthusiast," "Masturbate is something . used to catch large fish," and "A condom is an apartment complex." PHOTOGRAPHY' EDITOR the leader is the New Hitler that behavior. wrong. Man Okuda Nostradamus envisioned? In short, wha~ we are calling for is a mature Let's hope that the curve was high on that test. ' Others claim that some student wrote a PHOTOGRAPHY ASSISTANT . attitude about the situation. Women, talk to Paul Webb paper predicting an ax murder will occur in your administration and security and try to Consistency the tunnels during the next ten years at a stay i~ populated, well-lit areas, but we don't COPY EDITOR small libeml arts college in the Midwest need to tell you this. Everyone, No More Dave Raedy Acco~ding to The Chronicle of Higher Education, officials at the where there is writing on the walls (as there Rumors,Period. CheckyourID. You'rean University of Dayton, a Roman Catholic institution, have proposed LAYOUT/SYSTEMS MANAGER is in the tunnels). adult now. allowing students to pass out fliers telling people how to use Patricia Doyle . Yet, some are under the impression that condoms. However, students are still forbidden to either sell or give ADVERTISING MANAGER away prophylactics. Officials failed to mention whether this ban Tony Porcelli also included the new Trojan™ Magnum size condom. BUSINESS MANAGER Jim Fitzgerald Placebo Buzz GRAPHIC ARTS MANAGER The College Press Service reported that University of Washington Jeanne Naylor Ldles 10 Schobtslic mllSl be typed and inclUtk I~ wriler's nmn.e,IlIidrI!S5"nd phone number. UnirJersily slwlmls should researchers got about 200 students drunk by leading them to believe int!Utk 11Id, ytJlT in school"nd colkg<. FllCUllymembers should inclUtk Ihd,depllrlmenl. AU Idlersmusl btsi87U!d. Names will bewilnn.1d upon they were drinking alcoholic beverages that actually weren't. G. ScholJ;sl~ ispubliskd.~ Ihroughout l~sdwolytJlTt=pt during ""'IuesI in certllin inslll1lct.S. e:raminRlumandtlllllllump<riods"'t~U,,;lI<7SilyafNoI,eD~ Not,e Alan Marlatt of UW's Addictive Behaviors Research Center ex­ Schobtslic reserves lite righllo ,e~lldlers lhol <lTelibe. Worth The Effort? Dame'!N:46556~prinled'" ThePtlpCS,r ....,MUford,1N The 46542. Iousor obscene by I~ Istws oflite Uniled Sillies. Scholszslic"1so will edil plained that chemical processes resulting from students' expecta­ subscriptum ~"'; IS $25.00/y<lt; and bac1cissues <lTelfrXdWk '" $1.25/ for copyfilling, gmmmaliCill or spelling errors "nd Schobtslic slyk. copy. 'I'M opml/JllS expressed In Scholszslic <lTethose oft~ IlUlhors and llwIuse ofS'fX/U, Scholszslic CIlIInol prinlllli kllas ,ecdvtd. tions lead them to feel drunk without actually drinking alcohol. The edilors and do""l7U!ussarily,epresenll~opinitmsofl~mIir.. djlorisll If you've ever gone hiking and returned to fmd a tick with his little, boardofScholszslicor ofl~ Unill<7SilyofNol,eDtfmIl i1slldministr"'ion duped students confessed to feeling "buzzy," "a little blasted," and facullyor sludents. Edi1oriRlssi87U!d Scho/J1Slic,";esenlllteopinion,of blood"sucking head burried deep in your navel, then you'll appreci­ - ! I ~ 'I'MEdilor even made "gross sexual advances toward each other." Sober t I~ majorily of I~ =Ii"" edilorisll boRTd. Mll1Iilscripls <lTe wt1come ate the latest efforts of the Smithsonian Institution. The Chronicle All unsolicilim maleriJds bt= I~ proptrly ofScholszslic. • Scholszslic l.AForIuu Cenler of Higher Education informs us that the good folks at the Smith­ students usually advance' in a more aesthetically pleasing Cofyriglrl1990 SchobtslicMJIgllZi7U!. All rights,eserved. Reproduclion Nol,. DtfmIl,1N 46556 fashion. CJ in whok 0' in parI withoul wrillm permission is prohibiled. sonian sent its National Tick Collection, the world's largest, to . Georgia Southern University. The one million specimens, repre- edited by Tim Rogers 2 3 SCHOLASTIC NOVEMBER 8, 1990 - ;', :.- " . ' ... - / - -. .( - .. ":- ;,,~, .. - .... ,.,. ,\~~~~~.. ~. ----~ - - .,'. /. ~ . ? ~, ( . '- SCHOLASTIC NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE N01UI Vol. 132, No.7 November 8, 1990 e~frs,~ -, ~~ EDITOR IN CHIEF Michael C. Wieber MANAGING EDITOR Derik T. Weldon senting 90 percent of the world's known species of ticks, required NEWS EDITOR Bummed Steer Traci Taghon three semitrailers for transportation. James Oliver, head of the E nough of the rumors. Let's act like this is just an experiment in gossip. In other university'S Institute of Arthropodology and Pamsitology, will SPORTS EDITOR adults and face problems like we are words, some person is just trying to ~ how Ever hear that expression about a bull in a china shop? Students at oversee research on the ticks. Science marches on. Brian McMahon students at two of the best schools in the much we as students like a juicy tale. Colorado State University learned frrst-handjust what that scenario country. Since the week before Halloween The real problem is, more or less, an might entail.
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