SHOP LOCAL! CHRE RIGHT IN WINTHROP CENTER Winthrop, MA 02152 | 617-846-9900 | cottagehillrealestate.com Established in HERE1882 TO SERVE YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS hrop’s Pio int ne W Wer INTHROPWinthrop Newspaper SSUNUN TTRANRANSCRIPTS CRIP T E stABLI S H E D IN 1882 Published by the Independent Newspaper Group 50 C E N ts THURSDAY, KIDS’ YOGA ON THE BEACH August 2, 2018 Winthrop projects INDEX Police Report 2 Editorials 4 earmarked in $2.4B Through The Years 5 Then and Now 5 Obituaries 6 state budget bond bill Classified 14 Business Directory 15 Special to the Transcript Bill that includes $2.4 bil- lion in proposed spending House Speaker Robert A. for improvements for coastal INDEPENDENT DeLeo joined Sen. Joseph A. infrastructure that has been Boncore and Rep. RoseLee compromised over time, pro- Vincent and their colleagues visions for clean air, better in the Legislature who voted water quality, as well as im- Tuesday to pass a $2.4 Billion provements for state parkways Environmental Bond Bill fo- and trails,” said Rep. Vincent cused on improving climate (D-Revere), Vice Chair of the change resiliency and adapta- Committee on Environment, tion; enhancing environmen- Natural Resources and Ag- tal and natural resource pro- riculture (ENRA). “In pass- Newspaper Group tection; and investing in parks ing this legislation, we are and recreational assets. recognizing its commitment NEWS Briefs The legislation passed to- to making proper, targeted PHOTO BY KEIKO HIROMI day ensures that Massachu- investments to mitigate the Kids yoga instructor Alyona Rossi (center, right) is shown leading a kids yoga class on the beach setts can continue to plan for impacts of climate change on WIHA CLASSIC CAR Sunday morning, July 29. Next to her is Jace Pereira. Several children came to the beach for yoga global warming and a chang- the Commonwealth. I want to SHOW and a rock-painting event on a beautiful summer morning. ing climate, including along thank Speaker DeLeo and my our vulnerable coastlines. Chairman, Rep. Smitty Pig- The Winthrop Improve- “These investments pro- natelli of the ENRA Commit- ment and Historial Associa- tect critical natural resourc- tee, for their work in ensuring tion presents the WIHA Clas- st es, preserve our parks and passage of this critical bill. I sic Car Show on Saturday, 21 Century student shares personal obstacles recreational areas and aim am very pleased to report Aug. 25 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. to make our Commonwealth that some of the provisions in at Ingleside Park. on her journey to becoming a camp counselor more resilient to the threats the bill will directly help aid of climate change for years to neighborhoods in Revere to majority of her ‘tic attacks,’ will still be acting up. Nothing AUGUST STREET By Kate Anslinger come,” said Speaker DeLeo combat climate change and which she describes as being really helps me during the at- (D-Winthrop). “I’m proud to rising sea levels.” SWEEPING STARTS Fifteen-year-old Emily similar to an anxiety or panic tacks. The tics calm down on work with my colleagues in The funding includes the MONDAY, AUGUST 27 Williams is a perfect exam- attack that can last anywhere their own.” the House and Senate to fund following local projects: ple of someone who has faced from one to five hours straight. Fast forward a couple of Motorists are reminded these important initiatives.” · $15,000,000 for the hy- her obstacles head on, walked “I usually get a tic attack months and Williams was that the Town of Winthrop “Climate change is a real draulic modeling, analysis through them, and came out when an event stirs up my diagnosed with Asperger’s conducts Street Sweeping op- and present threat to Massa- and evaluation of flooding stronger on the other side. emotions, to the point where Syndrome, which opened up erations on the last full week chusetts, and we must treat vulnerabilities and the design, And now she will be able to I’m overwhelmed,” said Wil- another set of challenges. of the month (last week with it as a priority,” said Senate permitting and construction of use her story to motivate and liams. “If I have an attack “Since I have Asperger’s, a Friday) from April through President Karen E. Spilka upgrades to coastal infrastruc- mentor others. At the age of close to my bed time, I won’t October between 7 a.m. and I tend to get ‘shut-downs’ (D-Ashland). “These invest- ture to mitigate coastal flood- 10, Williams was diagnosed be able to sleep that night. My 4 p.m. on the day of a street’s which also happen if I’m ments in our communities, ing in the town of Winthrop, with Tourette’s Syndrome mind is restless, even after the trash collection. If there is a overwhelmed,” she said. coastlines, and in overall cli- including, but not limited to, but through determination, tic attack ends. I could be re- holiday on the week sweeping “During the previous school mate resiliency highlight our seawall construction and re- she has learned to manage the laxed or happy, and my tics would normally occur, sweep- year, I used to shut down joint focus with the House on pair, upgrades and improve- ing is done a week early. while doing homework with preparing Massachusetts’ in- ments to flood drainage infra- Town ordinance prohibits my mom right next to me, try- frastructure for the future, and structure and increasing flood parking in a manner that im- FARMERS’ MARKET IN FULL SWING ing to help me finish my work. safeguarding our residents storage; pedes the street sweeper. Vi- I would become so frustrated from potential environmental · $1,000,000 for public olation of the street sweeping and stressed out, to where I’d disasters. I thank the conferees safety measures to support ordinance carries a $40 fine, shut down. The only thing that for their dedication to prepar- and mitigate the impacts of and your vehicle can be towed. could help me was a quick ing this vital legislation.” the proposed Massachusetts The remaining 2018 street break using my phone or com- Among other spending, the Water Resources Authority of sweeping dates are: bill appropriates: fishing pier at Deer Island; Aug. 27 - 31 puter.” It is Williams’ drive and · $225,000,000 for commu- · $500,000 for the renova- Sep. 24 - 28 nity investment grants; tion and improvement of the Oct. 22 - 26 determination that are guaran- teed to make her a successful · $100,000,000 for energy retaining seawall at Grand- For a map of the street and environment coastal in- view avenue in the town of sweeping days, please role model for others in the st frastructure; Winthrop; go to https://www.goo- 21 Century program. Since she1 was 1 years old, not long · $100,000,000 for state · $4,000,000 to repair and gle.com/maps/d/viewer? replace the failing seawall after her dual diagnoses, Wil- hazard mitigation, climate ll=42.3754823244861% adaptation, and resilient land along Winthrop Parkway in liams has been attending the 2C-70.982150999.... conservation; the City of Revere; summer program as a camp- For a downloadable calen- · $75,000,000 for munic- · $800,000 for planning and dar of the 2018 street sweeping er, and she started working ipal vulnerability prepared- infrastructure improvements schedule, please go to https:// at the program during the ness; to mitigate flooding issues in www.town.winthrop.ma.us/ summer of 2017. She is cur- PHOTO BY KATE ANSLINGER · $55,000,000 for river and the Riverside, Point of Pines sites/winthropma/files/up- Devyn DeBartolo gets ready to pick out some fresh veggies rently undergoing the camp wetland restoration programs; and Beachmont neighbor- loads/street_sw.... at the Winthrop Farmers Market on Sunday, July 29, in French counselor-in-training course, and hoods in the city of Revere; For the complete language Square. The market is open every other Sunday through the · $54,000,000 for rural in- · $10,000,000 for repairs of the street sweeping ordi- summer, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. See WILLIAMS Page 3 vestments. and improvements to the Re- nance, please go to https:// “This bill affirms the legis- vere Beach reservation in- library.municode.com/ma/ lature’s commitment to ensur- cluding, but not limited to, winthrop/codes/code_of_ordi- ing that the Commonwealth is re-nourishment of Revere nances?nodeId. ready for the adverse effects Beach, repairs to any failing “The Streets are a Mess...but we have Cakes & Cookies”! Price subject of climate,” said Sen. Boncore seawalls, transportation im- PURPLE HEART DAY to change provements and restorations “ The Streets are a Mess...but we have Avocados & Corn!” without (D-Winthrop). “Further, this IS AUGUST 7 notice bill makes important invest- to pavilions and period light- “The Streets are a Mess...but we have Steak Tips & Bacon!” There are so many days of ments in coastal resiliency ing structures; remembrance on the calendar “The Streets are a Mess but we are here for you!” .35 efforts in the communities of · $5,000,000 shall be ex- $ Per its no wonder many can be “Please Be Safe” Gallon Revere and Winthrop.” pended for improvements to “I am proud of the work Fredericks Park in the city of See our Ad in Sports • 1002 Gal. Minimum • 24 Hour Service of the Legislature in enact- See BRIEFS Page 7 www.winthropmktplace.com • 35 Revere St. Winthrop CALL FOR DAILY LOW PRICE ing an Environmental Bond See ENVIRONMENT Page 2 WINTHROP WINTHROP EAST BOSTON- JEFFRIES POINT EAST BOSTON OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE SUN.
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