£> J /A WEBfe JANUARY 18, 190& 321 —the Pacific Builder and Engineer published 462 item of building and improvement news in the FIRST TWO ISSUES of 1908. —these items aggregated $12,350,000. —at this rate the number of items for the year will be 12,012, and the amount $321,100,000 ~~are y°u taking advantage of some of these 12,012 "tips to business? If not, do so and you will make more money. —if your subscription is unpaid you should remit at once, as every $5 00 permits the editors to make this journal just that much more valuable to you. is your advertisement in these columns? If not, put it there at once, and you will be sending 52 hostages to fortune in the twelve months. —your Ad. will get into the hands of at least 5,000 Men Weekly —and 12,012 others who are not regular readers, but who have the letting of contracts and purchasing of material and equipment. a copy of the Pacific Builder and Engineer is sent to every person mentioned in every item of news or advance information, thus introduc­ ing you lo the buyer, and when your salesman or letter reaches him you have already been placed in good standing. —get down to business. Send out your Salesmen Write your letters. Mail your catalogs, circulars, etc. —the Pacific Builder and Engineer goes before them and opens the trail, and if it contains your Ad. your chances are ten times belter for gelling the business. in III <l «« «6 - 318 I'? Or cificBlocK SEATTLE kr PACIFIC BUILDER AND ENGINEER THE GENERAL ENGINEERING m CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONSULTING AND CONTRACTING ENGINEERS BUILDINGS BRIDGES REINFORCED CONCRETE STEEL CONSTRUCTION KENNERLEY BRYAN, GENERAL MANAGER GENERAL OFFICES: DENNY BUILDING SEATTLE, WASHINGTON MEACHAM & BABCOCK ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS High Grade Electric Work SPECIALISTS IN FIRE-PROOF CONDUIT CONSTRUCTION ISOLATED FLANTS. TELEPHONES THIRD AND MARION, SEATTLE PHONES—MAIN 2212 IND. 4414. Send for Best Refrigerating Machine Catalogue For Small Plants A Perfect Machine, practically Automatic in Operation. Satis­ factory results at the Least Possible Expense for Operation. Of r<ia#<3n|-/>0 more positive results than can be TTt UUdrdriLISIS secured with any other machine and with greater economy. Hundreds in successful operation. References furnished. from One to One Hundred Tons Daily Capacity PHIL L. SEKWE & CO.. Agent* 119 Main Street. SEATTLE LARSEN-BAKER ICE MACHINE CO., Home Office: OMAHA. NEB. January 18, 1908. PACIFIC BUILDER AND ENGINEER. Raeco Guaranteed Write for Prices Laundry Trays aeco Products Company RAECO (Portage P. O.), Wash. AGENTS EARNEST & REIFSNIBER, 408 Occidental Ave., Seattle, Wash., and 613 Provident Bldg-., Tacoma, Wash. Ii. D. PETTIT, Everett, Wash. THE RABCOLITH CO., Portland, Ore. T. W. EEE, Spokane, Wash. R. L. HON, Boise, Idaho. E. P. JULIEN, Belling-ham, Wash. R. ANGUS, 51 Wharf St.. Victoria, B. C. JOS. TEIPENTHALLEB, Aberdeen, Wn. P. E. NELSON, Walla Walla, Wash. L. B. WILHELM, Boulder, Colo. FOR FLOORS * WALLS * MANTELS ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED TILE Northwestern Tile & Mantel Company SEATTLE. WASH IND. PHONE 4921 451 EVIPIRE BLOG REMOVAL Pacific Ornamental iron Works F. MANZ. PROPRIETOR Moved to 809 Roy Street New Phones: Ind, 7590; Res. Red 356 Applications are now being received for the space in center of the hand­ some title page design of the Pacific Builder and Engineer. Special in­ Larger and better lighted quarters and better ducements. Phone or drop a line to the Manager of Advertising at once equipment enables us to give better dispatch to all for date desired. orders. IM Avenarius Carbolineum WHAT IT IS FOR tarpaulins and Canvas Decks, Fence Posts, Telegraph Posts and Cross Arms; Trestlework and Bridges, Railroad Ties, Wharfs and Docks; Ships ami Boats; Ropes, Fish Nets, Mining Timbers, Sills, Joists and Sleepers; Plank Walks, Wood Curbing and Steps; Water Tanks. Silos, Shingle Roofs, Brick Walls (to keep dry), Granaries, Barns, Chicken Houses (to prevent chicken lice and vermin), and on Woodwork where exposed to climatic influences. Avenarius Carbolineum will most effectively prevent ROT and DE­ CAY of any kind of woodwork ABOVE OR BELOW THE WATER. SHINGLE ROOFS Painted with AVENARIUS CARBOLINEUM will not WARP, CHECK or DECAY and applies a DURABLE, NUT-BROWN COLOR CARBOLINEUM WOOD PRESERVING CO. PORTLAND DENVER SAN FRANCISCO wamiMBBamm PACIFIC BUILDER AND ENGINEER. Saturday, tire sum is to be furnished by March 1st. South Bend, Or.: District No. 3 will vote an issue of $40,000 bonds for th« BUILSif^QMER purpose of building a modern, fire­ Published Every Saturday at Seattle. proof school building. The proposed building will be erected of either brick, stone or concrete. States covered in our Advance Construction News: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, British Columbia and Alaska. Steptoe, Wn.: The questi' n of vot­ ing bonds for the erection of a school CONTENTS. building In the sum of $7,000 was sub­ CONSTRUCTION NEWS: Bonds, Public Buildings, Business Buildings, mitted to the electors of the district. Schools and Churches, Hotels, Hospitals and Apartments, Theaters and Halls, Residences. The proposition carried by a vote of EDITORIAL, SPECIAL FEATURES, PERSONALS, TRADE NOTES, MIS­ -i to 9, to the gratification of the pen CELLANEOUS. pie of Steptoe. The matter was voted ENGINEERING NEWS: Municipal, Manufacturing Plants, Telephones, Power and Light, Electric Railways, Government Improvements, Bridges, Min­ upon several weeks ago, but owing ing, Lumber and Mills, Steam Railways, Engineering, Marine Construction, to irregular.,y in the call it was deem­ Public Roads, Sealed Proposals. ed best to hold another election. Work will begin upon the building as soon SEATTLE. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1908 as the bonds can be placed. Public Buildings Astoria, Or.: .lames W. Welch, one of Astoria's most public spirited citi­ zens, has presented block 111 in Shir­ ley's addition to Astoria to the Astoria public library, with the proviso that the building shall be of modern and Financial ci:izens decided to petition the coun­ substantial construction and be com­ pleted within a reasonable time. cil to call a special election in June Belt, Mont.: Belt, the thriving Cas­ Baker City, Or.: It is an assured cade county coal camp, is to have a for the purpose of voting a $2,000,000 tact thai Baker City is to have a Car­ new bank, articles having been filed. bond issue if necessary for the pur­ negie library. The council ;<t its last It is called the First State Bank of pose of building the proposed high meeting adopted a resolution accept \UK Mr. Carnegie's offer to erect a Belt and has a capital of $25,000. bridge across the Willamette river be­ Among Ihe incorporators are H. J. building in this city if the council Skinner, H. E. Dawson, C. H. Provin low the present site of the steel would donate a stipulated sum for the and T. E. Healey. bridge. maintenance of the library. At a pre­ vious meeting of the council the sum Boise, Ida.: Ordinance 778, author­ Prineville, Or.: At a special meet­ of $2,HiO was appropriated for library izing the city clerk to advertise the ing at the Madras school house last purposes. The question of a site bas sale of $78,211 bonds for paving dis­ Saturday a bond issue in the sum of not yet been decided upon, but the trict No. 7, was placed on its second $500 was voted by the taxpayers for council has expressed its willingness reading. At a previous meeting this the purpose of paying off the indebt­ to donate city property for this pur­ bond issue was authorized, and it is edness of this district. The bonds pose if no other ground is available understood that they will be purchas­ mature in 8 years, bearing 6 per cent Bellingham: When the county com­ ed by the First National bank. interest, and the money to float the missioners fix the next tax levy it is Johnson, Wn.: Farmers State bonds is to come from state school likely that provision will be made for Hank of Johnson, Johnson, Whitman funds. The indebtedness was mostly the raising of $38,000 for the erection county, $10,000. W. A. Donaldson, incurred in erecting and furnishing of a new county jail, adjoining the Frank Willoughby, James Changley. the schoolhouse. present court house. A. C. Peel, Myrtle Point, Or.: A new incorpor- Seattle: King county will sell its for the Pauly Jail Building company atibn is the Flanagan & Bennett bank $1,500,000 bond issue and will pay of St. Louis, called on the commission­ of Myrtle Point, principal office, Myr­ cash for its warrants on and after ers and explained to them in detail tle Point, Oregon; capital stock, $25,- March 15 next. This much was set­ the advantages of the prison quarters 000; incorporators, J. W. Bennett, tled yesterday by the assurances of erected by the concern he represents. James H. Flanagan and L. M. Suples. moneyed men who offered to take the Missoula, Mont.: Bids will be re­ Odessa, Wn.: The application of H. issue. Four bids were received for ceived by the University Library the issue of King county refunding Building commission up to February hi. Christensen, Mike Thoil, O. F. Clo- ij for the erection and completion of dius, C. H. Clodius and John Heim- bonds, as follows: N. W. Halsey & Co., Chicago and New York, offered a library building for the University of binger to organize the First National Montana, recording to plans and spec­ bank of Odessa, with $25,000 capital, a premium of $4,050 on the whole is­ sue of twenty-year 5 per cent bonds, ifications on file in the office of the has been approved by the controller architect, A.
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