COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Legislative Journal WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 2017 SESSION OF 2017 201ST OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 16 SENATE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WEDNESDAY, March 29, 2017 (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled.) The Senate met at 11 a.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNOR The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Mike Stack) in the NOMINATIONS REFERRED TO COMMITTEE Chair. The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following com- PRAYER munications in writing from His Excellency, the Governor of the Commonwealth, which were read as follows and referred to the The Chaplain, Reverend DR. JIM ARCIERI, Pastor of Com- Committee on Rules and Executive Nominations: munity Bible Fellowship Church, Red Hill, offered the following prayer: MEMBER OF THE STATE BOARD OF COSMETOLOGY Good morning. Let us pray. March 29, 2017 O Lord, there is no God like You in heaven above or on earth beneath, keeping His promises in every generation to those who To the Honorable, the Senate honor You. You have said, those who honor me, I will honor, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: and those who despise You, You will disdain. My prayer this morning, for this governing body of Pennsylvania, is that You In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the will graciously grant them the disposition to honor You so that advice and consent of the Senate, Tracy Bruno, 1075 Sunset Drive, Milton 17847, Northumberland County, Twenty-seventh Senatorial the people of Pennsylvania, in turn, will be honored by You. District, for appointment as a member of the State Board of Cosmetol- Lord, You observe not only external actions but, more impor- ogy, to serve until October 14, 2017, and until her successor is ap- tantly, You measure internal motivations. My prayer this morn- pointed and qualified, but not longer than six months beyond that pe- ing is for all of the hearts and minds of these Your servants that riod, vice Robert Patrene, Canonsburg, resigned. all would be conscious of their motivations and that all would TOM WOLF sense You stirring them to love what is true, noble, right, pure, Governor lovely, and admirable, whatever is excellent and praiseworthy, and to especially prize integrity in thought, word, and deed. This, MEMBER OF THE STATE BOARD I know, honors You. This, I know, will bring Your blessing, in OF MASSAGE THERAPY turn, to Pennsylvanians. Father, in all committee meetings, floor discussions, office March 29, 2017 deliberations, and in this historic Chamber, I humbly ask You to bring forward wisdom; the kind of wisdom that comes from You, To the Honorable, the Senate wisdom that is pure, peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere. The kind of wis- In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the dom that mitigates against our natural selfishness, pettiness, fear- advice and consent of the Senate, Camille Baughman, 24 Walnut Street, fulness, and arrogance. Lord, replace these our common human Carlisle 17013, Cumberland County, Thirty-first Senatorial District, for tendencies today with the humility to listen to Your voice inside reappointment as a member of the State Board of Massage Therapy, to and to hear Your voice through each other, and give these men serve until October 9, 2020, and until her successor is appointed and qualified, but not longer than six months beyond that period. and women the courage to promote what honors righteousness in government and in community. This I understand from Your TOM WOLF promise honors You and, as such, according to Your promise Governor will result in lasting happiness to the Pennsylvanians these ser- vants respectfully represent. This is my earnest request, O gra- MEMBER OF THE STATE BOARD OF NURSING cious God, in the wonderful name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen. March 29, 2017 The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Dr. Arcieri, who is the guest today of Senator Mensch. To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: 302 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE MARCH 29, In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the Commonwealth, which was read as follows and referred to the advice and consent of the Senate, Ann Coughlin, 1420 Locust Street, Committee on Rules and Executive Nominations: Apartment 37K, Philadelphia 19106, Philadelphia County, First Senato- rial District, for reappointment as a member of the State Board of Nurs- ing, to serve for a term of six years, and until her successor is appointed MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES OF and qualified, but not longer than six months beyond that period. LOCK HAVEN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA OF THE STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION TOM WOLF Governor March 29, 2017 MEMBER OF THE STATE BOARD OF OCCUPATIONAL To the Honorable, the Senate THERAPY EDUCATION AND LICENSURE of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: March 29, 2017 Please note that the letter dated March 22, 2017, for the nomination of James Gregory, 29 Mimzees Place, Lock Haven 17745, Clinton To the Honorable, the Senate County, Twenty-fifth Senatorial District, for appointment as a member of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: of the Council of Trustees of Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania of the State System of Higher Education, to serve for a term of six In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the years, and until his successor is appointed and qualified, vice Donald advice and consent of the Senate, Carolyn Gatty, 85 Raspberry Lane, Houser, Coraopolis, resigned, should be corrected to read: Mifflinburg 17844, Union County, Twenty-third Senatorial District, for James Gregory, 29 Mimzees Place, Lock Haven 17745, Clinton reappointment as a member of the State Board of Occupational Therapy County, Twenty-fifth Senatorial District, for appointment as a member Education and Licensure, to serve for a term of three years, and until of the Council of Trustees of Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania her successor is appointed and qualified. of the State System of Higher Education, to serve until April 2, 2018, and until his successor is appointed and qualified, vice Donald Houser, TOM WOLF Coraopolis, resigned. Governor TOM WOLF Governor MEMBER OF THE STATE BOARD OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EDUCATION AND LICENSURE BILL INTRODUCED AND REFERRED March 29, 2017 The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following Senate Bill numbered, entitled, and referred as follows, which was read To the Honorable, the Senate by the Clerk: of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: March 29, 2017 In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate, Edward Mihelcic, 344 North Ninth Street, Indiana 15701, Indiana County, Forty-first Senatorial District, Senators SABATINA, FONTANA, TARTAGLIONE, for reappointment as a member of the State Board of Occupational COSTA, LANGERHOLC, HUTCHINSON, RAFFERTY, Therapy Education and Licensure, to serve for a term of three years, STEFANO and WARD presented to the Chair SB 562, entitled: and until his successor is appointed and qualified. An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in prescribing opioids, further providing for TOM WOLF definitions, for prohibition and for procedure. Governor Which was committed to the Committee on CONSUMER MEMBER OF THE STATE BOARD PROTECTION AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE, March OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE 29, 2017. March 29, 2017 GENERAL COMMUNICATION JOINT LEGISLATIVE AIR AND WATER POLLUTION To the Honorable, the Senate CONTROL AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: REPORT OF THE FORESTRY TASK FORCE In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate, Randy Litman, 864 Garfield Avenue, The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following com- Lansdale 19446, Montgomery County, Twelfth Senatorial District, for munication, which was read by the Clerk as follows: reappointment as a member of the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine, to serve for a term of four years, and until his successor is appointed COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA and qualified, but not longer than six months beyond that period. Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee TOM WOLF Room 408, Finance Building Governor Harrisburg, PA CORRECTION TO NOMINATION TO: Ms. Megan Martin REFERRED TO COMMITTEE Secretary of the Senate FROM: Senator Scott E. Hutchinson, Chairman The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following com- SUBJECT: Forestry Task Force DATE: March 27, 2017 munication in writing from His Excellency, the Governor of the 2017 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE 303 In pursuance with Senate Resolution 55, enclosed please find the Allegheny, Senator Costa. Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Senator COSTA. Mr. President, I request a legislative leave Committee's Report of the Forestry Task Force for the 2015-16 Session. I am also pleased to present to you the Committee's 2016 Annual for Senator Williams. Report. This report summarizes the accomplishments of the Committee The PRESIDENT. Senator Corman requests temporary this past year. Capitol leaves for Senator Brooks and Senator McIlhinney, and If you have any questions, please contact Denise Plummer, Admin- legislative leaves for Senator Tomlinson and Senator White. istrative Officer, by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 717-787-7570. Senator Costa requests a legislative leave for Senator Wil- Thank you. liams. Without objection, the leaves will be granted. The PRESIDENT. This report will be filed in the Library. LEAVES OF ABSENCE BILLS REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE Senator CORMAN asked and obtained leaves of absence for Senator EICHELBERGER, from the Committee on Educa- Senator AUMENT and Senator GREENLEAF, for today's Ses- tion, reported the following bills: sion, for personal reasons. SB 363 (Pr. No. 355) Senator COSTA asked and obtained a leave of absence for Senator LEACH, for today's Session, for personal reasons.
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