,-rOf-Voion County at its three campuses in *- available and muy be obtuined by writing to the" Cranford,. Elizabeth, and. Plainfield. director of Admissions. Union Coif New urban, eriyironm "T AppJiications ipr.the. fall -semester arc now Springfiold avenue, CranfprdTu7OI6..' ' ' FRIDAY D6ADLINE All Items olher-than spol news ... s-- In cosa of emergency • should boe In our otflce^bffi by ^oon VOLVO GOES TO 6REAT The Zip Code _'. • ' .y."-">. • coll ; \,\-,-:,;• • •' i> be instituted by Union College in fall ^!ll LEHfifHS TOSTOP YOU 11 '376-0400' for Police Department' for Springfield is or Firtt Aid Squad . ' . 'Shaping America's future will be the focus of-—nol-plan to (jo 'beyond the associate degree pollution, intensive research has revealed that . Union. College may turn their .there, are outstanding job opportunities for 376-0144,(pr Fire Department' three new curricula at Union College, ('ran- conferred by .PLUMBING. «N SHORT ONES ion to employment ln.the -- lurininal students as well as_for those "who, - .07081 ford, Elizabeth, and Plalnfield '.MCATINO. ' - - C<)nio iest-s[(ip"our Vof\ —-T" 376-6440 for 'hot line' urca-<rf:human resources administration, social -continue their studies-at the baccalaureate i. ; •' _• Urban studies,"environmental engineering PROMPTSERVICE. ..with 4-wheel power on drug problems and environmental science will be offered as work,.urtajl-''Panning'..-4iealth^services and level, I'rof. Wolf'stated.* 1 Published Ev«ry Thurtdoyby Trumw Publishing Corp. options to existing programs, beginning in other phases of activity in government or the Union College is an Independent, co- disc brake .. 41 Mountain ov... SprIngll.ld, N.J. 0708U- 686-7700 September, it was announced this weed by" private sector, where the need for urban""'educational two-year college accredited by the STATE -SPECIAL Prof. Elmer Wolf, dean. Urban studies wil| be specialists is ^reut," I'rpf. Wolf explained. MiddJe_SU«|*s Association of Colleges and. _ Molllnj AJdr.iii Subicrlp'tflon Rot* ' SacohiTXIoi • "Poatajp PLUMBING & HEATING CO LONG TERM LEASING AVAILABLE "VOL. 43, NO. 33 SPRINGFIELD N,y.; THURSDAY, MAV 55,1972 offered as an option in the liberal arts While tin; environmental science^ and ert- ^Secondary Schools. In partnership with Union —HEAT SPECIALISTS P.O. Bon 69, Sprlngll.ld, N.J. 070Bl JB.50 Y.arly Paid at 5p.lngll.IJ, N.J. 20-Cents Per Copy vironmenta) engineering options are primarily County Technical Institute, Scotch Plains, find ."•-.- ^'Call b*t. I a 10 AM curriculum; environmental engineering as an «.• I a(,tir J. PM..-. '•I option in the engineering and physical science S'-lruhsfer" program to. provide students, under contract to the .Union County Coor- SMYTHE VOLVO INC eurriculums and environmental sciences as an academic preparation in tho application of dinating; Agency for higher-education, Union 379-397a—^79^5694 326 MORRIS AVC.7 SUMMIT 273-4200 option in the biological sciences curriculum. scientific methods and skills U>,ienvlronmen!aI~™Cnllege isservlng the"community college 'The need-fof these programs is almost self evident," Prof. Wolf stated. "Urban America is in a crisis—a crisis of interwoven problems. brook A solution to these problems is essential to the future of our nation and will require the talents of .urban specialists.1' "No less urgent," Prof."Wolf continued "is the need for specialists in~envirnnmental- to pay NEW AFFILIATION'.— S. M. Gilbert, of sciences. Pollution is here to stay." to ~ All three prpgrams are designed ••as transfer Union h.os been appointed a new and SILVER ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION used_-car salesman for Fletcher programs; preparing students to transfer to a four-year college or university, to complete the LincolnJ*Aercury7—Summit. Gilbert, a - ruember of -Union Elks Lodge No. requir.ement.TToT' a baccalaureate degree. 1583, has been' in tho automobile Baccalaureate programs in urban "studies, business since~J948; • —'——• environmental science and environmental engineering are being offered by an incrcasing •K- — '_ :——M-, ' ' ' ' - number of colleges and universities.. , j forThe annual Memorial Day "By filvipfi • students -7Bn opportunity— to le to'Jbe held. Monday morning werelan- izenobjections iail specialize at the initial period of their collegiate to be honored- l^=noufieed-thte-week bv Matt Allen, chairman of thillOprpared=for •morc • the Memorial Day committee. ~ — io change-flc Fred Rute.iormer commander of Sbrinftftek- junior and senior years," Prof Wolf noted.' liy ABNEK GOLD ContinentatPost, American 'Legion, andof'the ElyJUef, n builder and real estate executive, "Studentsjiinjoring-in urban studies whb do— ~~^heT_ownghip Cjmmittce moved Tueadayrhrr will be a gtiest of-hmi()r:3unday..-at;the_annuaL county Legion organization, will serve asgranf~ iir«k 'itrndemnallon proceedings inJorder to dinner—of llic_SynnRogue of the Suburban" £. ; i .--^.—,.,—,_.-:—— iharshal; ^ ' . • - obtain the easementsjieeded for channcllzatlpn Torah Center, marking the third nnniversnry.of SnrflUPI—PfllTlhfiinn — ,The paraders wlHtormWN. Trivett avqnue" work along the. east and west branches of 1 Ul at 8:15 a.m—march Into Millburn where they Bryant Brook as partof a SCOO^OOO flood control its founding, Nathan Kabot. president oMho ^M'.H"^ , .^ '.'HH'-yU ; '^-williSe joined by participants there and'return Jt^h congregation, .announced this week, I- r—j—-J—\— •?—• — through Springfield center along Morris ^-stand in the face-of strong objections by two ' Lief, formerly;. .chairman of the. Union-^JieQCISG DV WOmOn avenue at about-10:30, The Springfield con- citizens opposed to the plan. ._ Township United' {Jewish jAppcul, and-a-co- :—: —- ' ' ' - tlngertte. will then turn rigM to Town Hall for __^ In other business^ Ihe committee heard a • Richard I. Samuel-of-W«sU'i<ild-has-namcd a FRESH chairman., of the Union County. United Fund,;-- -Democratic Congressional candidate .the closing ceremonies while the Millburn _ strong jBppeaJJiqni .tenants Jn local -apart.- woman, Dinah Stevens, as his, campaigns marchers will return to their own community. was also a member of the board of directors of ments.who were among the 50 members of the.. manager. , "The schedule-includes memorial services in GETTING STARTED — Athletic the YMHA. _-.'."..'— omm GROUND _. audience in Town Hall, calling forhelp in -ob-- "I liavo worked with Dinah for the past six Springfield at the Presbyterian and Methodist The dinner, to bend helc d at the Gov. Morrips Inn, _ tainlng_state_and_federal-legislatloh-to-stop— months,"- said - Samuel, ^-who-is-rUnning_to—. cemeteries and in Millburn at the St. Stephen's' '" portlclpotlon by girls on boys' vorjlty GeorgMorristowne B, . is'rnndcn."thRader, who'receivee chairmanshid pth oef what they termed rent gouging. congregatlon'sman-of-tht-year award in 1971. represent -the—12th—Congressional .District. tVlRYDAY LOW PttiCtS and St. Rose-of-Llma cemeteries. As usual, "During that time, I have found her to be one of some of-the younger-marchers-wilhjoin-the teams has just beerr launched at The goyernlng-body-^pTjrDvSraTTiblibrrlixZ tho molH)iehly-(Hialified-aliidents;of-politirs I •••- "IbT'J parade for its final stages as.lt returns to Commltteeman Donald Clancy to authorize have met. I was pleased when she agreed to run MORTON Springfield at Severna and Short Hills avenues. ^Dayton ReglonaLlHIglv —hiring of-an appraiser for property affected by my campaign." The order of march for Springfield paraders -the flood control easements and'the bringing_of_ USDACHOICi -^_~ will be: Police Department, Harmony Band, -•--.condemnation-proceedings for the easements. Ms. Stevens, a resident of Mont'clalr, •.!_: THldK CUT GOV'T INSPECTED OUABTER! School. Waiting for the starter's gun . WING ON AmericHTrrEegion j Auxiliary, Fire Mayor Robert Welfchek praised the work of researched and wrote the Common Calisc—:' LONDON BROIL SHOULOIR CHICKEN BREAST g an( y, Voting. Rights Project last y.ear which USDA CHOIC Ib. ' Dtt Vt rFiTW the local flood control committee in seeking GOVT INSPECTED Department, Veterans orForeigrTWars and ore, from letVSheryl Epstein. Joe easemtwtn from all homeowners whoso land__ described how-dolegates-in-all-SO-states-are CUBE STEAK LEANirENDE«_— Auxiliary^—Flrst—Aid Squadp" Red Cross, chosen-to the national nominating conventions. USbA'CHOICI BONlLiSS • CHICKEN LEGS= borders the two branches^ the brobkTHe said" • GRADE A IV, Ib. AVG '-- Jonathan Day ton. Regional .HJ^b-Schooi-Bandr Rapuano, Cjndy- Welskott, Paul •that-some residents had' offered to sign_ '/wcCjiuft SHOULDERSTEAK E|ks-Club aridAuxiliaryPLions ClubfAMICOr ROCK CORNISH HENS _ •Ib.'1 FREDRUTZ easements, without a charge,_because of the USDA CHOICE Girl ScputgrBrownles^Boy ScoutsrCubScoutsr _ SWIMPREMIUM 1^=7— - — "IFdnaroH^L Diane Maxelkd and—Len" urgency of the flood prpblem7but tjiat many Drama Festival ROUND ROAST ~~^~^T Indian-Guides and Jndlan Princesses, had refused. .; .*'. — : BUTTERBALL TURKEYS -r<fn USDACHOICE ' • Prather. Proving that tennl»-l»-not ju»t • "To be fair to everyone," Weltchek said, BIADV-TO IAT-FORTIOMS A BRffif BIOGRAPHY of-Ru'tz, who is the : at Union College TOP ROUND ROAST —;...IJ^J^ BUTT: GOP ^%^ "and npLtp penalize anybodyTorlbeing a good SlLjAG. K;:GAL-«i. SMOKED HAMS- —^IbT 59« parade/ marshal, was submitted by Joe : USDACHOICf" . Natiello, commander of the local Legion post. a boys' rackei are; Jeff to:rlghtrLdrrV citizen," the town will move-to condemnation Union College's annual Spring Drama TAYLOR • .'.' ^ •_. IJjQ-ihaLalL-coticerned will be paid
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