The Sunnah of Staying Seated During Iqaamah Muhammad Shakeel Qadiri Ridawi TRANSLATORS NOTE All Praise is due to Almighty Allāh, who sent the Ambiyā Alayhimussalaam as guidance to the people. Peace, blessings and salutations upon the leader of all the Ambiyā, Sayyidunā Rasūlullāh Sall Allahu Alayhi Wasallam and His illustrious Companions Radi Allahu Anhum Ajmaeen, who are our stars of guidance as well as the best of all companions to have walked this Earth. Upon the Ulamā e Haq Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamā’at, who are the manifestation of truth, and upon all those who follow and will continue to follow Maslak e Āla Hadrat, the path of recognition of Haq in this era. In many Masaajid around the world today we are regularly being told by many so called Imams and so called Scholars belonging to the deviant sects, that it is against the Sunnah to stay seated during the Iqaamah. Some go as far as saying it is impermissible to stay seated and force the muqtadees to stand, saying this is an innovation started by Imam Ahmad Rida Khan Radi Allahu and his followers. It is time that we stood up for Haq and informed the masses that these mischief makers are our open enemies. We should follow the words of the Hadith, by keeping them away from us and keeping ourselves away from them. If I was to present proofs from the books of Our Sunni Saheehul Aqeedah Akaabireen only, then these deviants would try and wriggle out this, so I will provide evidences from their own scholars. The Sunni Saheehul Aqeedah Ulema should push for this blessed Sunnah to be implemented, and the Awaam should read this article and not pay any attention to the deviants. The proofs have also been presented in the Urdu language by Shahzaadah e Huzoor Muhadith e Kabeer Hadrat Mufti Ataa ul Mustafa Amjadi sahib Qibla, so that the English language barrier cannot be used as a further excuse by the fitna makers. I pray that Almighty Allāh accepts my humble effort in His Majestic and Divine Court. May Allah grant health to Huzoor Muhadith e Kabeer Hadrat Allama Zia al Mustafa Sahib Qibla and all the other great Scholars who have remained steadfast upon the way of our Salaf. May Allah Almighty preserve all of them, may Allah Almighty reward Hadrat Mufti Ataa ul Mustafa Amjadi sahib Qibla in abundance. Ameen Thumma Ameen. I dedicate this translation to Huzoor Taajush Shariah Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Qibla Alaihirrahmah, and Huzoor Mujaahid e Ahle Sunnat Hadrat Allama Syed Shah Turab ul Haq Qadiri Noori Razawi Sahib Alaihirrahmah, May Allah Almighty raise their status. Ameen. Faqeer Muhammad Shakeel Qādirī Riḍawī The Sunnah of Staying Seated During Iqaamah The wahaabies, tableeghis and the deobandis say that it is not proven from the Sunnah of the Beloved Prophet Sall Allahu Alaihi Wasallam to stay seated in the Iqaamah until Hayya Ala Salaah, Hayya Alal Falaah has been said. Let us look at these claims and what is stated in the Hadith Shareef and by their scholars. What the Fuqahaa e Kiraam have stated in the major books of fiqh The Fuqahaa e Kiraam have mentioned three possibilities concerning standing during Iqaamah: 1) When the Imam enters from the mihraab at the time of Iqaamah 2) When the Imam enters from the back of the Masjid 3) When both the Imam and muqtadees are present in the Masjid at the time of Iqaamah The laws pertaining to these three situations are as follows; The following is recorded in Al-Badai’ al-Sanai’: “The qiyam (standing) is for the purpose of Salah [in Congregation] and it is not possible without the Imam. Thus, standing [without the presence of the Imam] is not beneficial. If the Imam enters from the front of the Masjid, the people will stand as soon as they see him because when he enters he will directly proceed to the place of leading the Salah (Imamat). If he enters from the back of the Masjid [from behind the rows], the correct view is that each row [of muqtadis] will stand as he passes the particular row, for by his passing of each row it becomes valid for that row to follow him in Salah. It is as if the Imam is already on his place [in front of them] for each row passed.” (Al-Badai’ al-Sanai’, 1:200) In Fatawa Alamgeeri also known as Al-Fatawa Al-Hindiyyah it is stated: “If the Muadhin and the imam is not the same person and the Imam and muqtadis are in the Masjid, the Imam and muqtadis will stand when the muadhin says hayya ‘ala al-falah, according to our three ‘ulama (Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Abu Yusuf, Imam Muhammad) and this is the correct view. “If the Imam is outside the Masjid and he enters from behind the rows, each row [of muqtadis] will stand when he passes that particular row. This is the opinion of Shams al-A’immah Al-Halwani, Al-Sarakhsi . If the Imam enters the Masjid from the front, the people will stand as soon as they see the Imam. They will not stand before he enters the Masjid.” (Al- Fatawa al-Hindiyyah, 1:57) In Tabyīn al-ḥaqā’iq sharḥ Kanz al-daqā’iq and in al-Bahr ar-Raiq sharh Kanz ad-Daqaiq it is stated: If the Imam is not in the Masjid, the muqtadees will not stand until the Imam does not arrive, and then if the Imam enters from the front of the rows, the muqtadees should stand up when they see the Imam entering, If the Imam is entering from the back of the rows, people sitting in each row should stand up when the Imam passes by their row. All the Fuqahaa e kiraam have agreed that to stand at the beginning of iqaamah is makrooh, the correct procedure which has been acted upon from the time of The Final Messenger of Allah Almighty Sall Allahu Alaihi Wasallam up until today. Imam Nawawi Alaihir Rahmah has written when the Muadhin says Hayya ala Salaah or Hayya alal Falaah then both the Imam and the Muqtadees should stand for Salah. However, some narrations have Hayya ala Salaah and some have Hayya alal Falaah to which Imam Ahlu Sunnah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Radi Allahu Anhu has beautifully written, "When the Muadhin says Hayya ala Salah, one should begin to stand, and when he says Hayya alal Falaah one should be standing completely straight" (Al-'Ataya An-Nabawiyyah Fil-Fatawa Ar- Ridawiyyah). The rulings pertaining to this are crystal clear, which can be supported by many Ahadith Shareefah and many books of Fiqh. To keep this discourse short I will present just a few, so that it becomes clear that this is not something the Ahlus Sunnah Barelwis have invented. The forced standing throughout the Iqaamah has been invented by the ghair muqallid, wahabies and the deobandis just to cause fitna and disunity amongst the saheeh ul aqeedah Muslims. Why is it they say nothing about the many acts which have crept into the Salaahs of the Muslims, some of which are completely haram which imitate the non Muslims, jews, and the christians. They never comment on those who imitate the clothing of the non Muslims, standing bare headed in salah etc, etc. Why is this so ? What has been stated in Hadith Shareef The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “When the Iqaamah for prayer is given, do not stand up until you see me leaving my house.” Al-Bukhaari, Muslim, Sunan Abu daud, Sunan Tirmidhi, Sunan Nisai, Sunan al Daarmi, Musnad Ahmad According to a version narrated by Muslim: “Until you see that I have come out.” Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah ( Allah is pleased with him) says that they stood up for salah and straightened the rows even before the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) emerged from his quarters. (Muslim) The Messenger of Allah (Sall Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) would stand up from his place when Sayyiduna Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) would say: “Qad Qamat al-salah“ ( Fathul baari sharh Bukhari ) Now that we have seen what has been stated in the Hadith Shareef and the major books of Fiqh, let us finally see what the Scholars of the deobandi, wahaabi and ghair muqallid sects say. What has been written in the books of the deviant scholars molvee ashrafeli thanwis fatwa: "One should understand standing upon Hayya ala Salaah and Hayya alal Falaah has been written in Durre Mukhtar that this is considered to be from amongst the etiquettes of prayer." (Imdad al fataawa) molvee kifayatullah deobandis fatwa: "The Imam and the followers should stand upon the muadhin saying Hayya ala Salah and begin the Salah upon hearing Qad Qaamatis Salah" (kifayat al mufti) molvee shafee' usmani deobandis fatwa: "If the imam and muqtadis are present in the masjid, then according to the reliable narration, they should stand when the muadhin says hayya ‘ala al-falah. When the Imam and muqtadis are present in the masjid before time, it is best to stand at hayya ‘ala al-falah and qad qamat al-salah according to Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and according to Imam Shafi’i after the iqaamah is complete." ( jawahir al fiqh) molvee yusuf ludhiyanwi deobandis fatwa: "It has been written to be amongst the mustahabbaat of Salah in our books to stand upon hearing Hayya ala Salah and for the Imam to begin Salah upon Qad Qaamatis Salaah" ( aap ke masaail aur un ka hal) molvee mujeebullah nadvis fatwa: "When the one saying Iqaamah says Qad Qaamatis Salaah one should stand up for Salah" (Islami fiqh) molvee azizurahmans fatwa: "To stand upon Hayya alal Falah is mustahab" (fataawa darul uloom deoband) molvee karamatullah jownpuris fatwa: "When the Muadhin says Hayya ala Salah then both the Imam and the followers should stand up for Salah" ( miftaah al jannah) molvee fareed deobandis fatwa: "To stand upon hearing Hayya ala Salaah is from adab and is afdal" ( fataawa fareediyah ) molvee Muhammad wahaab deobandis fatwa: "It is best to stand at hayya ‘ala Salah according to Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Muhammad " molvee waheed al zaman ghair muqallids fatwa: "The people of the Masjid will not stand until they see the Imam, if the Imam is present in the Masjid then they will stand after the Iqaamah has been completed.
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