lha,EVANGELICAL OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF AMERICA VOL. III, NO. 12 NOVEMBER 4, 1952 ~~ THE CONTROVERSY OVER THE R.S. V. Evangelical groups, it would seem, are not by any means unanimous in putting their unqualified approval on the new Revised Standard Version of the Bible. The number of ad­ verse criticisms that have been published during the past few weeks has surprised us, in view of the almost-unanimous commendation given to the New Testament R. S. V. pub­ lished six years ago. Some of the attacks that have been published, in our estimation, are unfair and extreme, to say the least. How­ ever, it is in order to advise our readers against too hasty or dogmatic conclusions either for or against the work of the translators. Read as many as possible of the criticisms-both pro and con-and suspend judgment until more of the evi­ dence has been presented. The journal of the National As­ sociation of Evangelicals has had some strong articles against the new version, but it is also publishing at least two articles which will commend the version. The Sunday School Times has promised some articles on the subject. integrity and high Christian principles, who will be conscien­ No version has ever appeared, of course, that has escaped tious-if elected-in serving their country in the fear of the attack by its critics. They have survived these attacks and Lord. have made their contribution to a better understanding of God's Word nevertheless. Whoever is elected will need-and should have-the earnest prayers of God's people, whether he happens to be the man of our choice or not. The man in the White House -and the men who will be directing the affairs of onr Gov­ THE PRESIDENT-ELECT ernment during the next few years-will be confronted by American voters are deciding on Tuesday of this week problems that can never be solved right apart from the ( the date of this issue) who will be the next President of guidance of Almighty God. And it would seem that no the world's richest and most powerful nation. By Wednes­ serious-minded man could possibly stand up under the strain day morning the news will have been flashed around the of responsibility resting upon him unless he is sustained by world that one or the other of the two principal candidates Divine strength and guided by Divine wisdom. has been chosen by a majority of our fellow-citizens. Hence our responsibility as Christians-after the mud­ Though millions of voters will be disappointed at the slinging campaign becomes a thing of the past-is to quit outcome, more millions will rejoice that their candidate won. griping over the defeat of our particular candidate and start The losers-in good American fashion-will take their de­ praying for those who have been chosen by the majority of feat in stride and will be sending their congratulations to our fellow Americans. That is not only "good sportsmanship," the winners in the national and state elections this week. but down-to-earth Christianity as outlined for us in the New Those winners will not appear quite so "incompetent," "in­ Testament. consistent," "insincere," "dishonest," as their opponents made them out to be before the election. The mud-slinging will have come to an end-until the next campaign- and we shall all do our best to find some good in the men elected lhe Evangellcaf Beacon and Evangelist to office. Published every week by So far as the Presidential candidates are concerned, it THE EV ANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF AMERICA has been almost universally conceded that they were both Editorial and Circulation Office-2950 Nicollet Avenue, men of high moral and intellectual stature-the best men Minneapolis 8, Minn. their parties could have nominated. It will also be recognized Address all communications to Free Church Publications, 2950 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis 8, Minnesota. Tel. Gibson 2511. -now that the election is over-that the differences between the two rival parties are not nearly so great as they were EDITOR: ROY A. THOMPSON made out to be last week and the weeks preceding. They Subscription price, $3.00 per year are both dedicated to the preservation of our cherished Amer­ Ent.ered as second class matter Aug. 11, 1950, at the Post ican freedoms. In both parties there are men of unquestioned Office in Minneapolis, Minn., under the act of March 3, 1879· - Pertinent Points ~ t~ MY VIEWPOINT Dr. E. A. Hall.een President's Pen , , , , , • • • • • • • President Emeritus ···································· One of the popular words in the religious vocab I f - . ~ WORTHWHILE PROJECT · " · I'' " . ,, u ary o our day ~s ecum~mca or ~cumemc1ty. This is especially true of in 1£~:~ norunr to lo one day, I boarded the Pico streetcar the liberal ~mg of Christendom where there is much talk and fill d nlge es or anta. Monica. The car was pretty well effort to.brmg all groups together in a world-wide ecumenical . e so sat down beside a woman. Seemin I h fellowship.. Thatt movement. th , howeverh , is more co ncemed d~~~;ely rtdpied rtheading a book. At an intersecfitn ~h= c::~ ab out unron a any pnce an t e principles of a Chri ti . r ca ~ 'out e name of the street with its transfer 'thTh h .. ·1 f san pomthts. Ithdidthnt pay much attention to this as I was going fa1 • e emp as1s 1s on soCia re orm rather than ·r f to contend for_ the fa~th. The latter may have comeu%:~ ar er an . e car would take me. because there 1s D;O faith left for which to contend! The fact But the woman spoke up and asked me what street the that efforts to u~nte people are thus misdirected should not conduc~or had called. I couldn't tell her. Then she said "I am so mter~ted in reading this book I didn't hear what 'the keep us from usmg the word ecumenical or seeking to ·t conductor said." be I 1evers. m· the common cause of presenting Christ toum the e world. I said: "It must be a good book" She replied, "A good book? I haven t_ read ~. book for a long time as good as this book." Ecumenicity has been a basic principle of The Evangelical She contmued, Have you read it? With that she handed me Free Church of ~merica long before the word itself became the book. popular. In !act, 1t was one of the impelling motives leading "Yes, I said, I have read it several times." She said, "You to the establishment of the work. The conviction that believers must know the author?" can meet on a common gr?und 3:nd enjoy fellowship with one I smiled and nodded. another, regardless of mmor differences in doctrinal view­ She said, ''What are you smiling at?" points and practical methods, has been one of the secrets of I said, "Because I happen to be the author." the appeal of the Free Church wherever it has gone. In a new "Then," she said, "I m;1st tell ~ou I was converted reading community, for example, some Lutheran movements would your book. For years I was seekmg for something, I did not gather only ~utherans ~n~ ~ome Baptists would bring togeth­ know what. Then I came across your book and in reading it er ?nly Baptists, thus d1v1dmg t~e group into small segments, I have come to know God's plan of salvation and I have while the Free Church can say, All who believe on the Lord accepted Christ as my Savior. Do you wonder that J didn't Jesus Christ are saved. Why permit the time and mode of pay attention to the conductor's call? I thank God for leading baptism, the location of the ·pulpit, the order of service etc. you to write this book" to divide the Lord's people?" We believe that biblical separa­ * * * tion calls for a division between the Christian and the world I was asked to visit a young man at the Swedish hospital the believer and the unbeliever, the Church preaching th~ in Minneapolis and speak to him, as he was not a Christian. Word of God as His divinely inspired message and the divine I sat down beside his bed. On a table at my side was this Christ as the only Savior and the so-called church which de­ same book. In searching for some point of contact I asked nies the Word and the deity of Christ in word and in practice; the young man if he had read the book. ''Yes," he replied, we do not believe such separation is meant to divide Christians. "and I want to tell you I am now a Christian. My sisters and my mother don't know it yet. I turned to God after reading In our principles we emphasize those things which will your book. I am happy now and ready to meet my God and unite God's children. The verbal inspiration of the Scriptures, Savior." the deity of Christ, the need of regeneration, the presence * * * and power of the Holy Spirit in the life ·of a believer enabling In reviewing this book in one of our Christian periodicals, him to live a consistent and victorious life, and the return of not connected with the Free Church, the reviewer said among Christ are some of the principles in a common meeting other things, "I would suggest to all Seminary students in our ground.
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