Geothermal exploration using the magnetotelluric method Wouter Arian van Leeuwen Urecht Studies in Earth Sciences 115 Utrecht 2016 Department of Earth Sciences Faculty of Geosciences - Utrecht University Local editors: Prof.dr. Steven de Jong Dr. Marjan Rossen Prof.dr. Cor Langereis Drs. Jan-Willem de Blok ISBN 978-90-6266-438-2 Published by Faculty of Geosciences, the Netherlands, in: Utrecht Studies in Earth Sciences (USES), ISSN 2211-4335 Printed in the Netherlands by Optima Grafische Communicatie, Rotterdam Copyright © 2016 by Wouter van Leeuwen. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, by print or photo print, microfilm or any other means, without written permission by the publishers. Geothermal exploration using the magnetotelluric method Geothermische exploratie met de magnetotellurische methode (met een samenvatting in het Nederlands) Proefschri ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van de rector magnicus, prof.dr. G.J. van der Zwaan, ingevolge het besluit van het college voor promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op woensdag 26 oktober 2016 des middags te 12.45 uur door Wouter Arian van Leeuwen geboren op 20 mei 1981 te Eindhoven Promotor: Prof. Dr. R.J. Schotting Copromotor: Dr. A. Raoof ”If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen” Harry S. Truman Examination committee: Prof. Dr. Michael Becken, University of Münster Dr. Mark Muller, independent consultant Prof. Dr. Bülent Tezkan, University of Cologne Prof. Dr. Ir. Evert Slob, Delft University of Technology Prof. Dr. Jan Diederik van Wees, Utrecht University This work was financially supported by IF Technology bv, Arnhem Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Geothermal energy . 2 1.2 Geothermal energy around the world . 5 1.3 The magnetotelluric method in geothermal exploration . 9 1.4 Projects . 14 2 Geothermal plays and conceptual models 23 2.1 Introduction . 24 2.2 Catalogue of geothermal plays . 25 2.3 Exploration of geothermal systems . 29 3 Theory of the magnetotelluric method 35 3.1 Introduction . 36 3.2 Magnetotellurics in geothermal exploration . 37 3.3 Electromagnetic theory . 44 3.4 The magnetotelluric transfer function . 46 3.5 Processing magnetotelluric data . 51 3.6 Distortion of the magnetotelluric signal . 54 i ii Contents 3.7 Dimensionality . 56 3.8 Cultural electromagnetic noise . 58 3.9 Data acquisition . 60 3.10 Inversion . 63 4 Quality Index pre-sorting 71 4.1 Introduction . 72 4.2 Magnetotelluric processing theory . 74 4.3 Data evaluation . 77 4.4 Quality Index pre-sorting . 82 4.5 Reprocessing results . 87 4.6 Comparison QI reprocessing and contractor-processed results . 97 4.7 Discussion . 100 4.8 Conclusions and future work . 103 4.9 Acknowledgements . 104 5 Comparison and interpretation of two 3-D inversion models 107 5.1 Introduction . 108 5.2 Geology . 110 5.3 Data acquisition, processing and evaluation . 112 5.4 3-D inversion modelling . 116 5.5 3-D modelling results quantitatively compared . 122 5.6 Conclusions . 130 6 The Montelago geothermal prospect 133 6.1 Introduction . 134 6.2 A brief overview of the Montelago geothermal prospect . 137 6.3 Geology of the geothermal prospect . 141 6.4 Evaluation of the existing geophysical exploration data . 145 6.5 Inversion of the resistivity data . 157 6.6 Discussion on the various inversion results . 174 6.7 Conclusions . 191 Contents iii 7 Discussion and conclusions 195 7.1 Introduction . 196 7.2 Noisy magnetotelluric data, field procedure or processing? . 198 7.3 Resistivity modelling of geothermal systems . 203 7.4 Interpretation of resistivity models . 206 7.5 Application of the magnetotelluric method in the Netherlands . 208 7.6 Conclusions . 209 7.7 Future work . 211 Bibliography 215 A Structural metrics 231 B Structural metrics of models in Chapter 5 239 Samenvatting 249 Summary 261 Acknowledgements 273 Curriculum Vitae 277 •hoofdstukpag.indd 2 28-08-16 13:48 2 1 Introduction 1.1 Geothermal energy The International Geothermal Association (IGA) defines geothermal energy as “that part of the Earth’s heat that can, or could be, recovered and exploited by man” [Dickson and Fanelli, 2004]. It is this definition that is used in this thesis when referring to geothermal energy. Radiogenic heat production in the mantle and crust is the main source of Earth’s heat. Other sources contributing to the Earth’s surface heat flow are the Earth’s core and mantle cooling [Ledru and Guillou Frottier, 2010]. The Earth’s heat is conducted through the mantle to be stored in rocks and/or water in the crust. It is the utilization of this thermal energy, present in liquid water or as trapped steam within (porous) rocks and in the rocks itself, that is of interest for geothermal energy production. A geothermal system is defined by Williams et al. [2011] as “any local- ized geological setting where portions of the Earth’s thermal energy may be extracted from natural or artificially induced circulating fluids transported to a point of use.” Geothermal systems are conventionally classified in terms of their temperature, leaving the geological setting, reservoir parameters such as porosity and permeability, as well as economic viability of the system, out of the classification. A temperature-based classification of geothermal systems is an impracti- cal approach when exploring for geothermal resources, even more so because no uniform temperature-based classification system is available. Although gen- erally three classes, low temperature, medium temperature, and high tempera- ture, are distinguished when classifying geothermal systems, the limits between the three temperature classes vary. This variation is illustrated in Figure 1.1. Inspired by hydrocarbon exploration and considering the above, Moeck [2014] suggested categorizing geothermal systems by “play type”. The defini- tion of a geothermal play is a model which comprises the geological factors controlling a technically and economically recoverable geothermal resource [Moeck, 2013]. These geological factors must describe the heat source, the reser- voir, the heat or fluid pathways, the seal of the reservoir, the storage capacity 1.1 Geothermal energy 3 Figure 1.1: Different temperature-based classification schemes of geothermal systems. A) IFC [2013], B) Goldstein et al. [2011], C) to G) from Dickson and Fanelli [2004]. of the play, and the potential for economic recovery of the heat [Moeck, 2013, 2014]. Because most characteristics of a geothermal prospect are unknown at the early exploration stages of a geothermal prospect, categorizing a geother- mal system following this classification scheme might initially introduce con- fusion. However, classifying geothermal systems following the categorization into geothermal play types, forces the utilization of all geological information while formulating the geothermal conceptual model. Geothermal plays are divided into conduction-dominated type plays and convection-dominated type plays [Moeck, 2014]. Here, conduction and con- vection are related to the dominant mechanism of heat transfer providing the geothermal system’s heat source. In a geothermal sense, conduction is the transfer of heat between geological formations that are in direct contact with each other. Or, in other words, the heat is transferred to the Earth’s surface through solid rocks. Convection in a geothermal sense is the circulatory pro- cess of a hot liquid or gas rising towards the surface, after which a cooler liquid or gas takes its place and is heated again. Although heat conduction is also taking place in convective systems, the greatest amount of heat is transferred into the geothermal reservoir via liquids or gas. 4 1 Introduction Convection-dominated type plays are related to recent, i.e., less than roughly one million years old, volcanic activity found near plate boundaries such as subduction zones (the "Ring of Fire" in the Pacific), continental rifts (East African Rift), mid-ocean ridges and transform fault spreading centres, or at hot spot anomalies (Hawaii, Iceland). Conduction-dominated play types are, for example, found in areas with an increased heat flow in the continen- tal crust, often generated by radioactive isotope decay, hot water percolating upward along fault zones, or deep seated intrusive bodies. These regional differences in geothermal play types are very well recog- nized in a global surface heat flow map in which all the plate boundaries show an enhanced surface heat flow in comparison with the stable continental plates (see Figure 1.2). Depending on the local geological setting, both convective and conductive type geothermal plays can be divided into several sub-types which is further discussed in Chapter 2: “Geothermal plays and conceptual models”. Figure 1.2: Global surface heat flow map, Figure from Hamza et al. [2008]. After drilling the first exploration well, geothermal plays are geologically described by their conceptual model. A conceptual model is defined as the geo- logical model, both descriptive and graphic, containing the relevant structures and processes that characterize the geothermal reservoir and its response to exploitation [Grant and Bixley, 1982; Axelsson, 2013]. A more detailed discus- sion of conceptual models can be found in Chapter 2: “Geothermal plays and conceptual models”. 1.2 Geothermal energy around the world 5 Geothermal energy is utilized for electrical power generation or for di- rect heat applications. The advantages of electrical power generation from geothermal energy are apparent when connected to the electrical grid or on remote locations with insufficient power supply, including isolated islands, ar- eas with a high energy demand (industrial processes, mining) or areas where other energy sources are scarce or expensive. Finally, it is one of the many sus- tainable energy alternatives alongside, e.g., wind, solar, and hydro. Geothermal energy can be utilized as direct heat for industrial purposes for those industrial processes needing high temperatures such as the paper industry or aluminium production. This type of exploitation of geothermal heat, without the use of ground source heat pumps, is referred to as direct heat.
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