Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 2 DECEMBER 1958 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Quesl'ions. [2 DECEMBER.] Questions. 1769 this inquiry are of acute public concern, will he table the report in Parliament when the House meets next week~ If not, will he give his reasons for withholding the report~'' Hon. H. W. NOBLE (Yeronga) replied- '' As stated in the Press and by way of interjection I shall lay on the table of the House, the report of the inquiry by the Director-General of Health and Medical Services, Dr. A. Fryberg, the General Superintendent of the Brisbane Hospital, Dr. A. D. D. Pye, and the Inspector of Hospitals, Mr. J. E. Townsley, into condi· tions at the Mount Isa Hospital following allegations made at the J orgensen inquest." HEARING OF TRIALS BY JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. Hon. W. POWER (Baroona) asked the Minister for Justice- '' (1) Will he please state the number of civil cases dealt with by each judge, giving the name of the judge from January 1 to November 15, 1958, also, how many of these cases were defended~'' "(2) How many criminal cases were dealt with during the same period; in how many of these cases was a plea of 'Guilty' entered, and how many cases were dealt with in Chambers~'' '' ( 3) How many sittings of the Full Court were held during the year, stating the number of days that were occupied during the sittings of such Full Court, the names of the judges who sat on these Full Court cases, and how many cases are still to be dealt with~'' Hon. A. W. lliUNRO (Toowong) replied- '' In reply to this question, I would point out that the first paragraph of the question relates to cases dealt with by each juc.Je. With reference to this, I might say that TUESDAY, 2 DECEMBER, 1958. particulars of cases dealt with by each judge are not readily available. Even if Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. A. R. Fletcher, those particulars were readily available, in Cunningham) took the chair at 11 a.m. my view, it would not be in the public interest for such details to be published. QUESTION&. Such details would merely be misleading for reasons as indicated hereunder. The INQUIRY AT M1'. ISA HOSPITAL AND DEATH specific answers which follow relate to the OF' JORGENSEN. totals of cases within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court at Brisbane.'' Mr. DUGGAN (North Toowoomba­ Leader of the Opposition) asked the Minister "(1) During the period from January for Health and Home Affairs- 1, 1958, to November 15, 1958, a total " In view of the fact that (a) the report of 177 civil cases were dealt with by the of the Director-General of Health and Med­ judges of the Supreme Court at Bris­ ical Services, Dr. A. Fryberg, the Super­ bane. Of these cases, 42 were withdrawn intendent of the Brisbane General Hospital, or discontinued during the hearing, leav­ Dr. A. Pye, and the Inspector of Hospitals, ing a balance of 135 for determination Mr. J. E. Townsley, who inquired into con­ by the Court. ' ' ditions at the Mount Isa Hospital following " ( 2) In Criminal Jurisdiction there allegations made at the Jorgensen inquest, were 889 indictments presented and of was reported to have been before Cabinet these 101 indictments were the subject of on November 3, and (b) the findings of trials and in 788 there were pleas of 1958-3L 1770 Offenders Probation Bill. [ASSEMBLY.] Brisbane Cricket Ground Bill. guilty. There were 535 undefended mat­ introducing a Bill to make provision for rimonial trials dealt with by the Cham­ the release of offenders on probation, to ber judges and 1,314 matters dealt with provide for the establishment of a parole by judges in Chambers." board, and for other purposes.'' " ( 3) There were nine sittings of the Motion agreed to. Full Court in the period under refer­ ence and a total of 45 days were occupied BRISBANE CRICKET GROUND BILL. during such sittings. At such Full Court sittings, there were 39 appeals to the INITIATION. Court of Criminal Appeal and 79 appeals Hon. T. A. HILEY (Coorparoo- to the Full Court. In 8 Cases judgment Treasurer and Minister for Housing): I has been reserved. ' ' move-- "General-I would point out that the ''That the House will, at its present sit­ figures quoted give no indication as to the ting, resolve itself into a Com:nittee of the length of time occupied by each case. Whole to consider of the desuableness of Some cases may last three to five days, introducing a Bill relating to the Brisbane others might finish in a half day. Further, Cricket Ground. ' ' the figures do not include those matters Motion agreed to. heard by the Judges sitting in Federal Bankruptcy Jurisdiction and there would INITIATION IN COMMITTEE. be approximately 350 bankruptcy matters dealt with in the relevant period.'' (The Chairman of Committees, Mr. Taylor, Clayfield, in the chair.) PRICE OF BEER AT MAROOCHYDORE AND OTHER Hon. T. A. HILEY (Coorparoo- NORTHERN TOWNS. Treasurer and Minister for Housing) (11.13 a.m.) : I move- 1\Ir. LLOYD (Kedron) asked the Minister " That it is desirable that a Bill be for Justice- introduced relating to the Brisbane Cricket '' Is it a fact that the price of beer has Ground.'' recently been increased by licensed vic­ The Bill arises from a request by the Queens­ tuallers in Maroochydore and other North land Cricket Association that the Govern­ Coast towns~ If so, was the increased price ment should consider making a financial grant subject to approval by the Licensing Com­ for the aid of the Brisbane Cricket Ground. mission~'' In presenting that claim, the association .set Hon. A. W. 1\IUNRO (Toowong) replied- out a veTy considerable programme of reqmre­ ments for the ground, both for its present '' I am informed that the price of beer repair and its future improvement. was increased by the Licensed Victuallers in Maroochydore and other North Coast It was contended by the Trust that unless towns on August 4 last. Licensees there could be a substantial programme of are not required to obtain the prior improvements the public and Press. dissatis­ approval of the Licensing Commission to faction which is acknowledged to ex1st, could increases in liquor prices. The jurisdiction be magnified to the point where Test cricket of the Licensing Commission to fix maxi­ in the city of Brisbane might be in jeopardy. mum prices for liquor arises when it is of the opinion that the price at which liquor lUr. A. J. Smith: By the way they are playing it now it would not matter. is being sold in public bars, bottle depart­ ments, or booths in any locality is exces­ 1\Ir. HILEY: I do not think there is sive.'' anything relevant in the interjection; it is very irrelevant. PAPERS. The Government considered that it was not right for public funds to be .channelled int_o The following papers were laid on the grants to any paTticular sportmg body. It 1s table- true that this ground is a public ground held Order in Council under the State Electri­ under public trust, and it could be said that city Commission Acts, 1937 to 1957.'' it is virtually part of the public estate. The Report of Enquiry into conditions at the Government felt that if they were to give Mount Isa Hospital, following allegations a grant to cricket, how could they, with made at the Jorgensen inquest. justification, refuse grants to other branches of sport in which Australians so freely indulged-tennis, football, field sports, and OFFENDERS PROBATION BILL. racing~ The Govemment's attitude is that INITIATION. there cannot be a grant, but they were pre­ pared to examine the matter to see whether it Hon. A. W. MUNRO (Toowong-Minister was possible to find a solution of the problem. for Justice): I move- Accordingly the Premier asked me to " That the House will, at its next sitting, look into the financial aspect of the Trust. resolve itself into a Committee of the I had several conferences with top o:fficialf> Whole to consider of the desirableness of of the Queensland Cricket Association and a Brisbane Cricket Ground Bill. [2 DECEMBER.] Brisbane G1·icket Ground Bill. 1771 conclusion emerged which is really the spirit illr. HILEY: It is a lease from the of the Bill. What was needed was a corrected trustees of the Brisbane Cricket Ground Trust. The old Trust was sufficiently divorced Trust. from the Queensland Cricket Association that J)Ir. Foley: Is it proposed to sell the that association did not feel that the Brisbane lease, or the land~ Cricket Ground was its ground and the Trust was its Trust. The Queensland Cricket lUr. HILEY: The land. When the pre­ Association had good seasons and earned sent lease expires in about 12 or 18 months' profits but it did not pass those profits into time, it is proposed to sell the land at public it~ ground. It lent the money on mortgage auction. If the Trust can get a good price to the Trust, the Brisbane Cricket Ground for it, the proceeds will be used in helping to Trust. It lent some money at interest and pay for the stands that are needed. some free of interest and the Trust was find­ If we were going to get things done in time ing itself mortgaged to the hilt to outside for the forthcoming test match, it was obvious borrowers and to the Queensland Cricket that a good deal of anticipatory action would Association which it was really there to be needed.
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