INDEX. (Family surnames of value In genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS ; names of places in italics.) Academy of Natural Sciences, 25 Armstrong, Col. John, 7, 14; Expedi- Acadia: The Pre-Loyalist Migration tion of Against Kittanning, by and the Philadelphia Plantation, by Hon. John S. Fisher, 1-14; bio- William Otis Sawtelle, 244-285; graphical, 8, 102; ordered by Gov- boundaries of, 244-251, 255, 256; ernor Morris to attack Kittanning, granted to Sieur do Monts, 244, 8, 9 ; attack of on Kittanning, 8- 254; loss of, to France, 247 ; grant 12, 101; wounded, 12, 101; report of, to Sir Thomas Temple and of expedition against Kittanning, others, 248; restored to France, 12 ; resolutions of praise and medal 248 struck in honor of by City of Phil- Adams, Miss, 317 adelphia, 13, 101, 102; Armstrong Adams, Charles Francis, 330 County named in honor of, 101; Adams, Henry, 343 military services, 102 Adams, John, 151; advice of, on Armstrong, Capt. Joseph, member of boundary question of Penobscot Colonial Assembly, 8 ; in command claim, 254 of company in attack on Kittan- Adams, John Quincy, 150 ning, 8, 9 Adams, William T.. 316, 317 Armstrong County Historical Society Ainsworth, Harrison, 322 erects marker at Kittanning, 1; Albert, King of Belgium, 123 named in honor of Col. John Arm- Alcott, Bronson, 318, 319 strong, 101 Alcott, Louisa M., 318 Arnold, , 63 ALDEN, JOHN, 264, 265 Arnold, Benedict, 113 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 323 Astronomy, discoveries in science of Alexander, Herr, European Magician, by David Rittenhouse, 19-21 163 Atkinson, James, 307 Alexander, General, 333 Atlanta, 344 Alexander, Sir William, Earl of Stir- Attitude of James Buchanan Towards ling, 247, 248, 253, 254, 255 ; part Slavery, The, by James B. Ranck, of Nova Scotia granted to, 246, 126-142 247 Augusta, 47 Alger, Horatio, Jr., 317 Aurora, 64, 66, 67, 70, 72, 227, 232, Alleghany City, 34 239 Allegheny Mountain, 172 Alleghany River, 357, 372, 375 ; Raft- Badge of Merit, The, by Ilarrold E. ing on, 1844, diary of Henry Gillingbam, 383 Baxter, 27-78, 143-171, 207-243 Balch, Thomas Willing, Obituary Allen, , 233 Notice, 376-380 Allen, Elias, 307 Bald Eagle Valley, 4 Allen, Dr. Harrison, 19 Baldwin, , 69, 229 Amelia Court House, 341 Ball, William, 281 American Philosophical Society, 25, Baltimore, 180, 356; Pennsylvania 292; early instruments in posses- and Massachusetts troops in, 346 sion of, 290, 297 Balzac, Honore* de, 323 American Revolution, a Dutch School Bancroft, George, 328; account of History on, quoted, 191 Lynnhaven Bay by, 199, 206 Amherst, Gen. Sir Jeffrey, 246 Barber, Charles EM 119 Amherst, N. 8., 264 Barker, J., 371 Anatomy, discoveries in science of by Barney'8 Run, 362, 364 Philadelphians, 18, 19 Barrinqton, N. 8., 264 Ancestors and Descendants of Colonel BARTLETT, 264 David Funsten and His Wife Susan Bartlett, , 146 Everard Meade, notice of, 288 Bartley, Mordecai, 232-235 Anderson, , 227 Barton, Benjamin Smith, "Elements Andre", Major John, medals awarded of Botany," by, 17; contributions by Congress for capture of, 1780, of to science, 17 Bartram, John, 25 ; home of in Phil- Andrews, Robert, 299 adelphia, 16; travels and contribu- Annapolis Royal, 245, 250, 262-264 tions of, to science of botany, 16, Antietam, 342 Appomattox, 341 Bartram, William, contributions of to Argall, Capt. Samuel, 245, 246 science of botany, 16, 17 Armitage, Benjamin, 281 BAXTER, DORCAS, 27 Armstrong, Lieut. Edward, in com- BAXTER, FRANCES, 27 mand of Fort Granville, 7, 8; BAXTER, HENRY, 27 killed bv Indians in attack on Fort Baxter, Henry, diary of, 27-78, 143- Granville, 8 171, 207-243 388 Index. 389 BAXTER, MAJOR HENRY WHIT- Booth, Rev. - -, sermons by, 209, LOCK, 27 220, 221 Baxter, Maj. Henry Whitlock, 66 Borie, A. E.t Secretary of the Navy, BAXTER, JOHN, 27 117 Baxter, John, biographical, 27 Borton, William, 298 Baxter, John Whitlock, biographical, Boswell, James, 310 27 Botany, discoveries in science of by BAXTER, JONATHAN WHITLOCK, Philadelphians, 15-18, 25 27 Braddock, Gen. Edward, 175 ; defeat Baxter, Jonathan Whitlock, 65 of, 5 BAXTER, MARY, 27 Braddock'8 Road, 175 Bay of Fundy, 256, 260, 261, 284 Braddon, Miss, 323 Bayard, Col. John, 280, 283, 284 Bradford's Ferry, 358 Bayardtown, 34, 38 Bradley, C. M.. 50, 54, 67, 69 Baynton, John, 275 Bradley, Paul, killed by the Indians, Beauba88in, 257 Beaver, 40, 41 Brandy Camp, 242, 243 Beaver Creek, 40 Brandywine Mills, 183 Beaver Dams, 9 Brazil, refusal of to accept David Tod Beckford, William, 320 as Minister from U. S., 130 ; slavery Beckwith, Ransome, 243 in, 131, 133 Bedford, 175, 177 Breitmann. Hans, see Leland, Charles Beeson, . founder of Union- Godfrey town, 189 Bridgeport, 352; description of, 355 Beeson Town, 189 Bright,. Lieut. Gov., of Indiana, 152 Beisecker, Charles, 29 British fleet encounters French Fleet Belcher. Governor of Massachusetts, in Rynnhaven Bay, 198-200; losses 252 of, 198, 199 Bell, , 224, 226 BRODHEAD, DANIEL, 92 Belleview, 239 BRODHEAD, GARRETT, 92 Benjamin Franklin Highway, 14 BRODHEAD, CAPT. LUKE, 92 Benson, Admiral, 124 BRODHEAD, RACHEL, 92 Benson, Adolph B., Sweden and the BRODHEAD, RICHARD, 92 American Revolution by, notice of, Brooks, Dr., 76 191 Brookville, 242, 243 Benton, Thomas H., 170 Brown, Charles Brockden, 324, 325 Beringer, 10 BROWN, SARAH, 299 Berlin, 177 Browning, Robert, 313, 314 Bernard, Gov. Francis, grant of Brownsville, 175, 187, 189, 190, 356- Mount Desert to, 252-254 360, 367, 368, 370 ; description of, Bibliography of the Works of Charles 351-355 ; on site of Fort Redstone Godfrey Leland by Joseph Jackson or Fort Bird, 355 (cont. from Vol. L., p. 379), 79-91 BrunoVs Island, 40 Bickley, Lawrence Wharton, Pocket Brush, , 166 Sun-Dial bequeathed to The His- Bryan, George, 280, 283, 284 torical Society of Penna., by, 381, Bryant, William Cullen, 311 382 Buchanan, James. The Attitude of, Big Mahoning Creek, 4 Towards Slavery, by James B. Big Muskingum, 43 Ranck, A. M., 126-142 ; slavery as Big Sandy River. 46, 240 a moral issue, 126—131; as a con- Bigoone Creek, 147, 165, 227 stitutional issue, 131-135 ; as a Bigelow, Mrs. John, anecdote of, 324 sectional issue, 135-140; after the Biggs, Thomas, instrument maker in election of Abraham Lincoln, 140- Philadelphia, 294, 301, 302 ; adver- 142 ; speech at Lancaster opposing tisements of, 301, 302; succeeds slavery, 126 ; to Jefferson Davis, 126, Benjamin Condy, 301, 306 127; speeches on slavery question, Billings, Josh, 326 127, 128, 130 ; to Mr. Slidell, 129 ; Bird, John, 297, 307 on admission of Kansas into the Birney, Brigadier General David, suc- Union, 129, 130; to Robert Tyler, ceeds Gen. Philip Kearney, 1863, 130 ; Secretary of State, 130; 136 ; 114; gives "Kearney Cross" to to David Tod, 130, 131; recom- non-commissioned officers and pri- mends sending slaves to Liberia, vates, 114 131; to W. R. King, 132, 136 ; to Black, General, 123 Mr. Foote, 132 ; attack on John C. Black, William, 323 Calhoun, 133, 134 ; opposed to Blake, William, 312 Frederick Douglas, 134, 138; to Blue Lodge Election, 138 William B. Reed, 135 ; to Jefferson Blanket Hill, Lieut. James Hogg in Davis, 136; opposed to Mexican command in attack on, 10—12 War, 136-138; attitude on the Board of Trade, correspondence of, Kansas - Nebraska question, 135, with Gov. Charles Lawrence re- 138; views of on acquisition of garding affairs in Nova Scotia, 257, Cuba, 139; to Secretary of State 258, 261 Marcy, 139; last Message to Con- Boker, George H., 312 gress quoted, 140; to G. M. Whar- Bonnell, Sam, 170, 216, 223 ton, 140; to J. T. Henry, 142 Book Notices, 95, 191, 288 Buffington, , 44 Book of Merit, 111 Burgoon's Pass, 9 Booneville, Miss., 337, 339 Bur'keville, 341 Boonville, Mo., 170 Burnand, , 328 390 Index. Burr, Anna Robeson, 325 "Clay" Banner raised at Patriot, In- Bushnell, Horace, 138 diana, 143 Bussell, M. S., 57, 60, 61, 64 Clay Club and Songs, 77, 78, 159, Butler, Major General Benjamin F., 160, 171 awards medal to colored soldiers Clearfleld, 4, 9 under his command, 1864, 114, 115 Cleave, , 3 Butler, William C, 146, 160 Clemens, Samuel L., 326, 327 Byron, Lord, 311 Clermontville, 243 Cleveland, President Grover, 317 Cleveland, 41 Cadwallader, Josiah, 367 Cleves, 60 Cadwallader, Reese, 351 Clinton, Sir Henry, to Cornwallis, Calhoun, John C, 132, 133 1781, quoted, 197 Cameron, Gen. Simon, 127 Coates, John, 275 Campbell, John, 210 Coates, Lindsay, 275 Canada, County of, see Cornwall Cochran, Richard E., letter to Hon. Canoe Place, 10 Thomas L. Montgomery as to Baron Cape Henlopen, 20 de Beelen, 383 ; reply to same, 384 Cape Henry, 198 Coffin, Reuben, 74, 154, 156, 211, 222 Captina, 43 Cold Harbor, 340 Carlisle, laid out by Col. John Arm- Cole, Humphrey, 307 strong, 102 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 312 Carlyle, Jane, 328 Collinson, Peter, 21, 291 Carlyle, Thomas, 328 Colonel John Armstrong's Expedition Carpenter, Samuel, 292 Against Kittanning, Address by Carrolton, 148 Hon. John S. Fisher, 1 Carter, John, 53 Comstock, Anthony, 314 Cass, Lewis, 130, 142 Condy, Benjamin, instrument maker Cassel, David K., 298 in Philadelphia, 293, 294; suc- Castine, 253 ceeded by Thomas Biggs, 294, 301, Cedar Creek. 340 _o 306; will of, 294 Chamberlain, Dr., 169, 226, 228 Cone, , 63 Chancellor sville, 342 Congressional Medals, list of, award- Channing, Edward, 334, 346; "The ed to Army, Navy and Marine War for Southern Independence" Corps, 121, 122 by, criticism of, 335 Connellsville, 180, 183, 187, 189, 351, Chapin, Mr., 70 352 ; description of, 186 Chapman, Jerry, 38, 45, 48 Cookport, 10 Charleston, 47, 348 Coon Creek, 58 Cheat River, 352 Cooper, James Fenimore, 143, 319, Chebucto Harbor, 255 320 Chemical Society of Philadelphia, 25 Copher, E., 228 Chemistry discoveries in science of, Coran, Thomas, 251 by Philadelphians, 24, 25 Cornwall, County of, boundaries of, Cherryhill, 10 247, 248, 249, 253 Cherry Tree, 4, 10 Cornwallis, N.
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