THE LONDON GAZETTE, 2 JULY, 1954 3897 METROPOLITAN BOROUGH OF Gelli-groes Mill south-eastwards for a distance of PADOTNGTON. 3>3i yards and is carried' by Gellingroes Bridge and the CONFIRMATION OF BYELAWS. approaches thereto over the River Sirhowy at Gelld- groes in the Urban District of Mynyddis>Lwy!n in the NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the County of Monmouth. Metropolitan Borough of Paddington intend, after the expiry of the period mentioned .below, to apply VERNON LAWRENCE. Clerk of the Council. • to the Secretary of State for confirmation of Byelaws County Hall, made by the Council for the Regulation and preserva- Newport, Mion. tion of Warwick 'Gardens, situate in Warwick Avenue, 29ith June, 1954. W.9. C139) Copies of the Byelaws will be kept at the office of the Council at the Town Hall, Paddington, W.2, and will toe open to inspection, without payment, on any weekday during the usual office hours for ROAD TRAFFIC ACT, 1930, SECTION 46. one calendar month from and after the date of the ROAD AND RAIL TRAFFIC ACT, 1933, publication of this notice. Copies of the byelaws SECTION 29. •will also be supplied on receipt of an application .NOTICE is hereby given that on the 14th day of accompanied by a fee of one shilling for each copy. June, 1954, the Minister of Transport and Civil Any objection to the confirmation of the byelaws Aviation confirmed the City and County Borough of may be made by letter addressed to the Under Cardiff {Roads Restriction) (No. 2) Order, 1953, the Secretary of State, Home Office, Whitehall, London, effect of which is to prohibit the driving of heavy S.W.I, (before the Byelaws are confirmed. vehicles on The Friary. W. H. BBNTLEY, Town Clerk. The Order is available for inspection at the offices of 'the undersigned. Town Hall, Paddington, W.2. Dated this 1st day of July, 1954. 25th June, 1954. (109) W. G. HOPKOiNS, Deputy Town Clerk. City Hall, Cardiff. METRiOJPailTAN BOROUGH OF HAMPSTeAD. (072) CONFIRMATION OF BY-<LAWS. NOTICE is hereby given IJhat the Hampstead Metropolitan (Borough Council intend after the TOWN AND COUNTRY FLANINiNG ACT, 1947. expiry of the period mentioned below to apply to the FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. Secretary of State for confirmation of by-laws made by the Council for regulating the hours during which Development Plan far the County of Flint. pleasure fairs may be open 60 the public; for secur- NOTICE is hereby given that the above Develop- ing safe and adequate means of ingress to and egress ment Plan was on the 30th day of June, 1954, sub- from the ground upon which any such pleasure fair mitted to the Minister of Housing and Local is held!; for the prevention or suppression of Government for approval. nuisances; and for preserving sanitary conditions' and The Development Plan relates to all land within cleanliness at any pleasure fair. the County of Flint and comprises land within the Copies of the by-laws wall be kept at the office following Districts: — of the Council at the Town Hall, Haverstock Hill, The Borough of Flint; the Urban Districts of N.W.3. and will1! be open to inspection without pay- Buckley, iConnah's Quay, Holywell, Mold, Prestatyn ment on any weekday during the usual office hours and Rhyl; and the Rural Districts of Hawarden, for one calender month from and after the date of Holywell, Maelor and St. Asa'ph. •the publication of this notice. Copies of the by- A certified copy of the Development Plan as sub- laws will also be supplied on receipt of an applica- mitted for approval has been deposited for public 1 inspection at the County .Buildings, Mold. tion accompanied by a fee of 6d. for each copy. The present submission comprises the County Any .objection to .the confirmation of the by-laws Map and the Town Map relating to East Salt may be made by letter addressed to the Under- Saltney. secretary of 'State, Home Office, Whitehall, London, Certified copies of the County Map, County S:W.l, before the by-liaiws are confirmed. Programme Map, Designation Maps and Written. P. H. HARIROUD. Town Clerk. Statement (County Map) have been deposited for July, 1954. public inspection at:— (359) The Town Hall, Flint; Council Chambers, Buckley; Council Offices, Connah's Quay; Town Hall, Holywell; Town Hall, Mold ; Council Offices, WATER ACT, 1945. Prestatyn ; Council Offices, Rhyl; Council Offices, Hawarden; the Holywell Rural District Council THE FOLKESTONE WATERWORKS COMPANY. Offices, H'alkyn Road, Holywell; Council Offices, iNOTIQE is hereby given that The Folkestone Overton; and the Council Offices, St. Asaph. Waterworks 'Company in accordance with the Water A certified copy of the Town Map, Town Pro- Act, 1945, Section 17, have made Byelaws for gramme Map, 'Designation Maps and Written State- preventing waste, undue consumption, misuse, or ment relating to East Saltney have been deposited contamination of water supplied by them and that for public inspection at the Council Offices, they intend to apply to ithe (Minister of Housing Hawarden. and 'Local Government for confirmation of such The copies or extracts of the Development Plan Byelaws. A copy of the Byelaws may 'be inspected so deposited are available for inspection free of during office hours at the Company's principal office, charge by all persons interested from 9.30 a.m. to No. 29, (Manor Road, Folkestone, or at the Com- 12.30 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. on Mondays to pany's Branch Offices at Station Road, 'Lyminge and Fridays, and 9.30 a.m. io 11.30 a.m. on Saturdays. "Presoott," iNejw Romney. Information and advice concerning the Develop- (073) DONALD H. B. REYNOLDS, Secretary. ment Plan may be obtained at the County Planning Department, County Buildings, Mold Any objection or representation with reference to the (Development Plan may be sent, in writing, to IROIAD TiRJAFlEEC ACT. r93O-SECTION 46. the Under Secretary, Welsh Office, Ministry of ROAD' AND- RAIL TRIAIFFIC ACT, 193i3>— Housing and Local Government, Cathays Park, SECTION 29. Cardiff, before the 31st August, 1954, and any such MONMOUTHSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. objection or representation should state the grounds on which it is made. Persons making an objection NOTICE is hereby given that on the. 14th day or representation may register their names and of June, 1954. the Minister of Transport and Civil 1 addresses with the Flintshire County Council and will Aviation confirmed the County Council- of Mon- then be entitled to receive notice of the eventual mouthshire (Road® Restriction) Order, 1954. approval of "the Development Plan. The effect of the Order, which is available for Dated tMs 30th day of June, 19:54. insipectiofl at the offices of the undersigned, pro- hibits the driving of any vehicle, the weight of W. HUGH JONES, Clerk of the County-Council. which, whether laden or unladen, exceeds! three tons County Buildings, on the length1 of road which extends from a point Mold. 20 yards siouth-east of the north-west quoin of (045).
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