Nov. 1 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With Chairman Yasser Arafat of the Palestinian Authority in Oslo November 1, 1999 EgyptAir Flight 990 Aircraft Tragedy Chairman Arafat. Not to forget that first Q. Mr. President, is there anything new on agreement which had been started here in Oslo the crash, sir? Has the Pentagon radar or sat- had been signed under his supervision in the ellite imagery been able to yield any clues as White House. We cannot forget it. to what happened to EgyptAir 990? President Clinton. Nothing that I’ve been briefed on. Middle East Peace Process NOTE: The exchange began at 5:52 p.m. in the Q. Mr. Chairman, what would you like the Gamlebyen Room at the SAS Radisson Hotel. A President to do to be helpful to your aspirations, tape was not available for verification of the con- as you put it? tent of this exchange. Statement on the Death of Walter Payton November 1, 1999 We were saddened to hear of the death of running until his Bears were as great as the Walter Payton. In the long highlight reel of this Bears of old, until they had again won the Super life cut short, Walter Payton will always be a Bowl, which they did, in dramatic fashion, in man in motion: breaking tackles, breaking 1985. records, clearing every obstacle in his path. Walter Payton faced his illness with the same From the first day he donned the uniform of grit and determination that he showed every the Chicago Bears in 1975, until his retirement week on the football field. The people of Chi- 13 years later, Walter Payton missed only one cago and all Americans who love the game of game, and that was because the coach ordered football will miss him profoundly. him to rest his ankle. He followed a long line We would like to offer our condolences to of great Bears running backs and became the Walter’s wife, Connie, and to their two children, greatest of them all. The record books confirm Jarrett and Brittney. Our hearts are with them that. But individual triumphs would never mean today. as much to Walter Payton as a victory he could share with his teammates and with the fans who NOTE: This statement was released by the Office endured, season after season, the icy winds of of the Press Secretary as a statement by the Presi- Soldier Field. Walter Payton would not stop dent and the First Lady. Remarks at a Memorial Ceremony for Yitzhak Rabin in Oslo November 2, 1999 Your Majesties, Prime Minister and Mrs. which says, ‘‘the righteous shall be in everlasting Bondevik, Mr. Mayor, President Ahtisaari, remembrance.’’ We honor a righteous man Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Barak, Chairman whose memory is everlasting, because he de- Arafat, Leah Rabin, ladies and gentlemen, today voted his life to the security of his country but we bear witness to the wisdom of the Psalm gave his life to the promise of peace. 1948 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 14:26 Sep 06, 2001 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00852 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 C:\TEMP\PAP_TEXT txed01 PsN: txed01 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 / Nov. 2 Yitzhak Rabin’s life was a lesson, teaching us will be important to our efforts. I am deter- that old fears and suspicions and hatreds can, mined that the United States will do all we in fact, be overcome, for he would be the first can, including living up to the commitments we to remind us that he felt all those things, too, made at Wye River. But the most important but he let them go; teaching us that there could thing we can do today is to say to our friend, be no security without lasting peace and no Rabin, we can still hear you; we are prepared peace without charity for all and malice toward to finish the job. none; teaching us that the only final answer When President Kennedy was assassinated, to violence is reconciliation. Abba Eban said, ‘‘Tragedy is the difference be- Almost 7 years ago, those principles brought tween what is and what might have been.’’ That Israelis and Palestinians to this city of peace is the way we felt in the months and years to find common ground. And today our friend after Prime Minister Rabin was killed. Today brings us back to Oslo. We can almost hear let us say together we are done with tragedy. his kind, but stern voice telling us, ‘‘Well, this We will close the gap between what is and what is all very nice, but if you really want to honor might have been. me, finish the job.’’ He would be pleased to The other night my wife had to the White see Israel’s cause represented by Prime Minister House one of the great scientists in our country, Barak, his friend, fellow soldier, and fervent ally who is unlocking the mysteries of the human for peace. gene. And he said to us the most astonishing In his last hour, Yitzhak Rabin, who was a thing. He said all humanity, genetically, are 99.9 shy person in public, sang to a peace-loving percent the same. And if you get any group, throng of Israelis the Shir Ha Shalom, the ‘‘Song ethnic group, together—100 Norwegians—with of Peace.’’ Its words sing out to us today: Don’t another ethnic group—100 west Africans—you say the day will come; make it come. Today, find that the genetic differences among individ- in honor of our friend and leader, we must uals within each group are greater than the ge- all say we will make it come, a new day of netic profile of differences between the Nor- peace that is more than the absence of war; wegians and the Africans. Think of that. a new day of tolerance and respect, of trust Think of all the bodies that have been piled and shared destiny, when the fears of the past up, one after another, the young and the old, are released so that the hands and heart are throughout human history in tribute to that one- free to embrace the promise of the future. tenth of one percent difference. Think about The enemies of peace remain alive and active. what brings us here today, that the greatest Even in this day we see their dark work. But quality a human being can have is the ability the Scripture reminds us that evil can be over- to reach beyond that last one-tenth of one per- come by good, and only by good. So we pursue cent to unite in the common humanity of the Yitzhak Rabin’s vision not only because we loved other 99.9 percent. and admired him—although we surely did—but Yitzhak Rabin led us in that great reach out, because it is right and the only way. reaching across the last divide of one-tenth of We have now a chance, but only a chance, one percent. It was his greatness. It is his lesson. to bring real and lasting peace between Israel It is his message to us today. Let us hear him, and her neighbors. If we let it slip away, all even as we loved him. will bear the consequences: Israel still trapped Thank you very much. within a circle of hostility; the Palestinians still saddled with poverty and frustration and pain; NOTE: The President spoke at 11:50 a.m. in the both and their Arab neighbors wrapped in an Main Hall at City Hall. In his remarks, he referred endless and pointless cycle of conflict. to King Harald V, Queen Sonja, and Prime Min- So if Rabin were here with us today, he would ister Kjell Magne Bondevik of Norway; Prime say there is not a moment to spare; ‘‘All this Minister Bendevik’s wife, Bjorg; Mayor Per honoring me and these nice words, they’re very Ditlev-Simonsen of Oslo; President Martti nice, but please finish the job.’’ Ahtisaari of Finland; former Prime Minister The way ahead will be full of challenges for Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Ehud Barak the Israelis, the Palestinians, the Syrians, the of Israel; Chairman Yasser Arafat of the Pales- Lebanese, for the friends of peace here rep- tinian Authority; Leah Rabin, widow of former resented. President Mubarak and King Abdullah Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel; President 1949 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 14:26 Sep 06, 2001 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00853 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 C:\TEMP\PAP_TEXT txed01 PsN: txed01 Nov. 2 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 Hosni Mubarak of Egypt; King Abdullah II of Jor- dan; and Eric Lander, director, Whitehead Insti- tute/MIT Center for Genome Research. Statement on the Cyclone in India November 2, 1999 On behalf of all Americans, Hillary and I offer Our hearts go out to the Indian people, and our deepest condolences to the families who we are prepared to do what we can to help. lost loved ones to the devastating cyclone that The Government of India has an immense task struck eastern India Friday and Saturday. It is ahead in providing assistance to the people who gradually becoming clear just how much de- were affected by this tragedy. The United States struction was wrought along the seacoast and Government is providing more than $2 million inland in those terrifying hours. There are re- worth of food and $100,000 worth of tents and ports that thousands of lives were lost and hun- plastic sheeting to help alleviate the hunger and dreds of thousands of homes were destroyed.
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