TUESDAY. OCTOBER II, IMO • , . , a - X lilattrlirBtfr Eornittg lirroUi Nothing Can Hide From the X-Ray-r^Check Your ChestI I wqa s fiBitH by T bemgs X>. The final public amaloo t v The Btae Ctvle AssodaUon will r. 33. « f 18 Trotter street The making voters will ba held next hold Its regular monthly^ meeting Caribbeiiii Cnilge F iv e ln j p a ear had barn gobig.nerth on A b o u t To w n Monday at the office of the town tomorrow evening at eight o’clock Adonwie^rdei. W M -etep ^ at clerk from 9 a. m. to noon. Only In tte arts and crafts room of ths the tline oliia^ i^ .p d M o m iL VoUn* will b* thtoae whoee voting rlghta and Verplanck school. Past and In Crasb Hei^ The-Iiduril4-Wfnvt|^^ the dMBo»ti«t«d te ttw ban ft th« qualtflcationa have matured aince present members are cordially in­ hesi^telby tbe-Qwih and Burka mnnldpia btm«n* tomorrow tinl last Saturday may receive the vited to attend. RefreshmenU ambuianeea. will be served, and an Interesting P&f' niuraday from 1 to 7 p. m. All oath Monday: Saturday was the Three Cara Involved in Tha'aect^ent occurred -;ia the penoaa w t temltUr with machine final general aesslon. The coming program has been planned. midst of the.shift .cMuas at ths uae. or wtahlnc information on one la to accommodate only thoae Accident at Adams and East Hartford dsfenas puutta and votlnc may oecure It at that Oma. who have become eligible to vote Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kelley Hilliard Streets ' rsaulted in a traOte jam. since Saturday, arid who will be of 24 Drescher road were recent able to vote by election day, Tues­ Meats at New Hampton School, Tha vSongatarJMcaila of the Sal- Police are atill Inveatigatlng a day. New Hampton, N. H.. where their vatkm Army wffl son, David, helped them celebrate three-car Mcldent that occurred « v «ila ( at 6:45 and the band wUl parents’ ■ week-end. David is a Peraonid N oti^ practice at eight o’clock. "nie Wealey Group of the South yesterday at AiUma and HlUiar<l Methodist chun* will hold a meet­ member of the senior class st New streets and that Cent 8yc' people to ing at the church tomorrow eve­ Hampton. la Ntaierlaai the Manchester Momerial heepltal West Awaiting ning at 7:46. Members ars re­ for treatment Two of the in­ quested to bring In articles for the The Lucy Spencer group of the In sad snti toririg memory of eur Second Congregational church will jured have been admitted qa pa­ dear dabshter sad slattr, Bartha: Viup, U. S. Armor Rams rummage sale which Is to be held tients while the others received who paaMd away Oetober Thursday. hold a rummage sale at the church New Red Trick tomorrow morning beginning at emergency treatitaent and wrere diacharged. A silent thought, a aaeret taar, nine o’clock. Keepa her mepiory ever dear, St. Jude’s Mothers’ Circle wHIl Alex J. VogUB, 34, of 309 -Wood­ meet tomorrow evening at 8:15 Tima takea away tha adge ef griaf, To Remove Lie St. Mary’s Oiilld will meet st land street, was arrentad -by Par mamory turna back avary legr. Rallying Red Units with Mrs. John Melesko of 69 12:30 noon. The members will trolman Milton W. Btrktton and Summer street. ______________: bring sandwiches snd the hostess- charged with reckless driving. - Nothing-can avsr Uka -avay,- Hospitalized are Miss Shirlty Tho lovt a haart holda dtar, Pres. Truman Foiled U.N. Aiaeihbly Held Sure Mrs. Alec Clifford. Mrs. Min­ WATCH MASTER The Alpina Society will meet to­ Crsmer, 14, of 79 Adam* street, Fond memories linger erery dey. morrow evening at 7:30 at the nie Brown and Mrs. Rachel Fox Remembrance keepe yem near.' To Extend Term To­ will aerve tea and coffee. All wo­ who suffered a broken leg, and h*r A WaahingtoitfJNov. 1 (iF) — Two men rushed on Blair Ttalian-Amcfican club on Eldridge mother, Mrs. Hazsl Cramer, .48, men of the church are invited to n. Ho’.ker, ,tathar , , and brothar. Hoaaa, Praaident TnimanV residence with blazing pistols in day; Russian Threats street. attend these meetings. Work will who has scalp, 1^ ,.. and wriiit lacerations. GAUDET’S their hands today and were shot down by White House Draw British > Jeer be on aprons for the Guild s Urges U. S. Ajd The Harvest Bazaar of the Na­ Christmas sale, December 14. Others Treated j e w e l e r s ' Guards. Three officerB were reported wounded. ’ umn Batters F^e to than Hale P. T. A. will be its sole Treated for contusions and abra­ 891 MAIN STREET President Truman was in Blair House at the time. Just New York, Nov. 1—(/D — The money-making project this sea­ sions and then diacharged were (Aerosa From B t JaaHgfi Reach Point 19 MUcb son. It will open at 6:46 Friday Major and Mrs. Benjamin C. a few minutes later he w ^ due to leave to go to Arlingtra United Natlone Genera: Aaoembly New England’s JonPR, commanding officers of the Dyer H. Carroll, 381-'^ c k la n d evening and parents are urged, to street South Windsor,-one of the Cemetery for ceremonies honoring the late Sir John Dfll, drovs toward a ihowdown vote From Manchuria Line; attend and bring their children. local Salvation Army Corps, left drivers; snd Misses. NepmA 18, British military leader. today on keeping Trygve Lie aa Motion pictures will be shown for today for Great ^ Barrington, Mustangt^ Fight Ene­ and Gwendolyn, 16, CrM er, of 79 Secret Service men said the gunman who staged the wild, Secretary General. Steel Mill Plan the beneflt of the boys and girls Mass., to attend a retreat for of- Adams street. The Crsmers were my Jets to a Draw at a small fee. There is no ad­ ncers In the New England area. passengers in the Carroll car. apparent assassination attempt, had German Luger pistfds. The Americen-led fight to re­ mission to the hall. Aprons and ’They expect to return to towm by The shooting occurred about 2:15 p.nt. (eji.t.). tain Lie was assured of victory, Senator McMahon la gift goods, home made food and noon on Friday. Patrolman Stratton reported since only Russia and her aat.I- Bnlktin! candv will be offered for sale. 'The that Vogus was driving' east on Hobart Francis, inspector of the Washington police, told iitea opposed the move In a debate Told Loan Could Be Ways and Means committee, Mrs. Hilliard street and Carroll was which raged all yesterday. Ycnth Corps Headquarters, The Sacred Heart Mothers' Cir­ proceeding south on Adams street a reporter "I presume it was an attempt to assaasinatc the Vera Peterson, chairman, is in The U. S. feele that an extension Made Under the De­ JRorca, N ot. 1— </P)— ^Tha U. cle will meet Thursday evening at A t the Intersection, the VogOk'Vb- GARTHER President.** of Lie’s term will be tantamount charge. the home of Mrs. Wilfred Cadieux hlcYe struck the Carroll ear wMch- ^7;MuinVf M jnrKeeUr. Coriri 1 Udl fense Production Act S. 17th Infantry Reginent NON-smia of 39 Burnham street. The gun fire broke out suddenly and without warning. to a vote of confidence for his sup­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Handley of rolled over once and came to rest port of U. N. action in Korea. It smashed a two-battalion on Its top after hitting a third car Sem t ^ r ^ c e men said two men suddenly made a rush at Otis street have had as their charges that the Russian attempt Bueton, Nov. 1—(J*) — Cfo^srn- ^orth Korean counterattack The daughter bom October 26 Blair House with guns in their hands. nof*i guests for the past few days, Mrs. WEDNESDAY to hound him from office stems msnt financing of a proponed fully today with brilliant support Handley's alstera, Mrs. Helen Ket­ in Hartford hospital to Mr. and The White House guard opened fire. from the same root. from Marina pilots. tering and Miss Grizella McFar­ Mrs. Richard F. Dlmock of 679 —Grace Lino Photo Emergency calls brought police cars screaming from all Two mra Bo sprawM oa paveimuit beforo governor** pahMw In San Juan, Puerto Rloo, after attack 1 Integrated stasl mill for to w Eng* Center street, has been j named Sidney Ellia, president of the EUls Coat Co., Manchester, Conn., Await New Trick land has bean suggeStsd by the The Reds abunmed their Prsfuen fuH color pIclwrM land, of Butler, Pa. «fl!NLY parta of the city. A crowd quickly gathered. bulkUng gnani* by antl-UnIted State* Nathtaallst rebel*. An e.vewilne*« ealii 6ve men approaehed the The West waited to eoe, mean­ Dana Dlmock. Mrs. Dimock was and Mrs. Ellis of 113 East Center street are photographed on board palace la car (foreground) and killed one guard aad wounded another. Knur of the Ove rebel* were New England Steel Development surprise aaiault against the the former Nancy BanUy of Por­ the Grace Line’s Santa Rosa before sailing from New York Oct 20 HALE'S Mr. Truman peered out of Blair House briefiy as ambu- while, whot new trick Soviet For­ cooHng losf thon Sc ooch In observance of Apple Week, killed and the other waa wounded. Today National Guard troop* drove rrbele out of two of their atrong- eign Minister Andrei Y.
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