THE NEWZEALAN'E) GAZiETTE Classification oj Road" ,:n H orowhenua County Officiating Ministers for 1950.-Notice No. a8 P URSUANT to regulation 3 (5) of the Heavy Motor·vehicle Registrar-Genera!'s Office, . _ Regulations 1950. the Minister of Transport doth hereby Wellington, 20th November, 1950, alter the Horowhenua County Council's proposed classification of the roads described in the Schedule hereto and situated in Horo­ PUESUANT to the provisions of the Marriage Act, JOOS,the whenua County and doth hereby approve sUDh altered classification following names of offioiating ministers within the meaning ()f as described'inthesaid Schedule. the said Act are published for general information :- The Ohureh of the Province of New Zealand, cOTYl/fJJ;on,zy called the SCHEDULE Church of Engkt.nd HOROWHENUA COUNTY The Reverend John Brett Arlidge, B.A. Roads Cla88~fied in Class Two Bapists MAINjIIGHWAYS Pastor Wilbur Thomas Clark. Upper Hutt - Waikanae Main Highway No. 371. Waikanae-Waimea Main Highway No. 372. P. H. WYLDE, Registrar-General. Te Horo - Waihoanga Main Highway No. 373. Levin-Hokio Main Highway No. 374. HeatherIea-Foxton via Koputaroa Main Highway No. 473. Waitarere Beach Main Highway No. 511. Shannon-Mangahao Main Highway No. 552. Eng.neers Registration Board: Examinations, 1950 Foxton-Shannon Main Highwa.y No. 858. COUNTY ROADS HE following are the results of the Board's examinations for T 1950:- Arapaepae, Awahohonu, Boulton, Bruce, Fairfield,Kimberley, McLeavey, Mako Mako, Muhl1noa ]last, Ngatiawa, Queen East, SECTION A Queen' West, Roslyn, Tararna, Te Mamrao, Waikawa Beach, Pass: E.~. Collier, D. P.McLcllan, R. W. Struthem(Auckland); Addington, Albert, Ashlea, Atkins, Buller, Camp bells, .Florida, W. H. Fraser, (Levin); E. J. Hill, H. M. Payne (Marton) ; Gladstone, Gear, Gleesons, HootherleaEast, Heatherlea West, T. M. B. McKenzie (Timaru). Hokio Sands, Hokio-Waitarere, Kara, Kawiu, Kingston, Konini, Partial Pass: D. C. Fisher, R. C. Briggs, A. A. Candish, Kukutauaki, Lindsay, Linton Drain, McDonald, Marinoto, Muhunoa J. B. Strickland (Wellington); Mi88 P. J. Eoyd (Christ­ West, Ngarara, Ngatiawa, Manakan Township Roads, North church). Manakau, Ohau East, Ohau West, Ohau Township Roads, Old Foxton, Old Hautere, Otaki Gorge, Otam<t,G.turoa, Paiaka, Papai­ SEC1'ION B tanga J"ake, Potts, .Pretoria, Rahui, Ringawhati, State]'arm, Stout, Pass: P ..J. AndreU, L. A. Gibson, M. M. Sweetman, R.G. Takapu, Tamatarau, Te Horo Beach, Te Roto, Te Waka, Te ,Vhanga, Townson (Auckland); C. O. Neilsen, (Christchurch); Tokomaru, Tokom1tru TownshipRoads,TokomaFll-'PopJ.ar, Victoria, J. G. Mitchell (Wellington). Waihoa, Waikanae Township Roads,Waimeha Township Ro"ds, Part'ial Pass: M. G. Easton, R. W. Morris (ChristchurGh); Waitarere Beach Township Roads, Waitohu Valley, Wallace, D. F. Davis (Invercargill). Williams, Arawhata, Ashlea-Temukanui, Eackley, ·Forest Lakes, Frasers' Hill, Heights, Hennesseys, Hoggs, Kaihinau, Kuku Soldiers, Makerua-Rangitane, Mangaone (at Reikorangi), Mangaone (at SECTION C TeHoro), Mangaore, Okuku, Old Coa.ch, ShannoR-Buekley, South Civil: W. M. Duncan (Lower Hutt); G. C. Entrican (Napier) ; Manakau,Tangimoana, . Tavistock, Te Horo Soldiers, Te Horo E. W. Heine (Wellington); E. M. Jones (Okaihou); Swamp, . Tokomaru'Valley,Waimanu, vVaitarere-Hokio, Wilsons, H. N. C. Monckton (Dunedin); and H. C. Williams Woods. (Gisborne). Dated at Wellington, this 15th day of November, 1950. Structural: D. L. Farmer (Christohurch). Electrical: G. L. Bartlett (Dunedin); J. D. Ellis,(Wellingtonj.; W. S. GOOSMAN; Minister of Transport. R. L. Williams (Wellington); W. J. Gatland, H. A. (TT.IOj128.) Jenkins,.and T. R. Rainforth (Hamilton). Mechanical: A. G. Gilbert. E.E. HENDRIKSEN, Registrar. Exemption Order Under the Motor-drivers Regulations 1940 .p.... URSUANT to the Motor-drivers Regulations 1940, the Minister of Transport. doth hereby order and declare th.. t the provisions Notice to Persons Affected by A pplieations for Licences Under Part of clause (1) ofregulation 7 of the said regulations, so far as .they relate III of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936 to the driving of heavy trade motors, shall not apply to the person hereinafter mentioned, but, in lieu thereof the following provision sh:all apply:- Pharmacy Industry A motor-driver'slicence issued under the :Motor-drivers Regula­ tions 1940 to the person described in Column 1 of the ·Schedule F. H. Parsons, 724 Great South Road, Penrose, Auckland, hereunder may authorize hinr' to drive a heavy trade motor in the has applied for a licence to operate a newph&rmacy at 535 Grea.t course of' his employment' on a farm or market-garden of the South Road, Penrose, Auckland. employer described in Column 2 of the said Schedule, but shall not N. K. Clarke, 39n Patteson Avenue, Mission Bay, Auckland; authorize hinr, while he is under the age of eighteen years, to drive has applied for a licence to operate a new pharmacy at 21 Kohi­ a heavy trade motor for any other purpose. marama Road, Kohimarama, Auckland. O. Langtry, Camp Road, Trentham, has applied for a licence SCHEDULE to operate a new pharmacy at Oxford Stree.t (between Durham and . Eath Streets), Levin. Column 1 (.Oriver). Column 2 (Employer). Graham Moore, Okain's Bay .. Father. Retail Saleanll D~tributi!ln of Motor-spirit Dated at Wellington, this 14th day of November, 1950. Alex Smith, and Co. (1936), Ltd., Charlemont Street Jl:ast, W, S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Transport. Ranfurly, has applied for a licence to resell motor-spirit frolll 'two pumps to be installed outside ·new premises at Charlemont Street East, such pumps to be transferred fr.oJUexiating licenl;e Jar three pumps.at COrner Charlemont Stxeet.and Gra,!'}'ville .Place, .:aa.nfurly. Formation of D40nee Rifte Club C. Clarke, Beach Road, Rothesay Bay, Auckland, has appli<!d for a licence to resell motor,spirit from one pump to be installed Army Departrnt}nt, on new garage and service,station premises at Beach Road,Rothesay Wellington, 15th November, 1950. Bay, Auckland. IS ,&cQell<;!llcy .tbe 90vernor-Geutli'al .has approved of the J. E. Horrell, Kruger Street,Balfour, has applied Jor a licence H.. ,forJ,lilatiol)eoofthe llJ!l.dermentioned .Defence Rille Club :- to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be installed on garage premises at. Kruger Street, Balfour. Lower 'Retaruke 'l%fence Rifle Club, with headquarterA at H. Nunns, 814 Gladstone Road, Gisborne, has l1IlPlield ,for a Kaitieke. Dated 1st December, 1949. licence to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be installed on T. L. MACDONALD, Minister of Defence. garage premises at ·814.Gladstone Road, Gisborne. E. Cunningbam, Dobson, has applied for a licence to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be insta,lled ·01'1 ,propos.edgaI'&ge premises on the main Reefton-Greymouth Highway, Dobson. Auditor Under the ji',iend?y Societie8 Act, 1909; Lieensed M.S. Motors, Ltd., Achilles ,Avenue, Nelson, has applied ,for permission to sl)ift five pnmps from their prescntposition in Achilles .N pursuance of section 1.0 of the .Friendly Societ.ies Act, 1009, Avenue to a new site in Halifax Street. I His Excellency the Governor-General h",s been pleased to Applicants 'and other persons considering themselves to ·be li@ense materially affected by the decisions of the Bureauof,lndnstry 01:) John Waldo Heal, Esquire, these applications should, not later than .7th December, 191iO, submit any written evidence and representations they may desire of Wellington, to act as'a 'Public Auditorunder'theFriendly Societies to ·:tender. All ,communications .sho,uld be addreSS<ld to 'S_eta:ry, Act, 1909. Bureau of Industry, C.P.O. :aox:3025, WellingtQn. W. H. FORTUNE, Minister in Charge of Friendly Societies. J. D. KERR, Secretary. .
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