by Murray Leinster m May Amazing ? A PAWN IN THE DEADLIEST GAME OF ALL! For untold centuries he circled the cold, dead moon . and he himself was just as cold and dead. Suddenly he was brought back from exile—to be a pawn in a mighty galactic struggle! Edmond Hamilton brings you a thrilling tale, “THE STARS, MY BROTHERS” In the same issue, Frank Tinsley continues his fiction-fact series on space exploration as he takes you on a voyage in the Cosmic Caravel. Don't miss May AMAZING now on sale— still only 35/ FANTASTIC, Stories of Imagination, Vol. 11, No. 5, May, 1962, is published monthly by Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, at 434 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago 5, Illinois. Subscrip- tion rates: U.S. and possessions $3.50 for 12 issues; Canada and Pan American Union Coun- tries $4.00; all other foreign countries $4.50. Second Class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois and at additional mailing offices. RUSSIAN Science and JantaAy. ^diction What Fritz Leiber and Ray Bradbury are to American s-f fans, Ivan Yefremov Is to Russian cognoscenti. And for the first time ... at a SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY RATE ... you can read Yefremov’s "Andromeda," "The Heart of the Serpent," and "The Land of Foam," Russian s-f masterpieces, in beautifully printed and illustrated English translations. "ANDROMEDA,11 the novel which predicted the "sputnik," is the fascinating adventure of the brilliant men and women of interstellar rank who keep Earth in permanent contact with the entire Cosmos. 1 “THE HEART OF THE SERPENT * forecasts Interspace life two thousand years hence. This volume contains also outstanding s-f stories by five of Russia’s most gifted scientific writers. “THE LAND OF FOAM" will remind you of Conan the legend- ary adventurer. Through its pages come olive once more the art and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. Its hero, Pandion, creates a magic cameo which bestows strange powers on its owner. USE THE HANDY COUPON BELOW to order ALL THREE CROSS WORLD advantage BOOKS and take Direct Importers of the special introductory sav- front tht US.S.R. ings which CROSS WORLD Center for every known Rus- sian publication. We arc sup- BOOKS AND PERIODICALS, pliers to the nation's leading INC. passes on youl you universities, colleges and high to Now schools; the Armed Forces. can get "Andromeda" (regu- The Library of Congress, Fed- eral and State agencies, and larly $2.50), "The Heart of the industrial research organiza- Serpent" ($1.25) and "The Land tions. CROSS of Foam" for only $4.15, WORLD BOOKS ($2) AND PERIODICALS, INC. postage free. And be sure to 33.1 S. Wacker Drive ask for the special free cata- Chicago 6, Illinois logs listed belowl CROSS WORLD BOOKS AND PERIODICALS, INC., 333 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, Illinois [ Enclosed my check or money order for $ J I Send me ANDROMEDA, THE HEART OF THE SERPENT, and THE LAND OF FOAM—all for only $4.1 5. I Send ANDROMEDA only al $2.50 Send THE LAND OF FOAM at $2. | Send THE HEART OF THE SERPENT at $1.25. Pleose send me free 1962 complete catalog of Russion periodicals. Catalog is in English and Russian | G anguages ( many periodicals are published in English). | Learning Russian? Check here to receive absolutely free complete Catalog £19 of Russian language I studies, beginners to advanced. Name | Address | | City Zone7**sm State I J 3 MAY 1962 "FANTASTIC Volume 11 Number 5 STORIES OF IMAGINATION REG. U. S. PAT. OFF NOVELETS ZIFF-DAVIS PUBLISHING COMPANY PLANET OF DREAD By Murray Leinster 8 William B. Ziff. Chairman of the Board (1946-1953) RIPENESS IS ALL William Ziff. Prosldem By Jesse Roarke 61 W. Bradford Briggs, Eiecuttve Vice President DOUBLE OR NOTHING and Ilershel B. Barbln. Vico President By Jack Sharkey 104 General Manager M. T. Birmingham, Jr.. Vice President ami Treasurer Robert P. Breeding. Circulation Di- SHORT STORIES rector Charles Uoueraon, Financial Vico THE SURVEY TRIP President By David R. Bunch 56 THE PIEBALD HIPPOGRIFF By Karen Anderson 83 Editorial Director OF HEART NORMAN M. LOBSENZ CHANGE By George Whitley 88 Editor CELE GOLDSMITH FEATURES EDITORIAL 6 COMING NEXT MONTH 123 Ziff-Davis Publishing Company Executive Offles Editorial and ACCORDING TO YOU 124 One Park Avenue New York 16. New York Cover: GEORGE SCHELLING ORegon 9-7200 Advertising Manager. Martin Gluekman SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE: All subscription corre- spondence should bo addressed to FANTASTIC, Cir- Midwestern and Circulation Offioo culation Department. 434 South Wabash Avenue, Chi- South Wabash Avenue 494 cago, Illinois. Please allow at least six weeks for Chicago 5. Illinois change of address. Includo your old addresB. as well as WAbash 2-4011 new—enclosing if possible an address label from a recent issue. Western Office EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS must be accompanied 9025 Wllehlre Boulevard by return postage and will be handled with reasonable Beverly Hills. California care; however publisher assumes no responsibility for CRestvIew 4-0269 return or safety of art work, photographs or manuscripts. O N o» Copyright © 1942 by Ziff-Davis Publishing Company. All rights reserved. I 4 . IF YOU ARE... FASCINATED BY SPACE... ...THE WONDERS OF SATELLITES, ROCKETS-THE MEN BEHIND THEM..d SPACE WORLD is meant for you. Here, in a magazine edited by two great names in the world of science fiction, Willy Ley and Otto Binder, is the whole dynamic story of spacemen and their spacecraft . from the tense moments during a countdown at Canaveral through the triumph of zooming into orbit around the earth, and on to the moon and the planets. With Space World, you're part of everything that happens. An Atlas streaks down the Atlantic Missile Range . you're in the tracking station. Project Saturn is completed . you’re there for the test shot. A soft landed load is placed on the moon . you’re at the receivers getting the first information that comes across the vastness of space. The first man crosses the threshold to explore hidden mys- teries of other worlds . and you're beside him. Space World brings this all to you every month . under the expert guidance of Willy Ley and Otto Binder, who know how to tell this dramatic story in clear, simple, exciting terms that anyone can under- stand. GUARANTEED YOUR SATISFACTION FSl 1 SPACE WORLD Magazine If for any reason you are not com- 250 West 57th Street, New York 19, N. V. | pletely satisfied with very first your . Please enter my sabscrlptlon te SPACE WORLD: issue, we will send you a complete 1 jeer (12 toes) $5. (14 issues If payment enclosed) refund immediately. If, at any later Payment enclosed Bill me time, you wish to stop your sub- scription to Space World, we will NAME. (PlmM print) make a full refund of the unused ADDRESS . portion of your subscription with CfTY _Z0NE STATE- no questions asked. 5 — S I write this, we are but a few days shy of A an astronomical configuration which has not occurred for several thousand years. Five planets—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn—along with the Sun and the Moon, are lined up in a 16-degree wedge of the celestial zodiac. All about us occultists are predicting everything from earthquakes and eruptions to rebellions and nuclear wars, from the arrival of aliens to the end of the world. If you are reading this peacefully in the quiet of your room, you will know that they were wrong. If you are not . * * * A S some of you who write us letters pleading EDITORIAL for a — fanzine column may know, we try to — ^ stay neutral on this point. However, there has just arrived on our desk a copy of a fascinating and (for new fen, especially) useful publication called A Key to the Terminology of S-F Fandom, by Donald Franson, and published by the National Fantasy Fan Federation. It is a dictionary of several hundred fan terms, among them some that even we had not been clear about. For instance: Blog—Mythical drink of fans; any potable consisting of an in- credible mismatch of ingredients. Faaan—Fan who is interested more in fans and fandom than in stf. Fafia—Forced away from it all by mundane considerations. (That’s us.) Pamphlet is available at 20tf from Ron Ellik, 1825 Greenfield Ave., Los Angeles 25, Calif. * * * F you can bear another plug, some of you may be interested to I know that NL has written a book which is, most likely, now on sale at your local bookstore. It is called Is Anybody Happy ? A Study of the American Search for Pleasure, and has nothing to do with sf or fantasy. It is strictly mainstream non-fiction, but you might like it anyway. It is all about how Americans strive for fun, but actually have very little of it. If you go so far as to buy it and read it, let me know what you think of it. —NL. 6 . SAVE up to 50% and sometimes more on SPORTS BOOKS from all over the world Here are just a few of the BUYS! RUSH YOUR ORDER -Quantities are limited THE JUDO INSTRUCTOR, by M. O. Harvey S2. BOOK OF THE MOTOR CAR BUILDING & OPERATING MODEL CARS, by Mueclano FAMOUS RACING CARS OF THE WORLD, by Dennis May BRITISH GRAND PRIX. by Richard Hough JACK BRABHAM’S MOTOR RACING BOOK . HOT RODS, How to Build & Race Them, John Christy BASEBALL FOR YOUNG CHAMPIONS, Antonaccl & Barr SLIDE, DANNY, SLIDE, by Matt Christopher THE YANKEE STORY, by Tom Meany BOXING FOR SCHOOLS, Hanklnson & Faulkner BOXING, by Edwin L. Halslet BLOOD, SWEAT & JACK DEMPSEY, by Wilfred Diamond BOXING—The Secret of the Knockout, by Tom Inch THE FIGHT, by Vernon Scannell „.
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