If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. S. HRG. 99-259 CRIME OF ~GENOCIDE HEARING BEFORE THE OO:MM1TTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-NINTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON THE PR1!:VENTION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE CRIME OF GENOCIDE MARCH 5, 1985 Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Relations U.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON:... ,,-.,.. 1985 COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS RICHARD G. LUGAR, Indiana, Chairman JESSE HELMS, North Carolina CLAIBORNE PELL, Rhode Island CHARLES MeC. MATHIAS, JR., Maryland JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR., Delaware NANCY L. KASSEBAUM, Kansas PAUL S. SARBANES, Maryland RUDY BOSCHWITZ, Minnesota EDWARD ZORINSKY, Nebraska LARRY PRESSLER, South Dakota ALAN CRANSTON, California FRANK H. MURKOWSKI, Alaska CHRISTOPHER J. DODD, Connecticut PAUL S. TRIBLE, JR., Virginia THOMAS F. EAGLETON, Missouri DANIEL J. EVANS, Washington JOHN F. KERRY, Massachusetts JEFFREY T. BERGNER, Staff Director GERYLD B. CHRISTIANSON, Minority Staff Director (III U.S. Department of Justice Nat/onallnstllute of Justice This document ha~ bee~ ~eproduced exactly as recoived from the person or organlzallon originating It. Points of view or opinions stated In this doeumen~ ~re tho~e of the authors and do not necessarily repr~sent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this c~d material has been granted by Public Domain United States 'Senate to the Nat/onal Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reprodu~tion outstde of the NCJRS system requires permis­ sion 01 the c~ owner. CONTENTS Hearing days: Page March 3, 1985 ....... ,................................................................................................... 1 Statements of: Abrams, Hon. Elliott, Assistant Secretary for Human Rights and Human- itarian Affairs, Department of State .............................................................. .. 4 Friedlander, Robert A., professor of law, Pettit College of Law, Ohio Northern University, Ada, OH ......................................................................... 71 Katson, Trisha, legislative director, Liberty Lobby, Washington, DC .......... 115 Moore, John Norton, Walter Brown, professor of law, University of Vir- ginia, Charlottesville, VA ................................................................................. .. 80 Phillips, Howard, Conservative Caucus, Vienna, VA ....................................... 106 Rees, Grover,_ III, professor, University of Texas Law School, Austin, TX .. 55 Robinson, Davis R., legal adviser, Department of State ................................. .. 7 Schlafly, Phyllis, Eagle Forum, Washington, DC .............................................. 101 Shepherd, John C., president, American Bar Association, accompanied by John Norton Moore, chairman, Standing Committee on Law and the National Security, the American Bar Association, and Walter Brown, professor of law, University of Virginia Law School, Charlottesville, VA 50 Shidler, Iris L., State Chairman of Women, Central Committee of Ameri­ can Independent Party, National Affiliate, PopUlist Party, Rialto, CA .... 112 Tarr, Ralph W., Acting Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Coun- sel, Department of Justice ................................................................................ .. 5 Wiesel, Hon. Elie, professor, Boston Univer~ity ............................................... .. 86 Insertions for the record: Helms Substitute for the Resolution of Ratification of the International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Geno- cide ......................................................................................................................... 14 Situations where inflicting mental harm would be an offense under the Genocide Convention ......................................................................................... .. 31 Action taken by the Soviet Union, Eastern bloc countries, and Yugoslavia on legislation implementing the Genocide Convention ............................... .. 35 Excerpt from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing on the Genocide Convention, 98th Congress, 2d session, September 12, 1984, S. Hrg. 98-962 .......................................................................................................... .. 47 Prepared statement of Grover Rees III .............................................................. .. 60 On the Prevention of Violence, by Robert A. Friedlander, from the Catho- lic Lawyer, vol. 25, No.2, Spring 1980 ............................................................ 73 Letter to Senator Lugar, from Senator Dodd, dated February 20, 1985 regarding Mr. Wiesel's appeai.'ance at the March 5 hearing ..................... .. 98 Excerpt from Committee on Foreign Relations Business Meeting, Septem- ber 19, 1984 .................................................................. ,... ,.................................... 99 Reso~ution urging the Senate to act on .the Genocide Convention prior tq adJournnlent .................................. ~ ..•. ?., .............................................................. 100 Executive Resolution expressing t~e'sense o~~e~n~.£<l sUp'~ort of the principles contained in the Convlmtion ag t~n" .. ~ ............... .. 100 Rollcall vote on S. Res. 478, from the Con e· sional ec ro,""O'ctober 11, 1984 ........................................................................................................................ 100 Artic1e-by-artic1e explanation of the Genocide Treaty ......................................' 105 Prepared statement of Trisha Katson (with a£t'Mll.me~ ... t9-a@ ................ .. 119 State and Justice Department's responses to"lfcfdt\;io~e'questlOns submit- ted for the record ........................... ;..................................................................... 166 State Department's responses to ajiditional questions submitted by Sena- St~~~ ~~~aJ~~·ti~~·D~p·~~·t~~;;:ti~·~~~p~~~·g·~~~~Jilit1:!t~~\'\·~;;;J't: 179 ted by Senator Pell .............................................................................................. 182 (III) IV Insertions for the record-Continued Page State and Justice Department's response to an additional question sub- mitted by Senator Dodd ...................................................................................... 184 State and Justice Department's responses to additional questions submit- ted by Senator Kerry ........................................................................................... 185 APPENDIX Letters to Senator Lugar from: Deukmejian, George, Governor, State of California, dated March 8, 1985... 189 Goldberg, Arthur J., dated February 28, 1985.................................................... 189 Levine, Jacqueline K., Chair, National Jewish Community Relations Ad- visory Council, New York, NY, dated March 4, 1985.................................... 190 Statement of the American Jewish Committee and Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith ............................................................................................................... 190 Statement of the American Jewish Con/Fess............................................................. 191 Statement of Gerald Kraft, president, B nai B'rith................................................... 192 Statement of David R. Hawk......................................................................................... 194 Statement afthe American National Committee of America................................. 199 St~tement of Ross Vartian, executive director, Armenian Assembly of Amer- lca.................................................................................................................................... 200 The Armenian Case, from Senator Helms' "Additional Views," September 24. 1984................................................................................................................................. 202 Let~er to Senator Percy from Governor George Deukmejian, State of Califor- nla................................................................................................................................... 203 Quotations by Raphael Lemkin regarding the Armenian Genocide...................... 203 Statement of A. Clifford Barker, chairman, the John Birch Society, Belmont, MA.................................................................................................................................. 204 Letter to Senator Lugar from William L. Ball, III, Assistant Secretary, Legis­ lative and Intergovernmental Affairs, Department of State, dated May 21, 1985 (with attachment)................................................................................................ 205 CRIME OF GENOCIDE TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1985 UNITED STATES SENATE, COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, Washington, DC. The Committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:05 a.m., in room SD-419, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Hon. Richard G. Lugar (chairman of the committee) presiding. Present: Senators Lugar, Helms, Mathias, Boschwitz, Pressler, Murkowski, Trible, Evans, Pell, Zorinsky, Cranston, Dodd, and Kerry. The CHAIRMAN. This hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is called to order. Today the Committee on Foreign Relations will receive testimo­ ny on the question of whether the Senate should give its consent to the ratification of the International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The
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