descriptions new Descriptions of new sharks and rays from Borneo from Descriptions of new sharks and rays sharks and ofrays borneo from editors: p. r. last • w. t. white • j. j. pogonoski csiro marine and atmospheric research csiro marine and atmospheric csiro marine and atmospheric research paper no. 032 Descriptions of new Borneo sharks and rays Publshed by: CSIRO Marne and Atmospherc Research GPO Box 1538 Hobart TAS 7001 AUSTRALIA The National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry Descrptons of New Sharks and Rays from Borneo. Bblography. ISBN 9781921605574 (prnted verson) ISBN 9781921605581 (pdf verson) 1. Sharks; Rays (Fshes) – Borneo. I. Last, P.R. (Peter Robert) II. Whte, W.T. (Wllam Toby) III. Pogonosk, J. J. (John James) VI. CSIRO Marne & Atmospherc Research (Seres: CSIRO Marne & Atmospherc Research Paper; 032) 597.3095983 ISSN 1833 2331 (prnted verson) ISSN 1835 1476 (pdf verson) Important Notce © Copyright Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Australia 2010 All rghts are reserved and no part of ths publcaton covered by copyrght may be reproduced or coped n any form or by any means except wth the wrtten permsson of CSIRO. The results and analyses contaned n ths Report are based on a number of techncal, circumstantial or otherwise specified assumptions and parameters. The user must make its own assessment of the sutablty for ts use of the nformaton or materal contaned n or generated from the Report. To the extent permtted by law, CSIRO excludes all lablty to any party for expenses, losses, damages and costs arsng drectly or ndrectly from usng ths Report. Cover Desgn: Louse Bell Layout: Wllam Whte Date of Publcaton: 24 May 2010. Prnted by Monotone. Descriptions of new Borneo sharks and rays Foreword Ths sequence of taxonomc papers s the consequence Ronald Vonk and Helke Praagman (Zoologsch Museum, of two major surveys of the chondrchthyan fauna of ZMA); Gento Shnohara (Natonal Scence Museum, Borneo. In 1996, the first major investigation of the NSMT); Tosho Kawa (Hokkado Unversty, HUMZ); sharks and rays of Sabah was ntated through fundng Masato Motek (Tokyo Unversty Marne Scence, from the UK Darwn Foundaton. Ths project addressed MTUF); Jeffrey Wllams and Jerry Fnan (Smthsonan questions relating to the biodiversity, fisheries impact, Insttuton Natonal Museum of Natural Hstory, USNM); bology, and conservaton status of the coastal marne Rchard Feeney (Los Angeles County Museum, LACM); and freshwater elasmobranch fauna, and resulted n the Hroyuk Motomura (Kagoshma Unversty Museum, compilation of the first checklist of chondrichthyans of KAUM); Smon Wegmann (Zoologsches Insttut greater Borneo. The Darwn survey also provded the und Zoologsches Museum der Humboldt Unverstät, impetus for a larger survey in the last decade of fish ZMH); Kelvn Lm (Natonal Unversty of Sngapore, markets of the sland, ncorporatng both Malaysan NUS); Ernst Mksch (Naturhstorsches Museum, Borneo and Indonesan Borneo. Ths comprehensve Venna, NMW); Mohammed Adrm, Indra Aswand, survey, made possible by the financial support of the Pryo Agustono, Suharsono (Drector of Research Centre Natonal Scence Foundaton (grants NSF BS&I Nos. for Oceanography LIPI, Jakarta); Mark McGrouther and DEB 0103640, DEB 0542941, DEB 0542846), and Amanda Hay (Australan Museum, AMS); Helen Larson, parallel surveys of the chondrchthyan faunas of the Gavn Dally and Barry Russell (Northern Terrtory Phlppnes and eastern Indonesa, unearthed several Museum, NTM); Sue Morrson, Glen Moore and Barry taxonomc problems that needed resolvng, partcularly Hutchns (Western Australan Museum, WAM); Jeff nvolvng cryptc specaton and nomenclature. Johnson (Queensland Museum, QM). Chondrchthyan specalsts, Bernard Séret, Charle Huveneers, Jenny The man objectve of ths specal taxonomc publcaton Kemper, Dave Ebert, Peter Kyne and Ken Graham, also s to document updated names for some of the speces provded revews of papers submtted. that were once consdered wdespread n the Indo- Pacific, but which are now known to have more restricted Several people helped n securng collectng permts, and dstrbutons. Seven new speces are formally descrbed, collectng or provdng access to specmens from Borneo three speces are resurrected, and two other poorly and nearby regons. In partcular these nclude: Albert known speces are redescrbed n 11 separate papers. Chuan Gambang (Fsheres Research Insttute Sarawak); These names wll be used n the soon to be publshed Rdzwan Abdul Rahman (Borneo Marne Research gude to the chondrchthyans of Borneo, ‘Sharks and rays Insttute); Edward Rooney Busng (former Deputy of Borneo’ (n press). Morphometrc acronyms used n Drector Fsheres Sabah); Ono Kurnaen Sumadhnarga, tables follow Compagno (1984, see Appendx 1). Dedy Darnaed, Ruben Sltonga and Sr Wahyono (LIPI); Hlconda Calumpong, Clarssa Reboton and May Research for these papers extends over two decades and Luchavez-Maypa (Sllman Unversty, Phlppnes); has nvolved many people n many dfferent ways. On and several other local and nternatonal scentsts and behalf on the authors of these papers, the edtors wsh to volunteers, ncludng Sarah Fowler, Scott Mycock, Sd thanks the followng for ther help: Cook, Mchael Sugden, Andy Olver, Annadel Cabanban, Loren Cara, Clare Healy, George Chong, Hamr bn Ganng access to materal n chthyologcal collectons Hg-Katng, Latp Sat, Asn Etn, Masn Etn, Salk Etn, was vtal to ths study. We thank the staff at these Anchan, Rosle, Justn Tampulng, Mengke, Junard, facltes: Renny Kurna Hadaty and Ahmad Jauhar Aref Mug Utomo, Zanal Abdn, Rayner Gald, Charles (Museum Zoologcum Bogorense, MZB); Albert Lo and Greenwald, Isnol Alang, Joe Guadano, Bad Samanego George Jons (Sabah Museum, SMEC); Dave Catana and Dharmad. (Calforna Academy of Scences, CAS); Morce Rowan, Stefanus Smon and Syuhame Ahmat Al (Borneo The genetcs component of ths research provded Marne Research Insttute, BRMI); Marten van Ojen mportant nsghts and we sought the help of several and Ronald de Ruter (Rjksmuseum van Natuurljke colleagues, partcularly Kerr Matthes, Clemens Lakner Hstore, RMNH); Roman Causse, Bernard Séret, Guy and Nel Aschlman (Florda State Unversty), Drk Duhamel, Patrce Pruvost and Zora Gabs (Muséum Stenke and Paul Hebert (Unversty of Guelph), Bob natonal d’Hstore naturelle, MNHN); Patrck Campbell Ward, Melody Puckrdge and Bronwyn Holmes (CSIRO), and Olver Crmmen (Brtsh Museum of Natural Hstory, and Shannon Corrgan (Macquare Unversty). BMNH); Peter Bartsch (Museum fur Naturkunde, ZMB); v CSIRO Marne & Atmospherc Research (Wealth from We partcularly thank all the authors and revewers of Oceans Flagshp) staff and assocates asssted n varous papers n ths volume for ther assstance n completng ways: Alastar Graham, Louse Bell, Louse Conboy, ths work wthn a short tmeframe. Dan Gledhll, John Stevens, Gordon Yearsley, Tm Fountan, Lndsay Marshall, Nc Bax, Alan Butler and Peter R. Last Davd Smth. Wllam T. Whte John J. Pogonosk Descriptions of new Borneo sharks and rays v Contents A new wobbegong shark, Orectolobus leptolineatus sp. nov. (Orectolobformes: Orectolobidae), from the Western Central Pacific ............................................................... 1 Last, P.R., Pogonoski, J.J. & White, W.T. Redscovery of the rare and endangered Borneo Shark Carcharhinus borneensis (Bleeker, 1858) (Carcharhnformes: Carcharhndae) ..................................................... 17 White, W.T., Last, P.R. & Lim, A.P.K. Glyphis fowlerae sp. nov., a new speces of rver shark (Carcharhnformes; Carcharhndae) from northeastern Borneo ......................................................................... 29 Compagno, L.J.V., White, W.T. & Cavanagh, R.D. Resurrection and redescription of the Borneo Broadfin SharkLamiopsis tephrodes (Fowler, 1905) (Carcharhnformes: Carcharhndae) ...................................................... 45 White, W.T., Last, P.R., Naylor, G.J.P. & Harris, M. Scoliodon macrorhynchos (Bleeker, 1852), a second speces of spadenose shark from the Western Pacific (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae) .............................................. 61 White, W.T., Last, P.R. & Naylor, G.J.P. A new species of wedgefish, Rhynchobatus springeri (Rhynchobatode, Rhynchobatidae), from the Western Pacific ��������������������������������������������������������������� 77 Compagno, L.J.V. & Last P.R. Okamejei cairae sp. nov. (Rajode: Rajdae), a new skate from the South Chna Sea ..................................................................................................................................... 89 Last P.R., Fahmi & Ishihara, H. A new speces of skate Okamejei jensenae sp. nov. (Rajode: Rajdae) from the seas off Borneo, wth a redescrpton of the Kwangtung Skate, Dipturus kwangtungensis (Chu) ............................................................................................................................................ 101 Last, P.R. & Lim, A.P.K. Descrpton of a new stngray, Pastinachus gracilicaudus sp. nov. (Elasmobranch: Mylobatformes), based on materal from the Indo–Malay Archpelago ................. 115 Last, P.R. & Manjaji-Matsumoto, B.M. v Pastinachus stellurostris sp. nov., a new stngray (Elasmobranch: Mylobatformes) from Indonesan Borneo ......................................................................................................... 129 Last, P.R., Fahmi & Naylor, G.J.P. Clarification ofAetobatus ocellatus (Kuhl, 1823) as a vald speces, and a comparson wth Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen, 1790) (Rajformes: Mylobatdae) .................. 141 White, W.T.,
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