O Ś WIĘ CIM ISSN 1899-4407 PEOPLE CULTURE HISTORY JANUARY 1945 AT AUSCHWITZ THE POLISH – GERMAN PROJECT HALLOWED BY THY NAME no. 13 Janary 2010 Oś—Oświęcim, People, History, Culture magazine, no. 13, January 2010 EDITORIAL BOARD: Oś—Oświęcim, People, History, Culture magazine EDITORIAL On January 27, we are commemorat- evidenced in 2009, when 1.3 million deadly threat to the prisoners. Finally, ing the 65th anniversary of the libera- people from all continents visited the the day of liberation came. tion of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Con- memorial site. We recommend that you pay particular centration Camp. This is an especially Last month, we published accounts of attention to the articles about the semi- important date, ending the 1,689 days previous yearly commemorations; in nars at the International Youth Meeting of the camp’s existence, created by Nazi the January issue of Oś we will remem- Center, which was about women dur- Editor: Germany, which had the dual function ber the last days before the liberation. ing the Holocaust. On the pages of the Paweł Sawicki of a concentration and extermination The camp was found in a state of cha- Center for Dialogue and Prayer, we are Editorial secretary: camp. Auschwitz has become a symbol os. Thousands of prisons marched out publishing reports from retreats, dur- Agnieszka Juskowiak-Sawicka for many religions, nationalities and through the gates on the evacuation ing which discussion revolved around Editorial board: cultures, as well as a reference point for marches, the so-called Death Marches, praying to our God, as seen by two reli- Bartosz Bartyzel many different currents of philosophy, documents were burned, and the cre- gions—Judaism and Christianity. Also Wiktor Boberek Jarek Mensfelt social sciences, and global politics. The matoria and gas chambers were de- included in Oś is a review of the play Olga Onyszkiewicz world continues to try to understand— stroyed using explosives. In the end, the The Wardrobe, which was performed at Jadwiga Pinderska-Lech with varying success—lessons learned SS escaped from the camp, however, for the Jewish Center. Artur Szyndler from the history and experiences of those prisoners left behind this did not Paweł Sawicki Columnist: Auschwitz. And most importantly, the mean peace; German units came to the Editor-in-chief Mirosław Ganobis world remembers what this means as camps and the very last minute were a [email protected] Design and layout: Agnieszka Matuła, Grafi kon Translations: David R. Kennedy Proofreading: A GALLERY OF THE 20TH CENTURY Beata Kłos Cover: MDSM On various occasions, from the need immediately—getting into the car, pastoral tranquility of this place... Photographer: to guide some around this place because who wouldn’t have wanted to There was high grass, birch groves, Tomasz Mól because of national or church related take a ride in a luxurious Lancia during rows of barracks, fences, and countless commemorations, in different years and a time when the “kings” of our roads ruins. The memorial had not yet been seasons—I have visited our Auschwitz were inelegant Warszawas, Syrenas, installed. Museum. and Wartburgs?! After several hours, the couple, PUBLISHER: I will describe the circumstances of one We are driving to Auschwitz I. The Adriano Tiberini and his wife Laura of these visits. Italian couple—he, most likely middle, from Milan—because they fi nally Auschwitz-Birkenau In the early 1960s, summer... with or higher class businessman and his introduced themselves—thanked us for State Museum a cousin from Wrocław, who spent pretty wife, with whom I tried to the company. We exchanged addresses; www.auschwitz.org.pl his vacation with us, we were taking a speak with in English—but our mutual they invited us, not knowing about our walk, as we did every day, around our linguistic skills were almost non- passports, foreign exchange problems, town. In the area, called Niwa, where existent—she walked silently and deep and material inability. After some time, there currently is a roundabout, an thought past the Museum’s artifacts. At we received a small package from PARTNERS: elegant car with Italian license plates fi rst, they were confounded by the type Milan: in an elegant case a fountain pen stopped near us. A handsome man and and shape of the camp’s buildings: not and two “Parker” pens, not available in Jewish Center an elegant lady, with Mediterranean brittle barracks, but a city of tenements. our market. We reciprocated by sending looks, were its passengers. After trying Piles of hair, shoes, suitcases, and them an album about Polish art, which www.ajcf.pl to communicate in different languages, prosthetic limbs did make an impression was printed rather well for the time. the man in the car and my cousin on them. They especially showed their After that, there were a few more post stumbled upon the French language, emotions in the crematorium building cards from their journeys around Europe in which their exchange was fl uent. and by the gallows on which the camp and ours—to the Bieszczady Mountains. Center for Dialogue The travelers asked us if we wouldn’t commandant Hoess had been executed. However, just as everything—it ended, and Prayer Foundation guide them directly to the Museum In Birkenau, they took in its enormity. leaving a handful of good memories. itself, an offer that we jumped upon They listened to the quiet and almost Andrzej Winogrodzki www.centrum-dialogu.oswiecim.pl International Youth Meeting Center www.mdsm.pl IN COOPERATION WITH: Kasztelania www.kasztelania.pl State Higher Vocational School in Oświęcim www.pwsz-oswiecim.pl Editorial address: „Oś – Oświęcim, Ludzie, Historia, Kultura” Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20 32-603 Oświęcim e-mail: [email protected] www.kasztelania.pl Grounds of the former Auschwitz camp. Photo from the “Gallery of the 20th Century Collection” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Oś—Oświęcim, People, History, Culture magazine, no. 13, January 2010 Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum THE ATTENDANCE RECORD—1.3 MILLION VISITORS AT AUSCHWITZ MEMORIAL million people from all around the world have visited the Auschwitz Memorial in 2009. This is the record in the 62-year history of the Museum. It’s very important that the majority of visitors are 1.3 young people—pupils and students. There were over 821 thousand of them—that is 120 thousand more than in 2008. Auschwitz Memorial has been the most visited Museum in Poland for a number of years. “The importance of this Museum Director Dr. Piotr place in the history of the M.A. Cywiński. world cannot be overesti- mated. It is diffi cult to un- The secretary of the Inter- derstand the Europe today national Auschwitz Coun- without a thorough knowl- cil Marek Zając believes edge of Auschwitz history. that the record number of It is also diffi cult to under- visitors gives us a power- stand our own contempo- ful hope. “It is the hope rary responsibility, if we that the tragedy of the con- do not listen to the tragedy centration and extermina- of the Holocaust and pris- tion camps will continue oners of the concentration to force us to ask the fun- camp. That is why I do ap- damental questions, that it preciate the increase of the will shape the attitude of number of young visitors. resistance against evil and The future of our world is the need to be good in next in their hands”—said the generations”—he said. The list of top ten countries from which visitors come Visitors has not changed much. at Auschwitz “We must certainly notice Memorial in 2009 the increase of the number by country of visitors from Poland— compared to 2008 it is over Poland 553 000 140 thousand more. There were also more visitors United Kingdom 75 000 from Israel (18 thousand Sawicki ł Italy 63 900 more), Italy (20 thousand Israel 62 400 more) as well as from France, Norway and our Germany 57 900 southern neighbors from Photo: Pawe Visitors at the Auschwitz Memorial France 48 300 the Czech Republic and Slo- vakia”—said Andrzej Ka- Czech Republic 43 500 corzyk, the head of the Visi- by guided groups worked because of the protection of would not understand Slovakia 42 900 tors Services Section. really well. We will proba- authentic site of the former this symbol of the atroci- bly act similarly in the peak camp, but also because of ties of the 20th century. It Norway 40 300 “The statistics from non- months of 2010, since such a the safety of our visitors”— is worth remembering that USA 39 800 European countries are also system means greater com- said director Cywiński. the most visited museum interesting. Probably due to fort for visitors. However, in Poland is also a world South Korea 35 400 the economic crisis and the we must be aware that if the “We should be grateful to leading exemplary institu- Sweden 27 100 depreciation of the dollar, attendance would increase all the people who take care tion in terms of education we had less visitors from Spain 26 700 in the future by i.e. half a of the Memorial. Without activities and preserva- the American continent, but million people, we will have the daily involvement of the tion”—said Marek Zając. Hungary 18 200 there is a constant growth of to introduce a completely Museum staff, so many peo- the number of visitors from Paweł Sawicki Australia 13 500 new system. It’s not just ple from around the world Asia. In 2009 the Auschwitz Netherlands 11 700 Memorial was visited by 35 Ireland 11 000 thousand people from South Korea, 8 thousand from Number of visitors at the Auschwitz Memorial (2000-2009) Belgium 10 000 Japan, 5.6 thousand from Japan 8200 China and 4.8 thousand from Singapore”—added 1 300 000 Danemark 6600 Andrzej Kacorzyk.
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