July 25, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H6893 Then the Bush Administration's Of- NATIONAL EMERGENCY lead body. The NDPO's mission is to coordi- fice of Management and Budget came MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, nate the more than forty federal departments and said, we agree with your idea to July 25, 2000. and agencies with programs to assist state have a coordinating council, and we are Hon. TILLIE K. FOWLER, and local emergency respondersÐfirefighters, U.S. House of Representatives, here to support it. That initiative has Washington, DC. police, and ER workersÐwith planning, train- worked very well, as I anticipate this The National Emergency Management As- ing, equipment, and exercise drills necessary coordinating council will work very sociation (NEMA) represents the state direc- to respond to a conventional or non-conven- well. tors of emergency management who are re- tional weapon of mass destruction (WMD) ter- Again, I compliment the gentle- sponsible for protecting lives and property rorist incident. Unfortunately, the NDPO has from natural disasters and man-made events woman from Florida (Mrs. FOWLER) on not been able to perform as proposed due to her initiative for being so stick-to-itive such as domestic terrorism. State emergency funding shortfalls and a lack of authority nec- management serves as the central coordina- on this matter and bringing it to a essary to execute its duties. I think that it is in- tion point for all state agency resources dur- excusable that the Clinton/Gore administration very successful conclusion. ing an incident and provides interface with Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance federal agencies when assistance is needed. has decided to set their priorities elsewhere of my time. NEMA supports the concepts embodied in without dealing with the defense of this nation and its citizens first, but don't take my word for Mrs. FOWLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield H.R. 4210 that strive to improve federal co- it. myself such time as I may consume. ordination efforts for domestic preparedness including the development of a national A recent congressionally mandated study Mr. Speaker, I want to just thank the strategy. We support provisions in the bill preformed by the ``Advisory Panel to Assess gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. OBER- that require budget and program reviews for Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism STAR), the ranking member. I think the federal agencies involved with domestic pre- Involving WMD'' chaired by Governor James work that we have done on this legisla- paredness and that they are aligned with the Gilmore and researched by RAND came to tion is an example of how this legisla- goals and objectives identified in the na- the same conclusion. Their report stated ``that tive process is supposed to work. tional strategy. NEMA would like to see the greatest possible authority provided to the the complex nature of current Federal organi- When we see a problem and we work President's Council to affect real change in zations and programs makes it very difficult for together to develop what is going to be how federal agencies coordinate with each state and local authorities to obtain Federal in- the best solution for that problem, and other and with states on this critical issue. formation, assistance, funding, and support.'' it evolves over time, that is what has State and local emergency management and In addition, the Panel concluded ``the concept happened with this legislation, that it responder input to the Council is extremely behind'' the NDPO is sound, but it just was has been a work in progress for several important as they are the ones who will re- not doing what it was meant to do. Surely, the months now. I think the project that spond to and manage the event for the first current administration has not done enough. I we have produced today is an excellent several hours. H.R. 4210 includes a provision congratulate Ms. Fowler for her intrepid work that establishes a State and local advisory on this and her steps to get the vital issue of product. group. It is not half a loaf as the gentleman NEMA commends you for your efforts to improving our homeland defense addressed. said, it is the whole loaf, because the improve our nation's domestic preparedness As the days in this Congress wind down, I point of this all along was to establish program and we look forward to continuing promise to make my voice heard and leader- an entity within the Executive Office to work with you to ensure H.R. 4210 meets ship known in ensuring that Americans are as of the President; and that is what we its intended goal of enhancing preparedness protected as possible against biological/chem- are doing, establishing this council and response capabilities among all levels of ical/nuclear terrorist attacks in the next Con- government. within the executive office that will be gress. I am going to fight to maintain and in- Sincerely, crease America's prevention and consequence able to coordinate and oversee and JOSEPH F. MYERS, eliminate the duplication that occurs management abilities. The federal government NEMA President. spends billions of dollars on fighting terrorism, right now in these programs through- Mr. Speaker, as stated earlier, this is but the American people need to know that out our Federal Government. So it an excellent bill. This is an important their funds are not wasted and go to the most really has been an example of how we bill, because what we are doing here is relevant programs to ensure their security. should work on every piece of legisla- ensuring that each and every commu- Mrs. FOWLER. Mr. Speaker, I have tion in this body together. nity in our country will be better pre- no further speakers, and I yield back I also just wanted to point out, Mr. pared when, and if, a terrorist act does the balance of my time. Speaker, that this legislation has been occur. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. endorsed by the National League of American lives are at stake here, and PEASE). The question is on the motion Cities, the National Emergency Man- we cannot waste any more time. We offered by the gentlewoman from Flor- agement Association, and the Inter- need to work together to make sure ida (Mrs. FOWLER) that the House sus- national Association of Fire Chiefs. that those emergency responders that pend the rules and pass the bill, H.R. These three groups have worked very are the first ones on call when an in- 4210, as amended. closely with us, and we have taken stance occurs that they have the train- The question was taken; and (two- their input as we have crafted this bill. ing, they have the resources, they have thirds having voted in favor thereof) Mr. Speaker, I include for the the equipment that they need to re- the rules were suspended and the bill, RECORD the following letters: spond. Again, I urge my colleagues to as amended, was passed. A motion to reconsider was laid on JULY 25, 2000. support this bill. the table. Hon. TILLIE K. FOWLER, Mr. WATTS of Oklahoma. Mr. Speaker, I U.S. House of Representatives, rise in support of H.R. 4210, the Preparedness f Washington, DC. Against Terrorism Act. Domestic terrorism has GENERAL LEAVE DEAR REPRESENTATIVE FOWLER: We are affected my life profoundly. I said to myself Mrs. FOWLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask writing on behalf of our members to express after the death of 169 innocent men, women, support for H.R. 4210, the ``Preparedness unanimous consent that all Members Against Terrorism Act of 2000.'' This legisla- and children in the 1995 Oklahoma City bomb- may have 5 legislative days within tion will help address our concerns about a ing that I would lend my support and endeavor which to revise and extend their re- coordinated system of federal resources to indefatigably to do everything possible to en- marks and include extraneous material communities throughout this country. sure that when terrorism touches America on H.R. 4210, as amended. Local fire, police, and emergency medical again, we will be as prepared as possible to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there services personnel are the first responders to deal with the consequences. However, today, objection to the request of the gentle- the scene of a terrorist threat or attack. It is the truth is the American government is just woman from Florida? crucial that the federal government develop not able to properly deal with a massive bio- and implement a comprehensive national do- There was no objection. mestic preparedness plan as provided for in logical/chemical/nuclear terrorist attack. f H.R. 4210. In 1998, the Attorney General created the National Domestic Preparedness Office CARL ELLIOTT FEDERAL Our organizations urge the swift adoption BUILDING of this bill in the House of Representatives. (NDPO) within the FBI to coordinate federal Sincerely, terrorism preparedness programs. Prior to this Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, I NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES. switch, the Department of Defense was the move to suspend the rules and pass the VerDate 25-JUL-2000 04:59 Jul 26, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00115 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.188 pfrm02 PsN: H25PT1 H6894 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE July 25, 2000 bill (H.R. 4806) to designate the Federal Mr. Speaker, this legislation will des- against that tide, to face the forces of building located at 1710 Alabama Ave- ignate the Federal building in Jasper, Wallace, to fight the Klan and the nue in Jasper, Alabama, as the ``Carl Alabama, as the Carl Elliott Federal Birchers, the gunfire and smears and Elliott Federal Building''.
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