i jovF B N M rm 01 o «! ssa STATISTICAI ABSTRACT 01 ORISSA 1981 NIEPA DC ri04487 I Rl Al ()1 S rATlSTICJS AND rC O N O M K S DRISSA. BHUBANESWAR o « i ' - 8ufc. National Systems Ttfiit, National Institute o f Education&ji P la n n in f -Jfjd A m iriistT a tion 17-B.SflAuiI Marg,NrwDrlb^ilOaii li^OO# N 0»*. ^»j D m Materials compiled by : ■*’ 1. Shrl K N Patm, S. I 2. Shri Niranjan Mohanty, S.4. X Shri Naresh Chandra Mohanty, S.-I. 4. Shri R N. Dash, S A 5. Shri K= C. Sahani, S. A. 6. Shrl P. C, Dash. S. A 7 Shri S. B. Adhya, S. A. 8, Shri B. B Bural, J. S A 9, Shri P. K,. fCanutigo, J. S, A. 10, Shri S. Sahoo, J. S. A. Materials typed by :— Shri B. C. Bhoi, Sr. Stenographer Charts and Designs prepared by ; — 1. Shri R N. Swa\a, AtUst 2. Shri M N. Biswal, Artist Technical Guidance given by : - 1. Shri B. Das, Director 2. Shri R. C. Khuiitia, Deputy Director PREFACn The ■‘Statistical Abstract o f Orissa, 1981” is the 12lh issue in Its serie,s Tlic sooio-ecotiomic <lata eo'vering all fields o f Developmental activities in the State for a period o f decade ending 1980-81/1981 witth district wise break up for last two years have been inc<»rpofated in thi - issu A brief note analysing thee data on oat h chaptu" rtloug with some specific programme has been ad led to it. In the first chapter, anicii'nt history of Orissa, its administrativo set-up, places of Importance and various economic programmes imiplemented in tho State have been outlined. As it presents data on diflerent sectors o f the Stale ecofiomy ov^er time and space, it serveti as a valuable source o f materials recjuired by the administrntors, planners anid researcli workers for formulation o f development programmes in the Htate The contmued afid generous co-operation rendered by different offices o f the State and ( entral G«overnmentB, Corporations, Public Undertakings and Local Bodies in making available the reQuired data foir thif> issue is acknowledged with gratitude. Constructive suggestions from the users for improvement of itfH future issues are always w.dcomed. B P A S I )irt‘ctor Bureau o f Statistics & Economic* Orissa, Bhubaneswar 1ON TKN TS I Historv, Admim'sirativc £t t up, Physiographv I lononiii Programmes ai d placet of I interest o f the Stat ■ of Orissa. IJ C l IMATI 2'()l Nuitnai and aclutil rainfall in Orissa 7 2 02 Teinperaliirn and Humidity in Orisna n HI. ARI A AND POPUl AH O N 3 01 Area, population and perCi^ntage of literacy by sex in different Stales and Union lerritories \l of India. 3 02 JJecadai variation, sex ratio and iirban ratio in population Hince 190J in th» Stati o f 14 Orissa, 3 03 Area, Rural and Urban population in different Tahsils according to 1^)71 and l^JSl Census in the State o f Orissa 3 Q4 Area, population a)id growth rates o f the cities and towns by size class o f population 3 t according to 1971 and 1081 Census in the State o f Orissa. 3 05 J)istribution of main workers by sex and category according to 1971 and 1981 Census jn 44 different lahsils o f the State o f Orissa 3 06 Distribution of main workers by Sex and category according to 1^71 and 1981 ('ensus in 86 different cities and towns o f the State o f Ori&sa. 3'07 Number of main workers in Urban Areas by sex and category according to 1971 and 1981 121 Census in different districts o f Oiissa 3 08 Total population, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trihes population in different distu'cts o f 176 Orissa according to 1971 and 1981 Census. IV. BDUCATION 4’Oi Number o f Educational Institutions in the State o f Orissa m 4'02 Number o f teachers o f the Educational Institutions in the State o f Orissa 132 4 03 Number o f scholars in school stages in the State o f Orissa 136 4 04 Number o f >^cholars in the college stages in the State o f Orissa ITS 4 05 Percentage o f literacy in different towns o f Orissa by sex according to 1981 Census I4i 4 Of' Percentage of literacy in the cities of Orissa by sex according to 1971 and 1981 Census 1^6 4 07 Percentage o f lileracy in Rural and Urban areas by sex according to 1981 Census in 147 difleretit tahsils and districts o f Orissa. V MEDICAL AND FAMILY WFLFARE *01 Number of Allopathic Hospitals, Disptiisariesv Public Health Centres, patients treated and Uiii beds available in Orissa. r*0i Patients treated and died in Allopathic Hospitals and Dispensnries in Orissa by diseases 1^5 .'0 = Number o f Ayurvedic Hospitals and Dispeniaries and patients treated and beds available 178 in Orissa, •04 Number o f Homoeopathic Hospitals and iMspensarieg and patients treated and beds -. 179 available in Orissa. 5*05 Number of Family Welfare Institutions in Orissa 1^0 •06 Achievement in Family Welfare P/ograrames in Orissa . IBl 5*07 Sickness of Prisoners in District Jails, Special Jails and Sub-Jails in Ori&ia . 182. vi Table No, Subject Paoe VI. VITAL STATISTICS 601 Number o f births registered in Orissa ,, 187 6 0 2 Number o f deaths registcre ! in Orissa .. 188 6 03 Number o f infant deaths registered in Orissi 189 604 Deaths by causes in Orissa ' 190 6*05 Deaths by age-groups and sex in Orissa .. 194 606 Deaths due to snake bitis and attacks o f wild animals in Oiissa 197 VII. AGRICULTU RE 7-01 Pattern o f land utilis<itiou in Orissa .. 201 7 02 Area under different crops in Orissa .« 2t)3 703 Production o f different crops in Orissa ., 209 7 04 Average yield rates o f different crops in Orissa • • 215 7-05 Index numbers o f area under ilifferent crops in Orissa 1 * 2:20 7-06 Index numbers of agricultural production in Orissa ,. 222 71)7 Consumption o f chejnical fertilisers in Orissa 214 7‘08 Number of agricultural implement’s in use in Orissa 225 l-{)^ Source-wise irrigated area iu Orissa 2 i ] 7 ’ 10 Number o f operational holdings and area op^ratod by siz ? class o f op'rational holdirags in 2:29 Orissa, VIII, LIVESTOCK AND ANIMAL HIJSHANDRY 8-01 Number o f livestock and poultry in Orissa 232 8*02 Numl>er o f Veterinary Institutions, animal treated and castrated in Orissa • • 238 8-03 Seizures and deaths o f cattL' front various contagious diseases in Orissa • • 239 IX. FOREST 9 01 Classilisation o f Forest areas by legal States in Orissa • ■ 242 9 02 Out turn o f Forest products in Orissa • • 244 903 Forest Revenue in Orissa 248 X. f b h e r y 10 01 production o f Fish o f Orissa 2S0 10 02 Number o f Fishing Crafts and Gears in use in Orissa 25>J XI. CO OPERATION 1101 Nunibar, membership arid financial position of all t) pen of Co-operative Satieties in 254 Orissa. 1102 Number, membership and financial position o State Co operlive institutions ( Appex 25*8 Societies) in Orissa. 11 03 Number, memhership and fl uijicial position of Central Co-operative Banks in Orissa .. 26,2 ll't)4 Nunibar, m ^iu'iership and fina'icial position o f Agricultural C o operative Socieities in 26<6 Orissa, 1103 Number, meiubership and financial po‘»ition of Nott*agrlcuUunil Co-operative Societies 27(0 in Orissa. 1106 Number, ni^mbersliip and finauolal position of Weavers, and Industrial Co-operative 274 Societies in Orissa for the year 197')-8(). Mi Table SubjiM Paor N i‘ . XII. IM>liSTR\ AND MINING 12 01 111 ii ^iiri il tiinwth in Oris?;i at a glanc* . iSli 12 02 .Slatistii N (if ManufHCttiriiig (nilustrii ’ hv In 11'iry gr^iUiHn Ori v.ci *84 12’0.1 Siiiii .liih o f Manufiictiring Industri-'^ by si/.o in Orissa (Lari' , M-Jhira, Small) -94 12‘04 CHpit il Investmont, an 1 v.ihie nd ic I i,i dilfeit'tiit districti o f Oi wsa . 12 (15 Number of Woiking Mines area covered, workers eni|doycd output ;m I valiio of Mim ral prddiiced and exporteil in Orissa. I2‘(t6 Collcftiun of Milling Revenue ui Onssu .. 12*07 Number oi J‘ *int Slock ( cm panics at woric in Orissn i2l 12*08 Number o f Joint Stock ( oinpani-^ newly registfred in Orissn « ^2.’ 12-09 Number o f Joint Stock. Companies liQui iated/struck oflf trannferred to other States in ^2'> Orisstt. 12*10 Production atid sale o f salt in Onssa . ^24 12 i 1 Number and sitting capacity o f (.‘inema Mouses fnn -tit»ning in Orissa • 325 12*1 2 Numbs^r o f tickets sold an ! sales proceeds realised from cinema houses . - 326 12'I 3 Nu-nber of Tourist Bungalows and Tourist visited and income from tourism in Orissa .. 327 12*14 Details o f budding works starte l in Odssa .. 32S 12-15 Details of building works completeil iti the .State o f Onssa . 32*) XUI POW BR 13’01 Installed ( apacity and generation o f power in Orissa 33^ 13 02 Consumption of electricity in Orissa • 334 1303 Number o f Village‘S electrified and IJft Irrigation points energised in Orissa .
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