DEVOTED TO BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS VOLUME 33, NO. I. PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 25, 1899. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. MAGNATES© VIEWS THE TEXAS LEAGUE AS TO THE APPROACHING BIG LEAGUE BATTLE. Most o! the League Club Owners Sure Not Satisfied With Fonr Clubs and Their Respective Teams Will Win Contemplating the Addition ot Four the Flag While None Will Admit the More so as to Form Again the Possibility ol Carrying the Target, Old Six-Club or Eight-Club League. Austin, Tex., March 21. Editor "Sport Now that the championship season of ing Life:" The organization of the Texas IS©Jit is close upon us and the hum of League has not yet been completed. It was preparation for the coming fray is al originally intended that the league should ready filling the land, the thoughts of the be composed of the cities of Austin, fans are being diverted from the political Antonio, Galveston and Houston. Th? and financial side of the game to the ar was some talk of embracing New Orleans tistic side, and already the papers are and one or two other cities in Louisiana_ -- beginning to teem with speculations upon in the league, but it is understood that the ami claims for the various teams which promoters of the enterprise have concluded will contest for the national supremacy. that such an arrangement would be im The magnates also scent the battle from practicable. It is now probable that the afar and are beginning to make claims league will be composed of Austin, Waco, aijd predictions. Interviews during the Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston and Galves recent League meeting regarding the ton. San Antonio will not be represented, claims of the teams elicited the follow as that city has failed to offer the neces« ing responses: sary financial inducement for a good club. Frank Selee, Boston Now that the League has kindly allowed us to make home runs over our right field fence, the pennant is already in CEDAR RAPIDS CHEER. our grasp. Ned Hanlon, Brooklyn I am confident that Plenty of Money Available^Jhd a the new Bridegrooms will come out of the race Fine Team Selected. on top by a big majority. Cedar Rapids, la., March 21. Editor "Sport John B. Day, Ne©w York The New York team ing Life:" Manager Belden Hill, of the Cedar Is stronger than many people imagine, and they Rapids team, announces that bis team for the Mill come near landing the flag. coming season will be selected from the fol John I. Rogers, Philadelphia I think that lowing players: Dick Collins, catcher; Louis the Philadelphia Club will finish in about fourth Mehaffy, Joe Mehaffy, Fred Glade, Norman Bras- place this season. We have a team of comers hear and Frank Landers, pitchers; Chas. Shaff- who have not reached their highest stage of er, Al Fisher and Belden Hill, on bases; John excellence. EDWARD C. BECKER, Dorrr.a.n. short stop, and Phil Glade, Byron Mc- Frank De Haas Robison, Cleveland The Kibben and Frank Donnelly, in the outfield. Cleveland team \vjli be in Ibe t©r>nt rank all The Rich and Respected New Owner of the St. Louis Club. Phil Glade is the change catcher. the time, as they always have been. I have COLLECTING CASH. one of the best teams in the League. The work of collecting the money subscribed John T. Brush, Cincinnati The Reds, in my ON NEW BASIS. GOOD FOR GRIFFIN. to the fund for the purpose of carrying a base opinion, have been greatly strengthened. Cin ball team through the season is progressing cinnati will come very near landing the flag, if The Syracuse Club Transformed Into He Defends the Honor and Spirit of very satisfactorily. Every subscriber so far as they don©t get it. seen has been ready with the cash when the James A. Hart, Chicago I know we will a Stock Company. the Ball Player. members of the committee called and it now finish near the top. I look for a most ruccessful Syracuse, March 20. Editor "Sporting Life:" Mike Griffin was in Brooklyn the other day to begins to look as though there would be no season throughout the circuit. The Syracuse Base Ball Club, which will own consult with the Brooklyn officials relative to shortage whatever. More than enough mouse Bernard Dreyfus, Louisville -We will start and control the star team during the coming his transfer to Cleveland. It is the belief that has now been collected to put up off the season with practically the same < !ub season, has been formally organized at a meet he will exact part of the purchase money. THE $500 GUARANTEE we had last year, and I am confident that we ing held in the office of Attorney Frederick While Griffin was interviewed somebody brought with the president of the Western Association will finish iii the first division. A. Kuntzsch in the new University building. up the fact that the Brooklyns and Baltimores to play the season through and to pay the W. W. Kerr, Pittsburg The base bnll busi The company is composed of John J. Murray, were scheduled to wind up the season together league dues, and send advance money to the ness Is a lottery, and 1 would not dare to pra- president; George N. Kuntzsch, secretary and and suggested that if the championship for players. The work of collecting will continue. dict where the Pittsburg Club will finish. treasurer; Charles Schwarz. Frederick A. Brooklyn depended on that series the Orioles The Cedar Rapids Base Ball Association haa John McGraw, Ealtimore Wo are liable to Kuntzsch and Philip S. Ryder. The five men might throw the games. never been in better condition than at the pres surprise a good many in Brooklyn this season. constitute the Board of Directors. "Don©t you believe it," said Griffin. "The ent time. They have the idea that we hare a weak team, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ball players are more honest than some other but they will meet with a big surprise before of the company have been forwarded to Albany, people connected with base hall." SOUTHERN GROUNDS. the season is a month old. and the capital stock will be $5000. which has "But here are a number of men gathered Arthur Irwin, Washington You may seem already been subscribed. The shares are equal from every part of the country to represent a surprised when 1 say we will land in the first ly divided, each director holding stock to the strange cify. What interest do they have in League Teams Rarely Train Twice division, but that is .iust where 1 think the amount of $1CCO. The management of the upholding that city?" persisted the first speaker. in the Same Place. .Washingtons will finish this season. team will be left to Lew Whistler and George "Professional pride." said Griffin, with em Considering the number of years base ball rj he only delegate who would not, or Kuntzsch will look after the financial interests phasis. "There is an effort to excel among ball teams have gone South, it seems strange that no rather could not, make a prediction for of the compary. players the same as in every other profession club has yet selected a permanent place for his team was Receiver Muekenfuss, who A VETERAN. and" the spirit of loyalty to the people they spring practice. They wander around from one up to the time of interview didn©t know The connection of P. S. Ryder, the photogra represent always predominates in every game. place to another down South like Ponce de Leon pher, with the company means that no time Past associations are forgotten as soon as the looking for the fountain of eternal youth. For where the St. Louis Club "was at." or expense will be spared to put base ball on umpire calls ©play© and the rivalry that exists Judging from the remarks of the other its former footing in this city. Mr. Ryder, has between the cranks of the different cities is instance, in ©97 the Cincinnatis went to New magnates, there can be but one club St. been interested in the national game since a uppermost in the minds of every player and Orleans: in ©98 they were at San Antonio, Tex., Lotus in the second division this sea- mere youth, and for years he has not been be makes their fight his fight. That is what and this year they have started work at Colum eon. known to miss a game st Star Par©s unless has made base ball so successful, and has made bus, Ga. In ©97 the Phillies were taken to through illness. it the national game." Augusta, Ga.; last year they tried to get into OTHERS ARE NEW AT IT. condition at Cape May, and this year will take SSED COLONELS. The other men ia the company ha^e never off surplus weight in North Carolina. taken any active interest in the game before. WILMOT©S WAIIi The experience of nearly every club In the 0 Breathe the Same Air Mr. Schwarz is treasurer and general manager National League is almost the same, and it is of the National Brewing Company, and Mr. a rare occurrence for a team to train two suc DexteMac and Mark. Kuntzsch is a brother of George Kuntzscb. After Making a Sucker-Play on the cessive seasons at the same place. Gradually, President Murray is the exalted ruler of Lodce Ponies. however, the camps are being concentrated in No. 31. B. P. O. Elks, and was formerly Al the States of Virginia, the Carolinas and derman of the Nireteeuth waid.
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