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XAVIER Published by the students of Volume CVI Issue 21 Xavier University since 1915 February 19, 2020 NEWSWIRE Fiat justitia, ruat caelum xaviernewswire.com Dining hours get a new design Auxiliary Services creates a calender to make on-campus options organized times are clicked on, both the center of campus. Five to six opening and closing times are years ago, particularly during displayed alongside a link to a the renovation of Alter Hall, map of the restaurant. the Academic Mall was the The Hours of Operation center of campus. Moran and page in the Gallagher Student Paiotti explained that since Center section on the Xavier the opening of the Health website has not been updated United Building (HUB) and as of printing. the renovations to Gallagh- “The calendar is now a liv- er, the center of campus has ing and breathing document shifted away from the CLC, with all of the services that reducing the need for a retail fall under us. If a location isn’t location. listed, it now means they are “We do heat map studies closed, which lets students see every semester to see (where what’s open (in the moment),” the students are) ... so we can Paiotti said. see where the traffic is going Paiotti also explained why to be. So that way we can stra- Newswire photo by Kevin Thomas mobile orders are not always tegically align what kind of Following a period of confusion about the hours of operation for Blue Blob’s Diner (above) and other on campus available. offerings and what services dining locations, Auxiliary Services created a calender where athe hours of all options will be available. “I want to make sure stu- need to be in specific buildings dents know that mobile order BY CHARLIE GSTALDER place to eat.” mobile ordering app. and locations,” Paiotti said. is effectively a separate re- As recently as last semes- 6WDৼ:ULWHU Bill Moran, Director of “More of the foot traffic is Auxiliary Services, explained going through the mobile or- tail location,” Paiotti said. “It ter, the CLC location was still Auxiliary Services has im- that the changes occurred be- dering app… 12% of the sales is basically a different store used as a commissary where plemented a new system to cause of new business needs. right now are going through front with different hours.” much of the premade food rectify discrepancies between “If (the vendors) have a mobile ordering,” Paiotti said. Because the mobile order available in the on-campus the listed operating times of business case for why they Paiotti also described the app functions as a separate coffee shops was prepared. on-campus dining options can’t support certain hours reasons for inaccuracies in store, it automatically stops However, prepared food pro- from ConneX. we’ll hear it, and if we come posted times. taking orders during times duction is now being complet- Between the Fall 2019 and to an agreement that our cus- “We found that Gallagh- that the brick and mortar ed in GSC, eliminating any Spring 2020 semesters, the tomers can live with slightly er was posting hours on the storefronts are swamped with remaining need for the CLC food services in Gallagher Stu- reduced hours, we’ll approve doors and on their website but customers. Paiotti and Moran location. dent Center (GSC) changed it,” Moran said. were not linking to the official revealed that, in the near fu- “I’m glad they’re posting their operating hours. These He added that such changes hours. The Google Business ture, mobile ordering will be the hours now,” Sawyer said. changes caused irregularities are currently being discussed had posted the fall hours but available for Victory Perk. “It will be a lot more helpful in the hours of operation in- with Starbucks, where manag- didn’t update for the spring,” The retail location in the for students to know that if formation listed in different ers have expressed concerns she said. Conaton Learning Center they are going to go to Galla- spots on campus. Previously, a about their late night sales. Paiotti understands how (CLC) is permanently closed gher, those places will not be Google search of “Blue Blob’s Jennifer Paiotti, Xavi- this could be confusing to stu- because of changes in the open.” Diner” would list one set of er’s Marketing Director, ex- dents and is in the process of hours, the Xavier website plained that concrete data contacting each place where would list a different schedule regarding hours is taken from operating hours are listed. and the schedules posted in foot traffic analysis. “My ultimate goal is to GSC would show yet another “From fall to spring there transparently communicate contrasting set of times. was a very dynamic shift in what is going on,” Paiotti said. “I noticed issues in the the hours in terms of what “But I want to make sure it’s times with Blue Blob. When our retail venues asked from accurate.” I would be studying there us,” Paiotti said. “We’re not During the weekend, Mo- on the weekends I’d Google seeing the foot traffic in cer- ran and Paiotti reconfigured when it was supposed to be tain venues, and therefore, the the Hours of Operation page open, and it was always closed business needs have to reduce of the Xavier website under when it said it would be open,” the hours, and that’s just a Auxiliary Services. The page first-year business major Mol- natural progression.” now hosts a Google Calen- ly Sawyer said. “It kind of de- The reason for the decline dar with the opening times of Newswire photo by Kevin Thomas feats the purpose of having a is the implementation of the each establishment. When the $ODFNRIWUDIÀFWRRQFDPSXVGLQLQJRSWLRQVKDVOHGWRUHGXFHGKRXUV In this issue... Campus News, Page 2 World News, Page 5 Op-Eds, Page 9 A&E, Page 10 A new Dorothy Day Cincinnati Mayor John Arts & Entertainment Tame Impala’s newest documentary was Cranley announced his Editor Soa Ordonez release reveals just screened on campus to candidacy for the gov- explains the meaning how developed their great delight. ernorship of Ohio. that art can bring. sound can be. 2 February 19, 2020 Campus News xaviernewswire.com Film features faith and justice Documentary delves deeper into the interdisciplinary life of Dorothy Day BY JOSEPH COTTON encourage people to grow in 6WDৼ:ULWHU their faith and live out that In collaboration with the faith in service for others and Ethics/Religion and Society living out justice.” (E/RS) Program, the depart- The event was also not ment of theology hosted a the first time Doblmeier vis- screening of Revolutions of the ited campus. Xavier orga- Heart: The Dorothy Day Story nized a similar event in early followed by a panel discus- 2019 that featured a viewing sion with filmmaker Martin of Doblmeier’s film, Backs Doblmeier on Thursday, Feb. Against The Wall: The Howard 13. Thurman Story. Taking place in Kennedy “We seemed to be able to Auditorium, the event was connect with the audience a part of a 30-stop nationwide bit more this time,” Doblmeier tour before the film begins remarked. “I feel very much so airing on PBS in March. a part of the flow. I feel like a The screening was initiat- Musketeer.” ed by professor of theology While he might feel like a Adam Clark and organized Photo courtesy of Martin Doblmeier Musketeer, Doblmeier attend- by Richard Polt, head of the At last Thursday’s screening of the new documentary, Revolutions of the Heart: The Dorothy Day Story, Martin ed Providence University for E/RS Program. 'REOPHLHUDGGUHVVHVDSDFNHG.HQQHG\$XGLWRULXPDERXWKLVÀOPPDNLQJSURFHVVDQGWKHLPSDFWRIWKLVVWRU\ his undergraduate studies and In light of Dorothy Day’s Dorothy Day is an interesting that goes into it. (The film) about Dorothy Day’s role as a received his master’s degree consideration for canonization character for a film because was very well put together.” mother. in broadcast journalism from by the Catholic Church, Rev- of her commitment to justice One of the moments that “I think that that was a Boston University. olutions of the Heart is a doc- while simultaneously living as stood out to Toweson was spot-on observation. (Moth- His films deal exclusively umentary about this woman’s a prominent figure in the pub- hearing the words, “she’s an erhood) was a big moment for with religious faith and spir- extraordinary life. lic eye. anarchist on her way to be- her,” Doblmeier said. “That ituality. As an activist, pacifist, “People are hungry for this coming a saint.” really connected with me.” “I think of myself first as journalist and grandmother, kind of story,” Doblmeier “(This quote) shows how For Catholic Chaplin Rev. someone who is interested in Dorothy Day lived a life that said. “(The tour has) been fun. radical she was in her beliefs Luke Hansen, Dorothy Day’s the subjects of religion, faith shaped modern Catholicism We are having great crowds.” and yet conservative in her re- religious zeal continues to in- and spirituality,” Doblmeier in America.
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