The Weather W a ylH m rd h Cloudy tonlgM and moat ot Tueaday, with a chance ot brief Bytohn Gruhet rain or anow. Low tonight In the 30s, high Tueaday near b4. Outr look for Wedneaday — fair. MancHe$ter^A CUy of Village Charm (CliMUIed Advertlaiiir on Fage 17) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS VOL. Xa* NO. 162 ( (TW E N TY PAG ES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1972 Thousands Killed In Iran Quake \ By JOHN A . gOHNgTON (Herald Beporter) TBJHRAN, Iran (AF) — A de Sunday — ii^en residents of the area M in Laurie Lee Osgood, l^yeiu**oId daughter of Mr. earthquake rocked southern Iran early 060 miles south of Tduran were stin wd Benton Osgood of Vernon, was named Miaa < today. Oovemment (^cials said they asleep in their mud-brick villages. Manchester 1972 Saturday night at the fburth annual ^ could not estimate the number killed yet, Officials in Shiraz and Tehran launched Miss Manchester Scholarship Pageant, sponsored by the but unofficial reports said between 2,000 relief meastu-es for the stricken region. Manchaster Jaycees, in Bailey Auditorium of Manches- and 4,000 died. Hellc(q>ters loaded with mediCBl siq^ ______ \ ' ___________ ter High &ho6L "This is one of the biggest earthquakes pUea, blankets and food took off, and ever to hit Iran," a spokesman for the She also received the MIm convoys of trucks loaded with relief siq>- Congeniality Award, voted by Terhan University Geophirslc institute plies began moving toward the region. the IS conteatanta. said. He reported it registered a 7 on the Richter scale. ITie epicenter of the quake was. in the Slj&yjack Mias Osgood was crowned by A previous earthquake with a magni­ area of the villages of Qeer and Kazerun. Mias M~ancheater 1971, Mtaa tude of 7 killed more than 10,000 x>eraons The population of the immediate area is Kathleen Bombard at South in Bkustem Iran. estimated at 20,000. Windsor. inM PriaolUa Anne Oov. Manuchehr Plroos of Fiars Prov­ Iran’s iast catastrophic quake was the By Chute iDoyle at Rockville, lUaa Con- ince was reported to have flown to the one in the eastern part of the country in necticut 1971, presented Miss Os­ disaster area. 1062. Another in 1962 killed more than good with her saMi and cape. The Qeophyslc institute said the quake 16,000 persons around Qazvln, northwest Mayor John Thompaon gave occurred at 0:88 a.m. — 0:06 p.m. BIST of Tduran. Mlsa iCanchester a bouquet at Thwarted rosea gdl/r LaKB Cmr, Utah .mss Osgood’s monetary (AP) — the 9 ^ tatom aa a awards were a‘ |400 scholaralilp U.S. magUrtratii today that it from the Jayoeea, glOO UB. had Mund'$490,970, a panohute Savings Bond from Qie Mhn- First Times in Four Years aal a pistol on Uie "premises’’ cheater State Bank, and $896 oC .a man ohaiged with a 9900,* modeling ahcolarship from the 000 aortortion-parkduite hijack Barb|aon School of Modeling. at a JefUnsr StidBy night. Other gifts were a makeup kit B52s Pound North urn btah man Is one of two ^book frmn the Jaycees, portrait SAIGON (Al*) — U.S. B68 "huge wave” of U.S. planes be- and aitlHery in the southern rats IdJaiA-extortttai-parachute Otmsumer bombers returned to the air gan attacldns: Viidi about 3 half of the DMZ and betow It, adibabmM’ ooeurring in the West­ Sales. ern tMted States two days war over Nmth Vietnam today a.m. and claimed North Viet- and enemy share batteries hit apart. .| - For her talent pcsaentatlon, for the first time in more than namese gunners shot down two two of the destroyers, the John she performed, to a drum a0‘ four years and hit taxgcta U.S. Jet-fighter-bombers. R. Craig and the Rowan. A Ihe ^oney, panohute and. oompanlment, a variety of Jan around the Wg coastal city of >nie u.s. Command an- Navy spokesman said there gun* ware on a Hat the FBI dances that she choreographed mnh, 146 miles northwest of the nounced only one plane loss, an >*> casualties, but the turned trover to Magistrate A. herself. Hbr father was the demUitarUed zrnie. It was the p 4 Craig smtained hull and equip- M. Feito in Salt Lake CHy as drummer, mss Osgood wore a d ^ penetratl^ ^ North evidenof frmn seaioh Warrants, silverwequlned, striped leotard. ^ shot «low“ whUe escorting pther to o l^ t shrap^ hits, It was desMliwd as taken from In the evening gown eonqpett- lea’s biggest warptenes. bombers attacking the Ho Chi Observers reported that the ^*Hie pramtaea o f Richard FToyd tlon, she wore a soft, pumpkin- MeanwfaUe, South Vietnam’s M b * trail through Laos, ’ihe ?}f*®. KOOby Jr." colored Grecian chiffon gown commander on the northern command said the two crew -,^‘ocked wt thrro arU^ry bat- front said his forces had'men were rescued with minor “«r®» and set off eignt secon- V55I1 SEnSay in and Mr. and Mks. Jan DlBeUa, of- crushed the speartiead of the Injuries. ^ esplosions and two fires. lifs !. aipund »ttaa Provo . hpuae o( ffolal. m as Manchester chaper- 12-day-old Communist offensive The United States also un- Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Lam, lioOoy, rand isen'i jSiisii-riil to and business manager, said acioss the DMZ and turned the leashed more naval iMwer commander of South Vletnam- 4.W. laiSs (Sirdboeid box training and preparatiai tlde cf battle. against North Vietnamese post- ese forces on the northern f e l r id twb bta^T siritoaaes. But atarted today for Mias Osgood’s , , *v tlone. but the results were not front, said the North Vletnam- tlA F in 'h ad deoUned comment pamolpatlon in the Mise Con- But then was M letup ta the ,q>ectacular. Nine cruisers and ese had made "an ail out at- mi whether dw money wsa re- neotlout Pi«9ani, to be held enemy n»ack »crih of Saigon ^iggXxx^yeirs bombarded troops tack and we stopped them." oSverod, ■ ' JiHr 14-16 in Souttilngtoh. and the South Vietnamese com­ mand ordered another 20,000 .IftOp! ’, 99, a Vietoam vetar- lUnchester 197a’k pm*- troops into the battle for An , api Snd amateur skydlver, was former reetdenta of Loc, 60 mfles north of the Capi­ Wltupiitit'Manchester. Her tether ;is the Ms^’titaS son of lir, imd Mre. Haloid A- tal. OsgcM ■ i|r , .90': .C iin itortfiii OfBeiol sources ialdd the use Ru$sia Chastised of tah eight-jat B8iia ov ef Mcrik ,ixatrtc$ . iB rad^ Idas Os>. ^ ikMaw'^RSta h r pw m Vietnam Jar.;9ie. first time M h M c f i i o a t gppd’s mother is the farmer NOV- 27,' 1067, WM a show of Sylm A, Aoeomaitaii- diujghtar 1^: fOKe by President )^ o^ , M M fs. v m Timnw bi;»dtas' The UB. Command ga^ no At Pact Signing tientar Rd.. Brtton, and the tats ■' ■ ' ' V.v; details o f the B62 qperatlonB, „ .. ddwnrd Aooomnaso of.Walling- wtth: ^ tiirasy In tiw . saying in a communique: "In WABHING’rON (A P ) — Prba- use Of that momentum,’ ’ the reqpcnap to the OornmOhlst in- ident Nixon took the opportun- Soviet Ambassador said, V B<*h ,4 mta O ^ ’a parents vasion ;ot South Vietnam ity of a Mologlcsa weapons In contoaat to the President’s through the demilitarized zone. treaty signing ceremony today allusicns to Vietnam and the ^ S r SG ST w hero lur fa- U.S. air and naval operations chastise the Soviet Union for Soviet involvement, Dobrynin I a identified as Stanley knowii as .Osftle%hi}e cmitinue south of. in and north its role.in toe Vietnam war. twice mentioned Nixon’s pres­ Hartan _ ***V ®J2**^ a ______drummer ______ and leader of the DMZ. These operations ence with words of praise. ^|||se^ capta^ ^ Jwd dan0e*band. With Soviet Ambassador Launch inchide naval gunfire, tactical Nixon said the treaty banning $n ta«^ afw r a w m , ^.^vlng with the UA. •t aircraft and B62s throughout Anatoiy Dobrynin sitting near­ . , V'. ■' germ-warfare weapons, and Descartes, just the battlefield area.” by, Nixon said the world’s ma- orteredfhP A WOMKtbe MJscker w S CAM KBltofeDY, Fla. (AP) ions of fU^ into the rocket’s the crater jw naUons have a "particular d^tructlon of germ- the center of the ' ’The command said it now ia sat ^ :at Ltodtosrg FlsW — 'ih^.lauiicli Heatai fed* elec- tanka, - southeast of responsibility1___ _____________ ... not. 4to.y yencour­_____ ■warfare stcckpHo- was a sig­ conMders North Vietnam part nificant development. But he ih Fan bUaflt calif. Use hUack- "«*“ and bgas orcnsstra af - ' ■. ■' moon’s visible face. age,other nations to use force." trical power io a Saturn 6 rook- Aatrouguta J < ^ V. Young, a of toe batUefleld area. it also should be viewed as -W -.o-i .h., i«.o 4Hv veteran of' tout apace trips; tte explorero «ro to spend a Nixon did not specifically ________ __ Other official sources said a means to a more important f LSSi S S'lSTSS ■£».*• et today tq; atari the lengthy ^-hartea M. Duke-, Jr. and'Thom- record 78 hours <m the surface, mention toe Vietnam war, but —permanent peace. two ds^ earner in the case in Miss b sg ^ ’s fatbei^ and roimtdqwh ter ApoUo 16, man’s aa k . Mattingly n j^anned to During three seven-hour sur- that because overcast skies for It was clear that he was criU- ^ sddch M M ^ was ohaiged.. grandfather are past conunail- flfth expwiitlan to the surface spend,most today infqpace- (ace excursions they’ll drive a toe third day curtailed raids by toe smaller fighter-bombers cizlng M ^^s (rf toe Wologlcal-weapons „ « c .
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