Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83369-1 — The Reception of Greek Ethics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium Edited by Sophia Xenophontos, Anna Marmodoro Index More Information Index Locorum Alcinous 2.1, 197 Didaskalikos Eudemian Ethics, 228 16, 19 Magna Moralia, 228 28.181.44–5, 38 Metaphysics Alexander of Aphrodisias 10.9, 19 Commentary on Aristotle’s Meteorology 1067b25–26c, 236 75.26ff., 197 Nicomachean Ethics Commentary on Aristotle’s Topics 1.4, 202 247.8–9, 229, 236 1.4.1095b, 126 On Fate 1.4.1096a16–17, 202 11, 126 1.7.1098a16–18, 201 Ammonius 1.10.1100b23–33, 208 Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories 2.1, 210 6.21–4, 165 2.4, 181 7.7–14, 196 3.3.1112a5–1113a, 127 43.4–14, 49 3.5.1114a, 126 Anonymous 6.1.1138b2–1139a, 129 Commentary on Plato’s Theaetetus 6.2.1139a15–17, 200 4.17–23, 91 6.5.1140b11–12, 198 Prolegomena to Plato’s Philosophy 6.5.1140b25–6, 203, 205 15.20–8, 96 6.13.1144a9–11, 201 23.22–4, 93 7.2, 129 26.10–13, 47 10.4.1174b33, 219 26.23–7, 47 10.6.1177a14–18, 57 26.23–45, 70 10.7.1177b33, 59 26.24, 49 10.8, 39, 129 Apophthegmata Patrum 10.8.1178b8–18, 39 109, 111 1094a1, 230 Arethas of Caesarea 1094a3–6, 238 Misogoes 1094a9–15, 239 206.18–24, 161 1094a20–1, 246 Aristotle 1094a21–4, 246 Categories 1095a17–30, 241 5.4a10–11, 50 1095b21–2, 244 De Anima (On the Soul) 1096a24–7, 239 3.4.430a2–5, 73 1096a32–4, 239 3.5.430a17–18, 204 1096b34–5, 233 420b6–8, 236 1098b23–31, 242 9.432b, 123 1099a27–1099b8, 242 De Caelo 1101b10–27, 239 1.268b11–269b17, 202 1102a28, 221 275 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83369-1 — The Reception of Greek Ethics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium Edited by Sophia Xenophontos, Anna Marmodoro Index More Information 276 Index Locorum Aristotle (cont.) Athanasius I, Patriarch of Constantinople 1102b30–1, 221 Συγγραφικαὶἱστορίαι 1103a1–3, 221 2:176.9–177.4, 244 1104a12, 168 Athanasius of Alexandria 1104b8ff., 168 Commentary on the Psalms 1104b9–13, 169 PG 27 240C–D, 21 1104b21–4, 169 Letter to Marcellinus 1105b33–1106a1, 246 12 (PG 27 2C), 145 1106a1, 246 12 (PG 27 24D), 145 1106b11, 172 Vita (Life of Antony) 1106b16–17, 169 29, 150 1106b18–23, 169 34, 112 1106bff., 168 42, 114, 116 1109a26–30, 170 42–3, 114 1109b14–15, 171 43, 110 1115b17–19, 169 44, 110 1118a30–2, 245 45, 116 1119a14–15, 170 46, 112, 116 1120b3–4, 170 57, 116 1125b31–2, 239 64, 114 1139b14, 229 65, 112 1141b3–11, 53 67, 116 1177a12–13, 212 70, 116 1177b31, 225 71, 114 1177b33–4, 225 73, 112 1178a17–18, 222 81, 116 1178a23–1178b7, 242 82–3, 114 1178b7–22, 58 83, 109 1178b27, 225 94, 114 On Generation and Corruption 95, 110 2.9–11, 198 Athenagoras On the Generation of Animals On the Resurrection, 23 1.21–2, 18 2.1–3, 18 Barlaam of Calabria 2.3.736b28, 204 Contra Latinos Tractatus A 737a28, 19 Opusc. 9, 162 Parts of Animals Ethics according to the Stoics, 5 641a2, 236 Basil of Caesarea Physics Homily on Psalm 114 2.9, 198 PG 29 492 C, 25 225a21, 236 Letters 253a14–15, 123 135.1.24–32, 94 259b7, 123 Longer and Shorter Rules Politics 24–5, 111, 66 1260a13, 19 Bible Posterior Analytics 1 Corinthians 78a26–30, 230 12:13, 32 88a5–6, 230 15:36–38, 24 2.12.94b37–95a3, 198 Colossians Rhetoric, 168 3:11, 32 Topics, 229 Ecclesiastes Aspasius 3:1, 167 Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics Ephesians 5.15–22, 232 3:16, 20 82.22, 167 5, 17 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83369-1 — The Reception of Greek Ethics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium Edited by Sophia Xenophontos, Anna Marmodoro Index More Information Index Locorum 277 Galatians I 142, 214 3:27, 32 I 142.3–4, 74, 222 3:28, 25, 26, 32 I 142.4–6, 74 Genesis I 143.1–5, 74 1, 20–1 I 143–4, 47 1:1–2:5, 20 I 145, 70 1:26–27, 20 I 145.3, 75 1:27, 22, 32 I 164, 214 2, 20–1 Life of Isidore, 4 2:24, 17, 25 David [Elias] 3, 21 Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories 3:1, 21 124.25–127.2, 196 Luke, Gospel of Demetrius 20:35–36, 22 On Style, 84 Mark, Gospel of Didactic Admonitions (Spaneas), 5 12:25, 17, 22 Matthew, Gospel of Elias 19:3–12, 17 Commentary on Porphyry’s Isagoge 22:30, 22 1.3–8, 237 Numbers Ephesian Tale, 16 20:17, 172 Epictetus Psalms Discourses 31:9, 2 1.4.18, 122, 128 50:5, 21 1.29.18, 122, 128 118:1, 242 3.5.7, 122, 128 Romans 4.12.7, 60 2:14, 108 Etymologicum Gudianum, 237 Thessalonians Etymologicum Magnum, 237 5, 16–18, 241 Eusebius Preparation for the Gospel Choerilus 11.4.1–2, 242 fragm. 335, 1–5, 245 15.3–4, 242 Cicero Eustratius of Nicaea De Natura Deorum Commentary on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics 2.58, 125 In EN 1, 1.14–15, 229 On Ends In EN 1, 3.35–6, 229 3.22, 61, 103 In EN 1, 4.3–7, 242 Clement of Alexandria In EN 1, 4.9, 229 Pedagogue In EN 1, 6.13–25, 242 1.4, 23 In EN 1, 13.24–6, 197 Stromata In EN 1, 31.32–32.5, 230–5, 242 In EN 1, 43.2–3, 195 Cyril Of Jerusalem In EN 1, 50.30–4, 203 Catechetical Discourses In EN 1, 121.5–7, 195 IV.20 (PG 33 480C–481A), 22 In EN 6, 256.3–257.12, 206 In EN 6, 256.3–8, 206 Damascius In EN 6, 257.12–258.30, 206 Commentary on the Phaedo In EN 6, 272.3–12, 200 I 138, 71 In EN 6, 272.3–277.15, 200 I 138–44, 70 In EN 6, 304.5, 197 I 139, 72 In EN 6, 309.36–310–34, 199 I 139–40, 48, 213–14 In EN 6, 314.6–18, 204 I 140, 72 In EN 6, 336.3–4, 195 I 141, 72 In EN 6, 336.3–13, 196 I 141.1–4, 72 In EN 6, 339.14–15, 197 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83369-1 — The Reception of Greek Ethics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium Edited by Sophia Xenophontos, Anna Marmodoro Index More Information 278 Index Locorum Eustratius of Nicaea (cont.) In EN 4, 6, 234–5 In EN 6, 373.9–10, 197 In EN 4, 12, 243 In EN 6, 385.3–13, 223 In EN 4, 15, 238 In EN 6, 392.7–10, 196 In EN 5, 1, 237 Commentary on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics 2 In EN 5, 15, 232, 238 154.8–13, 198 In EN 5, 16, 232, 238 Scholion on John of Damascus’ Second In EN 5, 19, 245 Oration on the Dormition of the Virgin In EN 6, 1, 231 Mary, 193 Commentary on Aristotle’s Organon, 227 Scholion on Nicomachus of Gerasa’s Commentary on Plato’s Parmenides, 227 Introduction to Arithmetics, 193 Philosophia Evagrius Paraphr. In EN 1, 1.4–6, 248 Gnostikos Paraphr. In EN 1, 1.17–20, 248 2, 118 George Tornikès 2–3, 68 A Funeral Oration on Anna Comnena On Thoughts, 66 271.18–2, 206 Praktikos 275.2–8, 208 6, 118 Georgius Gemistus Pletho 50, 67 On Virtues, 5 52, 67 Gregory of Nazianzus 73, 67 De Vita Sua 310–11, 171 Galen Epistles Quod Animi Mores, 224 51, 173 George Gennadios Scholarios Orations Protheoroumena (introductory notes) to the 2.34, 172 Nicomachean Ethics, 227 3.8, 172 George Pachymeres 7.23, 25 Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, 227 27.2, 163 Commentary on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics 27.3, 162, 164, 166, 171 In EN 1, 1, 230, 234–5, 237–8, 246 27.4, 167, 171 In EN 1, 1, 238 27.9, 161 In EN 1, 2, 230–1, 239, 243 28.1, 163 In EN 1, 3, 230, 235–6, 241–2 31.6, 172 In EN 1, 3, 243 32, 162 In EN 1, 4, 230, 235, 245 42, 172 In EN 1, 5, 235, 238–9, 243 42.16, 172 In EN 1, 7, 229, 233, 236, 238 Gregory of Nyssa In EN 1, 10, 231–2 Antirrhetic against Apollinarius In EN 1, 14, 243 28 (GNO VIII.1, 222–3), 25 In EN 1, 15, 231, 236 De oratione dominica In EN 1, 16, 239 71.4–8, 130 In EN 2, 1, 234 De vita Moysis, 129 In EN 2, 4, 243 Homilies on the Song of Songs In EN 2, 6, 235, 246 Homily 7 (GNO VI, 213), 24 In EN 2, 9, 231, 240 In Ecclesiasten Homilae In EN 2, 10, 237, 240 335.5–8, 130 In EN 2, 11, 240 On the Dead (De Mortuis) In EN 2, 13, 238 58.5–10, 129 In EN 3, 5, 244 59.19–22, 129 In EN 3, 6, 229 59.19–25, 129 In EN 3, 16, 245 61.14–20, 129 In EN 3, 18, 229 63, 24 In EN 4, 2, 238 On the Making of Man (De hominis In EN 4, 5, 243 opificio) © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83369-1 — The Reception of Greek Ethics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium Edited by Sophia Xenophontos, Anna Marmodoro Index More Information Index Locorum 279 8.1–2, 22 5.20, 169.26–170.4, 80 16.7–8 (PG 44 181A–B), 22 5.22, 172.4–6, 81 16.9 (PG 44 181C), 22 5.23, 174.2–3, 78 16.14 (PG 44 185A), 23 Vita Pythagorica, 47 17.2 (PG 44 188C–189B), 23 Irenaeus 17.4 (PG 44 189C), 23 Against Heresies, 23 17.4 (PG 44 189D), 23 22.3–4, 23 Jerome 29.7–8 (PG 44 237B–C), 33 Against Jovinian PG 44 137AB, 130 1.12, 29 On the Soul and Resurrection 1.48, 29 GNO III.3, 110, 24 14, 29 GNO III.3, 112, 24 49, 29 PG 46 44C, 34 John Chortasmenos PG 46 125C, 34 Moral Precepts, 5 On Virginity (De Virginitate) John Chrysostom 253.20, 129 Homilies on Ephesians 292.13–15, 129 20.8 (PG 62 146–7), 32 298.10–18, 130 Homilies on Genesis Gregory Thaumaturgus 15.14, 25 Oration and Panegyric Addressed to Origen 18.12, 25 11, 106 On Virginity 14–15, 25 Homer John of Damascus Odyssey An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox 5.50–54, 207 Faith 97, 27 Iamblichus John of Sinai Commentary on Aristotle’s De Anima Scala Paradisi 48, 75 4 (PG 680A), 136, 137 Commentary on Plato’s Phaedrus John Tzetzes fragm.
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