Cuba& Russia building up troops in Ethiopia NAIROBI, KENYA (UPI) -- Hundreds of Dgaden city of Harar after around The bulk of these military person- had arrived in the Eritrean provic e fresh Soviet and Cuban military per- the-clock bombing by Cuban-piloted, nel were being sent to the Southeast capital of Asmara. sonnel have arrived in Ethiopia as Soviet-built Ethiopian warplanes. Dgaden area where the Somalia re- The Ethiopians, with a $.5 billionn part of a major Communist buildup Diplomatic sources said an esti- gently captured their first Cuban worth of newly acquired Soviet tank vs to help fight Somali rebels in the mated 3,DDD Cubans and 1,5DD Rus- prisoner, sources said, warplanes and artillery, were ax- Ogaden Desert. sians were now in the country. A DPI correspondent recently with pected to start a major ground of- The buildup coincided with reports The latest U.S. intelligence re- Eritrean guerrillas in northern Eth- pensive to drive the Somalia out of from Mogadishu that Somali forces ports said there were 2,DDD Cubans iopia also quoted rebels there as the Dgaden center within the next had retreated from the contested and 1,wr Russians in Ethiopia. saying more than 5D0 Cuban troops fe k tsa . .6 . ----- . vYa Le ex, e sources sai . Vol. 33 No. 22 Liberian ship Wednesday, February 1, 1978 bumps into National Prayer USS Daniels Breakfast tomorrow MADRID (UPI) -- A Liberian freighter bumped into the USS Josephus Daniels Monday while it was moored in Palma de Majorca Harbor, causing little damage and no casualties, an U.S. Embassy spokesman said Tuesday. Don't forget In Palma, harbor authorities said the Liberian tanker Omnium Mariner ped the U.S. vessel when strong The Navy' only shone-babed daily minds changed its direction as it base-wide clean-up manoeuvred past the Josephus Daniels. U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba The Ominum Mariner suffered no damage. It left the harbor after refueling. 1 Men indicted Second round of Cairo talks start CAIRO, EGYPT (UPI) -- Egypt and Is- broken off Jan. 13 after reaching hammed Kamel. But after their two rael Tuesday opened a second round a deadlock on the future of 19 set- hour meeting, the Egyptian said of military talks still deadlocked tlements Israel built in the north- there are many areas on which "we in Vietnamese the issue of Israeli withdrawal from eastern Sinai and along its southern do not see eye-to-eye." the Sinai tip. Kamel praised the Americans who Even before the talks began, Sa- "are trying to do their best in sin- dat threatened their chances of suc- Running parallel with the military cerity to reach a common understand- spying case cess by again rejecting the presence dialogue was an American attempt to ing." But he added, "This is not of Jewish settlements on Eguptian narrow Egyptian-Israeli differences easy because there are big gaps and soil. on the "political" principles of WASHINGTON (UPI) -- A federal grand differences between the Egyptian Israeli Defense Minister Ezer Weiz- peace, including the Palestinian is- jury has indicted two men on charges and Israeli positions. man described his negotiations with sue. of spying for Communist Vietnam. "I believe everything will be ma- War Minister Gen. Mohammed Gamassy U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Federal officials said the indict- terialized after President Sadat's as "a difficult road." Alfred Atherton presented new "ide- ment of an American government work- coming trip to the United States," Their first round of talks was as" to Egyptian Foreign Minister Mo- er and a Vietnamese national follows Kamel said. a two-year FBI investigation of an alleged spy ring leading from Wash- ington through Paris to Hanoi. The indictment charges that Ronald Scientists still studying satellite's debris Humphrey of the U.S. Information Service obtained secret U.S. diplo- EDMONTON, ALBERTA (UPI) -- Canadian River they can fix the crash site ice in which the object is frozen." atic reports from Southeast Asia and U.S. scientists pored over of other radioactive debris. "Chemical analysis of parts might id passed them to Vietnamese na- mounds of data Tuesday hoping to "If any parts of the reactor have reveal quite a bit about how the onal Thoung Dinh Hung who put them pinpoint and recover the widely survived, the larger ones would be satellite re-entered and burned and into the pipeline to Vietnam. scattered parts of the Soviet satel- the most potentially hazardous so about what happened to the reactor Both men were arrested shortly af- lite, particularly its uranium power we're very much interested in the fuel upon re-entry." ter the indictments were returned. source. region around the large part already The Atomic Energy Control Board A Justice Department spokesman Authorities have placed guards identified," Lt. Col. Bev Tottman was responsible for recovery of re- said that, so far as he knew, this around two sites where pieces of the said. mains from the satellite, which fell was the first U.S. effort to prose- Cosmos 954 have been found -- near He added, however, "Access to the from its 150-mile high orbit and cute spy charges against alleged Ft. Reliance on the northeastern end Wardens Grove area is difficult, and streaked a fiery path across the agents of Hanoi since the Vietnam of Great Slave Lake and on the fro- we have not yet been able to learn rugged northland a week ago. War ended. zen Thelon River 240 miles southwest much more about the large part dis- Conviction could bring life in of Baker Lake. covered. The Department of National Defense prison. "We hope to do a very detailed spokesman said Canadian and American Scientists believe that after a gamma ray spectrum from the object, aircraft carrying sophisticated ra- more detailed analysis of a large which should tell us a bit more diation detection equipment were Blizzard is chunk of the satellite found in a about it including whether parts may flying a 450-mile long corridor a still affecting nine-foot crater in the Thelon be beneath the surface of the river half mile apart. Gitmo's new mayor masters many skills the Ohioans When you've been an Aviation private duty nurse for a short time active reservist. He was trans- COLUMBUS, OHIO (UPI) -- The state Electronics Technician, Chief Hos- before returning to the Navy as a ferred to Navy police duty from a of Ohio made more blizzard news pital Corpsman, criminal investi- Chief Hospital Corpsman. Naster-at-Arms position at the Tuesday. gator for a Detective Agency and a It was in 1973 that Bill made yet Naval Hospital at Annapolis and James Truly of Cleveland was Chief Master-at-Arms, what else is another change, a lateral conver- became chief of police and later, alive after spending almost a week there to be done? sion to the newly-created Master- security officer for the naval sta- in his snowbound truck. Well, when your name is Bill at-Arms rate, a move prompted by tion after graduation from the Truly's steel truck bacame trap- Hoagland and you have a strong his work as a criminal investigator Baltimore Police Adademy. Bill is ped on a highway north of Mansfield sense of community pride, you run for the Pinkerton Detective Agency also a graduate of the Army/Navy in last week's blizzard. for Mayor. .and win. .unanimously. and as a patrolman for a small Corrections Training School at Ft. The rig was completely buried in When you talk about people who, town in Florida when he was an in- McClellan, Ala. a snow drift when National Guards- have experienced a little of every- His last sea duty prior to Gitmo men with a snow blower found it thing, that's when this man's name was on the LST USS Newport, where Tuesday. will come up. MACS Bill Hoagland he served as master-at-arms, senior An ambulance worker who took him has had about as varied a life as enlisted advisor and brig officer. to the hospital said Truly poked a anybody could have. In December of 1976, Bill took hole in the roof of the cab for air Bill entered the service origi- over as corrections supervisor here and ate snow for nourishment. nally as a member of the Navy in and was later appointed assistant The Columbus and Southern Ohio 1952, a High School graduate from corrections officer. Last November Electric Company complained directly the small town of Salem, Indiana. he took over from CWD2 John to President Carter that it faces a He was released to inactive duty Bochnovich, Jr. as corrections critical coal problem and asked him in 1956 and discharged in 1960. officer. to intervene in the mine workers' After only a few months, he was at Looking ahead. the man assuming strike. That strike went into its sea again with the Coast Guard the position of Mayor has been ninth week Tuesday. where he became a hospital corps- involved in much community work in And Columbus Mayor Tom Moody an- man, switching over from Aviation the past as well as his many other nounced that the city will turn off Electronics. It was as a corpsman varied jobs. A teacher of first all street lights and keep them off that he made Chief, leaving the aid for the American Red Cross, until the power crisis is over. Coast Guard in 1970 to become a MACS Hoagland (Continued on Page 3) Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Wednesday, February 1, 1978 Today's Meetings Tomorrows Meetings ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets at THE FELLOWSHIP OF OVER EATERS 1 and 7:30 p.m.
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