■-'J-- V WEDNESDAY, APRIL IP, IMP fllm trlirBtnr E vniU ts n rralU "v.- Mra. Mary Forztott ahd Mf*. Na­ dcnL aloQuanUy axjpraasad tha thraa Edward J. Murphy and Miss Betty t There will be an Important or- MIm Kh«a Aiken, alater of Dr. — for success la tha wrotid- Oaaaay. H m ATIEND smwER THE WEATHEB Sidney Aiken whp^bee been epend- than Sabdala are co-chairmen of AVERAGE DAILY CIRCLXA'nON panldnc meeting of the Oalahan the committee from the' Blzterbood ASSEMBLIES MEET today under the titles of "VIMea, The Incoming officers Installed ForecBU ot U, 8. Weather Bnrwa club In the pariah houae ot Bt. 'ing the winter In'ifUmI Beech, le at for Oibboos Aaaembiy are: Mrs. tor the rooath ot .March. I9SS preeent In New York City and will of Temple Beth Sholom, conducting Initiative and Sense of Humor.7 FOR mss CENnUORE Mar/a church tomorrow evening at a rummage sale tomorrow in the Rev. James P. Timmins, pagtor'of Henry Mutrie, president; Mlaa Mary 7:S0. All boys of the pariah between vlitt her brother befota leaving for Fair with freezlBg temperature Sewtng Circle of the Ocmeor- Johnson building. FORINSTALLATIOK 8L Bridget's church, atreamd tha McVeigh hooofsiy president; Mrs. the agea of 9 and 21 are invited to her home in Canada. William P.. Quhm, riea^praaldant; 6 , 2 3 4 . tonight; Friday fair and oUghtly ■a XjDthermn church will meet to- necessity of cooperation c< every la- Member of the Audit •ftemoon mt 3 o'clock. be preaent. dividual meifilxr for the nicceas ot Mra. Richard Post, raoordug sacra- Mona Tprea Poet. Blitlah War Osnter Church Woman's Fedara- Bride-Elect Guest Of Honor At ' Bnimn el CtrenlatlonB Veterana, will meet tonight at 8 Una will meet tonight at T:S0, It each Assembly. tary; Mias Henrietta Reynaud, Norman Street Hall—Ro> o'clock In the Britlab*American club- will be a joint meeUng with the Catholic Ladies Of Cohmibos Express Good Wiskea financial aecrataiy; Miaii Veronica MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM * ' Gorman, treaaorer; mlstress-at- ceiYCs Many Gifts. roome. Membere of the InatalUng Men's L e a ^ . Tha speaker will Good wishes to tb^ incomingincomli of­ ............— - HERE THEY CO! ficers were expreas^ by the State anns, Mias Mary Tlemey, Mlaa team are reQueeted to bring their be profeeeor Andrew WIel of VOL. LV111„ NO. 165 /(Claaeinad AdverttalDg oa Page 19) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY. APRIL 13, 1939 *^n WELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS uhlforma. Springfield College, whoee topic will Gather At The Country Dlrector% Mrs. A/W . Gataa and Mary Moriarty, aaalataat; sentinel, Mias Jennie Oentlleois, who Is to ■ ' i Mias Teresa Quiegtla; audltota; Mis. be "World A drift" There wlU be Mrs. Thomas J/ Ward, aizlztant be . married on May SO to Felix S t John's Sewing club met last music and light refreshments served. editor of The B^acdn; Mrs. Edward John Hutchlnsoo. Mis. Lao Kwaah, RUBBER HEELS Qnh At BanQieL ; Mlaa Beatrice Sweeney: trustees; Gremmo, was the guest of honor Attached night witb Mrs. Anna Majewski ot Mrs.-Volney Morey, president of the J. Murphy, i/m. Atfred.J. Russell, fo r Men, Women and Children! Kerry street The prize was wron fay Federation, heads the large commit­ presideot o f Tierney Aaaembly, Mrs. Joseph Leary, Mis. Walter at a shower given last'night In thar Rotter Than Goldfish Gulpinir Mrs. Charles Bkrabaca, and the door tee In charge. Hartford, mnorary President Eliza­ Buckley, Mra. Cbarlts Rohkn. Norman street hall, with Mis. Mary ASKS SENATE I Banember! iVe I'ae the Beat QtulHy leather for All Shoe*. prize was drawn by Mrs. Bcmlce 'The annual InstallaUon and ban­ •Vatbie iM thrr Boles for Wonien'a Shoe* a Bpeclalty. All beth CeaMy of Victory AaMmbly, Realc, Mlaa Rita Oenofi, Mlaa Louisa DEMOCRATS^LOCK Quet of Gibbons, Victory and Tier­ Sendrowski of Edmund atreet. An On Monday evening April IT, a R ock vl^ and Miss MeVeleh, presl- Narretta and Mlaa Lee Gremmo aa BRITAIN AND FRANCE Work Uuanuiteed. Plaster sumier was enjoyed. The next ney AsaembUas o t the Catholic La­ dant Qf Gibbons Assembly, Man- FUBUC RECORDS card party will be held In St. Brid­ bosteaaes. More than 90 attended. TO CONDEMN meeting, 'TueadBy, April IS wUI be gets' hall for tha benefit of the dles of Columbus was held at the ches Manchester County Club last eve­ One of the amusing features was held at the home of Mra. Eleanor church, bridge, whist and setback Mary Sullivan and Miss Kubacha of North street ning. Under terms of a lease filed to­ a mock wedding. The beautiful SENATE FNdiNDERING SAM YULYES , wiU be played. Cash prizes will be Rens entertained with novelty Miss Helen A. Thomas, honorary day with Towm Cleric Samuel J. IR K II^ TALKS Shoe Repair Sendee Johaaoe Block awarded. Refrezhmenla will be dances. gifts ahowered on the brlde-eM#_ le i Mala Street Girl Scouts of Troop 11, several president of Gibbons Assembly, as Turkington, Minnie 8. Mints has ALL SUPPORT Following the banQuet the new PLEDGE nf whom come fromrom WzppIling, will served. transfarred use of premisea at 219 were placed between twra largaT chairman of the banQuet committee^ officers were Installed by the state omit their meeting at the Y U. C. Introduced Mrs. John L. Moran, Jr/ North'Main atbset to John Kac- Teddy bears. R. M. Reid A Sons will conduct president Miss Mae A. Oonklin, as­ marcayk for one year at a rental The hall decorations were pink LABOrRIGHTS BILL A. tomorrow. president of Victory Assembly who Bridges Seeks Disapfiroval auctions st New Haven this )rear. sisted by the honorary state presi­ of $300. Option to renew the lease and green, and the buffet lunch table was toastmistress. / dents M. Louise Sweetland. Mrs. waa In the same colors. Ever Ready Clrcla of King's They have been engaged by the Rev. Vincent Hines scUng chap­ four jreara la noted. members of the New Haven Market­ 11 RUNAWAY BOYS HAVE I Of Inflammatory Remarks STREAMLINED Daughters has. set the date of Wed­ lain of Gibbons Assembly ad­ TO GREECE, RUMANIA \ nesday evening. May 3, for Its an­ ing Association. >Shea Opens D ^ t e On Con- REAL CAUSE FOR GRIEF IbeyBe streamlined Autoniobllea, dnzcna of household acee*- ministrator ot St. JamesV Pari.ih <•1- nual May dinner. Mrs. E. E. Segar, brought an InterasUng moisage of aorlea, etc. and what do you think the Uteat thing I* to he president of the circle, who wrlll head New York. April 13 —(API — And Press Releases Of YFAKIMEN USE nC TIM ’ B StreamUnedf Bcllesc It or not. It U the Krankfurt. Tbiirwlay Thomas F. McMahon,-pnesident of hope and confidence to ju l the As­ IDeven boya who ran ajray from TRl'tW Tt) HAUL SAFE i the general committee, announced tha United Textile Workers of j^ $ p :ra c y Kjt, Describing Daladier Reaifs Statement Action Widens Front (N h t' Booa we will recel%*eour flrat shipment of skinless "ri,AT-IIOTH** today that It will be a turkey dinner, semblies. / St. Malachy’i Ocean Home, an . yea, air! Flat Franks Ihat .wlll not roll, turn or burst . , America from 1921 to 1937 and High Goremment Offidals and nerved In the banQuet hall of the Rhode Island State Labor COmmls- Tribute For IsiW Piita* orphanage, to See the circus bad Sparta, N. J., April IS - (AP) j Ugh goallty, too, made hy the Albany First Prine outBI. Ilase The honorary stat^ president Miss ^ Measip As Approved re^ cause for grief today. To Press On Aid To Na­ —Audacious yeggmen who stole ti-Aggression Bloc Slartr us aave a pound for your order . they're so new, that e%en If y. M. C. A. At the meeting last eloorr for the past twro years, was evening a memorial aervlre wan hgld designated yesterday by Emil Rleve, M. Louise Sweetlabd, gave an ap­ J W . H A U Police rounded them up after 118.00(1 from a motor sales firm I they look good to ns, we are only V j >"* ■ »ample order, so order propriate tribute to the memory of Th€ CORK an all-nlght search before any Waahlngton, April IS—(A P )— here added Insult to Injury. ' for the two valued roembera who early, please! executive director of the TWOC, as By/tinion Organization. tions If Menaced; Tells ' ed By Two Powers W tt filed last month, Mrs. A. P. Lydall national representative of that the late Rev. iKrilllam P. Reidy reached the circus. Returned Senator Brldgea (R.. N. H.) asked They used a company truck to and Miss Henrietta C. Devon. union. McMahon will serve In New former ebaplalB of Gibbons Assem­ M AM CHfiSTBR. COMH> home, the runaways were dis­ the Senate today to express con­ haul away a 1,000-pound safe | bly In the wrbirds of the poem, "In mayed to learn the circus had in­ containing the money. i Siinilar Pronuse T t P t- England for the present. Local ate Capitol. Hartford. April IS. demnation ot "all Inflammatory Of Reinforcements Of De­ Thursday - PINEHURST FISH Mrs. Clarence W. Johnson and TWOC groups, It Is understood, wdll Memory" bV Joyce Kilmer. vited the entire orphanage to be Then, .after obtaining the cash, atatementa and sreaa reelasea of tbe Mra John H. Darling will be hostess­ come under hla survey. Mias t l u A. Conklin, stata presi- -(A P I — Democratic senatora its guests next Monday at Madi­ the robbers forsook both safe son Square Garden. high officials of this government fenses To Guarantee Na­ and truck, returned and drove land; Extension S e fie l Spanish 'Ma^liyrcl ......lb .
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