SAINT J OHN THE B APTIST C HURCH C HURCH OF S AINTS A NTHONY & J OSEPH 7516 No. Main Street ! Newport, NY 13416 229 So. Main Street ! Herkimer, NY 13350 Rectory Parish Office : 7514 No. Main Street Parish Office : 344 So. Washington Street Phone : (315) 845-8017 Phone : (315) 866-6373 Office Hours : Mon. & Wed. 10:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. Office Hours : Mon—Thurs. 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER — MAY 12, 2019 INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK When something delights us, it touches us in a unique and special way. We are stirred within, filled with happiness, glee, and joy. The object of our delight capti- vates us, and we are eager, sometimes beyond words, to obtain it. Have you ever been delighted by your faith, the Gospel, God's Word, or an encounter with God? The Gen- tiles were delighted when they learned they were sharers in the Good News and ecstatic that they were included. They recognized their shepherd and realized that they discov- ered something or someone unlike any other before. We can easily become lukewarm in our relationship with God and forget just how life-changing the Good News of our faith really is. We are brought to the springs of life-giving water and are gifted with something secular life simply cannot provide: Jesus, the Good Shepherd. PASTORAL STAFF Reverend Quy N. Vo, Pastor Monica Edwards & Josephine Payne, Bookkeepers Susan Baldwin , Office Manager/Secretary/F.F.C Andrew Tolpa, Youth Ministry Michael Young , Finance Manager Liz Fusco , Faith Formation Coordinator for Grades K/1st—6th Deacon Ron Ste-Marie, Facilities Supervisor Susan Baldwin, Faith Formation Coordinator for Grades 7th –10th Stephen Gloo & Deborah Sweeney, Trustee David Hughes , Buildings & Grounds, Maintenance John Butler & Janet Strumlock, Trustees Varnum Harris, Music Ministry & St. John’s Cemetery Janine Lynch, Sacristan St. John the Baptist’s Mass Schedule Sts. Anthony & Joseph’s Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil: 4:00 p.m. Sunday Mass: 8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass: 10:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: Mon. & Wed. 9:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: Tues. & Thurs. 8:00 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation: 9:00 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation: 12:10 p.m. BAPTISM: To make arrangements, please contact the Parish Office of the parish you belong to. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Please contact parish office SIX months in advance. One year for those who are under age of 21. Pre-Cana is expected. Wedding dates are scheduled after meeting the Pastor. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Can be administered at any stage of a person’s illness. If possible, one SHOULD NOT wait until someone is near death before requesting an anointing. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Sts. Anthony and Joseph’s—Saturday 3:00 p.m.—3:30 p.m., St. John’s–5:25 p.m.–5:50 p.m. on Saturday or by appointment, just call the parish office. FUNERALS —are held on Monday thru Thursday and Saturday. SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS —Please contact Fr. Vo at the parish office or Vicar for Vocation Office at (518) 453-6690 !"#=%&'(!"=)'*+,-=&%=#,)!#(= = = = =========================================================================== &>=+,`=,*+3= Dear friends in Christ! ! Scripture readings for the week of May 12, 2019 Alleluia! Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. Here we are in the month of May! I hope Sunday: Acts 13:14, 43-52/Rv 7:9, 14b-17/Jn 20:27-30 you are enjoying the spring weather. On the Monday: Acts 11:1-18/Ps 42:2-3, 43:3, 4 [cf. 3a]/Jn 10:1-10 Fourth Sunday of Easter, John’s gospel invites us to reflect on the image of Tuesday : Acts 1:15-17, 20-26/Ps 113:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 [8]/Jn 15:9-17 Jesus, the Good Shepherd. What would be the best description of the shep- Wednesday: Acts 12:24--13:5a/Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6 and 8 [4]/Jn 12:44-50 herd? One could say that a shepherd is a person who tend and watch over the sheep. He knows his sheep and calls them by a distinct name. The Thursday : Acts 13:13-25/Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25 and 27 [2]/Jn 13:16-20 sheep knows the voice of their shepherd. A shepherd must be willingly to Friday: Acts 13:26-33/Ps 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11ab [7bc]/Jn 14:1-6 protect and give his life for the sheep. He was the door through which the Saturday: Acts 13:44-52/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [3cd]/Jn 14:7-14 sheep had to pass. The scriptures often speaks of God as shepherd of his Sunday: Acts 14:21-27/Rv 21:1-5a/Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35 ! people. Psalm 23 states that the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Isaiah tells us the Lord is like a shepherd who feeds his flock and gathers them in his arms. The gospel tells us that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who STS . A NTHONY & J OSEPH F INANCIAL C ORNER will risk his life for the sheep and save the stray sheep. How bless are we to Year to Collection Collection Year to Date Cumulative have Jesus as our good shepherd, the one who protects and gives life to us. Date Date Amount Total Deficit Our world today needs good shepherds. The Fourth Sunday of Required Easter is dedicated to the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. We do not talk about vocations often, especially within our family. Sometimes, we are afraid 4/28/19 $1,916.00 $105,224.00 $154,000.00 -$48,776.00 of talking about it. Our church values all vocations such as vocations to 5/5/19 $1,816.00 $107,040.00 $157,500.00 -$50,460.00 priesthood, deaconate, religious life, the vocation to married life as service to the church, and the vocation of single life. All these are good and wonderful Second Collection for this week—Monthly & Boiler vocations that God calls us, and they lead to happiness not only in this life but in the next. We need to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and to the The weekly amount needed from collection is approx. $3,500 for the fiscal possibilities to the vocations God has planned for us. Let us pray that we year from 7/1/18 to 6/30/19. have the courage to place our trust and lives into God’s hands. May is the time of the year where all parishes in the diocese partic- Money Counters—May 13, 2019 ipate in the annual Bishop’s Appeal. Most of you already received the letter F. Evangelista, M. Harrer, D. Aloisio from me in regarding to the Bishop’s Appeal. I am grateful for your generosi- ty in giving to the Bishop’s Appeal. Please take a brochure to read over the ST. JOHN’S SACRIFICIAL GIVING information and consider to make a gift. We will be taking up the Bishop’s Regular Collection 04/28/19: $2,499.00 Appeal this weekend May 11 & 12. Please come to church with your gift. Thank you for help our parish to meet our assessment. May you have a Capital Campaign 04/28/19: $934.00 blessed week! Regular Collection 05/05/19: $1,662.00 Evangelist Collection 05/05/19: $385.00 Fr. Quy Vo This week’s second collection: Parish Improvement THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER YEAR C Next week’s second collection: Capital Campaign If you are away, please remember the parish with your envelope gift on Today’s Scripture readings can be found in the Gather your return. We appreciate your ongoing support . Hymnal # 1072 Our Prayer’s response is: Jesus, Good Shepherd, hear us Sts. Anthony and Joseph’s Boiler Fund The cost of the re- placement of the boiler is $64,000.00 . As of 5/6/19, we have col- WHY DO WE DO THAT? lected for this fund $9,048.00. Please help our church to meet this CATHOLIC TRADITIONS EXPLAINED ! goal and to keep our church warm during the winter months. Question: A t a parish council meeting, our pastor mentioned the need Congratulations to Sts. Anthony and for deacons. It is something I am considering. How do I know if I have a Joseph Church and St. John the Baptist vocation? What steps should I take next? Church Confirmation Class of 2019. Answer: Any and all gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to the church are for God Bless You ! the good of the community. As members of the Body of Christ, what one member does affects all. What the body does also affects each member. A vocation or call to ministry is tested and verified by the church. Through prayer, instruction, and service, a vocation is tested, and then acknowl- edged by the official call to orders or to service. If you are considering becoming a deacon, the first step would be to talk to your pastor. He will be able to give you more specific infor- mation on the program in your diocese, what is expected of you, and how you apply. You might also begin to see a spiritual director, someone who can help you with your faith journey and vocation discernment. They do so by focusing on prayer, your relationship with God, and spiritual practic- es. Finally, you'll need to see the diocesan vocation director in charge of deacons to apply.
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