Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations First 'Live' ContenU Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, In c ..J 967—Permisston.to Reproduce, Ew ept TELECAST W ILL DEPICT On Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M- Friday Following Issue TV Program DENVERCATHOIIC On Sem Life HOW PRIEST IS TRAINED Br R£v. Robekt E Kekeisen ioary Tuesday'night, Oct. 15, at sdeaed, Mr. Aisole poioced out, the ^ow, then we will walk' the TV survey of Sl Thomas' In what is believed to be the 9:30. The progtam will be Gene beause "we felt that, among throqgh it," Mr. Amole ex­ include shots of the library, a first on-the-spoc telecast of Cath­ Amole's '‘Panorama,” a live show non-CatboIks, the semioaty' is plain^, indicating that die student's romn, the deacons' olic seminary life, KLZ-TV that portrays “a aoss-seaion of the least known of all Catholic closet the script can be followed, chapeL where praaice in saying (Channei 7), Denver, will take activity in Denver at night” activities and institutions in the die better the produaion will be. Mass is held; the main chapclj REGISTER VOL. Lll. No. 9 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, .1957 DENVER, COLORADO its viewers to St. Thomas’ Sem- St. Thomas' Seminary was area." "Panorama” next Tuesday Views that may be chosen for side altars, and dining room. will attempt to give TV viewers an insight into what goes into the training of a priest. Spiritual Haven on Hill Top James lannon is the director W ork to Start fd '‘Panorama.” Gene Amole writes the saipt and acts as nar- ramr. The Public Service Com­ pany of Colorado is the sponsor. The Sc Tbtxnas Seminary On Thornton’s show will be "Panorama's” sec­ ond telecast in a new religious serie. The religious shows will be interspersed among programs Parish School on secular institutions iind ac­ tivities. The first was a telecast Thornton.— (Holy Cross Parish)— Ground-break­ rom the Hebrew Educational ing: ceremonie.s for Holy Cross Sekool will be held Alliance Synagogue. Sunday, C)ct. 13, at 3 :3 0 p.m . The ceremonies will be Of course you can't tell the held on W igham Street about on&-haIf blpck north of story of Catholicity in a half- Eppinger Boulevard.'The parish property, 12^^ acres lour," Mr. Amole explained, in aize, extends from York 'but at least some idea can be St„.t ^ Wigh.„ Th. H /f g $ $ 6 S given of one aspect of tbe school building will be con- stracted on the Wigham Street Church in that length of time. end of the property. Future The KLZ-TV officials have dis­ plans provide for the construc­ To Be Inaugurated covered that people are inter tion of the church on York ested in religious matters. Street and Eppinger Boulevard. Proposed Socred Heort Retreat House A large number of visiting At Notre Dame "Panorama," Mr. .Amole prieits and civic officials of pointed out, is the only regular Thornton will attend the cere­ S u n d a y Masses for Notre show of its kind in the United Dame Parish, Denver, are monies. Spades of earth will be States done on a local basis. Its turned by the three elected scheduled to begin this Sunday, trustees of the parish, Lou Im-, Oct. 13, in the auditorium of on-the-spot live coverage lends $350,000 Retreat House m in g , 9321 Rose Court; Dick the Kunsmiller Junior High a reality that film reproduction Ryan, 2260 Hoyt Drive; and ^hool. Entrance to the audi­ cannot achieve. torium is through the main en­ Michael Keaveny, 1420 Ruth 129 Man Hours D r iv e . trance to the school at 2260 S. The 30-minute telecast re­ Dinner will be served to the Quitman Street. visiting priests after the cere­ A t th e present time fiv e quires 129 man hours for pro- monies in the new parish rec­ Masses are scheduled for each duaion. A crew of 10 men and Construction Plans Told tory. Members of the Altar and Sunday at 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 two television cameras are in­ a.m. Ample parking facilities Rosary Society will prepare volved in (he actual telecasting. and serve the meal. are available for those attend­ B y J . R . W a l s h bids for construction will be tbe retreat director pointed have been made, and volunteers chapel and be visible for miles The school building was pur­ ing Masses. The auditorium will Panorama" is more expensive P lans are nearing completion asked. If weather permits, con­ out, "depends on the success­ are offering their services to a ro u n d . chased from the Colorado Sur­ seat BOO people. and more difficult to produce for the new Sacred Heart Re­ struction might start in Decem­ ful appeal now under way complete landscaping at - the Leading off the lounge build­ plus Property Agency. It The pastor, the Rev. William treat House for men on the ber, 1957, or January, 1958. among the men. Some 1,200 s ite . ing section will be the men's than any other local TV pro­ formerly served as the admini­ J. KoontE, will continue to ad­ Jarre Canyon Road west of Se- Purchased in July, 1956, by letters were sent to retreatants. Construction will take place dormitory, a two-story struc- stration building of a contractor minister Baptism at 3 o’clock gram dalia. Fa^er Raphael McCar­ the Jesuit Fathers, the 190-acre So,far tbe response has been on a hill overlooking the entire (Turn to Page S — C olu m n S ) at the Rocky Flats project. on Sunday afternoons at All Assisting Mr. Amole and Mr. thy, S J., director of retreats, site has a tremendous, pictur­ generous, but similar gener­ area. The chapel, cloister walk, A fte r dismantling so that it can Saints’ Church and will hear Lannon with preparations for hopes construction on the |360,- esque view- of the mountains osity in numbers is needed.” »pd main building will be of be moved to Thornton, it will Confessions there at the hours the telecast are the Very Rev. 000 building will begin within to the west and the plains to Including the cost of the gray brick with white -stone be reconstructed. assigned fo r Confessions in that two months. the east. In terrain and topog­ land and furnishings for the trim. To the south, the Air United Fund The Rev. Charles T. Jones is church, until the basement ohn Danaghet, C.M., rector of When the plans by the archi­ raphy, the tract of land is ideal r e tr e a t h ouse, the project Academy project is visible, and the founding pastor of the par­ chapel is ready in the new rec­ Sl Thomas’, and Father G. H. tect are received early in No­ for retreat purposes. amounts to more than $400,000. numerous mountain peaks are ish . t o r y . Guyot, CM., professor of Saip- vember, Father McCarthy said, "But the whole program," Various improvements already within eye view. From this commanding posi­ Drive Backed nire at the seminary. The men tion, the second oldest men’s ANNUAL REUNION DAYS will consult together this week 46STH ANNIVERSARY OF VOYnOE retreat movement in the U . S. on the topics to be included in will have its permanent house. tbe script. Instead of retreats only in the By Archbishop Tuesday, the day of the tele­ summer months at Regis Col­ Sf. Thomas' Graduates Observance for Columbus Day lege, Denver, the retreat pro­ The United Fund campaign cast, the technical aew will gram may be held every week was heartily commendied by move into the iminary at of the year for men of the Archbishop Urban J.'Vebr in a To Honor Class of ‘32 , four and ooe-hilf hours be- Rocky Mountain region, letter to the faithful. “I trus^" e -"OB the tir“ time. "The set Year's Highlight hr Knights ’ Father McCarthy said "a be -said, "our good people wilt Membera of die class of 1932 the graduates of the Denver generous benefactor donated continue their fine efforts in of S t Thomas' Seminary, Den­ seminary since its foufiding. ting up of cameras and other the chapel and its furnishings. giving every assistance possi­ ver, who this year are observ­ This most worth-while brochure electrical equipment requires B y C . J . Z e c r a A t tbe Friday luncheon, city.tservances of the many which The forced sale of the original ble throughout the campaign." ing their silver jubilee in tbe was compiled under the direc­ much time and planning, The Columbus Day observ­ state, and national officials have been encouraged and retreat site, near Loretto Catholic orphanages and insti­ Heights College, Denver, netted tutions of charity and child priesthood, will be the gueati tion of the Rev. Charles Jones, ance of Denver Council 539, and representatives will be sponsored by Jersin and his 9 a neat profit Our task now is care are included in this appeal. of honor of the St Thomas president of the alumni, and T a lk Throu h ' Hour Knights of Columbus, will be present to hear Johnson, who c o m m itte e . to obtain the other half of the Seminary Alumni Association it was printed through the Mr. Amole and Mr. Lanoon one of the highlights of the is expected to speak on the com­ Jersin, who is the council's The letter follows; knights’ calendar year. A dou­ $360,000 required.” at the annual reunion days courtesy of the Denver Cathc- will arrive at the seminary at 7 mon bond that Christopher grand knight, has invited ble event has been planned by scheduled for the seminary lie Regitter.
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