FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: FRANKUUSINATRA L0s Angelesle:100-41413 Secti0n:2 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION r 1 THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED. Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Release of Subject: Frank Sinatra File #: LA 100-41413 Section 2 iu ll; I&#39;§ WT 4 $1 0&#39; ;¢_ "v*1 ii} Qt; :n, ,r&#39;r{ J1» J ,. OI 1 &#39;40 "av Q! I" Federal Bureauof Investigation nxsscros, FBI 100-1417728! io/11/55 ,¬. as _FP.?:/.?flff1,/ Z art 0 SAC, LOS Aacama 00-#1413! FRANCIS ALBERT SINATRA, aka. Frank Sinatra CF-i,_ .--: -T. ..._i-,.__,,_N__,1 SECURITY MATTER ~ C} FRAUD EGAINST TEE GQVEHEEENT Rebulet to Los Imgeles dated 3/18/55. Considerable investigation has been conducted by the Les I-angeles Office and other Bureau offices in connection with the instructions outlined in referenced letter. A review and analysis of the results of the investigation fails to develop any positive evidence connecting £.>&#39;=..&#39;_lieE.-i=.i.1h=. with the Communist Party or the Communist Party movement. In view of the foregoing, it is believed that the submission of a regular investigative report setting forth the results of the many interviews undertaken would be preferable to the preparation of a prosecutive summary due to the absence of the oa1ibre.of information which should logically be incorporated in a prosccutive summary report. It is noted that the miscellaneous information furnished by inrormants in years past, and which was sum- marized by the Bureau in memorandum form dated 9/30/BR, is essentially hearsay, most or which even if true, would have little probative value. The two most significant allegations contained in the summry are those set forth on Page 6, Paragraph 2, and Page 11, Paragraph 1. Reinvesti- gation of these two items brought forth the following results: _! Miami air-tel to the results of the interview wi informant who had reported in 1 rotor to FRANK SINATRA as a GP a former member of the Americ for On reinterview by the Miami Office, the information which he had previous1&#39; was hearsay nature, having come p-.._ aaexsraasn I&#39;1&#39;W:CJS* I-"_,-&#39; -~ <3; LIES. A "L t t _ * Vé if 9292 -&#39; . r"92 92- f e L 4-,0 92~__ 57¢.m zen-win [30 with the Ill never he still does not desire his Ottie t and 1 n tervieled :=;.»._ in _ eonieetion1 zdelphia attempted under proved to be uncooper- 5&#39;2.etive advised in that Grleubeu-in 5711! the 11 Denier Ye Gonmniat b7¢, bggte Albany _Ge#1et 108$!» he i.n_l&#39;e:"hnteee relating _ _ of the&#39;6e-mitt Party to use pren1nen_t- individuals ¢e|Ien!.&#39;et&#39; fer any eeueee nenbe192e1u.p.&<earl to ttribute to such uJ anenl-teeter ceunmiet rut; ueehere in ilellq-wood, T who reliable tetenetion in the peat and who 3! eo:&#39;e__e;I_._1§- _ 1l§evetbeee&#39; in e peeitten -to knew 11&#39; SHAH Put! or the Gollmtet &#39; auntie"-a er ii"-i!.III!929211.! . -Iur fr _ -P"; inreruetien that they eveznheer hh K e being emmeeted. { 3 Zleelue or an :oz-epug. the Lee Angeli! 0:11 eeateqp1at=eethe_ etbetiee er e regular inveetip-tin report. 1; this Ittir"92|a1eee1aetreetedby the Bureauto the eontrary. .4 92_. 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Pages containinformation furnishedby another Government agencyYou ies!.will be advisedby the FBI as to thereleasability thisof informationfollowing our consultationwith the other ageney ies!. Page s! withheldinasmuch aas nal release determinationhas not been made.You will be advised asto the disposition at a later date. f Pages were not consideredfor release as they are duplicativeof 7 I " 7X] _ Page s! withheldfor thefollowing reason__ _ s!: _ _. 7 _ &#39; _ W _ Ac following numberisbe to for used referenceregarding pages: these _ aiO_O.&#39;-£13/3"&#39;_-3.?_ _ E . _ U .- U _U __ 1 XXXXXX X Deleted Page s! X No Duplication Fee X for this page XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX FBIJDOJ OPCA-20 2-3-96! XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE. INFORMATION SHEET Page s! withheldentirely atthis locationin thele. One or moreof thefollowing statements,where indicated, explain this deletion. 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