look under k1 lifts eas- iks to new ;>lace the a. Second, i light on a ibling the t of the en- en quickly ' for next k '7 display at Route 83 in p is open day until 8 S p.m. Call '1 •2 LE iJIaiirlipfitpr Hrralft Manchester — A City of Village Charm Saturday, Oct. 10.1987 30 Cents 4 viMeli I Inessilni rOcM srl HOSPITAL CHIEF QUITS I Prelesnik’s abrupt departure raises questions ... page 2 K6; Bork stays Robert H. Bork, saying “I harbor no illusions" about the outcome, defiantly refused on Friday to abandon his seem­ ingly hopeless effort Luce dies to win Senate confirmation to the Clare Boothe Luce, D\ Supreme Court. In a a writer, editor, dramatic announce­ congresswoman and lOST? ment that many diplomal who used re White House officials her husband’s wealth be had expected would and power and her be a withdrawal own brains and statement, Bork beauty to become 495 lashed out at the one of the century's 995 tactics of his oppo­ most influential nents and said they women, died of 995 must not be allowed cancer Friday. 995 to defeat him before She was 84. the votes are story on page 6 4 95 counted. /• 1495 — story on page 2 995 995 4 9 5 Iran says attack unprovoked 9 9 5 Senate still trying to limit Reagan ... page 3 495 -MAGAZINE PULLOUT SECTION 995 9 95 495 9 95 9 95 9 95 995 4 9 5 ft' « « « « • « 4 « '« » « J 4 * 4 « • 4 4 4 i - i I ’.' ’ f ' •NATU kySmetBaanit Hospital Ichief quits suddenly, Iran vows to pay leaving many vifdndering why the U.S. back for 9 v B ruce Motzkln voluntarily." ‘unprovoked’ raid Hamid Reporter Some hospital staff anembers did say, however, that there was some MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) — Iran’s reaction, are reluctant to Manchester Memorial Hospital in^cation on Thursday fiiat the X Helicopters that attacked three provide. President Warren L. Prelesnik quit resignation was coming. Iranian speedboats were a secret, The small, silent Army helicop­ suddenly Friday, surprising many " I heard (Thursday) it was going silent-flying U.S. Army type oper­ ters equipped with infra-red night members of the hospital staff and to happen," said Dr. Edward P. ating from'Sn offshore barge in the vision devices also were used in the raising questions on the reason for Flanagan, the hospital’s chief of northern Persian Gulf, U.S. mil­ attack on the Iran AJr, a 1,665-ton his departure. anesthesiology. itary sources said Friday. landing craft caught laying mines According to a press release Dr. Harvey Pastel, chairman of in Washington, Defense Secre­ Sept. 21 in the central gulf about 120 issued by the hospital late Friday the department of surgery, tary Caspar W. Weinberger said the miles south of the Thursday afternoon, Prelesnik is leaving “In concurr^. United States was ready to ’ ’teach encounter. order to pursue other interests." “I think I heard a rumor \J lessons” to the Iranians whenever Some Iranian survivors of the / The press release attributes the (Thursday),’’ Pastel said. they jeopardize international ship­ Iran Ajr were quoted as saying they announcement of the resignation, Several others who were ping in the gulf, where Iran and were unaware of the choppers until which was effective Friday, to "You’ve made Itl You've gotten more reached, including David H. Sta- Iraq have been at war since they struck. William R. Johnson, chairman of helski, a hospital vice president, September 1980. Pentagon spokesmen in Washing­ Inlurlea trying to get In the Quinnees Book the hospitars board of directors. of World Records than any man alive!" and M. Adler Dobkin, second vice Iran said the attack, which sank ton initially said all three boats Johnson, reached by telephone chairman of the board of directors, one boat and disabied the other two, attacked ’Thursday night were Friday ev^ng, refus^ to talk to said they only knew what was said was unprovoked. At the United sunk, but Weinberger said two were reporters about the resignation. in the press release. Nations in New York, Ambassador sighted dead in the water at Prelesnik, 44, reached at his DdbUn did say that he assumes Said Rtjaie-Khorassani called it a daylight. Cpimccticat Weather Mandiester home late Friday there had been some conversation declaration of war to which Iran He described the Iranian boats a » night, would only say, " I ’d rather in file past about the possibility of would respond ” at the proper capable of carrying machine guns let the formal release speak for Prelesnlk’s resignation. He said time.” ’’and sometimes Stinger * C e stm . EeM Intettor, leelkwcot Islerior: Partly itself." career moves are not usually made In Geneva, Iranian Foreign Min­ equipment.” cloudy Saturday. AMpercentcbanceofaabower. Hifli George J. Roy. a vice president » around 60. Winds southwest 10 to 18 n p h becoming as suddenly as Prelesnik’s appears J l istry official Sirus Nasseri told The Stinger is the U.S. Arm y’s and the hospital’s chief financial reporters: ” We certainly have no most advanced portable anti­ , northwest midday. Clearing and cold Saturday night. to have bera made. AP photo oflleer, has bees appointed by the WARDEN L. PRiLESNIK plans to declare war against the aircraft missile and has never been Low ig the Ms. Sunny and COM Sunday .High around 10. bhard of directors as the interim Prelesnik has been hospital presi­ West Coasfal. East Coastal: Partly cloudy and mild . quits Friday dent since June 1984, when he took United States.” Nasseri is to be sold to Iran. It could not be presidait gnd chief executive of­ Sen. Lowell Weicker, R-Conn., left, talks with Sen. John Warner, R-Va., Iran’s new U.N. ambassador in determined immediately whether , Saturday. A M percent chance of a shdlrer. High BO to ficer. Roy, asked Friday whether over for Edward ML Kenney, who 18. Winds becoming northwest 10 to M mpb by midday. left in Jamipry 1964 to bead on Capitol Hill Friday. Weicker has called on the Reagan Administration Geneva. Weinberger meant the U.S.-made be had any indication w ^ Preles­ veralm em bers of the hospital The United States said the Stinger or to a similar weapon /ClfMdtog and cohf'Saturaay night. Low around 40. nik resiipMd, said be had n o . 1 of directors and Bnembers of Greenwich Hospital. Prelesnik for­ to invoke the War Powers Act because of hostilities in the Persian Guif. 0] Sunny and cold Sunday. High M to 88. merly served as executive vice choppers struck only after being made by another country. • k comnMnt. He then repeated the medical staff said they knew fired on from the boats near Farsi Iran claimed a helicopter was MsrthwestHUtoParUyrloudpandinildSaturday.A press release’s explanation that nothing about the reasdns for the president and chief operating of­ M percent chance ofjShowera. High around M . Winds ficer of Harrisburg Hospital, Har­ Island in the northern gulf. Iran downed during the attack with an Pielesnik resigned to “pursue* resignation. / / uses Farsi as a speedboat base ’’Iranian Stinger missile.” •becoming northwest 10 to 80 mph by midday. Clearing otlwr interests." Dr. Edw ard L. Besser, a hospital risburg, Pa. ' Senate keeps efforts alive from which to attack shipping. Weinberger said another U.S. and ooM Saturday night, Hospital spokesman Andrew A. proctologist, said Friday. “ 1 don’t According to PViday’s press s Weinberger said an Iranian navy military helicopter flying in the Beck, director of development and know anything about it. I have no rdease, the hospital’s board of corvette was with the speedboats southern gulf Thursday reported public relations, said he didn’t trustees will appolnt-'U search idea why be rerigned." to limit Reagan on gulf plan but escaped “ very rapidly” when _ gunfire from an Iranian oil rig. He committee within the next several know why Prelesnik resigned. M i d i ^ D. Beteher, a member of the attack began. said it was unclear whether the Lottery Winaere “You can characterise it as sud­ weeks to find Prelesnik’s the board of directors, said. " I only Reports from Iran claimed a Iranians were firing at the Ameri­ den," Beck said. know that he did resign replacemetU. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate on ise proposal which he said is supported by Friday kept alive efforts to invoke the War Republicans, including Sen. John Warner, helicopter was shot down and an cans and the helicopter left without * Coimectlcut dU ly Friday: MB. Play Four. 1BI7. Powers Act and limit President Reagan’s R-Va., a leading Senate supporter of the American warship damaged dur­ returning fire. Connecticut "Lotto" Friday: S. BS, B «.« . SB. IB. Persian Gulf security policy, but Reagan administration refusal to invoke the act. No ing what it d e s c ril^ as a 29-minute U.S. officials said six Iranians Bork staying for Senate vote, complained that Congress shouldn’t interfere vote on the proposal will occur before next battle Thursday night. Lt. Cmdr. were rescued, two of them had died because “ you can’t have 535 secretaries of week. Chris Bauman of the Pentagon and the others were receiving state.” The Byrd proposal would require a report said, however: “ We have no medical treatment, ’’including Injlex The movement came as the Democratic- from Reagan within 60 days after the law warships damaged and we have no surgery” in some cases. though chances are near zero controlled Congress, acting a day after the takes effect, answering a variety of questions helicopters missing.” Lt.
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