r--~ . Soolety . 05-127 Idahoi»«h(> StntS'U te H istorical Sooloty snalfflivls-prT— .6 9 r : ------------, ^ • — 0 3 7 0 6 - -------- :----- --------------------: I..... ■ - ......-:': t i- ' Weather * Final * -: W a r m e r — i t e r t B P Edition E ® __ ■ ■ ^ MaMadic Valiev’sv’s H6mHdftie Newsi)dl)er:i^a1)e r ....... .— - - r ^ O L . 65., NO. , “‘ TWIN FALL'S, IDAHO,'^H6,' jHURSiTHURSDAY, m K \ 9,' 196819'68 . ' V » ....... ■ • . y ■ ■■ ■; T E N CENTS -. n E n e mIV y S trikess iBH adrd i ALt t SaigoivSa FrbinFfi THrec'hree Sides ^ ' ' TBTcEOaGlixSPER^}xS PE R ^ . wrcckcd twovo launching.launching pads . test fighllhg,;hlihg, with.^evcwith.several more PresidentPresident NguyenNgu Van Thieu moments laterIt the thud of 500- * 7 ' ' 7 SAIGON (AP) -— - The. enemjenemy load,ed with rocketsrocketj; less ihthan a wounded,jd. wenttnt onon nolibnwldenolibnwl Iclevli^ion in ^^ poundpound bombsbom was heard.-They I ' fin5e#i*AdIflc#|•/ic« | ■' ''-r[U.S. gmbtfiiy.l struck hard at SaigbnSatgbn fromfron • milcTrtihi thetie city. The U.S. CommJCommand an- - efforts'orts 10to calmcalm thell populacc. Hc - shook thc downtown< sections ' •' ,. three sides today but a U.S d 2.540 cncmv soldiers- urgedgdd South VjVjelnam's people "RlnrW^ n y but a U.S. '/ A ‘bird enemv drive rolle t to be. misled,.by whul ho Blocks • of' SalBon's'”iouthcrn J — ^iTO'ft'^iwui.l 'uf '.SHlliUn,- 'swet :j»n_klllpH hv flllled for'ces- not to be iiuslc nnri.-cn.stcrn.,.scr.tlnn.’i,.wefe..dCT,i;:___^ ^ — ; forces had smashedEd a VietViel ConjCong . a.*;idd two U;S.:s: companies irin the - ‘f' fightingting around SaiiSaigon sinqer. term.edrmed i„ommUtLommiini^ft pr6ilai!intla . .stroyed under the pounding of . drive to' push into,lo thethe' capitalcapita big_push which^ich officials bebelieve : ,’ Communistmmunist cotnmqcorhmand’s now andd notnot toto participatepartit in nation- -. U.S. , ond-y g-' South Vietnamese from the south andid east.east.' , is designed' to -bolster 'h ve began. Against, this,- ......wide demonslrat aive^'wibexs and he1icopltr~y.'• : On thC’ eve of[ Paris i«acipeace Vietnam's hand at Paris. asualties were put at 51 Communists)mmunists werewei planning. He gun.ships. “Some hou.«:es wcre.set...................... :s„'d”a'.”s r : ss”ssjs£%and 487 wounded. n South' ~ warnedarncd that the nalionar police __ Z • talks, however, o tht? enem; --------- r-Tlie 9th Division' infantry ; drove closer.to the- center of, Sal mesc casualties were rt:- were.^unH^t:^Qrdcrs-;tQ,--l»r^ undcti.Qrdi • tli^rliibvciTiriit!..'—'' ..... “• ' I • f c p r o a B M K - ■— gon than at hny ~tIm6~^lncCrthifhP____ known. as_ihc_'!01d..RcHob QWds_if-fcommunist-djrectcd—^------------------ p f t : ______, ' . _________ demonstrationsimonstratlons threatened gov- The U.S. Command called In —r-~- ■=y==^ttiaLfTfVrW i Sunday. d a^ p n g Ganid^haC tVaj" heavy fighting fffove crnmerilnmeril~ristinialionS:7= irislulla ---------- i------------- liimafCc^^hmdfTrc^r^ior-^^fijrmJtryiJTCjTTr---------------- U.S. military spokcsmen"saiipok«me„-VnId SOins "■> aunlghlfaU.Jilghtfall. .. - -------- T counll6ss;ss thousands'Ihousards tifr'fcar- Pr(><!l(Ieni Ho ( tanks nrid helicopier gunships lo President Ho Chi Minh callcd ’ mccl the VlelCong.drive,.which •• N K 2.000 American infantrymciinranlrymcn ^ >heJ third consccconsecutive stricken0 civmanscivilians slreaminj{; . the Viet CongCon) to.slcp up the . / ■ from the 9th. Division,Ision, drmoroiirmorbd ll'" 'nncmy 'm y .“was Os ™P'repulsed . acros.s two bridges inloinlt the ccn- «j_u, a„nlnqt U ‘ late Wednesday hnd appsar’Cd lo • • ;ht against U.S. “ aggression,'* ,-bebe iapering'off., S C S TIic^c w re ri;- A • 4- personnel carriers,rs helicoptehelicopter trying lo enterIter Saigon fronfrom thc ter of the d,iyciiv, and sv t^he ^ id Radio Hano - ' ^ f UttjOljirtjll . J l V% * gunships and' divee bombers ha<had south." an officcr ,said.said. "1"Mort! ranks of.of-, thethe'.homeless .hom.eless^to^^more ^ '■ 'w /iS S O T ttlSB ----------broUco-up—at-loasl'for-tho-tim'sl^for-tho-time,-:— thftn.456 encmyJiavc,beetL)imyJiavc-been.kjUcd.. :Xhan^0.000;.:Son5cjU4B; being—thD,driye from the soutsouth' *" last.ihrcp.days."hrep.days. - • •_— :_ aj-th e-n'-TOirWcIviliTin' 3 ir^ civili.nn. d(a:d^i7d~«-^::^slncartCa:rsaBdayr"a'ntP rsa B d a y ^ ft^ r M cars"-^^m-----mcnls-throuah cnts-thro thc-ntghtrcover-^—^------- . ___; _____and past — 1-—:■i---------------- ^— '---- Ninth-iJivrsjoh casualties BiES<5lJntca-^ftfor5'iI>an swept,vept, the ..,city, citj icts roared.,-- ing th'eir iiinflllration with divcr- • ' ------ ' across.the:ross.the heart of tlie city, and • sionary shcshelling at other points. ' ^ HcHcopter guoshiuos^_.al^^Midjc^^ n s ^ 4 I m »lliiil. 1 ARROWSlNDKJAWmaJor^rm ajor-points of Viet Cong a’ltack"onu----- 1 Sa!eon—from thc southI on Cholon and on Ihe island' Fourth • ■ District; .from th«-east-across-across SaijSaigon River just opposite the e g a l e s ’ r i v e F o r Tr a lk s heart of the city. (AP wlrephoto)vlrephoto) . '______________ ^ .. __________ '. ,B.Bv STEPHENS BROENIf^G W g g t g t : PARISp (AP) — North Viet- nannam's chief delegate -to pcace P ” — ^E^calation? ( concontacts with thc United States P o l i e e BreakB r ( Up arrived today, end, hi.^ Amcri- __ _____TOI^O..(A£)=Nocth_yieU_!l ____' ‘P o o r ' ' M urch I . nam’s’ President Ho0 ChiChl - . ^ . 1 III! I I mull 1 [III 11 i lllllMIIHl||lll -----Minh-has called-on the-Viet—ne-.Viet-'- -'w-'W ’~ ---- -------------------r - ----- ^^M _JoilialkSA tartins Friday.-----_ ------ Cong to stej^up; their fight # AA. crowd of 380, Vietnamese >t Protests i and Ercyhm en. Cf-»Tyi>if; ------- S(South Vietnarfi, Radio.Lt Hanoi Js' (T r^ oW w lriffZT^iZM iv *ress— I- • Thc s t u d e n t s,-protestingrotesting --sasb id today:----- *Thuy. th^^anol dqippntrfYWtii.;-- ,nfi— at-WeilVA>euj uf iliu fulMliim-lTtr^tme hlr: ----- a japanese-ianpuage oni-otli^ ^ oy^i ne~AssocIale<x[^Press Press [busI bus 1brought up the rear.'ear. llllllll lllllllllll IIIIIMI llllll stops uiisUies ing-oLjontiavcrsialJiLaQr^intiQT^in-, _ci_ c ia L ^ ic e . nf. Noclh-Vietnam-jelnam, . '’P.l.f.™11 '' Pcklng.and Moscow. ; hnv<> hPcn hrnkiiil-m»-im-oolte& stri Id, .smr - brbadcaSt.feald Ho'madea'de thTthe ~ygm. conunuco gainermg. momentumr ^ h o n i u m Th^S^e'grOOS,Them '4ns~Titgm' i S ^ ----- Arnong "the welcoming'group------- as militant protests continuetlnue to mnmitted peacefully to arrestest after a]appeal in a letter-addresseddressed acrossacr< the^ country today,Jay. as Its in'Niin'Nashville, Tenn. aboutsout 300 of ' H a t Lc Bourget Airport were So*. disturb Ihe calm .of academiccademjc beibeing threatened with expulsionImpulsion • tcto, Nguyen-Huu Tho. chair- chiefchie spokesman declaredlared this them rode air-conditionedaned buses ; H |v ^ ^ H _ ..v I e t Ambassador Valerian Zorin ___ -Iiro-on a riumbeL-oLJJ.Sx-Ctt|Ti-S. cam- jif f jthev did not leave.____________ __irm ag of the South Vietnam’ielnam payjnaj be the natlon's’lastist chance from Marks. Mlss.^ .to Naghvillt .'M •--and Communist Chines'e Charge------ - puses. • PoliceF said they were charged Nl^ational F^ont- for' Cibcra-□bcra- to-dtjatTpenccfulljnTvUhTadsiTr( ihrradsiTr Wednesaa'yf-^—Wedi — -----------^ ■ -M Police werft called in Wetincs-Weqncs-with wit trespassing nnd held on tion—NPl.—a political1 organ and®nd poverty. • . f 'AnotherAn ■ group leavestves from RESSt''R s ■ The Vietnamese and French* day night at Marquette Univer- $250'bondj25 each. Weil termedmod the oiof the Viet Cong; Wednes-Vednes- *’We!re. going to Ournn this.na-this .na-' MarksMarl today in 0 mUlee train, letl - {K - men clapped_an{L.waved.yellow!.____ s l^ In Milwaukee. Rooscvejd^tuooscvejj 5iudcnts...willfui_4aw—breakersbreakers - diday — ........................... tlonion upside down- and1 rightside by thefl Rev. Andrew Young, ah •’ 9 starred red hogs'of.North Vlef* .tnH un.'* said the Rev. Ralnht ph DayidDavid SCLCSCU leader and longtimeigyme__ as-os- .•.'H y . ‘M - .■ir!■■.•■': '• ' nam. Others held up .a'~banner — nimotir“ U^nlvei-sliy^Ihrslty^lh ministraiivc council no' chw rt ?• •'States " ■AbernBthyr^the^eo3^#--^^W51iS5?o-7-of-—flt* TOtj^ate uf D].'^^lllB. ■ ' " ' " ' 1 d . a | Carbondale. (*\ bulbut to call in police. IS speaking ot peace talks;alkson on SouSouthern Christiaa .LeadershipLeadership otheroil Southernjnarchera In M J.: gallon of. tiie. .Vietn^esc Peo* There was a peaceful-cndlngj•cndlngJ - •Lynti,t former Yale. profC.'jsdr,r«frtacnr ' one hand but escalatingIng t1ietlio ■• ConConlcrcncc; ; thethe' - campaign from Alabama ' | 1 ____ howevcr,aoLaJhrec--day_$jlrjtu5i ^ onrrthe^ —Abernaihyr-who-succceded-tho ;jrid;irid^Mississippl.-an-estimated- estimated ,,.0 U.S:-officials are predicting____1 SyS® !lefeh3nmitEd»ianmsn^ ^ ______ late~~Dr. Marlin LulHer Kingr King Jr. Jr.400 .400. nlan to arrive In Atlanta bybv Bl long, hard bargalHIng wIlITlfie in 1965 to . travel to Communistmmuhist — ^ as i>CLC neaa, lold atraut I'^Od hns North-Vlelnameae-as-the-Ameri— nla ’,when about 400 youths' ^ m. - ----------- " [Jqj JBounTDOff bus by noon it^ S ----------------- ^ “ B ■ ‘ walked out of . (ho Old Student North Vietnam. - — ” • ■ Negroes in B i r m iIngham n g h a m MarchersMi In Nashvilleville leave B -can negotiators, also headed for . ■ Union thev had held sincece Mon- . University sccurit:^ officials . Wc(Wednesday jiiRht that hc ^will 1- 1°''for 'I^poitvllle. Tenn.,'..m, ' today, FrenchjMpttal.wljn.g,man- , ■ — ^oined=rcitj«tfld=irtate=police=in iiot=i^permit=Miolflncft=Awheiurhe|#bre.v^^l^^^^^llFhcyzPtHnfthcnEtnTgdnnrrttPDani --------- ^The-end-came-after-tho“Aca“hn-KrtT ^Carbondale—to—clear—a—smallSSS ifesreansiMoveJol Itl-V G i?.‘leads the -Poor-People*3“Cam*5le3 Cam* vlllc^;ya.,ylllt ahd to-.Washington'Washington TE S B B H W H B B r T n H B B B I Muuiid !o^ ^nol's - repK^nta*- > briefly — , • •• - ' ' ■ : • EflJ -■ demle.
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