Weathei .. Todbjr- 7 «.n. tefap»ratore N. Sonny today, high new SI. Clear tonight, 24,350 low to the Mi. Tomorrow, fair, ( Red Bank Area high M. Friday, lair, warmer. Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1955. See weather, page 2. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS Diutd daily. Honda; throuih rrldtr. S*um4 Clu» Putic* VOL. 88, NO. 32 P«id «.. ft«d Baak ml u AddiUflnil MUilnj OUlcm. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE State Sending'Copter, Speedboat to Halt Fish Pirating % TRENTOTl N — State Commissioner Robert A. Roe, after requested and agreed to co-ordinate effort* to apprehend According to police, they are operating out of Belford. this in municipal courts so we plan to prosecute anyone who Consulting with.the office of Gov. Richard J. Hughes, moved poachers and persons repsonsible for any damage to fishing A fisherman phoned The Register yesterday to say, "If they Is arrested in higher courts this time." swiftly yesterday to halt "fish pirating" off the shores of Mon- vessels. want to catch those drag-nettors, tha time is about six in the Col. David Kelly, head of the state police, has promised mouth County and Sandy Hook. NEW LEGISLATION morning. They are out there early." The man said he would full co-operation, the director reported. Lester G. McNamara, director of the state Division of —A study will get under way toward new legislation to not identify himself for fear of retaliation. Regarding the group of Belford fishermen, Mr. McNa- Fish and Game, told The Register that the commissioner is resolve the problem of fishing rights and jurisdiction. Mr. McNamara reported that state marine biologist Paul mara said, "There are the good guys, who want to do things taking this action: At issue is the question of drag-net fishing in Sandy Hook Hamer, Nocote Creek Research Station, Is now making studies legally, and the bad guys who want to ruin the fishing industry. —One helicopter and one high-powered speedboat will be Bay and along the shore to Long Branch. The practice is il- of porgles and fluke to determine optimum harvesting meth- It's about time the good guys stand up and be counted." dispatched to Monmouth coastal waters within 24 to 48 hours legal, in New Jersey waters, within the two-mile limit. ods and areas. He noted that the question of setting aside a specific Sandy to patrol for illegal drag-net fishing. On Thursday, a.state agent attempted unsuccessfully to arrest Mr. McNamara said the Sandy Hook-Monmoulh coast area Hook-coast area where dragging would be made legal, through —Agents of the state Marine Police and state Department a drag-net captain, and Saturday night the boat used by the is the only one off New Jersey shores where illegal drag-net- legislation, will be studied. of Conservation and Economic Development, headed by Mr. agent was found filled with creosote, in what police say was ting and poaching Is going on. In another development, County Prosecutor Vincent P. Roe, will be stationed aboard Sandy Hook Coast Guard ves- retaliation by the drag-netters. "The governor and commissioner have ordered a crack- Keuper announced that his office will start an immediate in- sels. The netters allegedly also have menaced sports fisher- down," he said, "and we aim to stamp this out. vestigation. —The state police, during/^i conference yesterday, were men in Sandy Hoojf. waters. "We have not had much luck in the past in cases like (See POACHING, Page 3) Big Viet Battle Building SAIGON (AP) — Light contaet|Viet Cong flags flying from every ment forces in the area around in • the camp have been under States was not the only nation •was reported today between the village surrounding Due Co. Due Co. heavy fire for more than two having nuclear weapons, Kyodo Viet Cong and government forces The battle, rapidly turning into In - addition to at least 60 months. But last night was re- reported. He told newsmen in ported quiet at the camp five the biggest of the summer, began government troops killed along Peking negotiations with the trying to move by mad to th« re- miles from the Cambodian border when the Viet Cong tried to cut the road, more were killed in United States at this time are lief of the Due Co special forces attacks on the Due .Co camp by on Rt. 19, the east-west highway through the middle of a two-mile- "completely unnecessary." camp in the central highlands. Viet Cong mm-tar, recoilless can- through the centra] highlands. long relief convoy from Pleiku. The North Viet Nam agency A U.S. military spokesman said non and recoilless rifle (ire. In Tokyo, Ihe kyodo News claimed that planes from bases They destroyed two tanks, one the relief force had halted about The dead and wounded in the Agency reported that Tran Van in Thailand, South Viet Nam armored personnel carrier and 3.5 miles northeast of Due Co. beleaguered camp had not been Tanh, Viet Cong political spokes- and the U.S. 7th Fleet bombed two trucks. But he would not say whether it evacuated by late yesterday be- man in Peking,' said nuclear "Densely populated places" in the had been pinned down or had U. S. advisers said they counted cause no aircraft could land. counterattacks would follow if the communist - controlled Laotian stopped in a tactical maneuver of 153 Viet Cong dead after the am- Several, hundred Vietnamese United States used nuclear weap- provinces of Sam Neua and its own. bush. An additional 66 Viet Cong troops and mountain tribesmen ons in the war. Xieng Khouang from July 25 to The light contact was said to were reported killed by govern- along with 12 American advisers Tanh noted that the United (See VIET NAM, Page 3) consist mostly of sniper fire. A Viet Cong concentration was between elements of the convoy ,000 Expansion Planned in the area northwest of Rt. 19 and was being pounded by air- strikes, the spokesman said. He emphasized, however, that the Viet Cong troops were not hemmed in by the convoy forces. Map City Sewer Project Rather, they were "between" two HEADED FOR HOME — Wounded serviceman lio quietly in lirterj of an Air Force government groups, he said. LONG BRANCH - A plan growth and service of parts of ng at the rate of 4 per cent a state health agency, Mr. Homack |»t transport, en route from the Viet Nam battle front to the-U.S. mainland for treat- U.S. spokesmen said they had no reports of clashes last night which has been in the discussion adjacent communities, Mr. He- year for the past few years. said there is no indication that stage since 1962 got under way ment. A Red Cross worker from Hickam Air Force Base, Honolulu, is shown aboard after bloody battling that left mack said. Figures Similar the discharging.of effluent Into yesterday when the Sewerage Au- at least 219 Viet Cong and 60 Milton Stein, authority attorney, This is in accord with a 5 per the ocean, has created a health plie "Air Evac" plane. At left is Marine Cpl. Richard Fultj of Cincinnati, Ohio, and thority agreed to seek state ap- was' directed, together with Mr. cent figure given by William Mar- problem, and added that he South Vietnamese troops dead. Capt. Frederick S. Larabee, an Air Fores pilot from Randolph-Air Fores Base, Tex. proval for a five-year, $600,000 Homack, to meet with the state tin, a consultant for the North- doubts that secondary treatment' But large forces remained in project to enlarge and consoli- Department of Health to get ap- east Mdnniouth County Regional of sewage would.be required in .''•-• (AP Wir«photo) the area. An air survey showed date the city'* sewerage facili- proval ol the project. Although Sewerage Authority. the near future. ties. the project will take from five to The second stage of the project Room to Expand The project, which is distri six years and will be done In which Mr. Homack said could b( Woodward to Fight Transfer Stages, they were advised to seek deferred about two years, is the He advised, however, that the buted over six stages, would be- authority acquire additional land gin this year with the addition of approval of the entire plan and addition of a third digestion tank provide a timetable for improve- at the Joline Ave. plant. around tho site in case secondary an $81,500 settling tank at the treatment Is ordered by the state. Jollne Ave., treatment plant and ments. The third stage is the insfa the closing of the Long Branch The 1962 study report states latlon of standby electrical gener- Secondary treatment will some- Ave. plant. that the plan would cost about ators; the fourth is the additional day be required, he said, because SeejTOpen Exam for Chief $440,000, but an additional 20 per settling tank; the fifth stage i. with the formation of inland re- Operational savings of about gional 'sewerage authorities, $28,000 a year will be realized by cent for legal and engineering aquisition - of another' digestion •fos tind an approximate 12 per tank, and the sixth and final more effluent will be pumped in- By FRANK W. HARBOUR be taken against the captain, police chief, along with Gapts. one-of the most vital-positions In the plant closing, the authority' to the sea. MIDDLETOWN — Plans for The committee consists of May- Walling and Woodward. the township." said. cent increase in prices since then stage is installation of a variable or Ernest G.
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