Li'l Jack Says: Thought For The Week: Anyone who thinks chemical warfare is An accomplished bore is one who new doesn’t know much about perfume. exhausts the audience without exhausting LUMBERJACK the subject VOL. 43 — No. 14 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1955 PUBLISHED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS ARIZONA STATE COLLEGE AT FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA Constitution Africa Writer Mother Hanley — Uppman Concert Meeting Next Next Series Wednesday Speaker Here Monday Night Young baritone Theodor Uppman will present the fourth W o r k Still In 'A d v e n tu re s In Community Concert of the year in the College Union Audi­ Formative Stage Africa' Topic torium Monday night, Feb. 7, at 8 p. m. The next meeting of the Students are reminded that Associated Students holds constitutional revision com­ One of the foremost au­ more than 100 memberships in the local association for mittee has been set for Wed­ thors on the “Dark Conti­ student use at the concerts nent*' of Africa, Rebecca Rey nesday night, Feb. 9, it was In the 1951-52 London op­ her, will lecture to students announced after last night's era season, Uppman created and faculty members Fri­ meeting. the title role of Benjamin day, Feb. 11, at 9 : 50 a. m. Committee members an­ Britten's opera “ B illy Budd” in the College Union auditor­ nounce that the committee's in the opera’s world premiere. ium. Her subject will be “Ad­ work is still in the formative His impressive performance stage. A t last night’s meet, copies ventures in Africa/’ and instaneantous success brought of the old constitution were handed Mrs. Reyher. a world traveler of him re-engagements with tbt opera out to members for reading and di­ wide experience, has made four in London ami Paris and later he gestion. SEC O N D TIME Dean of Women Margaret Pipe*, center, chair- seperate trips to Africa and lived sang the lead with the NBC Tele­ ma. n “f 1, e scholarship committee, receives Ihe second annual Ktaiid- vision Opera Theater when this Matters being considered at the there a total of three and a half opera was introduced in this coun­ present time my the 12 members w 4 . P* " 7 of California SI€H» scholarship from branch man­ years. She spent almost a year in ager W. A. Sanford while freshman Harriettte Hatcher, recipient of try in 1952. include the possibility of separate Zululand gathering material for a the first award, looks on. The London Times remarked at jobs for secretary and treasurer in­ book about the primitive practice the time of the opera’s coming stead of the combined o ff fee; school of polygamy under which millions that: “The Billy Budd of the colors and Associated Students em­ of A frit an women art* forced to American baritone, Mr. Theodor blem; balance o f salaries paid to live. The book, “Zulu Woman, ” Uppman, was a most convincing student officers with reference to published in 1948 and digested by Scholarship Given materialization off Melville's half­ the amount of work done; and the Life Magazine, was the story of the drawn character and his great establishment o f social committees first and only wife of a Zu*u king to seek a divorce. monologue in the form of a broad­ under the social manager to share side ballad was sung with a noble some o f the duties of that office. Later, when the Fon of Bikom’s By Standard Oil reputed hundred wives were the strength and tenderness.’* Theodor Uppman The 12 members o f the commit­ subject of United Nations investi­ Uppman made his debut with the tee chosen because of their interest November 27 1953, in the lead role The second annual $400 scholar­ gation, Mrs. Reyher made a jour­ Metropolitan Opera Company on in the welfare o f the student body Standard Oil Company of Cali­ of the Met's revival of “ Pelleaa et ney into Nigeria and the British Mother Hanley Passes Away are Harriet Randolph, Burton M il ship was given to the college by fornia now presents 27 annual scho Melisande. ” Cameroons and managed to spend Iry, Johnny Bree. Sam Borozan. Standard Oil Company of Califor­ arships to colleges in the seven Born in California, Uppman several months in the Fon’s king­ Campus Vets Host Ann Blair, Howard Sullivan, Pat nia this week. A check for the full western states. It is the company's won a scholarship to study at Phil­ plan to increase th is numherof dom. The result was a prop<j»al of Saturday In Phoenix Hospital l>orona, Phyllis Nahkai, Ted John­ adelphia’s Curtis Institute. He amount of the scholarship was pre­ marriage by the Fon, which she son. Walter Hodges, Sally Ferrel, grants to at least 75 in the next also studied music and drama afc refused, and “The Fon and His One of ASC’s most beloved personalities, Mrs. Margaret Hanley, and Betty Bartlett. sented to the college by \V. A. San­ six years. In addition, the comp­ VA Rep As Guest Standford University, where he Hundered Wives, "’ published in died early Saturday mornirg at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix. She starred in several musical produc­ Joe Rolle, Miss Jun ia McAlister, ford, branch manager of Standard any gives awards of S. %50 to $200 1952. was 80. each, totaling $1350 annually to Fu­ tions. and Dr. Virgil Gillenwater are fac­ Oil for northern Arizona. Mrs. Reyher has written an Known to lo~al students, alumni and faculty as “ Mother Hanley”, Speaker Here ture Farmers and the same am­ ulty sponsors. Miss Margaret Pipes, dean of Arfican film; worked with a refu­ she lived on the campus for 41 years until her retirement and move to In 1943 he entered the Army, ounts to the 4-H Club youth. Ken­ serving in a tank destroyer bat­ women and chairman of the col­ gee settlement in the Dominican Phoenix two years ago. During those 41 years, she was "mother” to Delmar Layton, Veteran Admin­ neth Goodman, a sophomore here, talion. He landed in Normandy, lege scholarship committee, re­ Republic; writen advertising copy I countless Lumberjacks as she served as dining hall superintendent. istration representative from Phoe­ was recipient of one of the Future among the first to storm that Three Special ceived the scholarship award in for a leading agency, traveled j Mother Hanley was born on Thanksgiving day, 1874, in Denver, nix was guest speaker at the Mon­ Farmer Awards last year. beachhead. A month later h f nas behalf of the college. throughout Central and South | Colo. She came to this campus on August 6, 1912, when it was known day night, Jan. 24 meeting of the Regarding the college scholar­ America; written for such leading #s Northern Arizona Normal School. In those 41 years, Mrs. Hanl ey Associated Veterans of Arizona auditioned and accepted as a mem­ Last year was the first c f these ship, Mr. Sanford explained that magazines as Reader's Digest. Life, seldom left the campus. She serv*»d under every president of the State College at Flagstaff. ber of the first all-Gl entertain­ Courses Offered scholarships received at Ariz o n a his company places no limitation Mademoiselle. This Week, and college except the first one, Dr. A. N. Taylor. ment units in France, singing all State College at Flagstaff. Recip Mr. Layton spoke to the group over France and Germany. on course o f study, race, or creed. others; conducted a weekly radio Homecoming celebrations on her 25th and 35th stnniversaries were concerning the college benefits of­ Town And Students ient is Miss Harrietts Hate h e r , dedicated to her. One of the newest dormitories on campus, Hanley Returned to California after the It suggests that the award be program in New York City; and fered to veterans under the World freshman student. Hall, was named in her honor. She was the only person in the history war, Uppman was. selected for the based on scholarship, need, char­ written books for and about child­ War I I and Korean G. I, Bill. Beginning Feb. I, and continuing The second annual scholarsh i p acter and promise. ren, notably “ My Mother Is the of the college to be honored twice by Homecoming dedication. role of Pel leas in a concert version through Feb. 18, claves covering from. Standard Oil will be award­ Most Beautiful Woman in the The campus in 1912 had only three buildings besides Old Main. The Associated Veterans Is a re­ of Debussy's “ Pelleas and Melis­ “ Family Health and Home Nurs­ ed to a student selected by Dean Woorld, ” among many other things. At this time, a new dining hall had just been completed and Mrs. cently organized group on the col­ ande/’ opposite the celebrated Mag­ ing” ; “ Shelter Care"; and "Civil Pipes and members of her schol­ Shrine Of Ages Her plans for the future include Hanley moved into it shortly after her arrival. This building is now lege campus. All college veterans gie Teyte, with the San Francisco Defense” , will be offered at the arship committe. a trip to the far East and a book the remodeled men's dorm that bears her name. In April of 1953 interested in becoming members Orchestra directed by Pierre Mon- College. Mother Hanley opened her third dining hall on the Lumberjack of this organization are invited to teux. A year later, Uppman and Miss Hatcher was presented to Choir Banquet on polyandry, the martial insti­ All classes will be held in the tution, still practiced in India and campus.
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