RP-55 VOL. 2 in associabonwith Public Disclosure Authorized 3 IIIE ResettlementAction Plan - Annexures ProjectCo-ordinating Consultancy Services (PCC) Public Disclosure Authorized for the KarnatakaState HighwaysImprovement Project IBRD Loan/Credit No. LN-4114 idar Belgau Public Disclosure Authorized Karwar x :N;a~~durga Mangalo galore Public Disclosure Authorized PTpard for: Govtof KaTxtaka PublicWorks Dept. NaonalHighways) November2000 inw associationwith IIIE ResettlementAction Plan VolumeII: Annexures ProjectCo-ordinating Consultancy Services (PCC) for the KarnatakaState Highways Improvement Project IBRD Loan/Credit No. LN-4114 Q el9 Xid~~~~iar Karwar>Bfs B ia~~durga Mangall galore Preparedfor Govt of Kamataka Public Works Dept (National Highways) November 2000 Annexure 1 KamatakaState Highways ResettlementAction Plan Improvement Project Annexure I Figure 1-1: Design Cross Section 1.5m lm 7m lm -1.5m UNPAVED CARRtAGEWAY SHOULDERPAVEDCARAEA SHOULDER 3% 2.5X 2.57- 2.51 2.5X 3% 0.5m 1o .0 0.5m \ 5 SUBCRAOEBO70TTOM- RURAL CROSS SECTION , 2.05m 1 VARIES1.5m 7m 1.5m VARIES2.05m DRUKAJN VERGE/ l t t VERCE/ U BUS BAYS PAVED CARRIAGEWAY PAVED BUS BAYS /PARKING SHOULDER SHOULDER /PARKING 2 5% 2.5X 2.5% 2 5% 2.5% 2.5X VILLAGE CROSS SECTION 1 1.85m. VARIES X 7m VARIES 1.85m DRAIN VERGE VERGE DRAtN PARKING AREA CARRIAGEWAY PARKING AREA I/BUS BAYS /BUS BAYS 2.5X 2.5% 2.-5X 2.5s URBAN CROSS SECTION 1.85m 7m 1.2m 7m 1.85m DRAIN CARRIAGEWAY EDDANI CARRIAGEWAY DRAJN | z~~~TYPE III KERB TYPE I KERB @ C~~~~OVEREDDRAIN 4-LANE URBAN CROSS SECTION 1 Scott Wilson I CES/ IIIE Karnataka State Hichways Resettlement Action Plan Improvement Project Annexure I Shrine 68.49 Temple 1 50.30 5C Aralikatte 1 6.60 Bus Stand 1 6.23 Handpump 15.85 Others 6 27.18 Shrine 3 64.21 _________ Temple 5 123.49 Sub total of U2 64 478.513 U3 6L Aralikatte 1 2.20 Bus Stand 2 40.14 Handpump 1 3.67 Others - 4.72 Temple 1 3.59 6M Aralikatte 1 6.23 Bus Stand 2 14.50 Handpump 2 7.39 Others 1 74.26 6N Bus Stand 3 19.12 ______ Handpump 1 0.56 ____________________ Shrine 4 65.85 Temple 1 7.34 ________ 60 Aralikatte 3 31.20 ________ ________ Bus Stand 5 72.71 Handpump 6 30.14 Mosque 1 33.41 ________ 1Others 4 29.89 ____=____ Shrine 2 41.84 |______ Temple 4 125.06 6P Aralikatte I 6.05 Bus Stand 1 5.57 ______ _____Handpump 1 1.79 I________ _________ Others 19 59.49 Shrine 1 0.27 Temple 1 7.77 Suh total of U3 71 694.747 U4 2A College 1 629.43 Handpump 4 12.94 ______ __ Others__ 1 67.66 Temple 4 51.12 |Sub total of U4 10 761.137 U I I A Others 3 37.06 _________ Shrine 2 32.17 __________ Temple 1 3.75 I_______ I B Aralikatte 1 14.06 Handpump I 0.10 Contract Link No Type Count Area Affected (Sq.m) Mosque 1 4.05 Scont WVilson/ CES / IIIE KaamatakaState Highways Resettlement Action Plan Improvement Project Annexure I Others 7 68.29 Shrine 3 46.04 _- Temple 1 6.34 Sub total of U5 20 211.847 Grand Total 205 2584.485 Table 1-3 Distribution of other Community Assets AssetsOthers Ul U2 U3 U4 U5 Area Affected Basaveshwar Circle 1 10.382 Basaweshwara Katte I 1.083 Basement I 12.313 Check Post 3 27.637 Church symbol 1 6.29 Compound wall 1 74.263 District Judge 1 54.619 Residence Factory board l 8.652 Flag Pole 4 6.289 Grave yard 1 13.779 KSRTC Counter 1 8.646 Police Chowck 1 4.588 Public tap 7 4 4 15.425 Pump house 1 1.522 Railway crossing cabin 1 1.366 School Ground 1 67.655 Statue 3 25.354 Water body 2 1.573 Water Point 5 15 3 80.143 Water Storage Tank 2 1 8.802 Total 5 24 26 1 10 430.381 Table 14 Distribution of PAFs Losing Other Assets Contract Other Likeiv Loss Count Area Affected (Sq.m) U I Angan and Structure 1 439.097 Non-Agricultural land 1 288.703 Suib Total of UI 2 727.8 U2 Angan 1 2.279 Boundary wall 1 102.084 Fencing of Aangan rice mill 1 61.038 godown Godown 1 8.737 Residence boundaryvwvall and 1 18.32 courtyard Steps 1 26.094 Sub Total of U2 6 218.552 4 Scott Wilson /CES / IIE Karnataka State Highwavs Resettlement Action Plan Improvement Project Annexure I Contract Other Likely Loss Count Area Affected (Sq.m) U3 Compound wall I 68.746 Sub Total of U3 1 68.746 U4 Angan 2 39.317 Boundary wall 1 19.968 Fallow land 7 684.037 Non-Agricultural land 2 155.421 Steps 8 94.811 Sub Total of U4 20 993.554 Grand Total 29 2008.652 Table 1-5 Dry and Wet Land Acquisition (Owner) Contract Dry Land Affected Wet Land Affected (Sq.m) (Sq.m) UI 5985.05 1200.67 U12 10582.38 12152.15 1U3 5772.96 _ U14 5279.83 _ Total 27620.21 13352.81 Table 1-6 Government Land to be acquired LINK 6M (SHAHPUR TO JEVARGI) AREA CHAINAGE SIDE (Sq.M) FROM TO 994.8 23680 23840 LHS 994.8 LINK 6N (JEVARGI TO GULBARGA) AREA CHAINAGE SIDE (Sq.M) FROM TO 267.7 840 940 LHS 24 1.5 980 1100 RHS 308.3 18140 18240 RHS 72.6 19920 19970 LHS 207.9 20880 20980 LHS 209.6 27360 27490 RHS 765.2 28230 28380 LHS 120.8 32930 33000 RHS 136.9 35800 35890 RHS 2330.5 5 Scott Wilson / CES, illE Kamataka State Hiehwavs Resettlement Action Plan Improvement Project Annexure I LINK 60 (GULBARGA TO HOMNABAD) AREA CHAINAGE SIDE (Sq.M) FROM TO 2869.8 27300 27500 LHS 2927.3 47580 48000 LHS 4117.3 47980 48260 RHS 1011.6 49460 49640 LHS 1076.9 54380 54740 RHS 12002.9 LINK 6P (HOMNABAD TO BIDAR) AREA CHAINAGE SIDE (Sq.M) FROM TO 281 13940 14040 LHS 296.5 14580 14700 LHS 96.5 25900 25940 RHS 168.6 25940 25980 LHS 357 29740 29840 LHS 530.2 30050 30200 LHS 3850 32800 33100 RHS 5579.8 LINK SB (SINDRANUR TO GANGAWATI) AREA CHAINAGE SIDE (Sq.M) FROM TO 314.5 37960 38080 LHS 2171.2 49500 50520 LHS 3911 49420 50540 RIRHS 6396.7 LINK 5C (GANGAWATI TO BUDHGUMPA) AREA CHAINAGE SIDE (Sq.M) FROM TO 2030.5 3230 3820 LHS 2566 3230 3720 RHS 6117.5 4110 5420 LHS 366.2 4460 4640 RHS 1250 5040 5420 RHS 3937 23720 24070 RHS 972 25920 26090 LHS 17239.2 LINK 2A (BIJAPUR TO TIKOTA) AREA CHAINAGE SIDE 6 ScottWilson CES I IIIE KarnatakaState Hiehwavs Resettlement Actiqn Plan Impro%ement Project Annexure I (Sq.M} FROM TO 28.2 5900 5940 LHS 760.1 6300 6450 RHS 910.6 6560 6900 RHS 172.7 7280 7450 RHS 307.2 8070 8160 RUlS 12'3.4 8270 8390 RHS 273.6 9180 9440 RIHS 2575.8 TOTAL GOVT. AREA TO BE ACQUIRED IN ALL LINKS = 47,119 sq.m or 11.63 acres Note: No additional area required in Links IA,IB,5A&6L Scott Wilson ' CES i IIIE Annexure 3 KarnatakaState Highways ResettlementAction Plan ImprovementProject Annexure -, ANNEXURE 3 3.1 Survey Schedule 3.1 Socio- EconomicHousehold Census Schedule PART I ASSET INFORMATION Q.No. Name of the Investigator : Date: 1.0 GENERAL IDENTIFICATION 1. I Corridor Name 1.2 Corridor No I.3 Link Name 1.4 Link No' 1.5 Chainage 1.6 Side (LHS/RHS) 1.7 i) District ii) Taluk iii) Villa2e/Towvn 1.8 Name of the owner 1.9 Type of likely loss 1. Residential 2. Commercial 3. Residential cum Commercial 4. Office 5. Cattle Shed 6. Agricultural land 7. Farm House X 8. Boundary Walls _ 9. Water bodies 10. lnstitutions 11. Livelihood / Income 12. Others (sp.) 2.0 STRUCTURE IDENTIFICATION I.1 Sl.No. of the Structure: 2.2 Address of the structure:- 2.3 Status of Occupier (Tick in the appropriate box) Ov0 ner Tenant Squatter IEncroacher Vacant 2.4 Ownership (Tick under appropriate tvpe and enter the no. of households under the same) Private IGovemment Trust Communitv Type of *owVnership Scott WilsonmCESillIE KarnatakaState Hiehwavs ResettlementAction Plan ImprovementProject Annexure3 2.5 Do you have legal document of Structure 1. Yes 2. No 7 RTC No. Sub No. Agricultural land 1. Yes 2. No = RTC No. Sub No. (to be asked only to the owner) (If yes, ask for the legal document and check it with the Patwari/RD representative) 3.0 PROOF OF RESIDENCE 3.1 Doyouownarationcard? 1. Yes 2. No Green Red = Yellow 3.2 If Yes, since when (only year)? 3.3 Is your name included in the voters list? 1. Yes 2. No 4.0 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (ENTIRE STRUCTURE) (Tick in the appropriate box) ROOF FLOOR 1. RCC/RBC 1. Mud 2. Asbestos/tin/Zinc Sheets 2. Stone 3. Stone Masonry 3. Concrete 4. Thatched 4. Others (sp.) 5. Tiled 6. Others WALL BOUNDARY WALL 1. Mud I. Barbed wire fencing l 2. Brick Masonry 2. Stone Masonry 3. Stone Masonry 3. Brick Masonrv 4. Stone/Brick 4. Others (sp.) 5. Mud 6. Others 4.1 MEASUREMENT OF THE STRUCTURE (Please draw a diagram of the structure/land area with measurements below) (In Mts.) TOTAL AREA AREA BEING AFFECTED LAND STRUCTURE LAND STRUCTURE Starting Meter Ending M eter __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W idth__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total Area _.
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